internal CefGlueWPFWebWindow()
     _WpfCefBrowser = new WpfCefBrowser()
         Visibility = Visibility.Hidden,
         HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
         VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
         ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() { Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed }
Esempio n. 2
        public WpfCefClient(WpfCefBrowser owner)
            if (owner == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");

            _owner = owner;

            _lifeSpanHandler = new WpfCefLifeSpanHandler(owner);
            _displayHandler = new WpfCefDisplayHandler(owner);
            _renderHandler = new WpfCefRenderHandler(owner, new NLogLogger("WpfCefRenderHandler"), new UiHelper(new NLogLogger("WpfCefRenderHandler")));
Esempio n. 3
        public WpfCefClient(WpfCefBrowser owner)
            if (owner == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");

            _owner = owner;
            _lifeSpanHandler = new WpfCefLifeSpanHandler(owner);
            _displayHandler = new WpfCefDisplayHandler(owner);
            _CefNoContextMenuHandler = new CefNoContextMenuHandler();
            _renderHandler = new WpfCefRenderHandler(owner, Logger.Log, new UiHelper(Logger.Log));
            _loadHandler = new WpfCefLoadHandler(owner);
Esempio n. 4
 internal CefGlueWPFWebWindow(NeutroniumCefApp app)
     _WpfCefBrowser = new WpfCefBrowser(app)
         Visibility          = Visibility.Hidden,
         HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
         VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
         ContextMenu         = new ContextMenu()
             Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed
        public WpfCefRenderHandler(WpfCefBrowser owner, ILogger logger, IUiHelper uiHelper)
            if (owner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");

            if (logger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("logger");

            if (uiHelper == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uiHelper");

            _owner = owner;
            _logger = logger;
            _uiHelper = uiHelper;
Esempio n. 6
 public WpfCefLoadHandler(WpfCefBrowser owner)
     this._owner = owner;
        public WpfCefDisplayHandler(WpfCefBrowser owner)
            if (owner == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");

            _owner = owner;
Esempio n. 8
 internal void Associate(CefBrowser browser, WpfCefBrowser wpfBrowser)
     _Browsers.Add(browser.Identifier, wpfBrowser);
        private void Switch(Task<IHTMLBinding> iBinding, HTMLLogicWindow iwindow, TaskCompletionSource<IHTMLBinding> tcs)
            object oldvm = (Binding != null) ? Binding.Root : null;
            Binding = iBinding.Result;
            if (_CurrentWebControl!=null)
                _CurrentWebControl.ConsoleMessage -= ConsoleMessage;
            else if (OnFirstLoad != null)
                OnFirstLoad(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            _CurrentWebControl = _NextWebControl;     
            _NextWebControl = null;
            //_CurrentWebControl.Crashed += Crashed;

            _Window = iwindow; 

            _Window.State = WindowLogicalState.Opened;

            _Window.OpenAsync().ContinueWith(t => EndAnimation(Binding.Root));

            _Navigating = false;
            var inav = _UseINavigable ? Binding.Root as INavigable : null;
            if (inav != null)
                inav.Navigation = this;

            FireNavigate(Binding.Root, oldvm);
            if (tcs != null) tcs.SetResult(Binding);
        private void CleanWebControl(ref WpfCefBrowser iWebControl)
            if (iWebControl == null)

            //iWebControl.Crashed -= Crashed;
            iWebControl.ConsoleMessage -= ConsoleMessage;
            iWebControl = null;
        //private void Crashed(object sender, CrashedEventArgs e)
        //    if ((WebCore.IsShuttingDown) || (!WebCore.IsInitialized) || (Application.Current==null))
        //        return;

        //    var dest = _CurrentWebControl.Source;
        //    var vm = Binding.Root;

        //    LogCritical("WebView crashed trying recover");
        //    _IWebViewLifeCycleManager.Dispose(_CurrentWebControl);
        //    _CurrentWebControl.ConsoleMessage -= ConsoleMessage;
        //    _CurrentWebControl.Crashed -= Crashed;
        //    _CurrentWebControl = null;

        //    Binding = null;

        //    WebCore.QueueWork(() => Navigate(dest, vm, JavascriptBindingMode.TwoWay));

        public Task Navigate(string iUri, object iViewModel, JavascriptBindingMode iMode = JavascriptBindingMode.TwoWay)
            if (iUri == null)
                throw ExceptionHelper.GetArgument(string.Format("ViewModel not registered: {0}", iViewModel.GetType()));

            _Navigating = true;

            INavigable oldvm = (Binding != null) ? Binding.Root as INavigable : null;

            if (_UseINavigable && (oldvm!=null))
                oldvm.Navigation = null;

            var wh = new WindowHelper(new HTMLLogicWindow());

            //if (_CurrentWebControl != null)
            //    _CurrentWebControl.Crashed -= Crashed;

            Task closetask = ( _CurrentWebControl!=null) ? _Window.CloseAsync() : TaskHelper.Ended();

            _NextWebControl = _IWebViewLifeCycleManager.Create();
            _NextWebControl.ConsoleMessage += ConsoleMessage;

            TaskCompletionSource<IHTMLBinding> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IHTMLBinding>();

            EventHandler<LoadEndEventArgs> sourceupdate = null;
            sourceupdate = (o, e) =>
                _NextWebControl.LoadEnd -= sourceupdate;

                HTML_Binding.Bind(_NextWebControl, iViewModel, iMode, wh).
                             WaitWith(closetask, t => Switch(t, wh.__window__, tcs));

            _NextWebControl.LoadEnd += sourceupdate;

            return tcs.Task;
 internal void Associate(CefBrowser browser, WpfCefBrowser wpfBrowser)
     _Browsers.Add(browser.Identifier, wpfBrowser);
Esempio n. 13
 public WpfCefLoadHandler(WpfCefBrowser owner)
     this._owner = owner;
        void IWebViewLifeCycleManager.Dispose(WpfCefBrowser ioldwebview)
            //var wb = (ioldwebview as WebControl);
            ioldwebview.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;

            //if (!ioldwebview.IsCrashed)
            //    ioldwebview.Source = new Uri("about:blank");

            //WebCore.ShuttingDown -= WebCore_ShuttingDown;


        //private void WebCore_ShuttingDown(object sender, CoreShutdownEventArgs e)
        //    //It is possible that webcore is shutting because the window is closing
        //    //In this case I don't have to raise a session error
        //    if (Application.Current == null)
        //    {
        //        e.Cancel = true;
        //        return;
        //    }

        //    _IWebSessionWatcher.LogCritical("Critical: WebCore ShuttingDown!!");

        //    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("MVVM for awesomium: WebCoreShutting Down exception: {0}", e.Exception));

        //    _IWebSessionWatcher.OnSessionError(e.Exception, () => e.Cancel = true);

        void IWebViewLifeCycleManager.Display(WpfCefBrowser webview)
            webview.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
        WpfCefBrowser IWebViewLifeCycleManager.Create()
            //if (_Session == null)
            //    _Session = (_WebSessionPath != null) ? WebCore.CreateWebSession(_WebSessionPath, new WebPreferences()) :
            //            WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences());

            //    WebCore.ShuttingDown += WebCore_ShuttingDown;

            WpfCefBrowser nw = new WpfCefBrowser()
                Visibility = Visibility.Hidden,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
                ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() { Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed }
            Grid.SetColumnSpan(nw, 2);
            Grid.SetRowSpan(nw, 2);
            Panel.SetZIndex(nw, 0);
            return nw;