private void ProcessParagraph(string[] command)
            // Demoes the use the FlowDocument Paragraph object for formatting the console output.
            var paragraph = new Paragraph();

                "Using a FlowDocument Paragraph can allow many different text style and formatting options");
            paragraph.Inlines.Add("\rThis text is ");
            paragraph.Inlines.Add(new Run("Red and Normal")
                Foreground = Brushes.Red
            paragraph.Inlines.Add(new Run("\rThis text is "));
            paragraph.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run("Blue and BOLD"))
                Foreground = Brushes.Blue
            paragraph.Inlines.Add(new Run("\rThis text is "));
            paragraph.Inlines.Add(new Italic(new Run("Yellow and Italic"))
                Foreground = Brushes.Yellow
