Esempio n. 1
    public static string ExpressCheckout(WorldpayViewModel order)
        NameValueCollection values = new NameValueCollection();

        values["instId"]      = "1018224";
        values["cartId"]      = order.OrderID;
        values["amount"]      = order.Total;
        values["currency"]    = "GBP";
        values["desc"]        = order.Description;
        values["testMode"]    = "100";
        values["MC_callback"] = "";
        values["name"]        = order.CustomerName;
        values["address"]     = order.Address;
        values["postcode"]    = order.PostCode;


        //values = Submit(values);

        ////string ack = values["ACK"].ToLower();

        ////if (ack == "success" || ack == "successwithwarning")
        //    return new WorldpayRedirect
        //    {
        //        Token = values["TOKEN"],
        //        Url = String.Format("{0}",
        //           values["TOKEN"])
        //    };
        //    throw new Exception(values["L_LONGMESSAGE0"]);
Esempio n. 2
        private ActionResult Customer(object customer)
            var errors = ModelState
                         .Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Count > 0)
                         .Select(x => new { x.Key, x.Value.Errors })

            //if (Session["orderType"].ToString() == "" || cart.Items.Count() == 0)
            //    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
            string dt = "";

            if (Session[Constants.SESSION_DELIVERY_TIME] != null)
                dt = Session[Constants.SESSION_DELIVERY_TIME].ToString();
            if (ModelState.IsValid && !dt.Equals(""))
                if (cart.Items.Count() == 0)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Menu", "Home"));

                // update db
                Order order = GetOrder(cart.CartID);
                if (Session[Constants.SESSION_DELIVERY_TIME] != null)
                    order.DeliveryDT = ConvertToDateTime(Session[Constants.SESSION_DELIVERY_TIME].ToString());
                foreach (var item in cart.Items)
                    order.AddItem(item.ProductId, item.Quantity, item.ResId == "undefined" ? null : item.ResId);

                order.FeeShipping = cart.GetShippingFee();

                Customer newCustomer = null;
                if (customer is CollectionViewModel)
                    CollectionViewModel c = (CollectionViewModel)customer;

                    newCustomer           = new Customer();
                    newCustomer.FirstName = c.FirstName;
                    newCustomer.LastName  = c.LastName;
                    newCustomer.PhoneNo   = c.ContactNo;
                else if (customer is DeliveryViewModel)
                    var deliveryCustomer = (DeliveryViewModel)customer;

                    newCustomer           = new Customer();
                    newCustomer.FirstName = deliveryCustomer.FirstName;
                    newCustomer.LastName  = deliveryCustomer.LastName;
                    newCustomer.PhoneNo   = deliveryCustomer.ContactNo;
                    newCustomer.Address1  = deliveryCustomer.Address.Replace(",", "");
                    newCustomer.Address1  = newCustomer.Address1.Replace("'", "");
                    newCustomer.Postcode  = deliveryCustomer.Postcode;
                    newCustomer.Info      = deliveryCustomer.Email;

                order.Customer = newCustomer;
                //db.Entry(order).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                //string host = Request.Url.Host;
                //string appPath = Request.ApplicationPath;
                //string temp = host + appPath + "Paypal/Notify";

                string description = "";
                foreach (var item in cart.Items)
                    description += item.Quantity + "x" + item.Description;
                    if (item.ResId != "")
                        description += " " + item.ResName;
                    description += "\n";

                WorldpayViewModel model = new WorldpayViewModel();
                model.OrderID      = "WEB" + string.Format("{0:00}", order.OrderID);
                model.Description  = description;
                model.Total        = cart.GetGrandTotal().ToString();
                model.CustomerName = newCustomer.FullName;
                model.Email        = newCustomer.Info;

                if (customer is DeliveryViewModel)
                    model.Address  = newCustomer.Address1;
                    model.PostCode = newCustomer.Postcode;
                ViewBag.WorldpayModel = model;

                //sb.Append("<form id='paypalForm' action='' method='post'>");
                //sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='instId' value='1018224' />");
                //sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='cartId' value='WEB" + string.Format("{0:00}", order.OrderID) + "' />");
                //sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='amount' value='" + cart.GetGrandTotal() + "' />");
                //sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='currency' value='GBP' />");
                //sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='desc' value='" + description + "' />");
                //sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='testMode' value='100' />");
                //sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='MC_callback' value=''>");
                //sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='name' value='" + customer.FullName + "' />");
                //sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='address' value='" + customer.Address1 + "' />");
                //sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='postcode' value='+" + customer.Postcode + "' />");
                ////sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='country' value='"+customer.Postcode+"' />");
                ////sb.Append("<input type='hidden' name='email' value='"+customer.Email+"' />");

                //SessionHelper.Write(ShoppingCart.SHOPPING_CART_SESSION, new ShoppingCart());
                //Session["orderType"] = "";

                //return Content(sb.ToString());

                //if (customer is DeliveryViewModel)
                //WorldpayRedirect redirect = Worldpay.ExpressCheckout(model);
                //return new RedirectResult(redirect.Url);

                //return View("Index");
                //    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
            ViewBag.State         = 2;
            ViewBag.WorldpayModel = null;

            //string viewName="";
            //if (Session["orderType"].ToString() == "01")
            //    viewName = "_ForCollection";
            //else if (Session["orderType"].ToString() == "02")
            //    viewName = "_ForDelivery";
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult Pay(WorldpayViewModel model)
            ViewBag.WorldpayModel = model;

            //Retrieve the InstallationID, MD5SecretKey and SiteBaseURL values from the web.config
            int    installationID = Convert.ToInt32(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InstallationID"]);
            string MD5secretKey   = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MD5secretKey"];
            string WebsiteURL     = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebsiteURL"];
            int    testMode       = Convert.ToInt32(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["testMode"]);

            HostedTransactionRequest PRequest = new HostedTransactionRequest();

            PRequest.instId = installationID;
            //amount - A decimal number giving the cost of the purchase in terms of the major currency unit e.g. 12.56
            PRequest.amount = Convert.ToDouble(model.Total);
            //cartId - If your system has created a unique order/cart ID, enter it here.
            PRequest.cartId = string.Format("{0:00}", model.OrderID);//Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //desc - enter the description for this order.
            PRequest.desc = model.Description;
            //currency - 3 letter ISO code for the currency of this payment.
            PRequest.currency = "GBP";
            //name, address1/2/3, town, region, postcode & country - Billing address fields
       = model.CustomerName;
            PRequest.address1 = model.Address;
            //PRequest.address2 = TxtAddress2.Text;
            //PRequest.address3 = TxtAddress3.Text;
            // = "BKK";
            //PRequest.region = TxtRegion.Text;
            PRequest.postcode = model.PostCode;
            // = DdlCountry.SelectedValue;
            ////tel - Shopper's telephone number
            // = TxtTelephone.Text;
            ////fax - Shopper's fax number
            //PRequest.fax = TxtFax.Text;
            ////email - Shopper's email address
   = model.Email;
            ////If passing delivery details, set withDelivery = true.
            //PRequest.withDelivery = true;
            ////delvName, delvAddress1/2/3, delvTown, delvRegion, delvPostcode & delvCountry - Delivery address fields (NOTE: do not need to be passed/set if "withDelivery" set to false.
            PRequest.delvName     = model.CustomerName;
            PRequest.delvAddress1 = model.Address;
            //PRequest.delvAddress2 = TxtdelvAddress2.Text;
            //PRequest.delvAddress3 = TxtdelvAddress3.Text;
            //PRequest.delvTown = "ABC";
            //PRequest.delvRegion = TxtdelvRegion.Text;
            PRequest.delvPostcode = model.PostCode;
            //PRequest.delvCountry = DdldelvCountry.SelectedValue;
            //authMode - set to TransactionType.A for Authorise & Capture, set to TransactionType.E for Pre-Auth Only.
            PRequest.authMode = TransactionType.A;
            //testMode - set to 0 for Live Mode, set to 100 for Test Mode.
            PRequest.testMode = testMode;
            //hideCurrency - Set to true to hide currency drop down on the hosted payment page.
            PRequest.hideCurrency = false;
            //fixContact - Set to true to stop a shopper from changing their billing/shipping addresses on the hosted payment page.
            PRequest.fixContact = false;
            //hideContact - set to true to hide the billing/shipping address fields on the hosted payment page.
            PRequest.hideContact = false;
            //MC_callback - the URL of the Callback.aspx file. SiteBaseURL is set in the web.config file.
            PRequest.MC_callback = WebsiteURL + "/Payment/WorldPayCallback";

            HttpContext httpa = default(HttpContext);

            httpa = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
            HostedPaymentProcessor process = new HostedPaymentProcessor(httpa);

            process.SubmitTransaction(PRequest, MD5secretKey);
