internal List <WxSalePromoteType> GetRecommendWxMaterialType(int comid, out int totalcount) { string sql = "select id,typename,typeclass from WxSalePromoteType where comid=" + comid + " and id in (select salepromotetypeid from WxMenu where comid=" + comid + " and salepromotetypeid>0)"; var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql); List <WxSalePromoteType> list = new List <WxSalePromoteType>(); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { WxSalePromoteType wxmaterial = new WxSalePromoteType(); wxmaterial.Id = reader.GetValue <int>("id"); wxmaterial.Typename = reader.GetValue <string>("typename"); wxmaterial.Typeclass = reader.GetValue <string>("typeclass") == null ? "detail" : reader.GetValue <string>("typeclass"); list.Add(wxmaterial); } } totalcount = list.Count; return(list); }
internal List <WxSalePromoteType> Wxmaterialtypepagelist(int pageindex, int pagesize, out int totalcount) { var cmd = this.sqlHelper.PrepareStoredSqlCommand("usp_PagingLarge"); var tblName = "WxSalePromoteType"; var strGetFields = "*"; var sortKey = "id"; var sortMode = "0"; var condition = ""; cmd.PagingCommand(tblName, strGetFields, pageindex, pagesize, sortKey, sortMode, condition); List <WxSalePromoteType> list = new List <WxSalePromoteType>(); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { WxSalePromoteType wxmaterial = new WxSalePromoteType(); wxmaterial.Id = reader.GetValue <int>("id"); wxmaterial.Typename = reader.GetValue <string>("typename"); wxmaterial.Typeclass = reader.GetValue <string>("typeclass") == null ? "detail" : reader.GetValue <string>("typeclass"); list.Add(wxmaterial); } } totalcount = int.Parse(cmd.Parameters[7].Value.ToString()); return(list); }
internal WxSalePromoteType GetMaterialType(int id, int comid) { string sql = @"SELECT [id] ,[typename] ,[typeclass] ,isshowpast FROM [EtownDB].[dbo].[WxSalePromoteType] where id=@id and comid=@comid"; var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql); cmd.AddParam("@id", id); cmd.AddParam("@comid", comid); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Read()) { WxSalePromoteType wxMenu = new WxSalePromoteType(); wxMenu.Id = reader.GetValue <int>("Id"); wxMenu.Typename = reader.GetValue <string>("Typename"); wxMenu.Isshowpast = reader.GetValue <bool>("isshowpast"); wxMenu.Typeclass = reader.GetValue <string>("typeclass") == null ? "detail" : reader.GetValue <string>("typeclass"); return(wxMenu); } else { return(null); } } }
//查询类型名 internal WxSalePromoteType GetWsptMenu(int id) { string sql = @"SELECT [id] ,[typename] FROM [EtownDB].[dbo].[WxSalePromoteType] where id=@id"; var cmd = sqlHelper.PrepareTextSqlCommand(sql); cmd.AddParam("@id", id); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Read()) { WxSalePromoteType wxMenu = new WxSalePromoteType(); wxMenu.Id = reader.GetValue <int>("Id"); wxMenu.Typename = reader.GetValue <string>("Typename"); return(wxMenu); } else { return(null); } } }
protected void menu_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { int totalcount = 0; if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Repeater rep = e.Item.FindControl("Rplist") as Repeater; //找到里层的repeater对象 WxSalePromoteType rowv = (WxSalePromoteType)e.Item.DataItem; //找到分类Repeater关联的数据项 typeid = Convert.ToInt32(rowv.Id); //获取填充子类的id //if (typeid == 1 || typeid == 2 || typeid == 3 || typeid == 9 || typeid == 23) //{ periodical period = new WxMaterialData().GetPeriodicalBySaleType(comid, typeid); List <WxMaterial> list = new WxMaterialData().periodicaltypelist(1, 20, 10, period.Id, typeid, out totalcount); //if (totalcount > 0) //{ rep.DataSource = new WxMaterialData().periodicaltypelist(1, 20, 10, period.Id, typeid, out totalcount); rep.DataBind(); //} //else //{ // Label lb = e.Item.FindControl("lblEmpty") as Label; // lb.Text = "无推荐线路"; //} periodnum = period.Percal; //} } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int totalcount = 0; if (Session["AccountId"] != null) { //账户信息 AccountId = Int32.Parse(Session["AccountId"].ToString()); AccountName = Session["AccountName"].ToString(); AccountCard = Session["AccountCard"].ToString(); RequestUrl = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"].ToLower(); B2b_company_info companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl); if (companyinfo != null) { comid = companyinfo.Com_id; } //菜单项new WxSalePromoteTypeData() List <WxSalePromoteType> menulist = new WxSalePromoteTypeData().GetAllWxMaterialType(comid, out totalcount); menu.DataSource = menulist; menu.DataBind(); } else { comid = 101; //菜单项new WxSalePromoteTypeData() List <WxSalePromoteType> menulist = new WxSalePromoteTypeData().GetAllWxMaterialType(comid, out totalcount); List <WxSalePromoteType> list = new List <WxSalePromoteType>(); int[] i = { 0, 1, 2, 5 }; foreach (int s in i) { WxSalePromoteType wxmaterial = new WxSalePromoteType(); wxmaterial.Id = menulist[s].Id; wxmaterial.Typename = menulist[s].Typename; list.Add(wxmaterial); } menu.DataSource = list; menu.DataBind(); } }
protected void menu_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { int totalcount = 0; if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Repeater rep = e.Item.FindControl("Rplist") as Repeater; //找到里层的repeater对象 WxSalePromoteType rowv = (WxSalePromoteType)e.Item.DataItem; //找到分类Repeater关联的数据项 typeid = Convert.ToInt32(rowv.Id); //获取填充子类的id var period = new WxMaterialData().GetPeriodicalBySaleType(comid, typeid); if (period != null) { rep.DataSource = new WxMaterialData().periodicaltypelist(1, 20, 10, period.Id, typeid, out totalcount); rep.DataBind(); periodnum = period.Percal; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WxMaterialData Wx = new WxMaterialData(); WxMaterial wmater = Wx.logGetidinfo(" SalePromoteTypeid !=4 order by operatime desc "); int totalcount = 0; if (wmater != null) { Listtime = wmater.Operatime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } ////判断如果是否为手机访问 //if (detectmobilebrowser.HttpUserAgent(Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) //{ // if (Request["brow"]=="PC")//如果接收到传递PC访问则只PC版 // { // Cookie.WriteCookie("Mobile_Brow_Set", "PC"); // } // // //查看COOKIE 是否设定是否设定为PC // if (Cookie.GetCookie("Mobile_Brow_Set") == "PC") // { // } // else // { // Response.Redirect("/M/Default.aspx?brow=MO"); // } //} if (Session["AccountId"] != null) { //账户信息 AccountId = Int32.Parse(Session["AccountId"].ToString()); AccountName = Session["AccountName"].ToString(); AccountCard = Session["AccountCard"].ToString(); RequestUrl = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"].ToLower(); B2b_company_info companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl); if (companyinfo != null) { comid = companyinfo.Com_id; } if (comid != 101) { Response.Redirect("/ui/shangjiaui/ProductList.aspx"); } //会员信息 B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData(); B2b_crm modeluser = dateuser.Readuser(AccountId, comid); if (modeluser != null) { AccountWeixin = modeluser.Weixin; AccountEmail = modeluser.Email; Accountphone = modeluser.Phone; Servercard = modeluser.Servercard; Imprest = modeluser.Imprest; Integral = modeluser.Integral; //密码 AccountPass = modeluser.Password1; //微信关注 weixin = modeluser.Weixin == "" ? "未关注" : "已关注"; } //渠道 MemberChannelData channeldate = new MemberChannelData(); //渠道信息 Member_Channel channelmodel = channeldate.GetSelfChannelDetailByCardNo(AccountCard); if (channelmodel != null) { channeltype = 1; channelid = channelmodel.Id; RebateConsume = channelmodel.RebateConsume; RebateOpen = channelmodel.RebateOpen; Opencardnum = channelmodel.Opencardnum; Firstdealnum = channelmodel.Firstdealnum; Summoney = channelmodel.Summoney; } //服务专员信息,服务专员ID if (Servercard != 0) { Member_Channel channelmode2 = channeldate.GetChannelDetail(Int32.Parse(Servercard.ToString())); if (channelmode2 != null) { Servername = channelmode2.Name; Servermobile = channelmode2.Mobile; } } //菜单项new WxSalePromoteTypeData() List <WxSalePromoteType> menulist = new WxSalePromoteTypeData().GetAllWxMaterialType(comid, out totalcount); if (comid == 101) { List <WxSalePromoteType> list = new List <WxSalePromoteType>(); int[] i = { 0, 1, 2, 5, 12 }; foreach (int s in i) { WxSalePromoteType wxmaterial = new WxSalePromoteType(); wxmaterial.Id = menulist[s].Id; wxmaterial.Typename = menulist[s].Typename; list.Add(wxmaterial); } menu.DataSource = list; menu.DataBind(); } else { menu.DataSource = menulist; menu.DataBind(); } } else { Response.Redirect("/V/card.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["AccountId"] != null) { WxMaterialData Wx = new WxMaterialData(); WxMaterial wmater = Wx.logGetidinfo(" SalePromoteTypeid !=4 order by operatime desc "); int totalcount = 0; if (wmater != null) { Listtime = wmater.Operatime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } //账户信息 AccountId = Int32.Parse(Session["AccountId"].ToString()); AccountName = Session["AccountName"].ToString(); AccountCard = Session["AccountCard"].ToString(); RequestUrl = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"].ToLower(); B2b_company_info companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl); if (companyinfo != null) { comid = companyinfo.Com_id; } //会员信息 B2bCrmData dateuser = new B2bCrmData(); B2b_crm modeluser = dateuser.Readuser(AccountId, comid); if (modeluser != null) { AccountWeixin = modeluser.Weixin; AccountEmail = modeluser.Email; Accountphone = modeluser.Phone; Servercard = modeluser.Servercard; Imprest = modeluser.Imprest; Integral = modeluser.Integral; //密码 AccountPass = modeluser.Password1; //微信关注 weixin = modeluser.Weixin == "" ? "未关注" : "已关注"; } //渠道 MemberChannelData channeldate = new MemberChannelData(); //渠道信息 Member_Channel channelmodel = channeldate.GetSelfChannelDetailByCardNo(AccountCard); if (channelmodel != null) { channeltype = 1; channelid = channelmodel.Id; RebateConsume = channelmodel.RebateConsume; RebateOpen = channelmodel.RebateOpen; Opencardnum = channelmodel.Opencardnum; Firstdealnum = channelmodel.Firstdealnum; Summoney = channelmodel.Summoney; } //服务专员信息,服务专员ID if (Servercard != 0) { Member_Channel channelmode2 = channeldate.GetChannelDetail(Int32.Parse(Servercard.ToString())); if (channelmode2 != null) { Servername = channelmode2.Name; Servermobile = channelmode2.Mobile; } } ////菜单项new WxSalePromoteTypeData() //List<WxSalePromoteType> menulist = new WxSalePromoteTypeData().GetAllWxMaterialType(comid, out totalcount); //菜单项new WxSalePromoteTypeData() List <WxSalePromoteType> menulist = new WxSalePromoteTypeData().GetRecommendWxMaterialType(comid, out totalcount); if (comid == 101) { List <WxSalePromoteType> list = new List <WxSalePromoteType>(); int[] i = { 0, 1, 2, 5, 12 }; foreach (int s in i) { WxSalePromoteType wxmaterial = new WxSalePromoteType(); wxmaterial.Id = menulist[s].Id; wxmaterial.Typename = menulist[s].Typename; list.Add(wxmaterial); } menu.DataSource = list; menu.DataBind(); } else { menu.DataSource = menulist; menu.DataBind(); } //得到微信会员卡说明和使用门店说明 int ttcount = 0; mcMaterilList = new MemberShipCardMaterialData().GetMCMateralListByComId(comid, out ttcount); } else { Response.Redirect("/byts/login.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WxMaterialData Wx = new WxMaterialData(); WxMaterial wmater = Wx.logGetidinfo(" SalePromoteTypeid !=4 order by operatime desc "); int totalcount = 0; if (wmater != null) { Listtime = wmater.Operatime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } RequestUrl = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"].ToString(); comid = Request["comid"].ConvertTo <int>(0); B2b_company_info companyinfo = B2bCompanyData.GetComId(RequestUrl); if (companyinfo != null) { comid = companyinfo.Com_id; } else { //判定是否为自助域名规则安 if (Domain_def.Domain_yanzheng(RequestUrl)) { comid = Int32.Parse(Domain_def.Domain_Huoqu(RequestUrl)); } } if (comid != 0) { B2b_company com = B2bCompanyData.GetAllComMsg(comid); if (com != null) { Com_name = com.Com_name; Scenic_name = com.Scenic_name; Scenic_intro = com.B2bcompanyinfo.Scenic_intro; } } //菜单项new WxSalePromoteTypeData() List <WxSalePromoteType> menulist = new WxSalePromoteTypeData().GetAllWxMaterialType(comid, out totalcount); if (comid == 101) { List <WxSalePromoteType> list = new List <WxSalePromoteType>(); int[] i = { 0, 1, 2, 5, 12 }; foreach (int s in i) { WxSalePromoteType wxmaterial = new WxSalePromoteType(); wxmaterial.Id = menulist[s].Id; wxmaterial.Typename = menulist[s].Typename; list.Add(wxmaterial); } menu.DataSource = list; menu.DataBind(); } else { List <WxSalePromoteType> list = new List <WxSalePromoteType>(); //int[] i = { 0, 1, 2, 5, 12 }; for (int s = 0; s < menulist.Count; s++) { WxSalePromoteType wxmaterial = new WxSalePromoteType(); wxmaterial.Id = menulist[s].Id; wxmaterial.Typename = menulist[s].Typename; var period = new WxMaterialData().GetPeriodicalBySaleType(comid, menulist[s].Id); if (period != null) { list.Add(wxmaterial); } } menu.DataSource = list; menu.DataBind(); } }