public static WindowsGraphics FromGraphics(Graphics g, ApplyGraphicsProperties properties) { Debug.Assert(g != null, "null Graphics object."); //Debug.Assert( properties != ApplyGraphicsProperties.None, "Consider using other WindowsGraphics constructor if not preserving Graphics properties." ); WindowsRegion wr = null; float[] elements = null; Region clipRgn = null; Matrix worldTransf = null; if ((properties & ApplyGraphicsProperties.TranslateTransform) != 0 || (properties & ApplyGraphicsProperties.Clipping) != 0) { if (g.GetContextInfo() is object[] data && data.Length == 2) { clipRgn = data[0] as Region; worldTransf = data[1] as Matrix; } if (worldTransf != null) { if ((properties & ApplyGraphicsProperties.TranslateTransform) != 0) { elements = worldTransf.Elements; } worldTransf.Dispose(); } if (clipRgn != null) { if ((properties & ApplyGraphicsProperties.Clipping) != 0) { // We have to create the WindowsRegion and dipose the Region object before locking the Graphics object, // in case of an unlikely exception before releasing the WindowsRegion, the finalizer will do it for us. // (no try-finally block since this method is used frequently - perf). // If the Graphics.Clip has not been set (Region.IsInfinite) we don't need to apply it to the DC. if (!clipRgn.IsInfinite(g)) { wr = WindowsRegion.FromRegion(clipRgn, g); // WindowsRegion will take ownership of the hRegion. } } clipRgn.Dispose(); // Disposing the Region object doesn't destroy the hRegion. } } WindowsGraphics wg = WindowsGraphics.FromHdc(g.GetHdc()); // This locks the Graphics object. = g; // Apply transform and clip if (wr != null) { using (wr) { // If the Graphics object was created from a native DC the actual clipping region is the intersection // beteween the original DC clip region and the GDI+ one - for display Graphics it is the same as // Graphics.VisibleClipBounds. wg.DeviceContext.IntersectClip(wr); } } if (elements != null) { // elements (XFORM) = [eM11, eM12, eM21, eM22, eDx, eDy], eDx/eDy specify the translation offset. wg.DeviceContext.TranslateTransform((int)elements[4], (int)elements[5]); } return(wg); }