public void When_A_New_Socket_Can_Not_Connect_Should_Notify_An_Abort_Via_Dispatcher() { // use always IP addresses or a valid and resolvable DNS entry, otherwise the problem will be a DNS error instead a TCP one. //Keep in mind that if the hostname could not be resolved, the first error will be a DNS, not a TCP. string unavailableService = ""; string unavailableServiceUrl = "http://" + unavailableService; var cancel = new CancellationToken(); var events = new List <Message>(); var dispatcherMoq = WatcherTest.PrepareMock(events); var winsock = new WinsockWatcher(dispatcherMoq.Object); //act winsock.StartWatching(cancel); Thread.Sleep(2000); //now we force a tcp connection to nowhere CallService(unavailableServiceUrl); //give some room to ETW to raise the Tcp Event Thread.Sleep(4000); WatcherTest.AssertSendCalled(dispatcherMoq, Times.AtLeastOnce()); WatcherTest.AssertExpectedEventSent(events, WinsockWatcher.ABORT, string.Empty); }
public void When_A_New_Socket_Connects_Should_Notify_An_Connect_Via_Dispatcher() { var cancel = new CancellationToken(); var events = new List <Message>(); var dispatcherMoq = WatcherTest.PrepareMock(events); var winsock = new WinsockWatcher(dispatcherMoq.Object); //act winsock.StartWatching(cancel); //give some room to ETW to raise the Tcp Event Thread.Sleep(4000); CreateSocketListener(cancel); Connect(); WatcherTest.AssertSendCalled(dispatcherMoq, Times.AtLeastOnce()); WatcherTest.AssertExpectedEventSent(events, WinsockWatcher.CONNECT, string.Empty); }