Esempio n. 1
        /// Response callback
        private static void ResponseCallback(IAsyncResult result)
            QueueEntry entry = (QueueEntry)result.AsyncState;

            #pragma warning disable 6500

            // Catch all exceptions and marshal them to the correct thread
                WebResponse response = WpfWebRequestHelper.EndGetResponse(entry.webRequest, result);
                entry.inputStream   = response.GetResponseStream();
                entry.contentLength = response.ContentLength;
                entry.contentType   = response.ContentType;
                entry.webRequest    = null; // GC the WebRequest

                // Signal
            catch (Exception e)
                MarshalException(entry, e);

            #pragma warning restore 6500
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// ResponseCallBack
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ar">async result</param>
        /// <remarks>static method not necessary</remarks>
        private void ResponseCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
            HttpWebResponse webResponse = null;

            lock (_syncObject)
                    if (_disposed)

                    // The caller thread can dispose this class and the worker thread need to check the disposed
                    //  condition; need to lock
                    // If disposed, there is nothing to handle
                    webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)WpfWebRequestHelper.EndGetResponse(_webRequest, ar);

                    // If it is not partial content, no need to look further
                    if (webResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PartialContent)
                        // Check for few conditions

                        // Get the header and make sure that it was indeed the byte range response
                        int beginOffset = _byteRangesInProgress[0, Offset_Index];
                        int endOffset   = beginOffset + _byteRangesInProgress[0, Length_Index] - 1;

                        // HttpWebRequest in the current CLR does not allow multiple byte range requests.
                        // At this point, none of the callers of this class will make more than one range at a time
                        //  So, we should not receive any response with more than one range returned

                        // When multiple byte ranges requests are support in HttpWebRequest eventually,
                        // there is a question on how to handle multipart response (Content-Type=multipart/byteranges)

                        // At this point we only need to handle one byte range response (Content-Range header) only
                        // Request was successful
                        // Note: endOffset could be trimmed offset in the case where the response didn't
                        //  satisfy the entire request
                        if (CheckContentRange(webResponse.Headers, beginOffset, ref endOffset))
                            // Write out the bytes to the temp file
                            if (WriteByteRange(webResponse, beginOffset, endOffset - beginOffset + 1))
                                // The range is downloaded successfully; add it to the list
                                _byteRangesAvailable.Add(endOffset - beginOffset + 1);
                                _erroredOut = true;
                            _erroredOut          = true;
                            _erroredOutException = new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.ByteRangeRequestIsNotSupported));
                        _erroredOut = true;
                catch (Exception e)  // catch (and re-throw) exceptions so we can inform the other thread
                    _erroredOut          = true;
                    _erroredOutException = e;

                    throw e;
                catch   // catch (and re-throw) all kinds of exceptions so we can inform the other thread
                    // inform other thread of error condition
                    _erroredOut          = true;
                    _erroredOutException = null;

                    if (webResponse != null)

                    // bytes requested are downloaded or errored out
                    //  inform the caller that these ranges are available

                // If we haven't errored out already, process the next batch
                if (!_erroredOut)