public void testUnit_t(Behavior behavior) { _jetTestConnection = new TestJetbusConnection(behavior, "wss://", "Administrator", "wtx", delegate { return(true); }); _wtxObj = new WtxJet(_jetTestConnection); _wtxObj.Connect(this.OnConnect, 100); value = _wtxObj.Unit; Assert.AreEqual("t", _wtxObj.UnitStringComment()); }
// Event method, which will be triggered after a interval of the timer is elapsed- // After triggering (after 500ms) the register is read. private void JetbusOnTimedEvent(Object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { int taraValue = 0; try { taraValue = _wtxObj.GrossValue - _wtxObj.NetValue; } catch (Exception exc) { _aTimer.Stop(); _aTimer.Enabled = false; Console.WriteLine(exc.ToString()); } textBox2.Invoke(new Action(() => { try { textBox2.Text = "Net:" + _wtxObj.NetGrossValueStringComment(_wtxObj.NetValue, _wtxObj.Decimals) + _wtxObj.UnitStringComment(_wtxObj.Unit) + Environment.NewLine + "Gross:" + _wtxObj.NetGrossValueStringComment(_wtxObj.GrossValue, _wtxObj.Decimals) + _wtxObj.UnitStringComment(_wtxObj.Unit) + Environment.NewLine + "Tara:" + _wtxObj.NetGrossValueStringComment(taraValue, _wtxObj.Decimals) + _wtxObj.UnitStringComment(_wtxObj.Unit); textBox2.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right; } catch (Exception exx) { Console.WriteLine(exx.ToString()); } pictureBox1.Image = WTXJetGUISimple.Properties.Resources.NE107_DiagnosisActive; })); }