Esempio n. 1
        public void CountWordsInSentence_ReturnsWordCount_Int()
            string     testWord      = "cat";
            string     testSentence  = "Who let the cat out of the cathedral?";
            WordBundle newWordBundle = new WordBundle(testWord, testSentence);
            int        result        = newWordBundle.CountWordsInSentence();

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 1);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("We're going to play a game. You give me a word and a sentence, and I'll tell you how many times the word appears in your sentence. Ready? Here we go:");
            Console.WriteLine("Go on, type a word.");
            string wordInput = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Now type a sentence.");
            string     sentenceInput = Console.ReadLine();
            WordBundle newWordBundle = new WordBundle(wordInput, sentenceInput);
            int        count         = newWordBundle.CountWordsInSentence();

            Console.WriteLine("Cool, so it looks like '" + wordInput + "' shows up in '" + sentenceInput + "' " + count + " times.");
            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to play again? (yes/no)");
            string quitOrNot = Console.ReadLine();

            if (quitOrNot.Equals("yes"))