private void ExportToExcel(string filePath)
            if (dataLoad == null || dataLoad.Count == 0 || filepath == string.Empty)
            statusMain.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                progressBarImport.Value = 0;
                lbPercent.Text          = "0%";
            statusMain.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                lbOperation.Text = "Export to excel...";
            int    pos = filePath.LastIndexOf('.');
            string x1  = filePath.Substring(0, pos);
            string x2  = filePath.Substring(pos + 1, filePath.Length - pos - 1);

            string[] file      = new string[] { x1, x2 };
            string   path      = string.Empty;
            string   name      = string.Empty;
            string   extension = string.Empty;

            if (file != null && file.Length > 1)
                extension = file[1];
                int a = file[0].LastIndexOf("\\");
                if (a > 2)
                    path = file[0].Substring(0, a);
                    name = file[0].Substring(a + 1, file[0].Length - a - 1);
            if (path.Length > 0 && name.Length > 0 && extension.Length > 0)
                int totalFile = 0;
                if (dataLoad.Count % Core.LimitDisplayExportExcel == 0)
                    totalFile = dataLoad.Count / Core.LimitDisplayExportExcel;
                    totalFile = dataLoad.Count / Core.LimitDisplayExportExcel + 1;
                int serial = 0;
                int index  = 0;
                while (index < dataLoad.Count)
                    var datax = dataLoad.Skip(index).Take(Core.LimitDisplayExportExcel).ToList();
                    index += Core.LimitDisplayExportExcel;
                    string pathFull = $"{path}\\{name}-{serial.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')}.{extension}";
                    bool   check    = WriteReportHelper.ExportPreClaimMatching(datax, pathFull);
                    datax = null;
                    statusMain.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                        if (serial > totalFile)
                            serial = totalFile;
                        float values            = (float)serial / (float)totalFile * 100;
                        progressBarImport.Value = (int)values;
                        lbPercent.Text          = $"{((int)values).ToString()}%";
            statusMain.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                lbOperation.Text = "Export to excel be finish";
            toolMain.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                btnExport.Enabled = true;

            statusMain.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
                progressBarImport.Value = 100;