Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Clear out the stored information
 /// </summary>
 public void Clear()
     AutoSynchronizeSettings  = true;
     IsAutoCommandEnabled     = true;
     IsUndoRedoExpected       = false;
     DefaultSettings          = DefaultSettings.GVim74;
     GoToDefinitionReturn     = true;
     IsCompletionWindowActive = false;
     NavigateToReturn         = false;
     Buffers                   = FSharpList <IVimBuffer> .Empty;
     BeepCount                 = 0;
     ClosedOtherWindows        = false;
     ClosedOtherTabs           = false;
     GoToDefinitionCount       = 0;
     FocusedTextView           = null;
     IsTextViewVisible         = null;
     _isVisibleChanged         = null;
     TryCustomProcessFunc      = null;
     GoToLocalDeclarationFunc  = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     GoToGlobalDeclarationFunc = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     CreateHiddenTextViewFunc  = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     RunCommandFunc            = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     RunHostCommandFunc        = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     LoadIntoNewWindowFunc     = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     RunQuickFixFunc           = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     OpenQuickFixWindowFunc    = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     RunSaveTextAs             = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     ReloadFunc                = delegate { return(true); };
     IsDirtyFunc               = null;
     LastClosed                = null;
     LastSaved                 = null;
     ShouldCreateVimBufferImpl = false;
     ShouldIncludeRcFile       = true;
     WordWrapStyle             = WordWrapStyles.WordWrap;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Clear out the stored information
 /// </summary>
 public void Clear()
     AutoSynchronizeSettings = true;
     IsAutoCommandEnabled = true;
     DefaultSettings = DefaultSettings.GVim74;
     GoToDefinitionReturn = true;
     IsCompletionWindowActive = false;
     NavigateToReturn = false;
     Buffers = FSharpList<IVimBuffer>.Empty;
     BeepCount = 0;
     GoToDefinitionCount = 0;
     IsTextViewVisible = null;
     _isVisibleChanged = null;
     TryCustomProcessFunc = null;
     GoToLocalDeclarationFunc = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     GoToGlobalDeclarationFunc = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     CreateHiddenTextViewFunc = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     RunCommandFunc = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     RunVisualStudioCommandFunc = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     RunQuickFixFunc = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     RunSaveTextAs = delegate { throw new NotImplementedException(); };
     ReloadFunc = delegate { return true; };
     IsDirtyFunc = null;
     LastClosed = null;
     LastSaved = null;
     ShouldCreateVimBufferImpl = false;
     ShouldIncludeRcFile = true;
     WordWrapStyle = WordWrapStyles.WordWrap;