/// <summary> /// 导出到Excel Xml中,非OpenXml /// </summary> /// <param name="coll"></param> /// <param name="propertySheetName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static WorkbookNode ExportToExcelXml(SOARolePropertyDefinitionCollection definition, string propertySheetName) { WorkbookNode workbook = new WorkbookNode(); string filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("RolePropertyTemplate.xml"); workbook.Load(filePath); ExportToExcelXml(workbook, definition, propertySheetName); return(workbook); }
private static void ImportExcelXml(Stream stream, WfMatrix matrix, Action notifier) { WorkbookNode workbook = new WorkbookNode(); workbook.Load(stream); ExceptionHelper.FalseThrow(workbook.Worksheets.Contains("Matrix"), "The workbook must contains a 'Matrix' worksheet."); NamedLocationCollection fieldLocations = workbook.Names.ToLocations(); TableNode table = workbook.Worksheets["Matrix"].Table; int baseRowIndex = GetStartRow(fieldLocations); RowNode titleRow = table.GetRowByIndex(baseRowIndex); int currentRowIndex = table.Rows.IndexOf(titleRow) + 1; if (table.Rows.Count > currentRowIndex) { int currentVirtualRow = baseRowIndex; int count = table.Rows.Count - currentRowIndex; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RowNode row = table.Rows[currentRowIndex]; if (row.Index > 0) { currentVirtualRow = row.Index; } else { currentVirtualRow++; } GenerateMatrixRow(matrix, row, fieldLocations, i); if (notifier != null) { notifier(); } currentRowIndex++; } } WfMatrixAdapter.Instance.DeleteByProcessKey(matrix.ProcessKey); WfMatrixAdapter.Instance.Update(matrix); }
public WorkbookNode ExportToExcelXml() { WorkbookNode workbook = new WorkbookNode(); WfMatrixDefinitionExportOptions options = new WfMatrixDefinitionExportOptions(); options.StartRow = 3; options.TitleCellStyleID = "s17"; workbook.Load(ResourceHelper.GetResourceStream(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), this.GetType().Namespace + ".Matrix.MatrixTemplate.xml")); ExportToExcelXml(workbook, options); return(workbook); }
protected void uploadProgress_DoUploadProgress(HttpPostedFile file, UploadProgressResult result) { ExceptionHelper.FalseThrow(Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower() == ".xml", "'{0}' must be a xml file.", file.FileName); WorkbookNode workbook = new WorkbookNode(); workbook.Load(file.InputStream); ExceptionHelper.FalseThrow(workbook.Worksheets.Contains("Matrix"), "The workbook must contains a 'Matrix' worksheet."); NamedLocationCollection fieldLocations = workbook.Names.ToLocations(); TableNode table = workbook.Worksheets["Matrix"].Table; StringBuilder strB = new StringBuilder(); int baseRowIndex = GetStartRow(fieldLocations); RowNode titleRow = table.GetRowByIndex(baseRowIndex); int currentRowIndex = table.Rows.IndexOf(titleRow) + 1; if (table.Rows.Count > currentRowIndex) { UploadProgressStatus status = new UploadProgressStatus(); status.CurrentStep = 1; status.MinStep = 0; status.MaxStep = table.Rows.Count - currentRowIndex; int currentVirtualRow = baseRowIndex; for (int i = status.MinStep; i < status.MaxStep; i++) { RowNode row = table.Rows[currentRowIndex]; if (row.Index > 0) { currentVirtualRow = row.Index; } else { currentVirtualRow++; } if (strB.Length > 0) { strB.Append("\n"); } strB.AppendFormat("Processed={0}, Row={1}:", (i + 1), currentVirtualRow); foreach (CellLocation location in fieldLocations) { CellNode cell = row.GetCellByIndex(location.Column); strB.AppendFormat(";Name={0}, Value={1}", location.Name, cell != null ? cell.Data.Value : string.Empty); } status.CurrentStep = i; status.Response(); currentRowIndex++; } status.CurrentStep = status.MaxStep; status.Response(); } result.DataChanged = true; result.CloseWindow = false; result.ProcessLog = strB.ToString(); }
protected void uploadProgress_DoUploadProgress(HttpPostedFile file, UploadProgressResult result) { string tag = uploadProgress.Tag; const int baseRowIndex = 3; ExceptionHelper.FalseThrow(Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower() == ".xml", "'{0}' must be a xml file.", file.FileName); WorkbookNode workbook = new WorkbookNode(); workbook.Load(file.InputStream); ExceptionHelper.FalseThrow(workbook.Worksheets.Contains("PC Tracker Form"), "The workbook must contains a 'PC Tracker Form' worksheet."); Dictionary<string, CellLocation> fieldLocations = BuildNameColumnDictionary(workbook); TableNode table = workbook.Worksheets["PC Tracker Form"].Table; StringBuilder strB = new StringBuilder(); if (table.Rows.Count > 3) { int currentRowIndex = baseRowIndex; UploadProgressStatus status = new UploadProgressStatus(); status.CurrentStep = 1; status.MinStep = 0; status.MaxStep = table.Rows.Count - currentRowIndex; int currentVirtualRow = baseRowIndex; for (int i = status.MinStep; i < status.MaxStep; i++) { currentRowIndex = baseRowIndex + i; RowNode row = table.Rows[currentRowIndex]; if (row.Index > 0) currentVirtualRow = row.Index; else currentVirtualRow++; if (strB.Length > 0) strB.Append("\n"); strB.AppendFormat("Processed={0}, Row={1}:", (i + 1), currentVirtualRow); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, CellLocation> kp in fieldLocations) { CellNode cell = row.GetCellByIndex(kp.Value.Column); strB.AppendFormat(";Name={0}, Value={1}", kp.Key, cell != null ? cell.Data.Value : string.Empty); } status.CurrentStep = i; status.Response(); int ms = 1000; if (Request.Form["longProgress"] == "true") ms = 2000; Thread.Sleep(ms); //假装等待 } status.CurrentStep = status.MaxStep; status.Response(); } result.DataChanged = true; result.CloseWindow = false; result.ProcessLog = strB.ToString(); }
protected void uploadProgress_DoUploadProgress(HttpPostedFile file, UploadProgressResult result) { ExceptionHelper.FalseThrow(Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower() == ".xml", "'{0}'权限矩阵必须是xml电子表格", file.FileName); WorkbookNode workbook = new WorkbookNode(); workbook.Load(file.InputStream); //矩阵在文件第1个sheet,sheet名称为矩阵引用的定义名称 TableNode table = workbook.Worksheets[0].Table; var matrixDef = WfMatrixDefinitionAdapter.Instance.Load(workbook.Worksheets[0].Name); WfMatrix matrix = new WfMatrix(matrixDef) { MatrixID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; if (table.Rows.Count <= 1) { PrepareResultInfo(result, "没有数据或格式不正确"); return; } UploadProgressStatus status = new UploadProgressStatus(); status.CurrentStep = 1; status.MinStep = 0; status.MaxStep = table.Rows.Count; for (int i = status.CurrentStep; i < status.MaxStep; i++) { var newRow = new WfMatrixRow() { RowNumber = i }; for (int j = 0; j < table.Rows[i].Cells.Count; j++) { if (table.Rows[0].Cells[j].Data.InnerText == "操作人") { newRow.Operator = table.Rows[i].Cells[j].Data.InnerText; continue; } var newCell = new WfMatrixCell(matrixDef.Dimensions[table.Rows[0].Cells[j].Data.InnerText]) { StringValue = table.Rows[i].Cells[j].Data.InnerText }; newRow.Cells.Add(newCell); } matrix.Rows.Add(newRow); status.CurrentStep = i; status.Response(); Thread.Sleep(100); } status.CurrentStep = status.MaxStep; status.Response(); WfMatrixAdapter.Instance.Update(matrix); string logInfo = string.Format("导入成功,权限矩阵名称:{0}{1}共导入{2}行数据.", matrix.MatrixID, Environment.NewLine, table.Rows.Count - 1); PrepareResultInfo(result, logInfo); }
/// <summary> /// 导入Excel Xml格式的文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> private void ImportFromXml(Stream stream) { WorkbookNode workbook = new WorkbookNode(); workbook.Load(stream); ExceptionHelper.FalseThrow(workbook.Worksheets.Contains("Matrix"), "The workbook must contains a 'Matrix' worksheet."); SOARole role = null; ServiceBrokerContext.Current.SaveContextStates(); try { if (this.AppCodeName.IsNotEmpty() && this.RoleCodeName.IsNotEmpty()) { role = new SOARole(this.AppCodeName + ":" + this.RoleCodeName); } else { role = new SOARole(this.Definition) { ID = RoleID } }; role.Rows.Clear(); NamedLocationCollection fieldLocations = workbook.Names.ToLocations(); TableNode table = workbook.Worksheets["Matrix"].Table; int baseRowIndex = GetStartRow(fieldLocations); RowNode titleRow = table.GetRowByIndex(baseRowIndex); int currentRowIndex = table.Rows.IndexOf(titleRow) + 1; if (table.Rows.Count > currentRowIndex) { UploadProgressStatus status = new UploadProgressStatus(); status.CurrentStep = 1; status.MinStep = 0; status.MaxStep = table.Rows.Count - currentRowIndex; int currentVirtualRow = baseRowIndex; for (int i = status.MinStep; i < status.MaxStep; i++) { RowNode row = table.Rows[currentRowIndex]; if (row.Index > 0) { currentVirtualRow = row.Index; } else { currentVirtualRow++; } GenerateMatrixRow(role, row, fieldLocations, i); status.CurrentStep = i; status.Response(); currentRowIndex++; } status.CurrentStep = status.MaxStep; status.Response(); } //插入记录 SOARolePropertiesAdapter.Instance.Update(role); } finally { ServiceBrokerContext.Current.RestoreSavedStates(); } }