private void ProcessSetter() { List <IntPtr> processes = WindowManagement.FindWindowsWithText(ProcessName.Text.Trim(), true); if (processes.Count > 0) { procSet = true; PrcNameLbl.Text = "Window Title Name: Set"; } else { MessageBox.Show("No windows were found with \"" + ProcessName.Text.Trim() + "\" in the title"); PrcNameLbl.Text = "Window Title Name: Not Set"; ProcessName.Text = "Enter the window title"; procSet = false; } }
private void _DisplayErrorLabel() { this._Page.PageTitle = _Page.PageTitle + " (" + RsViewEngine.Locale.GetTagText("error") + ")"; this.SuspendLayout(); _ErrorLabel = new Label(); _ErrorLabel.Name = "lErrorLabel"; _ErrorLabel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 200, 200); _ErrorLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; _ErrorLabel.Text = RsViewEngine.Locale.GetTagText("appCrashedNotify"); _ErrorLabel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; _ErrorLabel.Location = new Point(0, 0); _ErrorLabel.Size = new Size(this.ClientRectangle.Width, this.ClientRectangle.Height); _ErrorLabel.Font = RsViewEngine.TitleFont; _ErrorLabel.Anchor = (AnchorStyles)(AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom); this.Controls.Add(_ErrorLabel); _ErrorLabel.BringToFront(); this.ResumeLayout(); WindowManagement.SetParent(_ChildHandle, 0); }
private void Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Directory.GetFiles(SelectectedFolder.Text, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show("In order to work properly Book Snatcher needs to save to an empty folder" + NL() + "Please create a new folder to use"); SelectectedFolder.Text = "Choose a folder for the screenshots to go"; } else if (started == false && (Directory.GetFiles(SelectectedFolder.Text, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Length < 1)) { started = true; if (WindowManagement.FindWindowsWithText(ProcessName.Text.Trim(), true).Count > 0) { readerhWnd = WindowManagement.FindWindowsWithText(ProcessName.Text.Trim(), true)[0]; } else { MessageBox.Show("No windows with \"" + ProcessName.Text.Trim() + "\" in the title were found"); return; } this.Width = 548; i = 1; HowDoIScreenShotted(); SetForegroundWindow(this.Handle); if (i == numberOfPages + 1) { MessageBox.Show("Done!" + NL() + numberOfPages.ToString() + " screenshots." + NL() + "Saved to: " + SelectectedFolder.Text); started = false; Tracker(); this.Width = 473; } } }
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { bool lDecTimeout = false; switch (m.Msg) { case Messaging.WM_REGISTERACCEPTED: _Timer.Enabled = true; break; case Messaging.WM_PARENTRESIZED: if (EmbeddedApplication != null) { Rect lRect; WindowManagement.GetClientRect(EmbeddedApplication.Handle, out lRect); this.Size = new Size(lRect.Width, lRect.Height); } break; case RSAppMessages.WM_PRINT: if (opened) { if (!_offline) { ctlViewer.PrintReport(); } else { _pdfCtl.Print(); } } break; case RSAppMessages.WM_REFRESH: DoRefresh(); break; case RSAppMessages.WM_MAIL: DoSendEmail(); break; case RSAppMessages.WM_OFFLINE: if (_offline) { DoOnline(); } else { DoOffline(); } break; case RSAppMessages.WM_THUMB: switch ((int)(m.WParam)) { case RSAppMessages.EX_FIRST: DoFirstPage(); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_PREV: DoPrevPage(); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_NEXT: DoNextPage(); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_LAST: DoLastPage(); break; } break; case RSAppMessages.WM_ZOOM: switch ((int)(m.WParam)) { case RSAppMessages.EX_SET: DoZoom((int)(m.LParam)); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_GET: Messaging.PostMessage(EmbeddedApplication.Handle, RSAppMessages.WM_ZOOM, RSAppMessages.EX_SET, _Zoom); break; } break; case RSAppMessages.WM_GROUP: switch ((int)(m.WParam)) { case RSAppMessages.EX_SHOW: DoShowGroup(true); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_HIDE: DoShowGroup(false); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_GET: Messaging.PostMessage(EmbeddedApplication.Handle, RSAppMessages.WM_GROUP, (uint)getGroupState(), 0); break; } break; case RSAppMessages.WM_UI: uint aFlags = RSAppMessages.EncodeEmbedded(this); Messaging.PostMessage(EmbeddedApplication.Handle, RSAppMessages.WM_UI, aFlags, 0); break; case RSAppMessages.WM_EXPORT: switch ((int)(m.WParam)) { case RSAppMessages.EX_PDF: DoExportPDF(); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_XLS: DoExportExcel(); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_XLS_DATAONLY: DoExportToExcelDataOnly(); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_DOC: DoExportWord(); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_XML: DoExportXML(); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_HTM32: DoExportHTML32(); break; case RSAppMessages.EX_HTM40: DoExportHTML40(); break; } break; default: lDecTimeout = true; base.WndProc(ref m); break; } if (!lDecTimeout) { _timeout = RsViewEngine.ProfileManager.Profile.Settings.Offline.Timeout * 60; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); if (args != null && args.Length != 0) { cmdArgs tmpArgs = new cmdArgs(args); string WaitForWindowName = string.Empty; bool WaitForForeGroundWindow = false; int WaitTimeOut = -1; DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; if (tmpArgs.ArgExists("WindowName")) { WaitForWindowName = tmpArgs.Values[tmpArgs.FindArgPos("WindowName")]; } if (tmpArgs.ArgExists("ForeGroundWindowName")) { WaitForWindowName = tmpArgs.Values[tmpArgs.FindArgPos("ForeGroundWindowName")]; WaitForForeGroundWindow = true; } if (tmpArgs.ArgExists("WaitTimeOut")) { int.TryParse(tmpArgs.Values[tmpArgs.FindArgPos("WaitTimeOut")], out WaitTimeOut); } if (WaitForWindowName != string.Empty) { IntPtr tmpFoundWindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero; WindowManagement.GetHandleFromPartialCaption(ref tmpFoundWindowHandle, WaitForWindowName); while (tmpFoundWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero || (WaitForForeGroundWindow && WindowManagement.GetForegroundWindow() != tmpFoundWindowHandle)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); WindowManagement.GetHandleFromPartialCaption(ref tmpFoundWindowHandle, WaitForWindowName); if (WaitTimeOut != -1) { TimeSpan tmpSpan = DateTime.Now - startTime; if (WaitTimeOut <= tmpSpan.TotalMilliseconds) { System.Environment.Exit(1); } } } } } System.Environment.Exit(0); }