Esempio n. 1
        public void update_multi_archive()
            var retention_schema = new List <ArchiveInfo>()
                new ArchiveInfo(1, 60), new ArchiveInfo(60, 60)
            var data = update(schema: retention_schema);

            var fetch       = Whipser.Fetch(db, DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTime() - 25, now: DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTime() + 5).Value;
            var fetchedData = fetch.ValueList;

            foreach (var item in data)
                Debug.WriteLine("wrote point ({0},{1})", item.Timestamp, item.value);
            foreach (var item in fetchedData)
                Debug.WriteLine("read point ({0},{1})", item.Timestamp, item.value);

            // in future
            Assert.Throws <TimestampNotCoveredException>(() => Whipser.Update(db, 1.337, DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTime() + 1, now));

            // before the past
            Assert.Throws <TimestampNotCoveredException>(() => Whipser.Update(db, 1.337, DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTime() - retention_schema[1].Retention - 1, now));

Esempio n. 2
        private static void ValidateCounterExists(string path)
            if (knownCounterPaths.ContainsKey(path))
            if (File.Exists(path))
                    knownCounterPaths.Add(path, Whipser.Info(path));
                catch (CorruptWhisperFileException)
                    // corrupt?
            var retention = new List <ArchiveInfo>()
                new ArchiveInfo(10, 180), // 10 seconds * 180 points = 30 min = 2.9 kb
                new ArchiveInfo(60, 60),  // 60 seconds (1min) * 60 points = 1 hr = 3.9 kb

            Whipser.Create(path, retention);
            knownCounterPaths.Add(path, Whipser.Info(path));
Esempio n. 3
        public void fetch()
            Assert.Throws <FileNotFoundException>(() => Whipser.Fetch("does_not_exist", 0));

            var retention = new List <ArchiveInfo>()
                new ArchiveInfo(1, 60), new ArchiveInfo(60, 60), new ArchiveInfo(3600, 24), new ArchiveInfo(86400, 365)

            Whipser.Create(db, retention);

            Assert.Throws <InvalidTimeIntervalException>(() => Whipser.Fetch(db, DateTime.Now.Ticks, DateTime.Now.Ticks - 60000));

            var fetch = Whipser.Fetch(db, 0).Value;

            // check time range
            Assert.AreEqual(retention.Last().Retention, fetch.TimeInfo.UntilInterval - fetch.TimeInfo.FromInterval);

            // check number of points
            Assert.AreEqual(retention.Last().Points, fetch.ValueList.Count);

            // check step size
            Assert.AreEqual(retention.Last().SecondsPerPoint, fetch.TimeInfo.Step);

Esempio n. 4
        public void create()
            var retention = new List <ArchiveInfo>()
                new ArchiveInfo(1, 60), new ArchiveInfo(60, 60)

            // check if invalid configuration fails successfully
            Assert.Throws <InvalidConfigurationException>(() => Whipser.Create(db, new List <ArchiveInfo>()));

            // create a new db with a valid configuration
            Whipser.Create(db, retention);

            // attempt to create another db in the same file, this should fail
            Assert.Throws <InvalidConfigurationException>(() => Whipser.Create(db, retention));

            var info = Whipser.Info(db);

            Assert.AreEqual(retention.Max(x => x.Retention), info.MaxRetention);
            Assert.AreEqual(AggregationType.Average, info.AggregationType);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.5f, info.xFilesFactor);

            Assert.AreEqual(retention.Count, info.ArchiveList.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(retention[0].SecondsPerPoint, info.ArchiveList[0].SecondsPerPoint);
            Assert.AreEqual(retention[0].Points, info.ArchiveList[0].Points);
            Assert.AreEqual(retention[1].SecondsPerPoint, info.ArchiveList[1].SecondsPerPoint);
            Assert.AreEqual(retention[1].Points, info.ArchiveList[1].Points);

Esempio n. 5
 public void aggregate()
     Assert.AreEqual(1, Whipser.Aggregate(AggregationType.Min, new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }));
     Assert.AreEqual(4, Whipser.Aggregate(AggregationType.Max, new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }));
     Assert.AreEqual(4, Whipser.Aggregate(AggregationType.Last, new double[] { 3, 2, 5, 4 }));
     Assert.AreEqual(19, Whipser.Aggregate(AggregationType.Sum, new double[] { 10, 2, 3, 4 }));
     Assert.AreEqual(2.5, Whipser.Aggregate(AggregationType.Average, new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }));
Esempio n. 6
 public void number_of_points()
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => Whipser.ValidateArchiveList(new List <ArchiveInfo>()
         new ArchiveInfo(1, 60), new ArchiveInfo(60, 60)
     Assert.Throws <InvalidConfigurationException>(() => Whipser.ValidateArchiveList(new List <ArchiveInfo>()
         new ArchiveInfo(1, 30), new ArchiveInfo(60, 60)
Esempio n. 7
 public void timespan_coverage()
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => Whipser.ValidateArchiveList(new List <ArchiveInfo>()
         new ArchiveInfo(1, 60), new ArchiveInfo(60, 60)
     Assert.Throws <InvalidConfigurationException>(() => Whipser.ValidateArchiveList(new List <ArchiveInfo>()
         new ArchiveInfo(1, 60), new ArchiveInfo(10, 1)
Esempio n. 8
 public void even_precision_division()
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => Whipser.ValidateArchiveList(new List <ArchiveInfo>()
         new ArchiveInfo(1, 60), new ArchiveInfo(6, 60)
     Assert.Throws <InvalidConfigurationException>(() => Whipser.ValidateArchiveList(new List <ArchiveInfo>()
         new ArchiveInfo(60, 60), new ArchiveInfo(7, 60)
Esempio n. 9
        public void calc_database_size()
            // create a new db with a valid configuration
            var retention = new List <ArchiveInfo>()
                new ArchiveInfo(1, 60), new ArchiveInfo(60, 60), new ArchiveInfo(3600, 24), new ArchiveInfo(86400, 365)

            Whipser.Create(db, retention);
            Debug.WriteLine("File Size = ", new FileInfo(db).Length);
Esempio n. 10
        public void Publish(string host, DateTime timestamp, string category, string counter, string instance, float value)
            var counterId = this.counterDictionary.GetCounterIdOrNew(host, category, counter, instance);
            var path      = string.Format(@"c:\temp\counters\{0}.dat", counterId);

                Whipser.Update(path, Convert.ToDouble(value), timestamp: timestamp.ToUniversalTime().ToUnixTime());
            catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 11
        public void update_single_archive()
            var retention_schema = new List <ArchiveInfo>()
                new ArchiveInfo(1, 20)
            var data = update(schema: retention_schema);

            var fetch       = Whipser.Fetch(db, 0).Value;
            var fetchedData = fetch.ValueList;

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(data[i].value, fetchedData[i].value);

            // in future
            Assert.Throws <TimestampNotCoveredException>(() => Whipser.Update(db, 1.337, now + 1, now));

            // before the past
            Assert.Throws <TimestampNotCoveredException>(() => Whipser.Update(db, 1.337, now - retention_schema[0].Retention - 1, now));

Esempio n. 12
        private PointPair[] update(string wsp = null, List <ArchiveInfo> schema = null)
            wsp    = wsp ?? db;
            schema = schema ?? new List <ArchiveInfo>()
                new ArchiveInfo(1, 20)

            var numDataPoints = schema[0].Points;

            Whipser.Create(wsp, schema);

            var tn   = DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTime() - numDataPoints;
            var data = new PointPair[numDataPoints];

            for (int i = 0; i < numDataPoints; i++)
                //data[i] = new PointPair(tn + 1 + i, i * 10);
                data[i] = new PointPair(tn + 1 + i, random.Next(1000) * 10);

            //Whipser.Update(wsp, data[0].value, data[0].Timestamp);
            //Whipser.UpdateMany(wsp, data);
            foreach (var item in data)
                Whipser.Update(wsp, item.value, item.Timestamp);

            // add more fake data
            Whipser.Update(wsp, random.Next(1000) * 10);
            Whipser.Update(wsp, random.Next(1000) * 10);

Esempio n. 13
 public void validate_archive_list()
     Assert.Throws <InvalidConfigurationException>(() => Whipser.ValidateArchiveList(new List <ArchiveInfo>()));