private async Task LoadAccountAsync()
            if (account != null)

            if (loadingAccount != null)
                await Task.WhenAny(loadingAccount);


            Debug.WriteLine("Accessing Twitter Account...");
            WorkStarted?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            var type   = accountStore.FindAccountType(ACAccountType.Twitter);
            var result = await accountStore.RequestAccessAsync(type, null);

            if (result.Item1)
                account = accountStore.Accounts[0];
                Debug.WriteLine($"Access granted: {account.Username}");
                Debug.WriteLine("Access denied!");

            WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            loadingAccount = null;
Esempio n. 2
 public void DoWorkWrapped(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     catch (OperationCanceledException)
         SetError("Операция прервана пользователем");
     catch (AggregateException e)
         if (e.InnerException is TaskCanceledException)
             SetError("Операция прервана пользователем");
             Logger.LogError(e.InnerException, "Error");
     catch (Exception e)
         Logger.LogError(e, "Error");
         WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, new DiaryAsyncImplementationFinishedArguments());
Esempio n. 3
        public bool Execute()
            lock (ExecuteLock)
                if (IsExecuting)

                IsExecuting = true;

            Work = new Thread(delegate()
                Translator.ExecuteSubroutine(this, EntryPoint);


                WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            Work.Priority = Priority;


Esempio n. 4
        public void Execute(long EntryPoint)
            Work = new Thread(delegate()


                WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            if (Priority < 12)
                Work.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
            else if (Priority < 24)
                Work.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
            else if (Priority < 36)
                Work.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;
            else if (Priority < 48)
                Work.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
                Work.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;

Esempio n. 5
        ///<summary>Finish work if it's due to be done.</summary>
        private async Task HandleWorker(WoTDbContext db, CharacterWork worker)
            var args = await worker.UpdateAsync(db);

            if (args != null)
                WorkFinished?.Invoke(worker, args);
                Logger?.LogLine(this, args.ToString(), LogSeverity.Verbose);
Esempio n. 6
 private void WorkCallback(IAsyncResult result)
     while (processedCount < domainsCount)
     workStarted = false;
     threadPause = false;
Esempio n. 7
        public CpuThread(Translator translator, MemoryManager memory, long entrypoint)
            _translator = translator;
            Memory      = memory;

            ThreadState = new CpuThreadState();

            ThreadState.Running = true;

            Work = new Thread(delegate()
                translator.ExecuteSubroutine(this, entrypoint);

                WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Esempio n. 8
        protected virtual void OnFinished(EventArgs e)
            if (!abort)
                ChangeProgress(100, 100, "");
                pbxLoading.InvokeIfRequired(() => { pbxLoading.Image = Resources.accept_button; });


            WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, e);

            if (!abort)
Esempio n. 9
        public CpuThread(Translator translator, MemoryManager memory, long entryPoint)
            _translator = translator;
            Memory      = memory;

            ThreadState = new CpuThreadState();

            ThreadState.ExecutionMode = ExecutionMode.AArch64;

            ThreadState.Running = true;

            Work = new Thread(delegate()
                translator.ExecuteSubroutine(this, entryPoint);


                WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Esempio n. 10
        public bool Execute()
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref IsExecuting, 1) == 1)

            Work = new Thread(delegate()
                Translator.ExecuteSubroutine(this, EntryPoint);


                WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);


Esempio n. 11
        public AThread(ATranslator Translator, AMemory Memory, long EntryPoint)
            this.Translator = Translator;
            this.Memory     = Memory;

            ThreadState = new AThreadState();

            ThreadState.ExecutionMode = AExecutionMode.AArch64;

            ThreadState.Running = true;

            Work = new Thread(delegate()
                Translator.ExecuteSubroutine(this, EntryPoint);


                WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Begins executing the <see cref="AsyncJob" />.
        /// </summary>
        internal async Task Execute()
                // observe cancellation token
                if (_CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)


                await Process().ConfigureAwait(false);

                ProcessTime = _Stopwatch.Elapsed;

                await ProcessFinished().ConfigureAwait(false);


                ExecutionTime = _Stopwatch.Elapsed;

                // and signal WorkFinished event
                WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, this);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // errors are always consumed here due to usage of Task.Run further up the call stack
                Log.Error($"({nameof(AsyncJob)}) {ex}");
                // work is finished, so flip IsWorkFinished bool
                IsWorkFinished = true;

                // dereference any subscriptors to avoid memory leaks
                WorkFinished = null;
Esempio n. 13
        public void Export()
            SetMessage?.Invoke(this, new MessageEventArgs
                Message = Localization.RetrievingRomSetFromDatabase

            using var ctx = Context.Create(Settings.Settings.Current.DatabasePath);

            RomSet romSet = ctx.RomSets.Find(_romSetId);

            if (romSet == null)
                SetMessage?.Invoke(this, new MessageEventArgs
                    Message = Localization.CouldNotFindRomSetInDatabase

                WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, System.EventArgs.Empty);


            SetMessage?.Invoke(this, new MessageEventArgs
                Message = Localization.ExportingRoms

            _machines = ctx.Machines.Where(m => m.RomSet.Id == _romSetId).ToArray();

            SetProgressBounds?.Invoke(this, new ProgressBoundsEventArgs
                Minimum = 0,
                Maximum = _machines.Length

            _machinePosition = 0;
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 ///     Finish the current visibility change job.
 /// </summary>
 private void Finish()
     WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
     _hideTimer.Enabled = false;
     Enabled            = false;
Esempio n. 15
        void CompressNextMachine()
            SetProgress?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs
                Value = _machinePosition

            if (_machinePosition >= _machines.Length)
                SetMessage?.Invoke(this, new MessageEventArgs
                    Message = Localization.Finished

                WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, System.EventArgs.Empty);


            Machine machine = _machines[_machinePosition];

            SetMessage2?.Invoke(this, new MessageEventArgs
                Message = machine.Name

            using var ctx = Context.Create(Settings.Settings.Current.DatabasePath);

            string machineName = machine.Name;

            Dictionary <string, MediaByMachine> mediasByMachine = ctx.MediasByMachines.
                                                                  Where(f => f.Machine.Id == machine.Id &&
                                                                  ToDictionary(f => f.Name);

            if (mediasByMachine.Count > 0)
                SetProgress2Bounds?.Invoke(this, new ProgressBoundsEventArgs
                    Minimum = 0,
                    Maximum = mediasByMachine.Count

                if (machineName.EndsWith(".zip", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    machineName = machineName.Substring(0, machineName.Length - 4);

                string machinePath = Path.Combine(_outPath, machineName);

                if (!Directory.Exists(machinePath))

                long mediaPosition = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MediaByMachine> mediaByMachine in mediasByMachine)
                    string outputPath = Path.Combine(machinePath, mediaByMachine.Key);

                    if (!outputPath.EndsWith(".aif", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        outputPath += ".aif";

                    SetProgress2?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs
                        Value = mediaPosition

                    string repoPath   = null;
                    string md5Path    = null;
                    string sha1Path   = null;
                    string sha256Path = null;

                    DbMedia media = mediaByMachine.Value.Media;

                    if (media.Sha256 != null)
                        byte[] sha256Bytes = new byte[32];
                        string sha256      = media.Sha256;

                        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                            if (sha256[i * 2] >= 0x30 &&
                                sha256[i * 2] <= 0x39)
                                sha256Bytes[i] = (byte)((sha256[i * 2] - 0x30) * 0x10);
                            else if (sha256[i * 2] >= 0x41 &&
                                     sha256[i * 2] <= 0x46)
                                sha256Bytes[i] = (byte)((sha256[i * 2] - 0x37) * 0x10);
                            else if (sha256[i * 2] >= 0x61 &&
                                     sha256[i * 2] <= 0x66)
                                sha256Bytes[i] = (byte)((sha256[i * 2] - 0x57) * 0x10);

                            if (sha256[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x30 &&
                                sha256[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x39)
                                sha256Bytes[i] += (byte)(sha256[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x30);
                            else if (sha256[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x41 &&
                                     sha256[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x46)
                                sha256Bytes[i] += (byte)(sha256[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x37);
                            else if (sha256[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x61 &&
                                     sha256[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x66)
                                sha256Bytes[i] += (byte)(sha256[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x57);

                        string sha256B32 = Base32.ToBase32String(sha256Bytes);

                        sha256Path = Path.Combine(Settings.Settings.Current.RepositoryPath, "aaru", "sha256",
                                                  sha256B32[0].ToString(), sha256B32[1].ToString(),
                                                  sha256B32[2].ToString(), sha256B32[3].ToString(),
                                                  sha256B32[4].ToString(), sha256B32 + ".aif");

                    if (media.Sha1 != null)
                        byte[] sha1Bytes = new byte[20];
                        string sha1      = media.Sha1;

                        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                            if (sha1[i * 2] >= 0x30 &&
                                sha1[i * 2] <= 0x39)
                                sha1Bytes[i] = (byte)((sha1[i * 2] - 0x30) * 0x10);
                            else if (sha1[i * 2] >= 0x41 &&
                                     sha1[i * 2] <= 0x46)
                                sha1Bytes[i] = (byte)((sha1[i * 2] - 0x37) * 0x10);
                            else if (sha1[i * 2] >= 0x61 &&
                                     sha1[i * 2] <= 0x66)
                                sha1Bytes[i] = (byte)((sha1[i * 2] - 0x57) * 0x10);

                            if (sha1[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x30 &&
                                sha1[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x39)
                                sha1Bytes[i] += (byte)(sha1[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x30);
                            else if (sha1[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x41 &&
                                     sha1[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x46)
                                sha1Bytes[i] += (byte)(sha1[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x37);
                            else if (sha1[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x61 &&
                                     sha1[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x66)
                                sha1Bytes[i] += (byte)(sha1[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x57);

                        string sha1B32 = Base32.ToBase32String(sha1Bytes);

                        sha1Path = Path.Combine(Settings.Settings.Current.RepositoryPath, "aaru", "sha1",
                                                sha1B32[0].ToString(), sha1B32[1].ToString(), sha1B32[2].ToString(),
                                                sha1B32[3].ToString(), sha1B32[4].ToString(), sha1B32 + ".aif");

                    if (media.Md5 != null)
                        byte[] md5Bytes = new byte[16];
                        string md5      = media.Md5;

                        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                            if (md5[i * 2] >= 0x30 &&
                                md5[i * 2] <= 0x39)
                                md5Bytes[i] = (byte)((md5[i * 2] - 0x30) * 0x10);
                            else if (md5[i * 2] >= 0x41 &&
                                     md5[i * 2] <= 0x46)
                                md5Bytes[i] = (byte)((md5[i * 2] - 0x37) * 0x10);
                            else if (md5[i * 2] >= 0x61 &&
                                     md5[i * 2] <= 0x66)
                                md5Bytes[i] = (byte)((md5[i * 2] - 0x57) * 0x10);

                            if (md5[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x30 &&
                                md5[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x39)
                                md5Bytes[i] += (byte)(md5[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x30);
                            else if (md5[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x41 &&
                                     md5[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x46)
                                md5Bytes[i] += (byte)(md5[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x37);
                            else if (md5[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x61 &&
                                     md5[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x66)
                                md5Bytes[i] += (byte)(md5[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x57);

                        string md5B32 = Base32.ToBase32String(md5Bytes);

                        md5Path = Path.Combine(Settings.Settings.Current.RepositoryPath, "aaru", "md5",
                                               md5B32[0].ToString(), md5B32[1].ToString(), md5B32[2].ToString(),
                                               md5B32[3].ToString(), md5B32[4].ToString(), md5B32 + ".aif");

                    if (File.Exists(sha256Path))
                        repoPath = sha256Path;
                    else if (File.Exists(sha1Path))
                        repoPath = sha1Path;
                    else if (File.Exists(md5Path))
                        repoPath = md5Path;

                    if (repoPath == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Localization.CannotFindHashInRepository,
                                                                  media.Sha256 ?? media.Sha1 ?? media.Md5));

                    var inFs  = new FileStream(repoPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    var outFs = new FileStream(outputPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

                    SetMessage3?.Invoke(this, new MessageEventArgs
                        Message = string.Format(Localization.Copying, Path.GetFileName(outputPath))

                    SetProgress3Bounds?.Invoke(this, new ProgressBoundsEventArgs
                        Minimum = 0,
                        Maximum = inFs.Length

                    byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

                    while (inFs.Position + BUFFER_SIZE <= inFs.Length)
                        SetProgress3?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs
                            Value = inFs.Position

                        inFs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        outFs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    buffer = new byte[inFs.Length - inFs.Position];

                    SetProgress3?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs
                        Value = inFs.Position

                    inFs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    outFs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);



            Dictionary <string, DiskByMachine> disksByMachine = ctx.DisksByMachines.
                                                                Where(f => f.Machine.Id == machine.Id &&
                                                                ToDictionary(f => f.Name);

            if (disksByMachine.Count > 0)
                SetProgress2Bounds?.Invoke(this, new ProgressBoundsEventArgs
                    Minimum = 0,
                    Maximum = disksByMachine.Count

                if (machineName.EndsWith(".zip", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    machineName = machineName.Substring(0, machineName.Length - 4);

                string machinePath = Path.Combine(_outPath, machineName);

                if (!Directory.Exists(machinePath))

                long diskPosition = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DiskByMachine> diskByMachine in disksByMachine)
                    string outputPath = Path.Combine(machinePath, diskByMachine.Key);

                    if (!outputPath.EndsWith(".chd", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        outputPath += ".chd";

                    SetProgress2?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs
                        Value = diskPosition

                    string repoPath = null;
                    string md5Path  = null;
                    string sha1Path = null;

                    DbDisk disk = diskByMachine.Value.Disk;

                    if (disk.Sha1 != null)
                        byte[] sha1Bytes = new byte[20];
                        string sha1      = disk.Sha1;

                        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                            if (sha1[i * 2] >= 0x30 &&
                                sha1[i * 2] <= 0x39)
                                sha1Bytes[i] = (byte)((sha1[i * 2] - 0x30) * 0x10);
                            else if (sha1[i * 2] >= 0x41 &&
                                     sha1[i * 2] <= 0x46)
                                sha1Bytes[i] = (byte)((sha1[i * 2] - 0x37) * 0x10);
                            else if (sha1[i * 2] >= 0x61 &&
                                     sha1[i * 2] <= 0x66)
                                sha1Bytes[i] = (byte)((sha1[i * 2] - 0x57) * 0x10);

                            if (sha1[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x30 &&
                                sha1[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x39)
                                sha1Bytes[i] += (byte)(sha1[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x30);
                            else if (sha1[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x41 &&
                                     sha1[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x46)
                                sha1Bytes[i] += (byte)(sha1[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x37);
                            else if (sha1[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x61 &&
                                     sha1[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x66)
                                sha1Bytes[i] += (byte)(sha1[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x57);

                        string sha1B32 = Base32.ToBase32String(sha1Bytes);

                        sha1Path = Path.Combine(Settings.Settings.Current.RepositoryPath, "chd", "sha1",
                                                sha1B32[0].ToString(), sha1B32[1].ToString(), sha1B32[2].ToString(),
                                                sha1B32[3].ToString(), sha1B32[4].ToString(), sha1B32 + ".chd");

                    if (disk.Md5 != null)
                        byte[] md5Bytes = new byte[16];
                        string md5      = disk.Md5;

                        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                            if (md5[i * 2] >= 0x30 &&
                                md5[i * 2] <= 0x39)
                                md5Bytes[i] = (byte)((md5[i * 2] - 0x30) * 0x10);
                            else if (md5[i * 2] >= 0x41 &&
                                     md5[i * 2] <= 0x46)
                                md5Bytes[i] = (byte)((md5[i * 2] - 0x37) * 0x10);
                            else if (md5[i * 2] >= 0x61 &&
                                     md5[i * 2] <= 0x66)
                                md5Bytes[i] = (byte)((md5[i * 2] - 0x57) * 0x10);

                            if (md5[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x30 &&
                                md5[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x39)
                                md5Bytes[i] += (byte)(md5[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x30);
                            else if (md5[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x41 &&
                                     md5[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x46)
                                md5Bytes[i] += (byte)(md5[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x37);
                            else if (md5[(i * 2) + 1] >= 0x61 &&
                                     md5[(i * 2) + 1] <= 0x66)
                                md5Bytes[i] += (byte)(md5[(i * 2) + 1] - 0x57);

                        string md5B32 = Base32.ToBase32String(md5Bytes);

                        md5Path = Path.Combine(Settings.Settings.Current.RepositoryPath, "chd", "md5",
                                               md5B32[0].ToString(), md5B32[1].ToString(), md5B32[2].ToString(),
                                               md5B32[3].ToString(), md5B32[4].ToString(), md5B32 + ".chd");

                    if (File.Exists(sha1Path))
                        repoPath = sha1Path;
                    else if (File.Exists(md5Path))
                        repoPath = md5Path;

                    if (repoPath == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Localization.CannotFindHashInRepository,
                                                                  disk.Sha1 ?? disk.Md5));

                    var inFs  = new FileStream(repoPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    var outFs = new FileStream(outputPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

                    SetMessage3?.Invoke(this, new MessageEventArgs
                        Message = string.Format(Localization.Copying, Path.GetFileName(outputPath))

                    SetProgress3Bounds?.Invoke(this, new ProgressBoundsEventArgs
                        Minimum = 0,
                        Maximum = inFs.Length

                    byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

                    while (inFs.Position + BUFFER_SIZE <= inFs.Length)
                        SetProgress3?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs
                            Value = inFs.Position

                        inFs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        outFs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    buffer = new byte[inFs.Length - inFs.Position];

                    SetProgress3?.Invoke(this, new ProgressEventArgs
                        Value = inFs.Position

                    inFs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    outFs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);



            _filesByMachine = ctx.FilesByMachines.Where(f => f.Machine.Id == machine.Id && f.File.IsInRepo).
                              ToDictionary(f => f.Name);

            if (_filesByMachine.Count == 0)


            SetProgress2Bounds?.Invoke(this, new ProgressBoundsEventArgs
                Minimum = 0,
                Maximum = _filesByMachine.Count

            if (!machineName.EndsWith(".zip", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                machineName += ".zip";

            var zf = new ZipFile(Path.Combine(_outPath, machineName), Encoding.UTF8)
                CompressionLevel  = CompressionLevel.BestCompression,
                CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Deflate,
                EmitTimesInUnixFormatWhenSaving    = true,
                EmitTimesInWindowsFormatWhenSaving = true,
                UseZip64WhenSaving      = Zip64Option.AsNecessary,
                SortEntriesBeforeSaving = true

            zf.SaveProgress += Zf_SaveProgress;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, FileByMachine> fileByMachine in _filesByMachine)
                // Is a directory
                if ((fileByMachine.Key.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                     fileByMachine.Key.EndsWith("\\", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) &&
                    fileByMachine.Value.File.Size == 0)
                    ZipEntry zd = zf.AddDirectoryByName(fileByMachine.Key.Replace('/', '\\'));
                    zd.Attributes   = FileAttributes.Normal;
                    zd.CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    zd.AccessedTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    zd.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    zd.ModifiedTime = DateTime.UtcNow;


                ZipEntry zi = zf.AddEntry(fileByMachine.Key, Zf_HandleOpen, Zf_HandleClose);
                zi.Attributes   = FileAttributes.Normal;
                zi.CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                zi.AccessedTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                zi.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow;
                zi.ModifiedTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

Esempio n. 16
 protected virtual void OnWorkFinished()
     WorkFinished?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);