public IEnumerable <Schedule> Generate()
            var selectedWorkPatterns = _validWorkPatternsToChooseFrom
                                       .Where(workPattern => workPattern.Count(flag => flag == 1) == 1)
                                       .Select(workPattern => new WorkPatternRepresentation(workPattern))

            var monthlyPatterns = CombineWeeklyPatternsIntoMonthlyOnes(selectedWorkPatterns);

            var schedulePatternGenerator = new SchedulePatternGenerator(monthlyPatterns, _shifts);
            var schedulePatterns         = schedulePatternGenerator.GenerateAll();

            var schedules = new List <Schedule>();

            for (var personIndex = 0; personIndex < _people.Count(); personIndex += 1)
                for (var workdayIndex = 0; workdayIndex < WorkdaysInMonth.Count(); workdayIndex += 1)
                    var currentDaySchedule = schedulePatterns.ElementAt(personIndex).ElementAt(workdayIndex);
                    if (currentDaySchedule.StartsWith("1"))
                        var workday = WorkdaysInMonth.ElementAt(workdayIndex);
                        var shift   = (WorkShift)Enum.Parse(typeof(WorkShift), currentDaySchedule.Split(",").Skip(1).First());

                        var schedule = new Schedule
                            Employee  = _people.ElementAt(personIndex),
                            StartTime = new DateTime(workday.Year, workday.Month, workday.Day),
                            EndTime   = new DateTime(workday.Year, workday.Month, workday.Day)

                        if (WorkShift.Morning == shift)
                            schedule.StartTime = schedule.StartTime.AddHours(9);
                            schedule.StartTime = schedule.StartTime.AddHours(13);

                        schedule.EndTime = schedule.StartTime.AddHours(4);


            // NOT GOOD: I'm not making sure the resulting schedules don't include duplicates
            // (e.g. more than 2 schedules on one and the same day)