private void add_collider(WireSegment ws) { if (tmp_obj == null || collider == null) { return; } GameObject tmp_coll = Instantiate(collider); tmp_coll.transform.parent = tmp_obj.transform; Quaternion q = new Quaternion(); q.SetLookRotation(ws.diff.normalized, Vector3.up); // rotate it 90* on X Quaternion corrq = new Quaternion(); float theta = Mathf.PI * 0.5f; Vector3 axis = Vector3.right; corrq.SetAxisAngle(axis, theta); tmp_coll.transform.rotation = q * corrq; tmp_coll.transform.position = tmp_obj.transform.position + ws.start + ws.diff * 0.5f; tmp_coll.transform.localScale = new Vector3(collider_radius, ws.diff.magnitude * 0.5f, collider_radius); if (tag != "") { tmp_coll.tag = tag; } }
public static MaterialComposition MaterialComposition(this WireSegment wire) { if (wire == null) { BH.Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Cannot query the material composition of a null wire segment."); return(null); } if (wire.SectionProperty == null) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError("The Duct MaterialComposition could not be calculated as no SectionProperty has been assigned."); return(null); } List <Material> materials = null; List <double> ratios = null; materials = new List <Material>() { wire.SectionProperty.ConductiveMaterial, wire.SectionProperty.InsulationMaterial }; ratios = new List <double>() { wire.SectionProperty.ElementSolidArea, wire.SectionProperty.InsulationSolidArea }; return(Matter.Create.MaterialComposition(materials, ratios)); }
private Vector3 AdjustSegmentPosition(WireSegment segment, Vector3 newPosition) { #if false Vector3 direction = segment.transform.position - newPosition; Ray ray = new Ray(segment.transform.position, -direction.normalized); int result = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(ray, hits, direction.magnitude); for (int i = 0; i < result; ++i) { RaycastHit hit = hits[i]; if (hit.collider.GetComponent <Plug>()) { continue; } if (hit.collider.gameObject.layer == 8) { newPosition = hit.point + (hit.normal * direction.magnitude); break; } } #endif return(new Vector3(newPosition.x, newPosition.y, 0)); }
public Wire(List <WireData> pieces) { Pieces = pieces; var position = new Point(0, 0); foreach (var piece in pieces) { var start = new Point(position.X, position.Y); switch (piece.Direction) { case "U": position.Y += piece.Amount; break; case "D": position.Y -= piece.Amount; break; case "R": position.X += piece.Amount; break; case "L": position.X -= piece.Amount; break; } var segment = new WireSegment(start, position); Segments.Add(segment); } }
public static void AddWireSegment(Point16 point, int color) { PointHighlight = point; WireSegment segment; if (!WireHighlight.TryGetValue(point, out segment)) { if (WireHighlight.Count > maxWireVisual) { return; } segment = new WireSegment(); WireHighlight.Add(point, segment); } switch (color) { case 1: = true; break; case 2: = true; break; case 3: = true; break; case 4: segment.yellow = true; break; } }
private void AdjustConstraint() { wireSegments[0].transform.position = plugs[0].transform.position; wireSegments[wireSegments.Count - 1].transform.position = plugs[1].transform.position; for (int i = 0; i < wireSegments.Count - 1; ++i) { WireSegment segment1 = wireSegments[i]; WireSegment segment2 = wireSegments[i + 1]; float distance = (segment1.transform.position - segment2.transform.position).magnitude; float difference = Mathf.Abs(distance - SegmentLength); Vector2 direction =; if (distance > SegmentLength) { direction = (segment1.transform.position - segment2.transform.position).normalized; } else if (distance < SegmentLength) { direction = (segment2.transform.position - segment1.transform.position).normalized; } Vector3 movement = direction * difference; segment1.transform.position = AdjustSegmentPosition(segment1, segment1.transform.position - (movement * 0.5f)); segment2.transform.position = AdjustSegmentPosition(segment2, segment2.transform.position + (movement * 0.5f)); } }
public bool IntersectsWith(WireSegment wire, out Point intersectionPoint) { int x = 0; int y = 0; if ((wire.From.X == wire.To.X) && (this.From.Y == this.To.Y)) { x = wire.From.X; y = this.From.Y; } else if ((wire.From.Y == wire.To.Y) && (this.From.X == this.To.X)) { x = this.From.X; y = wire.From.Y; } intersectionPoint = new Point(x, y); if (x == 0 && y == 0) { return(false); } return(wire.IntersectsWith(intersectionPoint) && this.IntersectsWith(intersectionPoint)); }
private static Segment CreateSegment(Point startingPoint, WireSegment wire, int steps) { var segment = new Segment { FirstPoint = startingPoint, Steps = steps }; var secondPoint = new Point(startingPoint.X, startingPoint.Y); switch (wire.MoveDirection) { case WireSegment.Direction.Up: secondPoint.Y += wire.Distance; break; case WireSegment.Direction.Down: secondPoint.Y -= wire.Distance; break; case WireSegment.Direction.Right: secondPoint.X += wire.Distance; break; case WireSegment.Direction.Left: secondPoint.X -= wire.Distance; break; } segment.SecondPoint = secondPoint; return(segment); }
public void OnSegmentHoriz() { var segment = new WireSegment(new Point(0, 0), new Point(5, 0)); Assert.IsTrue(segment.ContainsPoint(segment.min), "Start point on segment"); Assert.IsTrue(segment.ContainsPoint(new Point(3, 0)), "Mid point on segment"); Assert.IsTrue(segment.ContainsPoint(segment.max), "End point on segment"); }
public void CreateRelative() { var segment = new WireSegment(new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 5)); var segment2 = segment.CreateRelative(new Point(5, 0)); Assert.AreEqual(segment2.min, segment.max, "First Point"); Assert.AreEqual(new Point(5, 5), segment2.max, "Second Point"); }
public void Contains() { var segment = new WireSegment(new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 5)); var segment2 = new WireSegment(new Point(0, 3), new Point(0, 5)); Assert.IsTrue(segment.Contains(segment2)); Assert.IsFalse(segment2.Contains(segment)); }
public void Intersect() { var segment = new WireSegment(new Point(0, 0), new Point(5, 0)); var segment2 = new WireSegment(new Point(3, -2), new Point(3, 5)); var i = segment.Intersect(segment2, out var intr); Assert.IsTrue(i, "Interescted"); Assert.AreEqual(new Point(3, 0), intr, "Interesction Point"); }
public void GetOverlapHoriz() { var segment = new WireSegment(new Point(0, 0), new Point(5, 0)); var segment2 = new WireSegment(new Point(3, 0), new Point(8, 0)); var segment3 = new WireSegment(new Point(3, 0), new Point(5, 0)); var overlap = segment.GetOverlap(segment2); Assert.AreEqual(segment2.min, overlap.min, "Start Point"); Assert.AreEqual(segment.max, overlap.max, "End Point"); overlap = segment.GetOverlap(segment3); Assert.AreEqual(segment3.min, overlap.min, "Contaiend Start"); Assert.AreEqual(segment3.max, overlap.max, "Contaiend End"); }
public void IntersectOverlappedVert() { var segment = new WireSegment(new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 5)); var segment2 = new WireSegment(new Point(0, 3), new Point(0, 7)); var i = segment.Intersect(segment2, out var intr); Assert.IsTrue(i, "Interescted"); Assert.AreEqual(new Point(0, 3), intr, "Interesction Point"); i = segment2.Intersect(segment, out intr); Assert.IsTrue(i, "Interescted 2"); Assert.AreEqual(new Point(0, 3), intr, "Interesction Point 2"); }
public WireSegment GetOverlap(WireSegment other) { if (Vertical) { if (other.Contains(this)) { return(this); } else if (Contains(other)) { return(other); } if (max.Y >= other.min.Y && min.Y <= other.min.Y && max.Y <= other.max.Y) { return(new WireSegment(other.min, max)); } else if (max.Y >= other.max.Y && min.Y >= other.min.Y && min.Y <= other.max.Y) { return(new WireSegment(min, other.max)); } else { throw new Exception("No Overlap"); } } else { if (other.Contains(this)) { return(this); } else if (Contains(other)) { return(other); } if (max.X >= other.min.X && min.X <= other.min.X && max.X <= other.max.X) { return(new WireSegment(other.min, max)); } else if (max.X >= other.max.X && min.X >= other.min.X && min.X <= other.max.X) { return(new WireSegment(min, other.max)); } else { throw new Exception("No Overlap"); } } }
private List <WireSegment> CreateWireSegments(string str) { var wireSegments = new List <WireSegment>(); var wireMovements = str.Split(','); var fromPoint = new Point(0, 0); for (var i = 0; i < wireMovements.Length; i++) { var wireSegment = new WireSegment(fromPoint, wireMovements[i]); wireSegments.Add(wireSegment); fromPoint = wireSegment.To; } return(wireSegments); }
public bool Contains(WireSegment other) { if (Vertical != other.Vertical) { return(false); } if (Vertical) { return(min.Y <= other.min.Y && max.Y >= other.max.Y); } else { return(min.X <= other.min.X && max.X >= other.max.X); } }
public static double SolidVolume(this WireSegment wireSegment) { double length = wireSegment.Length(); double elementSolidArea = wireSegment.SectionProperty.ElementSolidArea; double insulationSolidArea = wireSegment.SectionProperty.InsulationSolidArea; double liningSolidArea = wireSegment.SectionProperty.LiningSolidArea; if (length <= 0) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError("Cannot query SolidVolume from zero length members."); return(double.NaN); } if (wireSegment.SectionProperty.SectionProfile.ElementProfile == null) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("No ElementProfile detected for object " + wireSegment.BHoM_Guid); } if (wireSegment.SectionProperty.SectionProfile.InsulationProfile == null) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("No InsulationProfile detected for object " + wireSegment.BHoM_Guid); } if (wireSegment.SectionProperty.SectionProfile.LiningProfile == null) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("No LiningProfile detected for object " + wireSegment.BHoM_Guid); } if (elementSolidArea <= 0) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordNote("ElementSolidArea is 0. Returning 0 for ElementSolidVolume."); } if (insulationSolidArea <= 0) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordNote("InsulationSolidArea is 0. Returning 0 for LiningSolidVolume."); } if (liningSolidArea <= 0) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordNote("LiningSolidArea is 0. Returning 0 for InsulationSolidVolume."); } return((length * elementSolidArea) + (length * insulationSolidArea) + (length * liningSolidArea)); }
public static Output <double, double, double> CompositeSolidVolumes(this WireSegment wire) { double length = wire.Length(); double elementSolidVolume = wire.SectionProperty.ElementSolidArea * length; double insulationSolidVolume = wire.SectionProperty.InsulationSolidArea * length; double liningSolidVolume = wire.SectionProperty.LiningSolidArea * length; if (wire.SectionProperty == null) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordError("No section property defined."); return(null); } //Negative LiningThickness Warning if (wire.SectionProperty.LiningSolidArea < 0) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordWarning("LiningSolidArea is a negative value, and will result in incorrect SolidVolume results. Try adjusting LiningThickness to produce a positive value for SolidArea."); } //SolidArea = 0 user feedback. if (wire.SectionProperty.ElementSolidArea <= 0) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordNote("ElementSolidArea is 0. Returning 0 for ElementSolidVolume."); } if (wire.SectionProperty.LiningSolidArea <= 0) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordNote("LiningSolidArea is 0. Returning 0 for LiningSolidVolume."); } if (wire.SectionProperty.InsulationSolidArea <= 0) { Engine.Reflection.Compute.RecordNote("InsulationSolidArea is 0. Returning 0 for InsulationSolidVolume."); } Output <double, double, double> output = new Output <double, double, double> { Item1 = elementSolidVolume, Item2 = insulationSolidVolume, Item3 = liningSolidVolume, }; return(output); }
private void FindDistances2(List <WireSegment> wire1, List <WireSegment> wire2) { int distanceToIntersection = 0; foreach (var wireSegment1 in wire1) { foreach (var wireSegment2 in wire2) { if (wireSegment1.IntersectsWith(wireSegment2, out var intersection)) { var intersectionLength = new WireSegment(wireSegment1.From, intersection).Length; DistancesByIntersections.TryGetValue(intersection, out int totalDistance); DistancesByIntersections[intersection] = totalDistance + distanceToIntersection + intersectionLength; } } distanceToIntersection += wireSegment1.Length; } }
void Awake() { Assert.IsNotNull(plugs[0]); Assert.IsNotNull(plugs[1]); plugs[0].wire = this; plugs[1].wire = this; Vector3 start = plugs[0].transform.position; Vector3 end = plugs[1].transform.position; Vector3 direction = end - start; int totalSegments = Mathf.CeilToInt((extraLength + direction.magnitude) / SegmentLength); float adjustedSegmentLength = direction.magnitude / totalSegments; direction = direction.normalized; for (int i = 0; i < totalSegments; ++i) { WireSegment node = (GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("WireSegment") as GameObject)).GetComponent <WireSegment>(); node.transform.position = start; node.previousPosition = start; wireSegments.Add(node); start += direction * adjustedSegmentLength; } Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("Unlit/VertexColor")); lineRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(LineRenderer)) as LineRenderer; lineRenderer.startWidth = LineWidth; lineRenderer.endWidth = LineWidth; lineRenderer.startColor = Color.white; lineRenderer.endColor = Color.white; lineRenderer.material = material; segmentPositions = new Vector3[totalSegments]; }
public bool IsPointNearSegment(WireSegment segment, DiagramPoint p, float threshold) { return(false); }
public void AddWireEnding(WireSegment segment) { Extend(ref wiresEnding, segment); }
public void AddWireContaining(WireSegment segment) { Extend(ref wiresContaining, segment); }
public static void CheckForMerges(ILayoutAccess lo, LayoutWiringPoints wireData, IEnumerable <Location> toCheck) { HashSet <Location> done = new HashSet <Location>(); HashSet <WireSegment> toMerge = new HashSet <WireSegment>(); List <WireSegment> w0s = new List <WireSegment>(); List <WireSegment> w1s = new List <WireSegment>(); foreach (Location loc in toCheck) { if (!done.Contains(loc) && !wireData.IsPortAt(loc)) { done.Add(loc); WireSegment w0 = null; WireSegment w1 = null; bool moreFound = false; foreach (WireSegment w in wireData.GetWiresEndingAt(loc)) { if (w0 == null) { w0 = w; } else if (w1 == null) { w1 = w; } else { moreFound = true; break; } } if (!moreFound && w1 != null && w0.IsCollinear(w1, Constants.GRID_SIZE)) { w0s.Add(w0); w1s.Add(w1); toMerge.Add(w0); toMerge.Add(w1); } } } UnionFind <WireSegment> uf = new UnionFind <WireSegment>(toMerge); for (int i = 0; i < w0s.Count; i++) { uf[w0s[i]].Unite(uf[w1s[i]]); } foreach (UnionFindNode <WireSegment> root in uf.Roots) { List <Location> locs = new List <Location>(); foreach (UnionFindNode <WireSegment> member in root.GetSetMembers()) { WireSegment w = member.Value; lo.RemoveWire(w); locs.Add(w.End0); locs.Add(w.End1); } locs.Sort(Location.XComparer); lo.AddWire(locs[0], locs[locs.Count - 1]); } }
/// <summary> /// Auto layout the branch of the given wire, of which the termianl is a part. /// </summary> /// <param name="segment">The segment.</param> /// <param name="wire">The wire.</param> public void CleanUpBranch(WireSegment segment, Wire wire) { }
public void VisitWireSegment(WireSegment wireSegment) { }
public DiagramPoint GetNearestPointOnSegment(WireSegment segment, DiagramPoint p) { return(new DiagramPoint()); }
private static void AddWireSegment(ILayoutAccess lo, LayoutWiringPoints wiringData, WireSegment proposedSeg) { Location loc0 = proposedSeg.End0; Location loc1 = proposedSeg.End1; Dictionary <WireSegment, Location?> intersects = new Dictionary <WireSegment, Location?>(); List <Location> breaks = new List <Location>(); foreach (WireSegment w in wiringData.GetWiresContaining(loc0)) { intersects[w] = intersects.ContainsKey(w) ? (Location?)null : loc0; } foreach (WireSegment w in wiringData.GetWiresContaining(loc1)) { intersects[w] = intersects.ContainsKey(w) ? (Location?)null : loc1; } foreach (Location loc in proposedSeg.GetLocationsOnWire(Constants.GRID_SIZE, false)) { foreach (WireSegment w in wiringData.GetWiresEndingAt(loc)) { intersects[w] = intersects.ContainsKey(w) ? (Location?)null : loc; } if (wiringData.IsPortAt(loc)) { breaks.Add(loc); } } List <WireSegment> toRemove = new List <WireSegment>(); List <WireSegment> toAdd = new List <WireSegment>(); List <Location> endpoints = new List <Location>(); endpoints.Add(loc0); endpoints.Add(loc1); foreach (WireSegment w in intersects.Keys) { Location?intersect = intersects[w]; if (!intersect.HasValue) // segment crosses both endpoints - delete subsegment { toRemove.Add(w); } else if (w.IsCollinear(proposedSeg, Constants.GRID_SIZE)) { toRemove.Add(w); endpoints.Add(w.End0); endpoints.Add(w.End1); } else // segment crosses over this one - maybe we should split it { Location at = intersect.Value; breaks.Add(at); if (at != w.End0 && at != w.End1) { toRemove.Add(w); toAdd.Add(new WireSegment(w.End0, at)); toAdd.Add(new WireSegment(at, w.End1)); } } } endpoints.Sort(Location.XComparer); breaks.Add(endpoints[0]); breaks.Add(endpoints[endpoints.Count - 1]); breaks.Sort(Location.XComparer); Location cur = breaks[0]; foreach (Location loc in breaks) { if (cur != loc) { toAdd.Add(new WireSegment(cur, loc)); cur = loc; } } foreach (WireSegment seg in toRemove) { lo.RemoveWire(seg); } foreach (WireSegment seg in toAdd) { lo.AddWire(seg.End0, seg.End1); } }
public bool Intersect(WireSegment other, out Point intersection) { if (Vertical) { if (!other.Vertical) //Other Horizontal { var potInt = new Point(min.X, other.min.Y); if (potInt == default) { intersection = default; return(false); } if (ContainsPoint(potInt) && other.ContainsPoint(potInt)) { intersection = potInt; return(true); } else { intersection = default; return(false); } } else //Both { if (min.X != other.min.X) { intersection = default; return(false); } else { var overlap = GetOverlap(other); if (overlap.min.ManhattanMagnitude() < overlap.max.ManhattanMagnitude()) { intersection = overlap.min == default ? overlap.max : overlap.min; } else { intersection = overlap.max == default ? overlap.min : overlap.max; } if (intersection == default) { return(false); } return(true); } } } else { if (!other.Vertical) //Other Horizontal { if (min.Y != other.min.Y) { intersection = default; return(false); } var overlap = GetOverlap(other); if (overlap.min.ManhattanMagnitude() < overlap.max.ManhattanMagnitude()) { intersection = overlap.min == default ? overlap.max : overlap.min; } else { intersection = overlap.max == default ? overlap.min : overlap.max; } if (intersection == default) { return(false); } return(true); } else { return(other.Intersect(this, out intersection)); } } }