Esempio n. 1
    public Topography GetStartingSurfaceCellHeight(WorleySurfaceNoise surfaceCell, int3 worldPosition)
        float cellHeight = surfaceCell.distance2Edge;
        float scale      = MaxSurfaceHeight * (cellHeight / 2);

        float surfaceHeight    = scale; // start min surface height
        float adjSurfaceHeight = scale;

        if (surfaceHeight < MinSurfaceHeight)
            surfaceHeight = MinSurfaceHeight;
        if (surfaceHeight > MaxSurfaceHeight)
            surfaceHeight = MaxSurfaceHeight;

        return(new Topography
            surfaceHeight = surfaceHeight,
            dist2Edge = surfaceCell.distance2Edge,
            adjSurfaceHeight = adjSurfaceHeight,
            topopgraphyType = (int)TTUtil.TerrainType(surfaceCell.currentSurfaceCellValue),
            adjTopographyType = (int)TTUtil.TerrainType(surfaceCell.adjacentSurfaceCellValue),
Esempio n. 2
    public void Execute(Entity sectorEntity, int index, ref Sector sector, ref Translation position)
        DynamicBuffer <WorleySurfaceNoise> surfaceNoiseBuffer = SurfaceNoiseBufferFrom [sectorEntity];

        int requiredSize = (int)math.pow(SectorSize, 2);

        if (surfaceNoiseBuffer.Length < requiredSize)

        float3 sectorPos = position.Value;

        for (int i = 0; i < surfaceNoiseBuffer.Length; i++)
            float3 sCellWPos = Util.Unflatten2D(i, SectorSize) + new float3(sectorPos.x, 0, sectorPos.z);    // remove Y

            WorleySurfaceNoise worleySurfaceNoise = Noise.GetEdgeData(sCellWPos.x, sCellWPos.z);
            surfaceNoiseBuffer [i] = worleySurfaceNoise;
Esempio n. 3
    public void Execute(Entity sectorEntity, int index, ref Sector sector, ref Translation sectorWPos)
        DynamicBuffer <SurfaceCell>        surfaceCellBuffer  = SurfaceCellBufferFrom [sectorEntity];
        DynamicBuffer <WorleySurfaceNoise> surfaceNoiseBuffer = SurfaceNoiseBufferFrom [sectorEntity];

        if (surfaceCellBuffer.Length < surfaceNoiseBuffer.Length)

        for (int c = 0; c < surfaceNoiseBuffer.Length; c++)
            WorleySurfaceNoise worleyNoise = surfaceNoiseBuffer [c];

            SurfaceCell cell = new SurfaceCell
                surfaceGenValue = worleyNoise.currentSurfaceCellValue,
                indexInBuffer   = worleyNoise.currentCellIndexInMap,
                position        = worleyNoise.currentCellPosition
            surfaceCellBuffer [c] = cell;
    public WorleySurfaceNoise GetEdgeData(float x, float y)
        if (perterbAmp > 0)
            SingleGradientPerturb(seed, perterbAmp, frequency, ref x, ref y);

        x *= frequency;
        y *= frequency;

        int xr = FastRound(x);
        int yr = FastRound(y);

        float distance0 = 999999;
        float distance1 = 999999;

        //	Store distance1 index
        int xc1 = 0, yc1 = 0;

        //	Store distance0 index in case it is assigned to distance1 later
        int xc0 = 0, yc0 = 0;

        //	All adjacent cell indices and distances
        NineInts otherX = new NineInts();
        NineInts otherY = new NineInts();

        NineFloats otherDist = new NineFloats();

        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
            otherDist [i] = 999999;

        int indexCount = 0;

        float3 currentCellPosition =;
        int2   currentCellIndex    =;

        for (int xi = xr - 1; xi <= xr + 1; xi++)
            for (int yi = yr - 1; yi <= yr + 1; yi++)
                float2 vec = cell_2D [Hash2D(seed, xi, yi) & 255];

                float vecX = xi - x + vec.x * cellularJitter;
                float vecY = yi - y + vec.y * cellularJitter;

                float cellX = xi + vec.x * cellularJitter;
                float cellY = yi + vec.y * cellularJitter;

                //	Natural distance function
                //float newDistance = (math.abs(vecX) + math.abs(vecY)) + (vecX * vecX + vecY * vecY);

                //	Euclidean distance function
                float newDistance = newDistance = vecX * vecX + vecY * vecY;

                if (newDistance <= distance1)     //	Math.Min(distance[i], newDistance)
                    if (newDistance >= distance0) //	Math.Max((newDistance)), distance[i - 1])
                        distance1 = newDistance;
                        xc1       = xi;
                        yc1       = yi;
                        distance1 = distance0;
                        xc1       = xc0;
                        yc1       = yc0;

                if (newDistance <= distance0)   //	Math.Min(distance0, newDistance)
                    distance0 = newDistance;
                    xc0       = xi;
                    yc0       = yi;

                    currentCellPosition = new float3(cellX, 0, cellY) / frequency;
                    currentCellIndex    = new int2(xi, yi);

                //	Store all adjacent cells
                otherX [indexCount]    = xi;
                otherY [indexCount]    = yi;
                otherDist [indexCount] = newDistance;

        //	Current cell
        float currentCellValue = To01(ValCoord2D(seed, xc0, yc0));
        int   currentBiome     = TerrainTypeIndex(currentCellValue);

        //	Final closest adjacent cell values
        float adjacentEdgeDistance = 999999;
        float adjacentCellValue    = 0;

        //	Iterate over all adjacent cells
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
            //	Find closest cell within smoothing radius
            float dist2Edge = otherDist [i] - distance0;
            if (dist2Edge < adjacentEdgeDistance)
                float otherCellValue = To01(ValCoord2D(seed, otherX [i], otherY [i]));
                int   otherBiome     = TerrainTypeIndex(otherCellValue);

                ///	Assign as final value if not current biome
                if (otherBiome != currentBiome)
                    adjacentEdgeDistance = dist2Edge;
                    adjacentCellValue    = otherCellValue;
        if (adjacentEdgeDistance == 999999)
            adjacentEdgeDistance = 0;

        WorleySurfaceNoise cell = new WorleySurfaceNoise
            currentSurfaceCellValue  = currentCellValue,
            distance2Edge            = adjacentEdgeDistance,
            adjacentSurfaceCellValue = adjacentCellValue,
            currentCellPosition      = currentCellPosition,
            currentCellIndexInMap    = currentCellIndex

        //	Data for use in terrain generation