Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Works correctly even if context is null; will simply skip trying to make the path relative to game directories.
 /// </summary>
 public static string MakeRelativePath(WotContext context, string path)
         if (PathUtil.IsSubpathOfOrSame(path, PathUtil.AppPath))
             return(PathUtil.ToggleRelative(PathUtil.AppPath, path));
     catch { }
         if (PathUtil.IsSubpathOfOrSame(path, Path.Combine(context.Installation.Path, Ut.ExpandPath(context, context.VersionConfig.PathMods))))
             return(PathUtil.ToggleRelative(Path.Combine(context.Installation.Path, Ut.ExpandPath(context, context.VersionConfig.PathMods)), path));
     catch { }
         if (PathUtil.IsSubpathOfOrSame(path, context.Installation.Path))
             return(PathUtil.ToggleRelative(context.Installation.Path, path));
     catch { }
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>Expands a Tank Icon Maker-style path, which may have expandable tokens like "VersionName".</summary>
 public static string ExpandIconPath(string path, WotContext context, Style style, Country country,
                                     Class class_, bool fragment = false, SaveType saveType = SaveType.Icons)
     return(ExpandIconPath(path, context, style,
                           country.Pick("ussr", "germany", "usa", "france", "china", "uk", "japan", "czech", "sweden", "poland", "italy", "none"),
                           class_.Pick("light", "medium", "heavy", "destroyer", "artillery", "none"), fragment, saveType));
Esempio n. 3
        public static BulkSaveSettingsWindow Show(Window owner, string value, WotContext context, Style style)
            var wnd = new BulkSaveSettingsWindow(context, style)
                Owner = owner

Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 public TestTank(string tankId, int tier, Country country, Class class_, Category category, WotContext context)
     : base(tankId, tier, country, class_, category)
     TankId = tankId;
     Tier = tier;
     Country = country;
     Class = class_;
     Category = category;
     Context = context;
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
 public TestTank(string tankId, int tier, Country country, Class class_, Category category, WotContext context)
     : base(tankId, tier, country, class_, category)
     TankId   = tankId;
     Tier     = tier;
     Country  = country;
     Class    = class_;
     Category = category;
     Context  = context;
Esempio n. 6
        public BulkSaveSettingsWindow(WotContext context, Style style)
            : this()

            Title = App.Translation.BulkSaveSettingsWindow.Title;
            Lingo.TranslateWindow(this, App.Translation.BulkSaveSettingsWindow);

            ContentRendered += InitializeEverything;
            _context         = context;
            _style           = style;
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>Expands a Tank Icon Maker-style path, which may have expandable tokens like "VersionName".</summary>
 public static string ExpandPath(WotContext context, string path)
     if (path == null)
     path = path.Replace("\"VersionName\"", context.Installation.GameVersionName);
     if (path.Contains('"'))
         throw new Exception("The path “{0}” contains double-quote characters after expanding all known tokens. Did you mean one of: \"VersionName\"?".Fmt(path));
        public PathTemplateWindow(string value, WotContext context, Style style, SaveType saveType)
            : this()

            Title = App.Translation.PathTemplateWindow.Title;
            Lingo.TranslateWindow(this, App.Translation.PathTemplateWindow);

            _context  = context;
            _style    = style;
            _saveType = saveType;

            ctValue.Text = value;
            ctValue_TextChanged(null, null);
            var isAtlas = saveType != SaveType.Icons;

            if (isAtlas)
                ctIconsPathMacro.Text = "{AtlasPath}";
                for (int i = 4; i <= 9; ++i)
                    var row = this.ctHelpGrid.RowDefinitions[i];
                    row.Height = new GridLength(0);
                _exampleTank = context.Tanks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TankId.Contains("Object_260"));
                if (_exampleTank == null)
                    _exampleTank = context.Tanks.FirstOrDefault();

            ctIconsPathHelp.Text = isAtlas
                ? ctIconsPathHelp.Text.Replace("{cur}",
                                               Ut.ExpandIconPath("{AtlasPath}", _context, _style, "", "", fragment: true))
                : ctIconsPathHelp.Text.Replace("{cur}",
                                               Ut.ExpandIconPath("{IconsPath}", _context, _style, "", "", fragment: true));
            ctTimPathHelp.Text = ctTimPathHelp.Text.Replace("{cur}",
                                                            Ut.ExpandIconPath("{TimPath}", _context, _style, "", "", fragment: true));
            ctGamePathHelp.Text = ctGamePathHelp.Text.Replace("{cur}",
                                                              Ut.ExpandIconPath("{GamePath}", _context, _style, "", "", fragment: true));
            ctGameVersionHelp.Text = ctGameVersionHelp.Text.Replace("{cur}",
                                                                    Ut.ExpandIconPath("{GameVersion}", _context, _style, "", "", fragment: true));
            ctStyleNameHelp.Text = ctStyleNameHelp.Text.Replace("{cur}",
                                                                Ut.ExpandIconPath("{StyleName}", _context, _style, "", "", fragment: true));
            ctStyleAuthorHelp.Text = ctStyleAuthorHelp.Text.Replace("{cur}",
                                                                    Ut.ExpandIconPath("{StyleAuthor}", _context, _style, "", "", fragment: true));
        public static string Show(Window owner, string value, WotContext context, Style style, SaveType saveType)
            var wnd = new PathTemplateWindow(value, context, style, saveType)
                Owner = owner

            if (wnd.ShowDialog() != true)

Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>Expands a Tank Icon Maker-style path, which may have expandable tokens like "VersionName".</summary>
 public static string ExpandIconPath(string path, WotContext context, Style style, WotTank tank,
                                     bool fragment = false, SaveType saveType = SaveType.Icons)
     if (tank != null)
         var country   = tank.Country;
         var class_    = tank.Class;
         var tankId    = tank.TankId;
         var fullName  = tank.ClientData != null ? tank.ClientData.FullName : tank.TankId;
         var shortName = tank.ClientData != null ? tank.ClientData.ShortName : tank.TankId;
         var tier      = tank.Tier;
         return(ExpandIconPath(path, context, style,
                               country.Pick("ussr", "germany", "usa", "france", "china", "uk", "japan", "czech", "sweden", "poland", "italy", "none"),
                               class_.Pick("light", "medium", "heavy", "destroyer", "artillery", "none"), tankId, fullName,
                               shortName, tier,
                               fragment, saveType));
         return(ExpandIconPath(path, context, style, "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", 0, fragment, saveType));
Esempio n. 11
 public TankTypesController(WotContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>Expands a Tank Icon Maker-style path, which may have expandable tokens like "VersionName".</summary>
        public static string ExpandIconPath(string path, WotContext context, Style style, string country, string class_,
                                            string tankId, string tankFullName, string tankShortName, int tankTier, bool fragment = false, SaveType saveType = SaveType.Icons)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                switch (saveType)
                case SaveType.Icons:
                    path = "{IconsPath}\\{TankId}{Ext}";

                case SaveType.BattleAtlas:
                    path = "{AtlasPath}\\" + AtlasBuilder.battleAtlas + ".png";

                case SaveType.VehicleMarkerAtlas:
                    path = "{AtlasPath}\\" + AtlasBuilder.vehicleMarkerAtlas + ".png";

                case SaveType.CustomAtlas:
                    path = "{AtlasPath}\\" + AtlasBuilder.customAtlas + ".png";

            path = path.Replace("{IconsPath}", Ut.ExpandPath(context, context.VersionConfig.PathDestination) + @"\");
            path = path.Replace("{AtlasPath}", Ut.ExpandPath(context, context.VersionConfig.PathDestinationAtlas) + @"\");
            path = path.Replace("{TimPath}", PathUtil.AppPath + @"\");
            path = path.Replace("{GamePath}", context.Installation.Path + @"\");
            path = path.Replace("{GameVersion}", context.Installation.GameVersionName);
            if (class_ != null)
                path = path.Replace("{TankClass}", class_);

            if (country != null)
                path = path.Replace("{TankCountry}", country);

            if (tankId != null)
                path = path.Replace("{TankId}", tankId);

            if (tankFullName != null)
                path = path.Replace("{TankFullName}", tankFullName);

            if (tankShortName != null)
                path = path.Replace("{TankShortName}", tankShortName);
            path = path.Replace("{TankTier}", tankTier.ToString());

            path = path.Replace("{StyleName}", style.Name);
            path = path.Replace("{StyleAuthor}", style.Author);
            path = path.Replace("{Ext}", context.VersionConfig.TankIconExtension);
            path = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(path);
            path = path.Replace(@"\\", @"\").Replace(@"\\", @"\").Replace(@"\\", @"\");
            if (path.EndsWith(@"\") && !path.EndsWith(@":\"))
                path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 1);

            return(fragment ? path : Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(context.Installation.Path, path)));
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>Expands a Tank Icon Maker-style path, which may have expandable tokens like "VersionName".</summary>
 public static string ExpandIconPath(string path, WotContext context, Style style, string country, string class_,
                                     bool fragment = false, SaveType saveType = SaveType.Icons)
     return(ExpandIconPath(path, context, style, country, class_, null, null, null, 0, fragment, saveType));
Esempio n. 14
 public NationsController(WotContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 15
 public AtlasBuilder(WotContext CurContext)
     context = CurContext;
Esempio n. 16
        private void CreateImageList(ref List <SubTextureStruct> ImageList, WotContext context, SaveType atlasType)
            int X, Y, Width, Height, i;
            int BeginCount = ImageList.Count;

            var nameAtlas  = atlasType == SaveType.BattleAtlas ? battleAtlas : vehicleMarkerAtlas;
            var guiPackage = context.VersionConfig.GuiPackageName.Split(' ', ',', ';');

            Stream StreamAtlasDDS = null;

            foreach (string items in guiPackage)
                StreamAtlasDDS = ZipCache.GetZipFileStream(new CompositePath(context, context.Installation.Path, context.VersionConfig.PathSourceAtlas.Replace("\"GuiPackage\"", items), nameAtlas + ".dds"));
                if (StreamAtlasDDS != null)

            System.Drawing.Bitmap AtlasPNG = null;
                using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
                    using (MagickImage AtlasDDS = new MagickImage(StreamAtlasDDS))
                        AtlasDDS.Format = MagickFormat.Png;
                        AtlasPNG = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(memStream);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Error: " + e.Message, "CreateImageList", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            AtlasPNG.SetResolution(96.0F, 96.0F);

            Stream StreamAtlasXML = null;

            foreach (string items in guiPackage)
                StreamAtlasXML = ZipCache.GetZipFileStream(new CompositePath(context, context.Installation.Path, context.VersionConfig.PathSourceAtlas.Replace("\"GuiPackage\"", items), nameAtlas + ".xml"));
                if (StreamAtlasXML != null)
            XDocument AtlasXML = XDocument.Load(StreamAtlasXML);

            XElement         Root           = AtlasXML.Element("root");
            SubTextureStruct SubTextureTemp = new SubTextureStruct();

            foreach (XElement element in Root.Elements())
                SubTextureTemp.FName = element.Element("name").Value.Trim();
                i = 0;
                while ((i < BeginCount) && (SubTextureTemp.FName != ImageList[i].FName))
                if (i >= BeginCount)
                    X      = Convert.ToInt32(element.Element("x").Value.Trim());
                    Y      = Convert.ToInt32(element.Element("y").Value.Trim());
                    Width  = Convert.ToInt32(element.Element("width").Value.Trim());
                    Height = Convert.ToInt32(element.Element("height").Value.Trim());
                    SubTextureTemp.ImageTank = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(Width, Height);
                    SubTextureTemp.ImageTank.SetResolution(96.0F, 96.0F);
                    SubTextureTemp.MaxParty = Math.Max(Width, Height);
                    using (System.Drawing.Graphics gPNG = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(SubTextureTemp.ImageTank))
                        gPNG.DrawImage(AtlasPNG, 0, 0, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(X, Y, Width, Height), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                    SubTextureTemp.LocRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);