private static bool LoadWinds(Dictionary <int, WindInfo> Winds) { int[] windID = WindMgr.WindID; for (int i = 0; i < windID.Length; i++) { int num = windID[i]; WindInfo windInfo = new WindInfo(); byte[] array = WindMgr.CreateVane(WindMgr.fontWind[num]); if (array == null || array.Length <= 0) { if (WindMgr.log.IsErrorEnabled) { WindMgr.log.Error("Load Wind Error!"); } return(false); } windInfo.WindID = num; windInfo.WindPic = array; if (!Winds.ContainsKey(num)) { Winds.Add(num, windInfo); } } return(true); }
private void Awake() { Wind = new WindInfo { Direction = Vector2.up, Strength = 1 }; }
private async void updateWind(object sender, EventArgs e) { WindService service = new WindService(); WindInfo x = await service.getCurrentWindInfo(); strength.Text = x.strength.ToString(); windImg.Source = x.icon; await windImg.RotateTo(90 + x.direction); }
public WindModifier(ModifierInfo info, Entity casterEntity, Entity targetEntity, Environment environment, CollectionOfInteractions modifierInteractionCollection) : base(info, casterEntity, targetEntity, environment, modifierInteractionCollection) { = (WindInfo)info; targetMovementComponent = targetEntity.GetComponent <MovementComponent>(); casterMovementComponent = casterEntity.GetComponent <MovementComponent>(); duration =; }
/** * Updates the wind icon using the given information * windInfo : information about the wind */ public async Task UpdateWindServiceUI(WindInfo windInfo) { try { forceVent.Text = windInfo.strength + " km/h"; await windImg.RotateTo(90 + windInfo.direction); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public void UpdateStatistic(WeatherStationLocation location, WindInfo data) { if (location == WeatherStationLocation.In) { _statisticInBuilding.UpdateStatistic(data); Console.WriteLine($"Location: in building"); PrintStatistic(_statisticInBuilding); } else { _statisticOutBuilding.UpdateStatistic(data); Console.WriteLine($"Location: out building"); PrintStatistic(_statisticOutBuilding); } }
public CommonWeatherDto(OpenWeatherMapDto input) { Source = ""; Temperature = input?.Main?.Temp; Pressure = input?.Main?.Pressure; Humidity = input?.Main?.Humidity; Description = input?.Weather?[0].Description; if (input != null && input.Wind != null) { Wind = new WindInfo { Direction = input.Wind.Deg, Speed = input.Wind.Speed } } ; }
public virtual void UpdateStatistic(WindInfo windInfo) { Vector2 windVector = GetVectorByWind(windInfo.WindDirection, windInfo.WindSpeed); Vector2 resultVector; if (AverageMeasurement != null) { resultVector = Vector2.Add(_lastWindVector, windVector); } else { resultVector = windVector; } _lastWindVector = resultVector; }
public CommonWeatherDto(AccuWeatherDto input) { Source = ""; Temperature = input?.Temperature?.Metric?.Value; Pressure = input?.Pressure?.Metric?.Value; Humidity = input?.RelativeHumidity; Description = input.WeatherText; if (input.Wind != null) { Wind = new WindInfo { Direction = input.Wind.Direction.Degrees, Speed = input.Wind.Speed.Metric.Value * 1000.0 / 60.0 / 60.0 } } ; } }
public CommonWeatherDto(WeatherbitDto input) { var data = input?.Data?[0]; Source = ""; Temperature = data?.Temp; Pressure = data?.Pres; Humidity = data?.Rh; Description = data?.Weather?.Description; if (data != null) { Wind = new WindInfo { Direction = data.Wind_dir, Speed = data.Wind_spd } } ; }
public void Init(int size) { TicksPerHour = (float)TicksPerYear / (365 * 24); int secondsPerYear = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60; TicksPerSecond = (float)TicksPerYear / secondsPerYear; SecondsPerTick = 1.0f / TicksPerSecond; windInfo = new WindInfo[size]; canopyGrowthRate /= TicksPerYear; canopyDeathRate /= TicksPerYear; InverseMetersPerTile = 1.0f / MetersPerTile; EvapTemperatureRange = EvapMaxTemperature - EvapMinTemperature; SpecificGasConstantDryAir = UniversalGasConstant / MolarMassEarthAir; PressureExponent = GravitationalAcceleration / (UniversalGasConstant * TemperatureLapseRate); DryAirAdiabaticLapseRate = AdiabaticLapseRate / SpecificHeatAtmosphere; for (int y = 0; y < size; y++) { float latitude = ((float)y / size) * 2 - 1.0f; float yaw = (float)(latitude * Math.PI * 1.5f); float pitch = (float)(latitude * Math.PI * 3f); float absSinPitch = (float)(Math.Abs(Math.Sin(pitch))); float cosYaw = (float)Math.Cos(yaw); float cosPitch = (float)Math.Cos(pitch); float tropopauseElevation = (1.0f - Math.Abs(latitude)) * (MaxTropopauseElevation - MinTropopauseElevation) + MinTropopauseElevation + TropopauseElevationSeason * latitude; windInfo[y] = new WindInfo() { latitude = latitude, yaw = yaw, tropopauseElevationMax = tropopauseElevation, coriolisParam = Mathf.Sin(latitude * Mathf.PI / 2), inverseCoriolisParam = 1.0f / Mathf.Sin(latitude * Mathf.PI / 2) }; } }
public WindInfo GetWindInfo(string postalcode) { WindInfo info = new WindInfo(WindDirection.Northwest, "12km/h"); return(info); }
/** * This method is executed when the page is loaded * */ async protected override void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); if (holFini == 0) { return; } //if there is still a hole to play if (partie.nextHole() && holFini != 2)//holFini == 2 means the user wants to stop the game before the end { updateScore(); loadCard(); Hole nextHole = partie.getNextHole(); map.setHolePosition(nextHole); numcoup.Text = partie.getCurrentHoleNumero() + ""; parTrou.Text = "PAR " + partie.getNextHole().Par.ToString(); MyPosition position = new MyPosition(0, 0); //make sure that the GPS is avaible try { position = await localize(); map.setUserPosition(position, partie.Shots.Count); partie.CurrentClub = partie.CurrentClub;//just to update the circle } catch (Exception e) { await DisplayAlert("Gps non disponible", "La localisation GPS n'est pas disponible, assurez-vous de l'avoir activé.", "OK"); await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();//come back to root to avoid any problems in the game flow } updateDistance(true); //manage the wind icon try { WindService service = new WindService(); await Task.Run(async() => { WindInfo windInfo = await service.getCurrentWindInfo(map.getUserPosition()); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => { await UpdateWindServiceUI(windInfo); }); }); } catch (Exception e) { await DisplayAlert("Vent non disponible", "L'information concernant le vent n'est pas disponible", "OK"); } } else //user wants to stop the game { await Navigation.PushAsync(new GameFinishedPage(partie)); return; } holFini = 0; }
public void UpdateStatistic(WindInfo data) { _info.UpdateStatistic(data); }