private void OnSplashDemoActionExecute(object sender, SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs args)
            // Set the WinApplication.SplashScreen property to provide a splash screen for your application.
            WinApplication.SplashScreen = (ISplash)args.Action.Tag;
            // Call the SetDisplayText to provide the initial display text for your splash screen.
            WinApplication.SplashScreen.SetDisplayText(splashUpdates[0, 0]);

            // The following methods are called manually for demo purposes only.
            for (int i = 0; i < splashUpdates.Length / 2; i++)
                if (WinApplication.SplashScreen is ISupportUpdateSplash)
                    bool demoFlag = true;
                    if (demoFlag)
                        // You can also update your splash screen to notify users about current progress.
                        ((ISupportUpdateSplash)WinApplication.SplashScreen).UpdateSplash(splashUpdates[i, 0], splashUpdates[i, 1]);
                        // This approach is good when you do not have access to a WinApplication, e.g,. in the ModuleUpdater class.
                        // You can also localize or customize built-in XAF status messages by overriding the XafApplication.UpdateStatus method (test the Context parameter with the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Localization.ApplicationStatusMesssageId enumeration value).
                        ((WinApplication)Application).UpdateStatus(splashUpdates[i, 0], "", splashUpdates[i, 1]);
 protected override void OnDeactivated()