private void ShowPage()
   = true;

            if (pageNumber == 0)
                if (logo != null)
                    GUILayout.Label (logo);
                GUILayout.Space (5f);
                GUILayout.Label ("This window can help you get started with making a new Adventure Creator game.");
                GUILayout.Label ("To begin, click 'Next'. Changes will not be implemented until you are finished.");

            else if (pageNumber == 1)
                GUILayout.Label ("Enter a name for your game. This will be used for filenames, so alphanumeric characters only.");
                gameName = GUILayout.TextField (gameName);

            else if (pageNumber == 2)
                GUILayout.Label ("What kind of perspective will your game have?");
                cameraPerspective_int = EditorGUILayout.Popup (cameraPerspective_int, cameraPerspective_list);

                if (cameraPerspective_int == 0)
                    GUILayout.Space (5f);
                    GUILayout.Label ("By default, 2D games are built entirely in the X-Z plane, and characters are scaled to achieve a depth effect.\nIf you prefer, you can position your characters in 3D space, so that they scale accurately due to camera perspective.");
                    screenSpace = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft ("I'll position my characters in 3D space", screenSpace);
                else if (cameraPerspective_int == 1)
                    GUILayout.Space (5f);
                    GUILayout.Label ("2.5D games mixes 3D characters with 2D backgrounds. By default, 2.5D games group several backgrounds into one scene, and swap them out according to the camera angle.\nIf you prefer, you can work with just one background in a scene, to create a more traditional 2D-like adventure.");
                    oneScenePerBackground = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft ("I'll work with one background per scene", oneScenePerBackground);
                else if (cameraPerspective_int == 2)
                    GUILayout.Label ("3D games can still have sprite-based Characters, but having a true 3D environment is more flexible so far as Player control goes. How should your Player character be controlled?");
                    movementMethod = (MovementMethod) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup (movementMethod);

            else if (pageNumber == 3)
                if (cameraPerspective_int == 1 && !oneScenePerBackground)
                    GUILayout.Label ("Do you want to play the game ONLY with a keyboard or controller?");
                    directControl = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft ("Yes", directControl);
                    GUILayout.Space (5f);
                else if (cameraPerspective_int == 2 && movementMethod == MovementMethod.Drag)
                    GUILayout.Label ("Is your game designed for Touch-screen devices?");
                    touchScreen = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft ("Yes", touchScreen);
                    GUILayout.Space (5f);

                GUILayout.Label ("How do you want to interact with Hotspots?");
                interactionMethod = (AC_InteractionMethod) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup (interactionMethod);
                if (interactionMethod == AC_InteractionMethod.ContextSensitive)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("This method simplifies interactions to either Use, Examine, or Use Inventory. Hotspots can be interacted with in just one click.", MessageType.Info);
                else if (interactionMethod == AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseInteractionThenHotspot)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("This method emulates the classic 'Sierra-style' interface, in which the player chooses from a list of verbs, and then the Hotspot they wish to interact with.", MessageType.Info);
                else if (interactionMethod == AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("This method involves first choosing a Hotspot, and then from a range of available interactions, which can be customised in the Editor.", MessageType.Info);

            else if (pageNumber == 4)
                GUILayout.Label ("Please choose what interface you would like to start with. It can be changed at any time - this is just to help you get started.");
                wizardMenu = (WizardMenu) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup (wizardMenu);

            else if (pageNumber == 5)
                GUILayout.Label ("The following values have been set based on your choices. Please review them and amend if necessary, then click 'Finish' to create your game template.");
                GUILayout.Space (5f);

                gameName = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Game name:", gameName);
                cameraPerspective_int = (int) cameraPerspective;
                cameraPerspective_int = EditorGUILayout.Popup ("Camera perspective:", cameraPerspective_int, cameraPerspective_list);
                cameraPerspective = (CameraPerspective) cameraPerspective_int;

                if (cameraPerspective == CameraPerspective.TwoD)
                    movingTurning = (MovingTurning) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Moving and turning:", movingTurning);

                movementMethod = (MovementMethod) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Movement method:", movementMethod);
                inputMethod = (InputMethod) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Input method:", inputMethod);
                interactionMethod = (AC_InteractionMethod) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Interaction method:", interactionMethod);
                hotspotDetection = (HotspotDetection) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Hotspot detection method:", hotspotDetection);

                wizardMenu = (WizardMenu) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("GUI type:", wizardMenu);

            else if (pageNumber == 6)
                GUILayout.Label ("Congratulations, your game's Managers have been set up!");
                GUILayout.Space (5f);
                GUILayout.Label ("Your scene objects have also been organised for Adventure Creator to use. Your next step is to create and set your Player prefab, which you can assign in your Settings Manager.");
Esempio n. 2
        private void ShowPage()
   = true;

            if (pageNumber == 0)
                if (logo != null)
                GUILayout.Label("This window can help you get started with making a new Adventure Creator game.");
                GUILayout.Label("To begin, click 'Next'. Changes will not be implemented until you are finished.");

            else if (pageNumber == 1)
                GUILayout.Label("Enter a name for your game. This will be used for filenames, so alphanumeric characters only.");
                gameName = GUILayout.TextField(gameName);

            else if (pageNumber == 2)
                GUILayout.Label("What kind of perspective will your game have?");
                cameraPerspective_int = EditorGUILayout.Popup(cameraPerspective_int, cameraPerspective_list);

                if (cameraPerspective_int == 0)
                    GUILayout.Label("By default, 2D games are built entirely in the X-Z plane, and characters are scaled to achieve a depth effect.\nIf you prefer, you can position your characters in 3D space, so that they scale accurately due to camera perspective.");
                    screenSpace = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("I'll position my characters in 3D space", screenSpace);
                else if (cameraPerspective_int == 1)
                    GUILayout.Label("2.5D games mixes 3D characters with 2D backgrounds. By default, 2.5D games group several backgrounds into one scene, and swap them out according to the camera angle.\nIf you prefer, you can work with just one background in a scene, to create a more traditional 2D-like adventure.");
                    oneScenePerBackground = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("I'll work with one background per scene", oneScenePerBackground);
                else if (cameraPerspective_int == 2)
                    GUILayout.Label("3D games can still have sprite-based Characters, but having a true 3D environment is more flexible so far as Player control goes. How should your Player character be controlled?");
                    movementMethod = (MovementMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(movementMethod);

            else if (pageNumber == 3)
                if (cameraPerspective_int == 1 && !oneScenePerBackground)
                    GUILayout.Label("Do you want to play the game ONLY with a keyboard or controller?");
                    directControl = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Yes", directControl);
                else if (cameraPerspective_int == 2 && movementMethod == MovementMethod.Drag)
                    GUILayout.Label("Is your game designed for Touch-screen devices?");
                    touchScreen = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Yes", touchScreen);

                GUILayout.Label("How do you want to interact with Hotspots?");
                interactionMethod = (AC_InteractionMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(interactionMethod);
                if (interactionMethod == AC_InteractionMethod.ContextSensitive)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This method simplifies interactions to either Use, Examine, or Use Inventory. Hotspots can be interacted with in just one click.", MessageType.Info);
                else if (interactionMethod == AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseInteractionThenHotspot)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This method emulates the classic 'Sierra-style' interface, in which the player chooses from a list of verbs, and then the Hotspot they wish to interact with.", MessageType.Info);
                else if (interactionMethod == AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This method involves first choosing a Hotspot, and then from a range of available interactions, which can be customised in the Editor.", MessageType.Info);

            else if (pageNumber == 4)
                GUILayout.Label("Please choose what interface you would like to start with. It can be changed at any time - this is just to help you get started.");
                wizardMenu = (WizardMenu)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(wizardMenu);

            else if (pageNumber == 5)
                GUILayout.Label("The following values have been set based on your choices. Please review them and amend if necessary, then click 'Finish' to create your game template.");

                gameName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Game name:", gameName);
                cameraPerspective_int = (int)cameraPerspective;
                cameraPerspective_int = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Camera perspective:", cameraPerspective_int, cameraPerspective_list);
                cameraPerspective     = (CameraPerspective)cameraPerspective_int;

                if (cameraPerspective == CameraPerspective.TwoD)
                    movingTurning = (MovingTurning)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Moving and turning:", movingTurning);

                movementMethod    = (MovementMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Movement method:", movementMethod);
                inputMethod       = (InputMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Input method:", inputMethod);
                interactionMethod = (AC_InteractionMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Interaction method:", interactionMethod);
                hotspotDetection  = (HotspotDetection)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Hotspot detection method:", hotspotDetection);

                wizardMenu = (WizardMenu)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("GUI type:", wizardMenu);

            else if (pageNumber == 6)
                GUILayout.Label("Congratulations, your game's Managers have been set up!");
                GUILayout.Label("Your scene objects have also been organised for Adventure Creator to use. Your next step is to create and set your Player prefab, which you can assign in your Settings Manager.");
        private void ShowPage()
   = true;

            if (pageNumber == 0)
                if (Resource.ACLogo)
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(82, 25, 256, 128), Resource.ACLogo);
                GUILayout.Label("New Game Wizard", CustomStyles.managerHeader);

                GUILayout.Label("This window can help you get started with making a new Adventure Creator game.");
                GUILayout.Label("To begin, click 'Next'. Changes will not be implemented until you are finished.");

            else if (pageNumber == 1)
                GUILayout.Label("Enter a name for your game. This will be used for filenames, so alphanumeric characters only.");
                gameName = GUILayout.TextField(gameName);

            else if (pageNumber == 2)
                GUILayout.Label("What kind of perspective will your game have?");
                cameraPerspective_int = EditorGUILayout.Popup(cameraPerspective_int, cameraPerspective_list);

                if (cameraPerspective_int == 0)
                    GUILayout.Label("By default, 2D games are built entirely in the X-Z plane, and characters are scaled to achieve a depth effect.\nIf you prefer, you can position your characters in 3D space, so that they scale accurately due to camera perspective.");
                    screenSpace = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("I'll position my characters in 3D space", screenSpace);
                else if (cameraPerspective_int == 1)
                    GUILayout.Label("2.5D games mixes 3D characters with 2D backgrounds. By default, 2.5D games group several backgrounds into one scene, and swap them out according to the camera angle.\nIf you prefer, you can work with just one background in a scene, to create a more traditional 2D-like adventure.");
                    oneScenePerBackground = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("I'll work with one background per scene", oneScenePerBackground);
                else if (cameraPerspective_int == 2)
                    GUILayout.Label("3D games can still have sprite-based Characters, but having a true 3D environment is more flexible so far as Player control goes. How should your Player character be controlled?");
                    movementMethod = (MovementMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(movementMethod);

            else if (pageNumber == 3)
                if (cameraPerspective_int == 1 && !oneScenePerBackground)
                    GUILayout.Label("Do you want to play the game ONLY with a keyboard or controller?");
                    directControl = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Yes", directControl);
                else if (cameraPerspective_int == 2 && movementMethod == MovementMethod.Drag)
                    GUILayout.Label("Is your game designed for Touch-screen devices?");
                    touchScreen = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Yes", touchScreen);

                GUILayout.Label("How do you want to interact with Hotspots?");
                interactionMethod = (AC_InteractionMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(interactionMethod);
                if (interactionMethod == AC_InteractionMethod.ContextSensitive)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This method simplifies interactions to either Use, Examine, or Use Inventory. Hotspots can be interacted with in just one click.", MessageType.Info);
                else if (interactionMethod == AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseInteractionThenHotspot)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This method emulates the classic 'Sierra-style' interface, in which the player chooses from a list of verbs, and then the Hotspot they wish to interact with.", MessageType.Info);
                else if (interactionMethod == AC_InteractionMethod.ChooseHotspotThenInteraction)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This method involves first choosing a Hotspot, and then from a range of available interactions, which can be customised in the Editor.", MessageType.Info);
                else if (interactionMethod == AC_InteractionMethod.CustomScript)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("See the Manual's 'Custom interaction systems' section for information on how to trigger Hotspots and inventory items.", MessageType.Info);

            else if (pageNumber == 4)
                GUILayout.Label("Please choose what interface you would like to start with. It can be changed at any time - this is just to help you get started.");
                wizardMenu = (WizardMenu)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(wizardMenu);

                if (wizardMenu == WizardMenu.DefaultAC || wizardMenu == WizardMenu.DefaultUnityUI)
                    MenuManager    defaultMenuManager    = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(Resource.MainFolderPath + "/Default/Default_MenuManager.asset", typeof(MenuManager)) as MenuManager;
                    CursorManager  defaultCursorManager  = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(Resource.MainFolderPath + "/Default/Default_CursorManager.asset", typeof(CursorManager)) as CursorManager;
                    ActionsManager defaultActionsManager = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(Resource.MainFolderPath + "/Default/Default_ActionsManager.asset", typeof(ActionsManager)) as ActionsManager;

                    if (defaultMenuManager == null || defaultCursorManager == null || defaultActionsManager == null)
                        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Unable to locate the default Manager assets in '" + Resource.MainFolderPath + "/Default'. These assets must be imported in order to start with the default interface.", MessageType.Warning);

                if (wizardMenu == WizardMenu.Blank)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Your interface will be completely blank - no cursor icons will exist either.\r\n\r\nThis option is not recommended for those still learning how to use AC.", MessageType.Info);
                else if (wizardMenu == WizardMenu.DefaultAC)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This mode uses AC's built-in Menu system and not Unity UI.\r\n\r\nUnity UI prefabs will also be created for each Menu, however, so that you can make use of them later if you choose.", MessageType.Info);
                else if (wizardMenu == WizardMenu.DefaultUnityUI)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This mode relies on Unity UI to handle the interface.\r\n\r\nCopies of the UI prefabs will be stored in a UI subdirectory, for you to edit.", MessageType.Info);

            else if (pageNumber == 5)
                GUILayout.Label("The following values have been set based on your choices. Please review them and amend if necessary, then click 'Finish' to create your game template.");

                gameName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Game name:", gameName);
                cameraPerspective_int = (int)cameraPerspective;
                cameraPerspective_int = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Camera perspective:", cameraPerspective_int, cameraPerspective_list);
                cameraPerspective     = (CameraPerspective)cameraPerspective_int;

                if (cameraPerspective == CameraPerspective.TwoD)
                    movingTurning = (MovingTurning)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Moving and turning:", movingTurning);

                movementMethod    = (MovementMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Movement method:", movementMethod);
                inputMethod       = (InputMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Input method:", inputMethod);
                interactionMethod = (AC_InteractionMethod)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Interaction method:", interactionMethod);
                hotspotDetection  = (HotspotDetection)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Hotspot detection method:", hotspotDetection);

                wizardMenu = (WizardMenu)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("GUI type:", wizardMenu);

            else if (pageNumber == 6)
                GUILayout.Label("Congratulations, your game's Managers have been set up!");
                GUILayout.Label("Your next step is to create and set your Player prefab, which you can do using the Character Wizard.");
Esempio n. 4
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     wizardMenu = transform.parent.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <WizardMenu>();