public NoiseVocoder(
            IBGCStream stream,
            double freqLowerBound            = 20.0,
            double freqUpperBound            = 16000.0,
            int bandCount                    = 22,
            int fftSize                      = 4096,
            int overlapRatio                 = 4,
            TransformRMSBehavior rmsBehavior = TransformRMSBehavior.Passthrough,
            Random randomizer                = null)
            : base(stream)
            if (stream.Channels != 1)
                throw new StreamCompositionException(
                          $"Noise Vocoder requires a mono input stream. Input stream has {stream.Channels} channels.");

            this.fftSize      = fftSize;
            this.overlapRatio = overlapRatio;
            stepSize          = fftSize / overlapRatio;
            overlapSize       = fftSize - stepSize;

            inputBuffer        = new float[fftSize];
            noiseBuffer        = new double[fftSize];
            outputAccumulation = new double[fftSize];
            cachedSampleBuffer = new float[stepSize];

            noiseFFTBuffer  = new Complex64[fftSize];
            signalFFTBuffer = new Complex64[fftSize];

            amplitudeBuffers = new Complex64[bandCount][];
            noiseBandBuffers = new Complex64[bandCount][];

            for (int i = 0; i < bandCount; i++)
                amplitudeBuffers[i] = new Complex64[fftSize];
                noiseBandBuffers[i] = new Complex64[fftSize];

            initialized = false;

            noiseScalarA = Math.Sqrt(1.0 / 3.0);
            noiseScalarB = 2.0 * noiseScalarA;

            double[] windowTemplate = Windowing.GetHalfWindow64(Windowing.Function.BlackmanHarris, fftSize / 2);

            window = new double[fftSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < fftSize / 2; i++)
                window[i] = windowTemplate[i];
                window[fftSize - i - 1] = windowTemplate[i];

            this.randomizer  = randomizer ?? new Random(CustomRandom.Next());
            this.rmsBehavior = rmsBehavior;

            bandFrequencies = GetExponentialDistribution(freqLowerBound, freqUpperBound, bandCount).ToArray();

            outputFactor = 0.5 * Math.Sqrt(fftSize) / overlapRatio;
Esempio n. 2
        public AnalyticStreamWindower(
            IAnalyticStream stream,
            Windowing.Function function,
            double totalDuration             = double.NaN,
            int smoothingSamples             = 1000,
            int sampleOffset                 = 0,
            TransformRMSBehavior rmsBehavior = TransformRMSBehavior.Passthrough)
            : base(stream)
            if (sampleOffset > stream.Samples)
                Debug.LogError("Requested a sampleOffset larger than clip length");
                sampleOffset = 0;

            this.sampleOffset = sampleOffset;

            if (!double.IsNaN(totalDuration))
                Samples = Math.Min(
                    (int)(totalDuration * SamplingRate),
                    stream.Samples - sampleOffset);
                Samples = stream.Samples - sampleOffset;

            this.rmsBehavior = rmsBehavior;

            smoothingSamples = Math.Min(smoothingSamples, Samples / 2);

            window = Windowing.GetHalfWindow64(function, smoothingSamples);

            endOpeningWindow   = smoothingSamples;
            startClosingWindow = Samples - smoothingSamples;

Esempio n. 3
        public Vocoder(
            IBGCStream stream,
            IBGCStream carrierStream,
            double freqLowerBound            = 50.0,
            double freqUpperBound            = 16000.0,
            int bandCount                    = 22,
            int fftSize                      = 4096,
            int overlapRatio                 = 4,
            TransformRMSBehavior rmsBehavior = TransformRMSBehavior.Passthrough)
            : base(stream)
            if (stream.Channels != 1)
                throw new StreamCompositionException(
                          $"Vocoder requires a mono input stream. Input stream has {stream.Channels} channels.");

            if (carrierStream.Channels != 1)
                throw new StreamCompositionException(
                          $"Vocoder requires a mono carrier stream. Carrier stream has {carrierStream.Channels} channels.");

            if (stream.SamplingRate != carrierStream.SamplingRate)
                throw new StreamCompositionException(
                          $"Vocoder requires the sampling rate of the stream and carrierStream to match. {stream.SamplingRate} vs {carrierStream.SamplingRate}.");

            this.carrierStream = carrierStream;

            this.fftSize      = fftSize;
            this.overlapRatio = overlapRatio;
            stepSize          = fftSize / overlapRatio;
            overlapSize       = fftSize - stepSize;

            inputBuffer        = new float[fftSize];
            carrierBuffer      = new float[fftSize];
            outputAccumulation = new double[fftSize];
            cachedSampleBuffer = new float[stepSize];

            carrierFFTBuffer = new Complex64[fftSize];
            signalFFTBuffer  = new Complex64[fftSize];

            amplitudeBuffers   = new Complex64[bandCount][];
            carrierBandBuffers = new Complex64[bandCount][];

            for (int i = 0; i < bandCount; i++)
                amplitudeBuffers[i]   = new Complex64[fftSize];
                carrierBandBuffers[i] = new Complex64[fftSize];

            initialized = false;

            double[] windowTemplate = Windowing.GetHalfWindow64(Windowing.Function.BlackmanHarris, fftSize / 2);

            window = new double[fftSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < fftSize / 2; i++)
                window[i] = windowTemplate[i];
                window[fftSize - i - 1] = windowTemplate[i];

            this.rmsBehavior = rmsBehavior;

            bandFrequencies = GetExponentialDistribution(freqLowerBound, freqUpperBound, bandCount).ToArray();

            outputFactor = 0.5 * Math.Sqrt(fftSize) / overlapRatio;