private string Lexicalize(string input) { var output = new StringBuilder(); string[] sentences = _sentenceDetector.SentenceDetect(input); foreach (string sentence in sentences) { string[] tokens = _tokenizer.Tokenize(sentence); string[] tags = _posTagger.Tag(tokens); for (int currentTag = 0; currentTag < tags.Length; currentTag++) { if (!IsStopWord.ContainsKey(tokens[currentTag])) { if (tags[currentTag].StartsWith("NN")) { if (tags[currentTag] == "NNS") { output.Append(_wn.Lemmatize(tokens[currentTag], "noun")).Append(" "); } else { output.Append(tokens[currentTag]).Append(" "); } } else if (tags[currentTag].StartsWith("VB")) { if (tags[currentTag] != "VBP") { output.Append(_wn.Lemmatize(tokens[currentTag], "verb")).Append(" "); } } else if (tags[currentTag].StartsWith("JJ")) { output.Append(tokens[currentTag]).Append(" "); } } } } return(output.ToString()); }
public void Extract(string text_segment) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text_segment)) { #region Local Variables int i = 0; int j; int k; int d; int l; int chunkLength; int chunksLength; string curToken; List <SynSet> Senses, tmpSenses; SynSet tmpSense; List <SentenceChunk> Chunks = new List <SentenceChunk>(); // This list of all chunks List <SentenceChunk> tmpChunks = new List <SentenceChunk>(); // This list of all chunks Dictionary <string, SynSet> CachedConcepts = new Dictionary <string, SynSet>(); TextVectors = new List <TaggedWord>(); // The list that will hold all mappable terms with thier information List <string> MiscTerms = new List <string>(); // The list of unmapped terms in the text string[] tokens; string[] sentences = _sentenceDetector.SentenceDetect(text_segment); #endregion #region Section 3.1. // Extract all chunks from the given text segment for (k = 0; k < sentences.Length; k++) { tokens = _tokenizer.Tokenize(sentences[k]); tmpChunks = _chunker.GetChunks(tokens, _posTagger.Tag(tokens)); tmpChunks.RemoveAll(predicate => predicate.TaggedWords.Count == 0); Chunks.AddRange(tmpChunks); } tmpChunks = null; tokens = null; sentences = null; // Extract elements that will be used for Similarity Matrix Generation as the input of clustering chunksLength = Chunks.Count; while (i < chunksLength) { // Look only inside NP chunks if (Chunks[i].Tag == "NP") { #region Rectify NP Chunks if (i + 1 < chunksLength) { if (Chunks[i + 1].Tag == "NP") { if (Chunks[i + 1].TaggedWords[0].Tag.StartsWith("NNP") || AllowedDTList.ContainsKey(Chunks[i + 1].TaggedWords[0].Word)) { int length = Chunks[i].TaggedWords.Count; foreach (TaggedWord w in Chunks[i + 1].TaggedWords) { w.Index = length; Chunks[i].TaggedWords.Add(w); length++; } Chunks.RemoveRange(i + 1, 1); chunksLength = chunksLength - 1; } } else if (Chunks[i + 1].Tag == "PP" && i + 2 < chunksLength) { if (Chunks[i + 2].TaggedWords[0].Tag.StartsWith("NNP") || AllowedDTList.ContainsKey(Chunks[i + 1].TaggedWords[0].Word)) { int length = Chunks[i].TaggedWords.Count; Chunks[i + 1].TaggedWords[0].Index = length; Chunks[i].TaggedWords.Add(Chunks[i + 1].TaggedWords[0]); length++; foreach (TaggedWord w in Chunks[i + 2].TaggedWords) { w.Index = length; length++; Chunks[i].TaggedWords.Add(w); } Chunks.RemoveRange(i + 1, 2); chunksLength = chunksLength - 2; } } } #endregion #region Find N-Gram NNPs // This part is very important: // 1- Rectify any linguistic errors generated as side effect of the previous step (such as "Belly the") // 2- Eliminate any syntactic errors such as Texas Rangers (sports) --> Texas Ranger (Police) // since we don't alter the value of a NNP(s) chunkLength = Chunks[i].TaggedWords.Count; j = 0; // Loop through all chunk words while (j < chunkLength) { if (Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Tag[0] == 'N') { // Needed for fast access to the last element in SemanticElements d = TextVectors.Count() - 1; // Check the probability of merging N-gram Named Entities (NNP(S)* || NNP(S)*|DT*|NNP(S)*) if (Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Tag.StartsWith("NNP")) { k = 0; // First scan to see if the pattern is satisfied for (l = j + 1; l < chunkLength; l++) { // Here to define any patterns the user may wish to apply if ( Chunks[i].TaggedWords[l].Tag.StartsWith("NNP") || // allow N-Gram NNP AllowedDTList.ContainsKey(Chunks[i].TaggedWords[l].Word) || // allow adding stop words inside the NNP Chunks[i].TaggedWords[l].Tag == "CD" // allow adding numbers inside NNP ) { k++; } else { break; } } // k-value changing means a pattern has been found // if k is changed and the scanned pattern does not end with a stop word if (k > 0 && !AllowedDTList.ContainsKey(Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j + k].Word)) { // Concatenate all the pattern parts ans store them in temp variable curToken = Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Word; for (l = j + 1; l <= j + k; l++) { curToken = curToken + " " + Chunks[i].TaggedWords[l].Word; } // Delete all the parts added in temp Chunks[i].TaggedWords.RemoveRange(j + 1, k); // rectify the sequence length after deletion chunkLength = chunkLength - k; // Check if the perv token is a capitalized JJ if (d > -1 && j > 0 && TextVectors[d].Tag == "JJ" && char.IsUpper(TextVectors[d].Word[0])) { // Replace current j with its previous j-1 word, and allocate special tag NNP*J Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Tag = Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Tag + "J"; Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Word = TextVectors[d].Word + " " + curToken; // Remove the previous word from all lists TextVectors.RemoveAt(d); Chunks[i].TaggedWords.RemoveRange(j, 1); chunkLength--; j--; } else { // Only update the current word Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Word = curToken; } TextVectors.Add(Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j]); // Skip the loop by k steps j = j + k; } else { // If there is no pattern match --> add singular NNP(S) // Before addition check JJ pattern if (d > -1 && j > 0 && TextVectors[d].Tag == "JJ" && char.IsUpper(TextVectors[d].Word[0])) { // Replace current j with its previous j-1 word, and allocate special tag NNP*J Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Tag = Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Tag + "J"; Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Word = TextVectors[d].Word + " " + Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Word; // Remove the previous word from all lists TextVectors.RemoveAt(d); Chunks[i].TaggedWords.RemoveRange(j, 1); chunkLength--; j--; } TextVectors.Add(Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j]); j++; } } else { // If the current word is NN(S) if (Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Tag == "NNS") { Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Word = _wn.Lemmatize(Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Word, "noun"); } // Find if the current token forms bigram WordNet concept with the previous token if (j > 0) { if (Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Tag == "NN" || Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Tag == "NNS" || Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Tag == "JJ") { if (_wn.GetSynSets(Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Word + "_" + Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Word, "noun").Count > 0) { Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Word = Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Word + "_" + Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Word; Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Index = Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Index; Chunks[i].TaggedWords.RemoveRange(j - 1, 1); TextVectors.RemoveAt(d); j--; chunkLength--; } } } TextVectors.Add(Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j]); j++; } } else { if (Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Tag[0] == 'J') { // We add adjectives to increase the disambiguation accuracy TextVectors.Add(Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j]); } // Skip any chunk element that is not NNP(S),NN(S), or JJ(*) j++; } } #endregion i++; } else { // Remove the current Chunk since it was checked during rectification phase of the previous step // Keeping only NPs is for efficiency reason during the last step of the algorithm Chunks.RemoveRange(i, 1); chunksLength--; } } #region Disambiguatation d = TextVectors.Count; // Normalize NNP* vectors before the actual disambiguatation // Performing normalization after disambiguatation may affects caching the concepts since the keys may change for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { if (TextVectors[i].Tag.StartsWith("NNP")) { for (j = 0; j < d; j++) { if (TextVectors[j].Tag.StartsWith("NNP")) { if (TextVectors[i].Word.Contains(TextVectors[j].Word)) { TextVectors[j].Word = TextVectors[i].Word; TextVectors[j].Tag = TextVectors[i].Tag; } else if (TextVectors[j].Word.Contains(TextVectors[i].Word)) { TextVectors[i].Word = TextVectors[j].Word; TextVectors[i].Tag = TextVectors[j].Tag; } } } } } for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { // For limiting access to the list -- Efficiency curToken = TextVectors[i].Word; if (TextVectors[i].Tag == "NN" || TextVectors[i].Tag == "NNS") { if (CachedConcepts.ContainsKey(curToken)) { TextVectors[i].Sense = CachedConcepts[curToken]; } else { // Check availability in WordNet Senses = _wn.GetSynSets(curToken, false, WordNetEngine.POS.Noun); if (Senses.Count > 0) { tmpSense = Disambiguate(Senses, GenerateContextWindow(i, d)); CachedConcepts.Add(curToken, tmpSense); TextVectors[i].Sense = CachedConcepts[curToken]; } } } else if (TextVectors[i].Tag.StartsWith("NNP")) { if (CachedConcepts.ContainsKey(curToken)) { TextVectors[i].Sense = CachedConcepts[curToken]; continue; } Senses = _wn.GetSynSets(curToken.Replace(" ", "_"), false, WordNetEngine.POS.Noun); if (Senses.Count > 0) { tmpSense = Disambiguate(Senses, GenerateContextWindow(i, d)); CachedConcepts.Add(curToken, tmpSense); TextVectors[i].Sense = CachedConcepts[curToken]; continue; } if (PlugInsNumber > 0) { Senses.Clear(); for (l = 0; l < PlugInsNumber; l++) { KBDriverQueryArgs[1] = curToken; tmpSenses = KBDriversQueryPointers[l].Invoke(KBDrivers[l], KBDriverQueryArgs) as List <SynSet>; if (tmpSenses != null) { Senses.AddRange(tmpSenses); } } if (Senses.Count > 0) { tmpSense = Disambiguate(Senses, GenerateContextWindow(i, d)); CachedConcepts.Add(curToken, tmpSense); TextVectors[i].Sense = CachedConcepts[curToken]; continue; } } if (TextVectors[i].Tag.EndsWith("J")) { TextVectors[i].Word = curToken.Substring(curToken.IndexOf(" ") + 1); TextVectors[i].Tag = TextVectors[i].Tag.Substring(0, TextVectors[i].Tag.Length - 1); i--; continue; } } } // Prepare the vectors for semantic similarity measurement // hence, any vector does not hold valid sense must be excluded from the list in temp list i = 0; while (i < d) { if (TextVectors[i].Sense == null) { if (TextVectors[i].Tag.StartsWith("NNP") && !MiscTerms.Contains(TextVectors[i].Word)) { MiscTerms.Add(TextVectors[i].Word); } TextVectors.RemoveAt(i); d--; } else { i++; } } #endregion // [Implicit-Dispose] tmpSense = null; tmpSenses = null; Senses = null; #endregion #region Section 3.2. // Row * Col - Diagonal / 2 (above or under the Diagonal) double[] S = new double[((d * d) - d) / 2]; // Dummy counter k = 0; for (i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < d; j++) { S[k] = Math.Round(wupMeasure(TextVectors[i].Sense, TextVectors[j].Sense), 4); k++; } } // Perform clustering on S int[] res = ap.Run(S, d, 1, 0.9, 1000, 50); // Optimized Clustering information collection // We collect clustering information and at the same time filter out all terms that are not close to their exemplars Dictionary <int, List <int> > ClusRes = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); // =================================== for (i = 0; i < res.Length; i++) { if (!ClusRes.ContainsKey(res[i])) { ClusRes.Add(res[i], new List <int>()); } if (i == res[i]) { ClusRes[res[i]].Add(i); continue; } if (Math.Round(wupMeasure(TextVectors[res[i]].Sense, TextVectors[i].Sense), 4) >= ClosenessToCentroid) { ClusRes[res[i]].Add(i); } } Console.WriteLine("-> Clustering Information:\n"); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <int> > kv in ClusRes) { Console.Write("\t[" + TextVectors[kv.Key].Word + "] " + TextVectors[kv.Key].Sense.ID + " : "); foreach (var item in kv.Value) { Console.Write(TextVectors[item].Word + ","); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); } // Manual averaging of exemplars (Sec. 3.2) Console.WriteLine("-> Remove unimportant clusters:"); bool delFlag; while (true) { delFlag = false; Console.Write("\tEnter Seed:"); curToken = Console.ReadLine(); if (curToken == "$") { break; } foreach (var key in ClusRes.Keys) { if (TextVectors[key].Word == curToken) { delFlag = ClusRes.Remove(key); break; } } if (delFlag) { Console.WriteLine("\tCluster deleted"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\tSeed is not found"); } Console.WriteLine(); } // ESA-Based averaging of exemplars // Insert here local server API #endregion #region Section 3.3. // Flatten ClusRes into List List <int> Seeds = ClusRes.Values .SelectMany(x => x) // Flatten .ToList(); // Final seeds list must be sorted in case of using candidate phrase selection from a window //Seeds.Sort(); List <string> CandidatePhrases = new List <string>(); List <string> CandidatePhraseSeed = new List <string>(); SelectionWindowSize = Chunks.Count; for (i = 0; i < Chunks.Count; i++) { if (Chunks[i].Tag == "NP") { d = Chunks[i].TaggedWords.Count; for (l = 0; l < Seeds.Count; l++) { for (j = 0; j < d; j++) { if (Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j].Word == TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Word) { if (TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Tag.StartsWith("NNP") && !CandidatePhrases.Contains(TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Word) && i < SelectionWindowSize) { CandidatePhrases.Add(TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Word); if (TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Sense.URI != null) { CandidatePhraseSeed.Add(TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Sense.URI); } else { CandidatePhraseSeed.Add("" + TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Sense.ID); } } else if (TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Tag == "NN" || TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Tag == "NNS") { curToken = TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Word; if (j > 0 && Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Tag == "JJ") { curToken = Chunks[i].TaggedWords[j - 1].Word + " " + curToken; } for (k = j + 1; k < d; k++) { if (Chunks[i].TaggedWords[k].Tag != "NN") { break; } else { curToken = curToken + " " + Chunks[i].TaggedWords[k].Word; } } if (curToken.Contains(" ") || curToken.Contains("_")) { if (!CandidatePhrases.Contains(curToken)) { CandidatePhrases.Add(curToken); if (TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Sense.URI != null) { CandidatePhraseSeed.Add(TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Sense.URI); } else { CandidatePhraseSeed.Add("" + TextVectors[Seeds[l]].Sense.ID); } } } } } } } } } #endregion // Print results Console.WriteLine("\n-> Candidate Keyphrases:\n"); for (i = 0; i < CandidatePhrases.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + CandidatePhrases[i].Replace("_", " ") + " , URI:" + CandidatePhraseSeed[i]); } Console.WriteLine("\n-> MISC Entities:\n"); for (i = 0; i < MiscTerms.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + MiscTerms[i]); } } }