Esempio n. 1
        internal static XFontSource GetOrCreateFromWpf(string typefaceKey, WpfGlyphTypeface wpfGlyphTypeface)
            byte[]      bytes      = ReadFontBytesFromWpf(wpfGlyphTypeface);
            XFontSource fontSource = GetOrCreateFrom(typefaceKey, bytes);

Esempio n. 2
        internal static string ComputeKey(WpfGlyphTypeface wpfGlyphTypeface)
            string name1      = wpfGlyphTypeface.DesignerNames[FontHelper.CultureInfoEnUs];
            string faceName   = wpfGlyphTypeface.FaceNames[FontHelper.CultureInfoEnUs];
            string familyName = wpfGlyphTypeface.FamilyNames[FontHelper.CultureInfoEnUs];
            string name4      = wpfGlyphTypeface.ManufacturerNames[FontHelper.CultureInfoEnUs];
            string name5      = wpfGlyphTypeface.Win32FaceNames[FontHelper.CultureInfoEnUs];
            string name6      = wpfGlyphTypeface.Win32FamilyNames[FontHelper.CultureInfoEnUs];

            string name        = familyName.ToLower() + '/' + faceName.ToLowerInvariant();
            string style       = wpfGlyphTypeface.Style.ToString();
            string weight      = wpfGlyphTypeface.Weight.ToString();
            string stretch     = wpfGlyphTypeface.Stretch.ToString();
            string simulations = wpfGlyphTypeface.StyleSimulations.ToString();

            //string key = name + '/' + style + '/' + weight + '/' + stretch + '/' + simulations;

            string key = KeyPrefix + name + '/' + style.Substring(0, 1) + '/' + wpfGlyphTypeface.Weight.ToOpenTypeWeight().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + '/' + wpfGlyphTypeface.Stretch.ToOpenTypeStretch().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            switch (wpfGlyphTypeface.StyleSimulations)
            case WpfStyleSimulations.BoldSimulation: key += "|b+/i-"; break;

            case WpfStyleSimulations.ItalicSimulation: key += "|b-/i+"; break;

            case WpfStyleSimulations.BoldItalicSimulation: key += "|b+/i+"; break;

            case WpfStyleSimulations.None: break;
Esempio n. 3
 internal static byte[] ReadFontBytesFromWpf(WpfGlyphTypeface wpfGlyphTypeface)
     using (Stream fontStream = wpfGlyphTypeface.GetFontStream())
         if (fontStream == null)
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot retrieve font data.");
         int    size  = (int)fontStream.Length;
         byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
         fontStream.Read(bytes, 0, size);
Esempio n. 4
        XGlyphTypeface(string key, XFontFamily fontFamily, XFontSource fontSource, XStyleSimulations styleSimulations, WpfTypeface wpfTypeface, WpfGlyphTypeface wpfGlyphTypeface)
            _key              = key;
            _fontFamily       = fontFamily;
            _fontSource       = fontSource;
            _styleSimulations = styleSimulations;

            _fontface = OpenTypeFontface.CetOrCreateFrom(fontSource);
            Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(_fontSource.Fontface, _fontface));

            _wpfTypeface      = wpfTypeface;
            _wpfGlyphTypeface = wpfGlyphTypeface;

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a WPF GlyphTypeface and retrieve font data from it.
        /// </summary>
        internal static XFontSource CreateFontSource(string familyName, FontResolvingOptions fontResolvingOptions,
                                                     out WpfFontFamily wpfFontFamily, out WpfTypeface wpfTypeface, out WpfGlyphTypeface wpfGlyphTypeface, string typefaceKey)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typefaceKey))
                typefaceKey = XGlyphTypeface.ComputeKey(familyName, fontResolvingOptions);
            XFontStyle style = fontResolvingOptions.FontStyle;

            if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(familyName, "Segoe UI Semilight") == 0 &&
                (style & XFontStyle.BoldItalic) == XFontStyle.Italic)

            // Use WPF technique to create font data.
            wpfTypeface = XPrivateFontCollection.TryCreateTypeface(familyName, style, out wpfFontFamily);
#if DEBUG__
            if (wpfTypeface != null)
                WpfGlyphTypeface          glyphTypeface;
                ICollection <WpfTypeface> list = wpfFontFamily.GetTypefaces();
                foreach (WpfTypeface tf in list)
                    if (!tf.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out glyphTypeface))
                        Debug - Break.Break();

                //if (!WpfTypeface.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out glyphTypeface))
                //    throw new InvalidOperationException(PSSR.CannotGetGlyphTypeface(familyName));
            if (wpfFontFamily == null)
                wpfFontFamily = new WpfFontFamily(familyName);

            if (wpfTypeface == null)
                wpfTypeface = FontHelper.CreateTypeface(wpfFontFamily, style);

            // Let WPF choose the right glyph typeface.
            if (!wpfTypeface.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out wpfGlyphTypeface))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(PSSR.CannotGetGlyphTypeface(familyName));

            // Get or create the font source and cache it unter the specified typeface key.
            XFontSource fontSource = XFontSource.GetOrCreateFromWpf(typefaceKey, wpfGlyphTypeface);
Esempio n. 6
        public static XGlyphTypeface GetOrCreateFrom(string familyName, FontResolvingOptions fontResolvingOptions)
            // Check cache for requested type face.
            string         typefaceKey = ComputeKey(familyName, fontResolvingOptions);
            XGlyphTypeface glyphTypeface;

            if (GlyphTypefaceCache.TryGetGlyphTypeface(typefaceKey, out glyphTypeface))
                // Just return existing one.

            // Resolve typeface by FontFactory.
            FontResolverInfo fontResolverInfo = FontFactory.ResolveTypeface(familyName, fontResolvingOptions, typefaceKey);

            if (fontResolverInfo == null)
                // No fallback - just stop.
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No appropriate font found.");

#if CORE || GDI
            GdiFont gdiFont = null;
#if WPF
            WpfFontFamily    wpfFontFamily    = null;
            WpfTypeface      wpfTypeface      = null;
            WpfGlyphTypeface wpfGlyphTypeface = null;
#if UWP
            // Nothing to do.
            // Now create the font family at the first.
            XFontFamily fontFamily;
            PlatformFontResolverInfo platformFontResolverInfo = fontResolverInfo as PlatformFontResolverInfo;
            if (platformFontResolverInfo != null)
#if CORE || GDI
                // $TODO THHO Lock???
                // Reuse GDI+ font from platform font resolver.
                gdiFont    = platformFontResolverInfo.GdiFont;
                fontFamily = XFontFamily.GetOrCreateFromGdi(gdiFont);
#if WPF
                // Reuse WPF font family created from platform font resolver.
                wpfFontFamily    = platformFontResolverInfo.WpfFontFamily;
                wpfTypeface      = platformFontResolverInfo.WpfTypeface;
                wpfGlyphTypeface = platformFontResolverInfo.WpfGlyphTypeface;
                fontFamily       = XFontFamily.GetOrCreateFromWpf(wpfFontFamily);
                fontFamily = XFontFamily.GetOrCreateFromWpf(new WpfFontFamily(familyName));
                fontFamily = null;
                // Create new and exclusively used font family for custom font resolver retrieved font source.
                fontFamily = XFontFamily.CreateSolitary(fontResolverInfo.FaceName);

            // We have a valid font resolver info. That means we also have an XFontSource object loaded in the cache.
            ////XFontSource fontSource = FontFactory.GetFontSourceByTypefaceKey(fontResolverInfo.FaceName);
            XFontSource fontSource = FontFactory.GetFontSourceByFontName(fontResolverInfo.FaceName);
            Debug.Assert(fontSource != null);

            // Each font source already contains its OpenTypeFontface.
#if CORE || GDI
            glyphTypeface = new XGlyphTypeface(typefaceKey, fontFamily, fontSource, fontResolverInfo.StyleSimulations, gdiFont);
#if WPF
            glyphTypeface = new XGlyphTypeface(typefaceKey, fontFamily, fontSource, fontResolverInfo.StyleSimulations, wpfTypeface, wpfGlyphTypeface);
            glyphTypeface = new XGlyphTypeface(typefaceKey, fontFamily, fontSource, fontResolverInfo.StyleSimulations);
