void WalkMove() { var wishdir = WishVelocity.Normal; var wishspeed = WishVelocity.Length; WishVelocity = WishVelocity.WithZ(0); WishVelocity = WishVelocity.Normal * wishspeed; Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(0); Accelerate(wishdir, wishspeed, 0, Acceleration); Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(0); // Player.SetAnimParam( "forward", Input.Forward ); // Player.SetAnimParam( "sideward", Input.Right ); // Player.SetAnimParam( "wishspeed", wishspeed ); // Player.SetAnimParam( "walkspeed_scale", 2.0f / 190.0f ); // Player.SetAnimParam( "runspeed_scale", 2.0f / 320.0f ); // DebugOverlay.Text( 0, Pos + Vector3.Up * 100, $"forward: {Input.Forward}\nsideward: {Input.Right}" ); // Add in any base velocity to the current velocity. Velocity += BaseVelocity; try { if (Velocity.Length < 1.0f) { Velocity = Vector3.Zero; return; } // first try just moving to the destination var dest = (Position + Velocity * Time.Delta).WithZ(Position.z); var pm = TraceBBox(Position, dest); if (pm.Fraction == 1) { Position = pm.EndPos; StayOnGround(); return; } StepMove(); } finally { // Now pull the base velocity back out. Base velocity is set if you are on a moving object, like a conveyor (or maybe another monster?) Velocity -= BaseVelocity; } StayOnGround(); }
private void WalkMove() { var wishdir = WishVelocity.Normal; var wishspeed = WishVelocity.Length; WishVelocity = WishVelocity.WithZ(0); WishVelocity = WishVelocity.Normal * wishspeed; Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(0); Accelerate(wishdir, wishspeed, 0); Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(0); Velocity += BaseVelocity; try { if (Velocity.Length < 1.0f) { Velocity = Vector3.Zero; return; } var dest = (Pos + Velocity * Time.Delta).WithZ(Pos.z); var pm = TraceBBox(Pos, dest); if (pm.Fraction == 1) { Pos = pm.EndPos; StayOnGround(); return; } StepMove(); } finally { Velocity -= BaseVelocity; } StayOnGround(); }
public override void Simulate() { EyePosLocal = Vector3.Up * (EyeHeight * Pawn.Scale); UpdateBBox(); EyePosLocal += TraceOffset; EyeRot = Input.Rotation; RestoreGroundPos(); //Velocity += BaseVelocity * ( 1 + Time.Delta * 0.5f ); //BaseVelocity = Vector3.Zero; //Rot = Rotation.LookAt( Input.Rotation.Forward.WithZ( 0 ), Vector3.Up ); if (Unstuck.TestAndFix()) { return; } // Check Stuck // Unstuck - or return if stuck // Set Ground Entity to null if falling faster then 250 // store water level to compare later // if not on ground, store fall velocity // player->UpdateStepSound( player->m_pSurfaceData, mv->GetAbsOrigin(), mv->m_vecVelocity ) // RunLadderMode CheckLadder(); Swimming = Pawn.WaterLevel.Fraction > 0.6f; // // Start Gravity // if (!Swimming && !IsTouchingLadder) { Velocity -= new Vector3(0, 0, Gravity * 0.5f) * Time.Delta; Velocity += new Vector3(0, 0, BaseVelocity.z) * Time.Delta; BaseVelocity = BaseVelocity.WithZ(0); } /* * if (player->m_flWaterJumpTime) * { * WaterJump(); * TryPlayerMove(); * // See if we are still in water? * CheckWater(); * return; * } */ // if ( underwater ) do underwater movement if (Client != null && AutoJump ? Input.Down(InputButton.Jump) : Input.Pressed(InputButton.Jump)) { CheckJumpButton(); } // Fricion is handled before we add in any base velocity. That way, if we are on a conveyor, // we don't slow when standing still, relative to the conveyor. bool bStartOnGround = GroundEntity != null; //bool bDropSound = false; if (bStartOnGround) { //if ( Velocity.z < FallSoundZ ) bDropSound = true; Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(0); //player->m_Local.m_flFallVelocity = 0.0f; if (GroundEntity != null) { ApplyFriction(GroundFriction * SurfaceFriction); } } // // Work out wish velocity.. just take input, rotate it to view, clamp to -1, 1 // WishVelocity = Client != null ? new Vector3(Input.Forward, Input.Left, 0) : Vector3.Zero; var inSpeed = WishVelocity.Length.Clamp(0, 1); if (Client != null) { WishVelocity *= Input.Rotation; } if (!Swimming && !IsTouchingLadder) { WishVelocity = WishVelocity.WithZ(0); } WishVelocity = WishVelocity.Normal * inSpeed; WishVelocity *= GetWishSpeed(); Duck.PreTick(); bool bStayOnGround = false; if (Swimming) { ApplyFriction(1); WaterMove(); } else if (IsTouchingLadder) { LadderMove(); } else if (GroundEntity != null) { bStayOnGround = true; WalkMove(); } else { AirMove(); } CategorizePosition(bStayOnGround); // FinishGravity if (!Swimming && !IsTouchingLadder) { Velocity -= new Vector3(0, 0, Gravity * 0.5f) * Time.Delta; } if (GroundEntity != null) { Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(0); } // CheckFalling(); // fall damage etc // Land Sound // Swim Sounds SaveGroundPos(); if (Debug) { DebugOverlay.Box(Position + TraceOffset, mins, maxs, Color.Red); DebugOverlay.Box(Position, mins, maxs, Color.Blue); var lineOffset = 0; if (Host.IsServer) { lineOffset = 10; } DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 0, $" Position: {Position}"); DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 1, $" Velocity: {Velocity}"); DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 2, $" BaseVelocity: {BaseVelocity}"); DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 3, $" GroundEntity: {GroundEntity} [{GroundEntity?.Velocity}]"); DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 4, $" SurfaceFriction: {SurfaceFriction}"); DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 5, $" WishVelocity: {WishVelocity}"); } }