Esempio n. 1
        public static void Postfix(this InteractionInfo info, ref InteractionContext __result)
            PlayerInteractEvent playerInteractEvent = new PlayerInteractEvent(ref __result);
            IEvent playerInteractIEvent             = playerInteractEvent;

            EventManager.CallEvent(ref playerInteractIEvent);

            if (playerInteractEvent.IsCancelled())
                //we can not really cancel the event, but we remove all targets ;)

                //context.Target, context.SelectedItem, context.InteractableBlock, context.CarriedItem

                __result.Target       = null;
                __result.SelectedItem = null;
                __result.Block        = null; // InteractableBlock
                __result.CarriedItem  = null;

                if (info.BlockPosition.HasValue)

                //remove activity, because eco will add it
                WorldLayerManager.GetLayer(LayerNames.PlayerActivity)?.FuncAtWorldPos(__result.Player.Position.XZi, (pos, val) => val = Math.Max(0, val - 0.001f));
        public TooltipSection OilTooltip(Player player)
            var   layer = WorldLayerManager.GetLayer(LayerNames.Oil);
            var   pos   = player.User.Position.XZi;
            float value = 0.0f;

            layer.ForRadius(layer.WorldPosToLayerPos(pos), PumpJackObject.Radius, (x, val) => value += val);
            return(new TooltipSection(Localizer.Do("Oil Amount"), new LocString(Text.Num(value))));
Esempio n. 3
        public override bool Active(object obj, User user = null)
            var playerActivity = WorldLayerManager.GetLayer(LayerNames.PlayerActivity);

            if (playerActivity.EntryWorldPos(user.Position.XZi) < 0.2)
        public void OnCraftingComplete()
            var newSpeed = 0.0f;

            WorldLayerManager.GetLayer(LayerNames.Oil).ApplyRadius(this.Position.XZi, Radius, (x, val) =>
                var newVal = val - ((1 - (Vector2.Distance(x, this.Position.XZ) / Radius)) * 0.05f);
                newSpeed  += newVal;
    void CollideWithTerrain(Player player, Vector3i position)
        if (player != this.Controller)

        lock (this)
            if (this.groundHits == null)
                this.groundHits = new ThreadSafeHashSet <Vector3i>();

        WorldLayer playerActivity = WorldLayerManager.GetLayer(LayerNames.PlayerActivity);

        // destroy plants and spawn dirt within a radius under the hit position
        int radius = 1;

        for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x++)
            for (int z = -radius; z <= radius; z++)
                var offsetpos = position + new Vector3i(x, -1, z);
                if (!this.groundHits.Add(offsetpos))

                var abovepos   = offsetpos + Vector3i.Up;
                var aboveblock = World.GetBlock(abovepos);
                var hitblock   = World.GetBlock(offsetpos);
                if (!aboveblock.Is <Solid>())
                    // turn soil into dirt
                    if (hitblock.GetType() == typeof(GrassBlock) || hitblock.GetType() == typeof(ForestSoilBlock))
                        player.SpawnBlockEffect(offsetpos, typeof(DirtBlock), BlockEffect.Delete);
                        World.SetBlock <DirtBlock>(offsetpos);

                    // kill any above plants
                    if (aboveblock is PlantBlock)
                        // make sure there is a plant here, sometimes world/ecosim are out of sync
                        var plant = EcoSim.PlantSim.GetPlant(abovepos);
                        if (plant != null)
                            player.SpawnBlockEffect(abovepos, aboveblock.GetType(), BlockEffect.Delete);
                            EcoSim.PlantSim.DestroyPlant(plant, DeathType.Deforestation);

                    if (hitblock.Is <Solid>() && World.GetBlock(abovepos).Is <Empty>() && RandomUtil.Value < this.Species.ChanceToSpawnDebris)
                        Block placedBlock = World.SetBlock(typeof(TreeDebrisBlock), abovepos);
                        player.SpawnBlockEffect(abovepos, typeof(TreeDebrisBlock), BlockEffect.Place);
Esempio n. 6
 public Type GetRegionalPrey(Animal animal)
     return(animal.Species.FoodSources.Where(x => typeof(Animal).IsAssignableFrom(x)).Shuffle()
            .Where(x => WorldLayerManager.GetLayer(x.Name).EntryWorldPos(animal.Position.XZi) > 1f).FirstOrDefault());