Esempio n. 1
        public JsonResult GetUserList(QueryBuilder qb)
            var queryStartDate = "";
            var queryEndDate   = "";

            foreach (var item in qb.Items)
                if (item.Field == "WorkHourDate")
                    if (item.Method == QueryMethod.GreaterThanOrEqual)
                        queryStartDate = item.Value.ToString();
                    else if (item.Method == QueryMethod.LessThanOrEqual)
                        queryEndDate = item.Value.ToString();
            qb.Items.RemoveAll(a => a.Field == "WorkHourDate");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryEndDate))
                queryEndDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59";
            var deptID = GetQueryString("UserDeptID");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deptID))
                qb.Add("UserDeptID", QueryMethod.Equal, deptID);

            var sql = @"select (case when ApplyValue!=0 then Step1Value/ApplyValue else null end) Step1Rate,
(case when ApplyValue!=0 then Step2Value/ApplyValue else null end) Step2Rate,
(case when ApplyValue!=0 then LockedValue/ApplyValue else null end) LockedRate,
(case when {1} !=0 then ApplyValue/{1} else null end) ApplyRate,
{1} NeedApply,* from (
	select UserID,UserName,UserDeptID,UserDeptName,
	sum(WorkHour{0}) ApplyValue,COUNT(1) ApplyCount,
	sum(Step1{0}) Step1Value,sum(Step2{0}) Step2Value,sum(Confirm{0}) LockedValue
	from S_W_UserWorkHour where WorkHourDate>='"     + queryStartDate + "' and WorkHourDate<='" + queryEndDate + @"'
	group by UserID,UserName,UserDeptID,UserDeptName
) tmp";

            var needApply = new WorkHourFO().GetWorkValue(queryStartDate, queryEndDate);

            if (workHourType == WorkHourSaveType.Day.ToString())
                sql = string.Format(sql, "Day", needApply.ToString());
                sql = string.Format(sql, "Value", needApply.ToString());

            var result = this.SqlHelper.ExecuteGridData(sql, qb);

Esempio n. 2
        private Dictionary <string, object> GetPieChartOption(int year, int month)
            var startDate = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
            var endDate   = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
            var day       = new WorkHourFO().GetWorkValue(startDate, endDate);

            var title = year.ToString() + "年" + month + "月 应填:{0}  已填:{1}  未填:{2}";

            string sql = @"select isnull(Sum(" + (workHourType != WorkHourSaveType.HD.ToString() ? "NormalValue" : "Round(isnull(NormalValue,0)/" + NormalHoursMax.ToString() + ",2)") + @"),0) as valueField,ProjectName as nameField from dbo.S_W_UserWorkHour
where UserID='{0}' and WorkHourDate>='{1}' and WorkHourDate<='{2}' group by ProjectName";
            var    dt  = this.SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(String.Format(sql, this.CurrentUserInfo.UserID, startDate, endDate));

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                var row = dt.NewRow();
                row["valueField"] = day;
                row["nameField"]  = "未填工时";
                title = String.Format(title, day, 0, Convert.ToInt16(day));
                var obj = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("Sum(valueField)", ""));
                if ((day - obj) > 0)
                    var row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["valueField"] = day - obj;
                    row["nameField"]  = "未填工时";

                title = String.Format(title, day, Convert.ToInt16(obj), Convert.ToInt16(day - obj));
            var pieChart = HighChartHelper.CreatePieChart(title, "工时", dt);

Esempio n. 3
        public JsonResult ApproveWorkHourList(string SelectedData, string State)
            Action action = () =>
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(State))
                    throw new Formula.Exceptions.BusinessException("未传入State,无法操作");
                var       list      = JsonHelper.ToList(SelectedData);
                var       fo        = new WorkHourFO();
                SQLHelper hrDB      = SQLHelper.CreateSqlHelper(ConnEnum.Comprehensive);
                var       enumDef   = EnumBaseHelper.GetEnumDef("Comprehensive.WorkHourState");
                var       enumItems = new List <EnumItemInfo>();
                if (enumDef != null)
                    enumItems = enumDef.EnumItem.ToList();
                var _state = State;
                if (State == "Locked")
                    _state = "Confirm";
                var fieldDt = GetFieldTable(hrDB, "S_W_UserWorkHour");
                foreach (var item in list)
                    var itemStateLevel = 0d;
                    var itemState      = item.GetValue("State");
                    if (enumItems.Any(a => a.Code == itemState))
                        itemStateLevel = enumItems.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Code == itemState).SortIndex.Value;
                    var fnStateLevel = 0d;
                    if (enumItems.Any(a => a.Code == State))
                        fnStateLevel = enumItems.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Code == State).SortIndex.Value;
                    if (fnStateLevel < itemStateLevel)
                        throw new Formula.Exceptions.BusinessException("已经【" + enumItems.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Code == itemState).Name
                                                                       + "】的数据不能再【" + enumItems.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Code == State).Name + "】,无法保存");

                    if (!item.ContainsKey(_state + "Value"))
                        throw new Formula.Exceptions.BusinessException("列表中不包含【" + _state + "Value】字段,无法保存");
                    if (!item.ContainsKey(_state + "Day"))
                        throw new Formula.Exceptions.BusinessException("列表中不包含【" + _state + "Day】字段,无法保存");
                    if (!item.ContainsKey(_state + "User"))
                        throw new Formula.Exceptions.BusinessException("列表中不包含【" + _state + "User】字段,无法保存");
                    if (!item.ContainsKey(_state + "Date"))
                        throw new Formula.Exceptions.BusinessException("列表中不包含【" + _state + "Date】字段,无法保存");
                    if (!item.ContainsKey("Is" + _state))
                        throw new Formula.Exceptions.BusinessException("列表中不包含【Is" + _state + "】字段,无法保存");
                    var id = item.GetValue("ID");

                    item.SetValue(_state + "User", this.CurrentUserInfo.UserID);
                    item.SetValue(_state + "UserName", this.CurrentUserInfo.UserName);
                    item.SetValue(_state + "Date", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));
                    item.SetValue("Is" + _state, "1");
                    item.SetValue("State", State);

                    decimal?workHourValue = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.GetValue("WorkHourValue")))
                        workHourValue = decimal.Parse(item.GetValue("WorkHourValue"));
                    decimal?approveValue = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.GetValue(_state + "Value")))
                        approveValue = decimal.Parse(item.GetValue(_state + "Value"));
                    if (approveValue == null)
                        approveValue = workHourValue;//审批工时为空时,默认审批工时=填报工时;
                    item.SetValue(_state + "Value", approveValue);
                    decimal?approveDay = fo.ConvertHourToDay(approveValue, workHourType, NormalHoursMax);
                    item.SetValue(_state + "Day", approveDay);

                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.AppendLine(CreateUpdateSql(item, hrDB, "S_W_UserWorkHour", id, fieldDt));

                    var detailDic = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    detailDic.SetValue("ID", FormulaHelper.CreateGuid());
                    detailDic.SetValue("S_W_UserWorkHourID", id);
                    detailDic.SetValue("SortIndex", 0);
                    detailDic.SetValue("ApproveValue", approveValue);
                    detailDic.SetValue("ApproveDay", approveDay);
                    detailDic.SetValue("ApproveDate", item.GetValue(_state + "Date"));
                    detailDic.SetValue("ApproveStep", State);
                    detailDic.SetValue("ApproveUser", this.CurrentUserInfo.UserID);
                    detailDic.SetValue("ApproveUserName", this.CurrentUserInfo.UserName);
                    sb.AppendLine(detailDic.CreateInsertSql(hrDB, "S_W_UserWorkHour_ApproveDetail", detailDic.GetValue("ID")));

                    var sql = sb.ToString();

                    if (State == "Locked")
                        #region 工时审批通过后写入成本数据
                        S_W_UserWorkHour workHourInfo = new S_W_UserWorkHour();
                        UpdateEntity <S_W_UserWorkHour>(workHourInfo, item);

            if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseMsdtc"].ToLower() == "true")
                using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())

Esempio n. 4
        public JsonResult GetDeptList(QueryBuilder qb)
            var depts          = EnumBaseHelper.GetEnumDef("HR.WorkHourDept").EnumItem.ToList();
            var queryStartDate = "";
            var queryEndDate   = "";

            foreach (var item in qb.Items)
                if (item.Field == "WorkHourDate")
                    if (item.Method == QueryMethod.GreaterThanOrEqual)
                        queryStartDate = item.Value.ToString();
                    else if (item.Method == QueryMethod.LessThanOrEqual)
                        queryEndDate = item.Value.ToString();
            qb.Items.RemoveAll(a => a.Field == "WorkHourDate");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryEndDate))
                queryEndDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59";

            var sql = @"select (case when ApplyValue!=0 then Step1Value/ApplyValue else null end) Step1Rate,
(case when ApplyValue!=0 then Step2Value/ApplyValue else null end) Step2Rate,
(case when ApplyValue!=0 then LockedValue/ApplyValue else null end) LockedRate,
(case when {1} !=0 then NormalValue/({1}*UserCount) else null end) ApplyRate,
({1}*UserCount) NeedApply,* from (
    select DeptID UserDeptID,DeptName UserDeptName,COUNT(distinct UserID) UserCount,sum(ApplyValue) ApplyValue,sum(ApplyCount) ApplyCount,sum(NormalValue) NormalValue,sum(AdditionalValue) AdditionalValue,
    sum(Step1Value) Step1Value,sum(Step2Value) Step2Value,sum(LockedValue) LockedValue from T_Employee e
    left join (select EmployeeID,sum(WorkHour{0}) ApplyValue,COUNT(1) ApplyCount,sum(NormalValue) NormalValue,sum(AdditionalValue) AdditionalValue,
	sum(Step1{0}) Step1Value,sum(Step2{0}) Step2Value,sum(Confirm{0}) LockedValue
	from S_W_UserWorkHour where WorkHourDate>='"     + queryStartDate + "' and WorkHourDate<='" + queryEndDate + @"'
	group by EmployeeID) w on w.EmployeeID = e.ID
    where IsDeleted='0'
    group by DeptID,DeptName
) tmp";

            var needApply = new WorkHourFO().GetWorkValue(queryStartDate, queryEndDate);

            if (workHourType == WorkHourSaveType.Day.ToString())
                sql = string.Format(sql, "Day", needApply.ToString());
                sql = string.Format(sql, "Value", needApply.ToString());

            var data   = this.SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql, qb);
            var result = data.Clone();

            foreach (var dept in depts)
                var d = data.Select("UserDeptID = '" + dept.Code + "' and UserDeptName = '" + dept.Name + "'").FirstOrDefault();
                if (d == null)
                    d = result.NewRow();
                    d["UserDeptID"]   = dept.Code;
                    d["UserDeptName"] = dept.Name;
