Esempio n. 1
        public XArray Remap(XArray source, ref int[] remapArray)
            // See if we have the remapping cached already
            ArraySelector cachedMapping;

            if (_cachedRemappings.TryGetValue(source.Selector, out cachedMapping))

            // Convert the BitVector to indices if we haven't yet (deferred to first column wanting values)
            if (!_indicesFound)
                _indicesFound = true;
                Allocator.AllocateToSize(ref _indices, _count);
                int countFound = _vector.Page(_indices, ref _nextVectorIndex, _count);
                if (countFound != _count)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"RowRemapper found {countFound:n0} rows when {_count:n0} expected paging in Vector with {_vector.Count:n0} total matches up to index {_nextVectorIndex:n0}.");

            // Remap the outer selector
            XArray remapped = source.Select(ArraySelector.Map(_indices, _count), ref remapArray);

            // Cache the remapping
            _cachedRemappings[source.Selector] = remapped.Selector;

Esempio n. 2
        private static void RoundTrip(string columnName, int[] array, int batchSize = 128)
            XDatabaseContext context = new XDatabaseContext();

            string columnPath   = Path.Combine("VariableIntegerReaderWriterTests", columnName);
            string columnPrefix = Path.Combine(columnPath, "Vl");


            XArray values = XArray.All(array, array.Length);

            using (IColumnWriter writer = new VariableIntegerWriter(context.StreamProvider, columnPrefix))
                ArraySelector page = ArraySelector.All(0).NextPage(array.Length, batchSize);
                while (page.Count > 0)
                    page = page.NextPage(array.Length, batchSize);

            XArray returned = default(XArray);

            using (IColumnReader reader = new VariableIntegerReader(context.StreamProvider, columnPrefix, CachingOption.AsConfigured))
                returned = reader.Read(ArraySelector.All(array.Length));

            TableTestHarness.AssertAreEqual(values, returned, array.Length);

Esempio n. 3
        public XArray Remap(XArray values, ArraySelector selector)
            // Read row indices and convert to int[]
            XArray indexByteArray = _rowIndexReader.Read(selector);
            XArray indexIntArray  = _rowIndexToIntConverter(indexByteArray);

            // Return the selected values
            return(values.Reselect(ArraySelector.Map((int[])indexIntArray.Array, indexIntArray.Count)));
Esempio n. 4
        private void BuildSingleEnumColumnDictionary(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            XArray        values        = _keyColumns[0].ValuesGetter()();
            Func <XArray> indicesGetter = _keyColumns[0].IndicesCurrentGetter();

            // Find or construct an aggregator which can track which enum values ended up with any rows in the result
            IFoundIndicesTracker tracker = (IFoundIndicesTracker)_aggregators.FirstOrDefault((agg) => agg is IFoundIndicesTracker);
            bool trackerFound            = (tracker != null);

            if (!trackerFound)
                tracker = new CountAggregator();

            int count;

            while ((count = _source.Next(XTableExtensions.DefaultBatchSize, cancellationToken)) != 0)
                // Aggregate each row directly on the row index (already a small zero-based value)
                XArray indices = indicesGetter();

                for (int i = 0; i < _aggregators.Length; ++i)
                    _aggregators[i].Add(indices, values.Count);

                if (!trackerFound)
                    tracker.Add(indices, values.Count);

            // Figure out which rows had matches
            ArraySelector foundValuesSelector = tracker.FoundIndices;

            // Store the distinct count now that we know it
            _distinctCount = foundValuesSelector.Count;

            // Once the loop is done, get the distinct values and aggregation results
            for (int i = 0; i < _aggregators.Length; ++i)
                _columns[i + 1].SetValues(_aggregators[i].Values.Reselect(foundValuesSelector));
Esempio n. 5
        private void Convert()
            // Close the row index writer
            _rowIndexWriter = null;

            // If we wrote any rows we need to convert...
            if (_rowCountWritten > 0)
                // Get the set of unique values and get rid of the value dictionary
                XArray values = _dictionary.Values();

                // Convert the indices previously written into raw values
                Func <XArray, XArray> converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(byte), typeof(int));
                using (IColumnReader rowIndexReader = new PrimitiveArrayReader <byte>(_streamProvider.OpenRead(Path.Combine(_columnPath, RowIndexFileName))))
                    int           rowCount = rowIndexReader.Count;
                    ArraySelector page     = ArraySelector.All(0).NextPage(rowCount, 10240);
                    while (page.Count > 0)
                        // Read an XArray of indices and convert to int[]
                        XArray rowIndices = converter(rowIndexReader.Read(page));

                        // Write the corresponding values
                        // Reselect is safe because 'values' are converted to a contiguous array
                        _valueWriter.Append(values.Reselect(ArraySelector.Map((int[])rowIndices.Array, rowIndices.Count)));

                        page = page.NextPage(rowCount, 10240);

            // Remove the Dictionary (so future rows are streamed out as-is)
            _dictionary = null;

            // Delete the row index file
            _streamProvider.Delete(Path.Combine(_columnPath, RowIndexFileName));
Esempio n. 6
 public Func <ArraySelector, XArray> SeekGetter()
     return((selector) => _allValues.Reselect(selector));