public void Modify() { // Ordered by most recent first. --Kris List <Reddit.Things.WikiPageRevision> revisions = Index.Revisions(); Validate(revisions); Assert.IsTrue(revisions.Count > 0); // Edit an existing page. --Kris Index = Index.EditAndReturn("Because I can.", "Do not fear the bots. We are your friends.", revisions[0].Id); Validate(Index); // Hide and unhide the page. --Kris Index.Hide(revisions[0].Id); Index.Hide(revisions[0].Id); // Revert to the original page version. --Kris Index = Index.RevertAndReturn(revisions[revisions.Count - 1].Id); // Create a new wiki page. --Kris WikiPage myTestPage = Subreddit.Wiki.Page("TestPage" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfffff")) .CreateAndReturn("Because I have a god complex.", "This is the content of my test page."); Validate(myTestPage); // Update the permissions. --Kris myTestPage.UpdatePermissions(true, 0); }