private void DoTransfer(ScannedImageSource.Concrete source, WiaDevice device, WiaItem item) { if (ScanProfile.PaperSource != ScanSource.Glass && !device.SupportsFeeder()) { throw new NoFeederSupportException(); } if (ScanProfile.PaperSource == ScanSource.Duplex && !device.SupportsDuplex()) { throw new NoDuplexSupportException(); } InitProgress(device); ConfigureProps(device, item); using (var transfer = item.StartTransfer()) { int pageNumber = 1; transfer.PageScanned += (sender, args) => { try { using (args.Stream) { if (args.Stream.Length == 0) { return; } using (var output = Image.FromStream(args.Stream)) { ProduceImage(source, output, ref pageNumber); } } } catch (Exception e) { ScanException = e; } }; transfer.Progress += (sender, args) => smoothProgress.InputProgressChanged(args.Percent / 100.0); using (CancelToken.Register(transfer.Cancel)) { transfer.Download(); if (device.Version == WiaVersion.Wia10 && ScanProfile.PaperSource != ScanSource.Glass) { // For WIA 1.0 feeder scans, we need to repeatedly call Download until WIA_ERROR_PAPER_EMPTY is received. try { while (!CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) { transfer.Download(); } } catch (WiaException e) when(e.ErrorCode == WiaErrorCodes.PAPER_EMPTY) { } } } } }
private void setupScanner() { device = WiaDevice.GetFirstScannerDevice().AsScannerDevice(); // Not checking the device's capabilities: for now, we're working on the assumption that we // control the exact model of scanner. device.DeviceSettings.DocumentHandlingSelect = this.twoSided ? DocumentHandlingSelect.Duplex : DocumentHandlingSelect.Feeder; device.DeviceSettings.Pages = numPages * (twoSided ? 2 : 1); }
private WiaItem GetItem(WiaDevice device) { if (ScanProfile.UseNativeUI) { var hwnd = Invoker.Current.InvokeGet(() => DialogParent.Handle); bool useWorker = Environment.Is64BitProcess && device.Version == WiaVersion.Wia10; if (useWorker) { WiaConfiguration config; using (var worker = workerServiceFactory.Create()) { config = worker.Service.Wia10NativeUI(device.Id(), hwnd); } var item = device.FindSubItem(config.ItemName); device.Properties.DeserializeEditable(device.Properties.Delta(config.DeviceProps)); item.Properties.DeserializeEditable(item.Properties.Delta(config.ItemProps)); return(item); } else { return(device.PromptToConfigure(hwnd)); } } else if (device.Version == WiaVersion.Wia10) { // In WIA 1.0, the root device only has a single child, "Scan" // return(device.GetSubItems().First()); } else { // In WIA 2.0, the root device may have multiple children, i.e. "Flatbed" and "Feeder" // // The "Feeder" child may also have a pair of children (for front/back sides with duplex) // var items = device.GetSubItems(); var preferredItemName = ScanProfile.PaperSource == ScanSource.Glass ? "Flatbed" : "Feeder"; return(items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name() == preferredItemName) ?? items.First()); } }
private void ConfigureProps(WiaDevice device, WiaItem item) { if (ScanProfile.UseNativeUI) { return; } if (ScanProfile.PaperSource != ScanSource.Glass) { if (device.Version == WiaVersion.Wia10) { device.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.DPS_PAGES, 1); } else { item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPS_PAGES, 0); } } if (device.Version == WiaVersion.Wia10) { switch (ScanProfile.PaperSource) { case ScanSource.Glass: device.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT, WiaPropertyValue.FLATBED); break; case ScanSource.Feeder: device.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT, WiaPropertyValue.FEEDER); break; case ScanSource.Duplex: device.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT, WiaPropertyValue.FEEDER | WiaPropertyValue.DUPLEX); break; } } else { switch (ScanProfile.PaperSource) { case ScanSource.Feeder: item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT, WiaPropertyValue.FRONT_ONLY); break; case ScanSource.Duplex: item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT, WiaPropertyValue.DUPLEX | WiaPropertyValue.FRONT_FIRST); break; } } switch (ScanProfile.BitDepth) { case ScanBitDepth.Grayscale: item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPA_DATATYPE, 2); break; case ScanBitDepth.C24Bit: item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPA_DATATYPE, 3); break; case ScanBitDepth.BlackWhite: item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPA_DATATYPE, 0); break; } int xRes = ScanProfile.Resolution.ToIntDpi(); int yRes = xRes; item.SetPropertyClosest(WiaPropertyId.IPS_XRES, ref xRes); item.SetPropertyClosest(WiaPropertyId.IPS_YRES, ref yRes); PageDimensions pageDimensions = ScanProfile.PageSize.PageDimensions() ?? ScanProfile.CustomPageSize; if (pageDimensions == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No page size specified"); } int pageWidth = pageDimensions.WidthInThousandthsOfAnInch() * xRes / 1000; int pageHeight = pageDimensions.HeightInThousandthsOfAnInch() * yRes / 1000; int horizontalSize, verticalSize; if (device.Version == WiaVersion.Wia10) { horizontalSize = (int)device.Properties[ScanProfile.PaperSource == ScanSource.Glass ? WiaPropertyId.DPS_HORIZONTAL_BED_SIZE : WiaPropertyId.DPS_HORIZONTAL_SHEET_FEED_SIZE].Value; verticalSize = (int)device.Properties[ScanProfile.PaperSource == ScanSource.Glass ? WiaPropertyId.DPS_VERTICAL_BED_SIZE : WiaPropertyId.DPS_VERTICAL_SHEET_FEED_SIZE].Value; } else { horizontalSize = (int)item.Properties[WiaPropertyId.IPS_MAX_HORIZONTAL_SIZE].Value; verticalSize = (int)item.Properties[WiaPropertyId.IPS_MAX_VERTICAL_SIZE].Value; } int pagemaxwidth = horizontalSize * xRes / 1000; int pagemaxheight = verticalSize * yRes / 1000; int horizontalPos = 0; if (ScanProfile.PageAlign == ScanHorizontalAlign.Center) { horizontalPos = (pagemaxwidth - pageWidth) / 2; } else if (ScanProfile.PageAlign == ScanHorizontalAlign.Left) { horizontalPos = (pagemaxwidth - pageWidth); } pageWidth = pageWidth < pagemaxwidth ? pageWidth : pagemaxwidth; pageHeight = pageHeight < pagemaxheight ? pageHeight : pagemaxheight; if (ScanProfile.WiaOffsetWidth) { item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPS_XEXTENT, pageWidth + horizontalPos); item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPS_XPOS, horizontalPos); } else { item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPS_XEXTENT, pageWidth); item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPS_XPOS, horizontalPos); } item.SetProperty(WiaPropertyId.IPS_YEXTENT, pageHeight); if (!ScanProfile.BrightnessContrastAfterScan) { item.SetPropertyRange(WiaPropertyId.IPS_CONTRAST, ScanProfile.Contrast, -1000, 1000); item.SetPropertyRange(WiaPropertyId.IPS_BRIGHTNESS, ScanProfile.Brightness, -1000, 1000); } }
private void DoWia20NativeTransfer(ScannedImageSource.Concrete source, WiaDeviceManager deviceManager, WiaDevice device) { // WIA 2.0 doesn't support normal transfers with native UI. // Instead we need to have it write the scans to a set of files and load those. var hwnd = Invoker.Current.InvokeGet(() => DialogParent.Handle); var paths = deviceManager.PromptForImage(hwnd, device); if (paths == null) { return; } int pageNumber = 1; InitProgress(device); try { foreach (var path in paths) { using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) using (var output = Image.FromStream(stream)) { int frameCount = output.GetFrameCount(FrameDimension.Page); for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { output.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Page, i); ProduceImage(source, output, ref pageNumber); } } } } finally { foreach (var path in paths) { try { File.Delete(path); } catch (Exception e) { Log.ErrorException("Error deleting WIA 2.0 native transferred file", e); } } } }
private void InitProgress(WiaDevice device) { ProgressTitle = device.Name(); InvokeStatusChanged(); }