Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Esempio n. 1
        public void SortTest()
            Well W =new Well("TestDummy");
              IIntake OW = W.AddNewIntake(1);

              OW.Observations.Add(new ObservationEntry(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), 10));
              OW.Observations.Add(new ObservationEntry(new DateTime(1999, 1, 1), 15));

              Assert.AreEqual(10, OW.Observations[0].Value);

              Assert.AreEqual(15, OW.Observations[0].Value);

              DateTime start = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1);
              DateTime end = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);

              Func<ObservationEntry, bool> InBetween = a => a.Time >= start & a.Time <= end;

              var query = OW.Observations.Where(a => InBetween(a));

              foreach (ObservationEntry tse in query)

              var query2 = from entry in OW.Observations where entry.Time >= start & entry.Time <= end select entry;

              double d = query2.Sum(new Func<ObservationEntry, double>(a => a.Value));

              foreach (ObservationEntry tse in query2)
Esempio n. 2
        public static void drift()
            double Nf=1e4;
            double MutationRatio=3e-10;
            //int seed =1;
            double tauKill=10;

            double tauGrowNormal=20;
            double tauGrowResistent=tauGrowNormal;
            double N0mutation = 5e3;
            double N0normal=5e3;

            string FileName = "drift.txt";//Simulation"+ MutationRate.ToString("0.##E+0")  +".txt";
            System.IO.FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo(FileName);
            StreamWriter SR = new StreamWriter(FileName,false);
            int sims=10;
            Well[] myTest=new Well[sims] ;
            Simulation[] mySimulation = new Simulation[sims];

            SimulationParameters SP= new SimulationParameters(			Nf,Nf,
                                                              tauKill ,
                                                              tauGrowResistent ,

            for (int sim=0;sim<sims;sim++)
                myTest[sim] = new Well(N0normal,0,N0mutation);

                mySimulation[sim]= new

            int rounds=200;
            for(int round=0;round<rounds;round++)
                double gen=round*Math.Log(100,2);
                for (int sim=0;sim<sims;sim++)



Esempio n. 3
 public Well DoDilution(Well _SimulatedWall,double Ratio)
     _SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal =  Utils.RandBinomial(_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal,(double)1/Ratio);
     _SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant= Utils.RandBinomial(_SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant,(double)1/Ratio);
     SimulatedWall = _SimulatedWall;
     if (_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal + _SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant ==0)
     return _SimulatedWall;
Esempio n. 4
        public Simulation(Well _SimulatedWall,
		                  int seed,
		                  SimulationParameters _SP)

            SimulatedWall = _SimulatedWall;
            SP = _SP;

Esempio n. 5
        public Well DoAMPKilling(Well _SimulatedWall,double Time)
            double PNormalLive = Math.Pow(2,-Time/SP.tauNormalKill);
            double PPersisterLive = Math.Pow(2,-Time/SP.tauPersisterKill);

            double  NumberOfNormalLive = Utils.RandBinomial(_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal,PNormalLive);
            double  NumberOfPersisterLive = Utils.RandBinomial(_SimulatedWall.NumberOfPersistent,PPersisterLive);

            _SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal =NumberOfNormalLive;
            _SimulatedWall.NumberOfPersistent = NumberOfPersisterLive;

            _SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant = Utils.NLogistic(Time,SP.tauGrowResistant, _SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant,SP.NfKill - (NumberOfNormalLive + NumberOfPersisterLive));
            SimulatedWall = _SimulatedWall;
            return _SimulatedWall;
        internal void DeleteWell(Well well)
            if (!hasInternet) return;
            var update = "DELETE FROM \"Wells\" WHERE \"WellID\" = @wellId;";

            using (var pgsqlConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString))
                using (var command = new NpgsqlCommand(update, pgsqlConnection))
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@wellId", well.WellId);
        public WellDetailPopup(Form parent, BSE.Windows.Forms.Panel leftPanel, Well well, GPoint markerLocationOnParent, string dataConnString, Action<Well> updateMarkerPosition, Action<Well> deleteMarker)
            this.FormClosing += Close_clicked;
            this.leftPanel = leftPanel;
            deleteMarkerAction = deleteMarker;
            updateMarkerPositionAction = updateMarkerPosition;
            connectionString = dataConnString;
            Owner = parent;
            StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
            Location = markerLocationOnParent;

            this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;


            this.well = well;
            editLngBox.Text = well.Latitude;
            editLatBox.Text = well.Longitude;
            imageEditBackup = well.WellImage;
            wellImage.Image = well.WellImage;
            wellImage.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
Esempio n. 8
        public void GroupByTest()
            Well WW = new Well("TestDummy");
              IIntake OW = WW.AddNewIntake(1);

              OW.Observations.Add(new ObservationEntry(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), 10));
              OW.Observations.Add(new ObservationEntry(new DateTime(1999, 1, 1), 10));
              OW.Observations.Add(new ObservationEntry(new DateTime(1999, 1, 1), 5));
              OW.Observations.Add(new ObservationEntry(new DateTime(1999, 1, 1), 15));



              int kk = OW.Observations.Distinct().Count(W => InBetween(W, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue)); ;
                 //   group obs by obs.Time into g

              Assert.AreEqual(2, OW.Observations.Distinct().Count());

              //foreach (var W in grouped)
              //  foreach (TimeSeriesEntry TSE in W)
              //    Console.WriteLine(TSE.ToString());

              foreach (var W in OW.Observations.Where(v => InBetween(v, new DateTime(1998,2,2), DateTime.MaxValue)).GroupBy(o => o.Time))
            int k = 0;
            foreach (ObservationEntry TSE in W)
Esempio n. 9
    void LoadGame(string directory)
        // Load from json here
        // Heroes
        foreach (Hero hero in heroes)

        // Cells
        CellStates Cells = FileManager.Load <CellStates>(directory + "/Cells.json");

        foreach (CellState cellstate in Cells.cellStates)
            foreach (string token in cellstate.inventory)
                Type type = Type.GetType(token);
                if (type == typeof(Farmer))
                else if (type == typeof(Gor))
                else if (type == typeof(Skral))
                else if (type == typeof(Wardrak))
                else if (type == typeof(TowerSkral))
                    towerskrals.Add(TowerSkral.Factory(cellstate.index, players.Count));
                else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Fog)))
                    string id = type.ToString().Replace("Fog", "");
                    Fog.Load(id, type, cellstate.index);
                else if (type == typeof(Well))
                // Items in cells
                if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
                    if (type == typeof(GoldCoin))
                    else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SmallToken)))
                        type.GetMethod("Factory", new[] { typeof(int) }).Invoke(type, new object[] { cellstate.index });
                    else if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BigToken)))
                        type.GetMethod("Factory", new[] { typeof(int) }).Invoke(type, new object[] { cellstate.index });

        // Narrator
        NarratorState narratorState = FileManager.Load <NarratorState>(directory + "/Narrator.json");


        // Wells
        WellsState wellsState = FileManager.Load <WellsState>(directory + "/Wells.json");

        foreach (int cellId in wellsState.wellsCellId)
            bool found = false;
            foreach (Well well in wells)
                if (well.Cell.Index == cellId)
                    found = true;

            // If not found, the well is empty
            if (!found)
                wells.Add(Well.Factory(cellId, false));
Esempio n. 10
        public void AddWellEntry(WellEntry wellEntry, Guid targetProjectId)
            using (var seismosContext = new seismosEntities())
                var targetProject = seismosContext.SeismosProjects.FirstOrDefault(sp => sp.Id == targetProjectId);
                if (targetProject == null)

                var insertWell = new Well
                    Id             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    WellName       = wellEntry.Name,
                    SeismosProject = targetProject,
                    WellBore       = new WellBore
                        Id            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Name          = wellEntry.Name,
                        SurfaceVolume = wellEntry.SurfaceVolume,
                        TotalVolume   = wellEntry.TotalVolume

                foreach (var wellEntryCylinderEntry in wellEntry.CylinderEntries)
                    var wellBoreCylinder = new Cylinder
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        CalculatedVolume = wellEntryCylinderEntry.CalculatedVolume,
                        CasingOrderType  = (CasingOrderTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(CasingOrderTypeEnum),
                        Grade               = wellEntryCylinderEntry.Grade,
                        InnerDiameter       = wellEntryCylinderEntry.InnerDiameter,
                        MeasuredDepth       = wellEntryCylinderEntry.MeasuredDepth,
                        OuterDiameter       = wellEntryCylinderEntry.OuterDiameter,
                        TopOfLiner          = wellEntryCylinderEntry.TopOfLiner,
                        Weight              = wellEntryCylinderEntry.Weight,
                        InnerInterfaceState = InterfaceStateTypeEnum.NoSlip,
                        OuterInterfaceState = InterfaceStateTypeEnum.NoSlip

//                var hfTreatment = new HydraulicFracturingTreatment()
//                {
//                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
//                    Name = insertWell + " HF",
//                    Type = TreatmentTypeEnum.HydraulicFracturing,
//                    Stages = new List<Stage>()
//                };
//                for (int index = 0; index < wellEntry.NumberOfStages; index++)
//                {
//                    hfTreatment.Stages.Add(new Stage(){Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Number = index, StartTime = DateTime.Now, StopTime = DateTime.Now});
//                }
//                insertWell.Treatments.Add(hfTreatment);

Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Grow well in the Well
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_SimulatedWall">Thew Well parameters to grow</param>
        /// <returns>Well after growing stage</returns>
        public Well DoGrowing(Well _SimulatedWall)
            //TODO: Change to persisters exponantial statistics.
            //TODO: The result number is not an Integer.
            _SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal += _SimulatedWall.NumberOfPersistent;
            _SimulatedWall.NumberOfPersistent = 0;

            double maxNumberOfNormalDivitions = (SP.NfGrow - _SimulatedWall.NumberOfBacteria);

            //TODO: add random generation of the generation of Each Persister -> Normal state convertion.
            int maxNumberOfMutations = Convert.ToInt32(Utils.RandBinomial(maxNumberOfNormalDivitions,SP.MutationRatio));

            double[] genOfMutation ;
            genOfMutation = new double[maxNumberOfMutations] ;

            for(int i=0;i<maxNumberOfMutations;i++)
                //find the actual generation of the mutation.
                genOfMutation[i] = Utils.RandExponantial(SP.NfGrow,_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal);


            double[] genOfMutationDiff ;
            genOfMutationDiff = new double[maxNumberOfMutations] ;
            for(int i=1;i<maxNumberOfMutations;i++)

            double ResistantgenRatio = SP.tauGrowResistant/SP.tauGrowNormal ;
            int j=0;

                double gen;
                // Can not grow (to menny bacteria)
                if (_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal + _SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant > SP.NfGrow)
                    Solver.N1 = _SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal;
                    Solver.N2 = _SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant;
                    Solver.Nf = SP.NfGrow;
                    Solver.gen2retio = ResistantgenRatio;

                //Console.WriteLine("gen={0} F(gen={0})={1}",gen,Solver.Function(gen));
                if(	j>=maxNumberOfMutations || genOfMutation[j]>=gen)
                    _SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal = Utils.NExponantial(gen,_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal);
                    _SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant = Utils.NExponantial(gen*ResistantgenRatio,_SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant);
                    _SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal = Utils.NExponantial(genOfMutationDiff[j],_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal)-1;
                    _SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant = Utils.NExponantial(genOfMutationDiff[j]*ResistantgenRatio,_SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant)+1;



            //			for(int i=0;i<maxNumberOfMutations;i++)
            //			{
            //				Well PostMutation;
            //				PostMutation.NumberOfNormal = Utils.NExponantial(genOfMutationDiff[i],_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal)-1;
            //				PostMutation.NumberOfResistant = Utils.NExponantial(genOfMutationDiff[i]*ResistantgenRatio,_SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant)+1;
            //				if (PostMutation.NumberOfBacteria < Nf)
            //				{
            //					_SimulatedWall = PostMutation;
            //				}
            //				else
            //				{
            //					Solver.N1 = _SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal;
            //					Solver.N2 = _SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant;
            //					Solver.Nf = Nf;
            //					Solver.gen2retio = ResistantgenRatio;
            //					double gen=(Solver.rtsafe(Solver.Function,Solver.dFunction,1,30,0.0001));
            //					Console.WriteLine("gen={0} F(gen={0})={1}",gen,Solver.Function(gen));
            //					_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal = Utils.NExponantial(gen,_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal);
            //					_SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant = Utils.NExponantial(gen*ResistantgenRatio,_SimulatedWall.NumberOfResistant);
            //					break;
            //				}
            //			}

            //init the number of persisters from the known fraction.
            _SimulatedWall.NumberOfPersistent = Math.Round(SP.Persistersfraction*_SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal);
            _SimulatedWall.NumberOfNormal -=Math.Round(_SimulatedWall.NumberOfPersistent);

            SimulatedWall = _SimulatedWall;
            return _SimulatedWall;
        public ActionResult EditWell(Well well)
            ViewBag.LoadStatus = "0";
                if (Session["_well"] == null)
                    well.Error     = "Session has expired";
                    well.ErrorCode = 0;
                    return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                var oldWell = Session["_well"] as Well;

                if (oldWell == null || oldWell.WellId < 1)
                    well.Error     = "Session has expired";
                    well.ErrorCode = -1;
                    return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    well.Error     = "Please supply all required wells and try again";
                    well.ErrorCode = -1;
                    return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                var wx = ValidateControl(well);

                if (wx.Code < 1)
                    well.Error     = wx.Error;
                    well.ErrorCode = -1;
                    return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                oldWell.SpudDate           = well.SpudDate;
                oldWell.Name               = well.Name;
                oldWell.TechnicalAllowable = well.TechnicalAllowable;
                oldWell.WellTypeId         = well.WellTypeId;
                oldWell.TotalDept          = well.TotalDept;
                oldWell.Remarks            = well.Remarks;
                if (well.SpudDate != null)
                    well.Date = ((DateTime)well.SpudDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");

                var k = new WellServices().UpdateWellCheckDuplicate(oldWell);
                if (k < 1)
                    if (k == -3)
                        well.Error     = "Well  already exists";
                        well.ErrorCode = 0;
                        return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                    well.Error     = "Process Failed! Please contact the Admin or try again later";
                    well.ErrorCode = 0;
                    return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                well.Error     = "Well  Information was successfully updated";
                well.ErrorCode = 1;
                return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLogger.LogEror(ex.StackTrace, ex.Source, ex.Message);
                well.Error     = "An unknown error was encountered. Request could not be serviced. Please try again later.";
                well.ErrorCode = 0;
                return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 13
        public Well DoSycle()

            return SimulatedWall;
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets additional default values for the specified data object and URI.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataObject">The data object.</param>
 /// <param name="uri">The data object URI.</param>
 partial void SetAdditionalDefaultValues(Well dataObject, EtpUri uri)
     dataObject.TimeZone = GetTimeZoneOffset();
Esempio n. 15
        private static void DeferentDilutionCyclesSimulation(double MutationRatio,double Dilution,double N0Persisters)
            double Nf=1e9;

            int seed;
            double tauNormalKill=10;
            double tauPersisterKill=100;

            double tauGrowNormal=20;
            double tauGrowResistant=tauGrowNormal;

            //double	N0Persisters = 1e6;
            double	N0normal=Nf - N0Persisters;
            double	N0Resisters = 0;
            double	NormalPersistersFraction = N0Persisters/N0normal;

            //string FileName = "CyclesSimulation"+ MutationRatio.ToString("0.##E+0")  +".txt";
            string FileName = "DeferentDilutionCycleOfFixation_" + MutationRatio.ToString("0.00E+000") +"_"+Dilution.ToString()+ "_" +N0Persisters.ToString("0.##E+000")+".txt";
            System.IO.FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo(FileName);
            StreamWriter SR = new StreamWriter(FileName,false);

            int Simulations = 10000;

            for (int sim=0;sim < Simulations;sim++)
                seed = sim;

                SimulationParameters SP = new SimulationParameters(Nf,10*Nf,MutationRatio,tauNormalKill,tauPersisterKill ,tauGrowNormal,tauGrowResistant ,NormalPersistersFraction,Dilution);
                Well NormalWell = new Well(N0normal,N0Persisters,N0Resisters);
                Simulation NormalSimulation= new Simulation(NormalWell,seed,SP);
                int cycle=0;
                    NormalWell = NormalSimulation.DoSycle();

                while (NormalWell.NumberOfResistant<Nf);


Esempio n. 16
 public string ToXml(Well well)
Esempio n. 17
        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

            modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new CompanyMap());
            modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new ShopMap());
            modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new FieldMap());
            modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new WellMap());
            modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new WellTypeMap());

            var company1 = new Company {
                Id = 1, Name = "ПАО \"Газпром\"", ShortName = "ГПН"
            var company2 = new Company {
                Id = 2, Name = "ПАО \"Лукойл\"", ShortName = "ЛК"
            var company3 = new Company {
                Id = 3, Name = "ПАО \"БашНефть\"", ShortName = "БН"
            var company4 = new Company {
                Id = 4, Name = "ЗАО \"Турсунт\"", ShortName = "ТУР"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Company>().HasData(company1, company2, company3, company4);

            var shop1 = new Shop {
                Id = 1, CompanyId = company2.Id, Name = "ЦДНГ-1"
            var shop2 = new Shop {
                Id = 2, CompanyId = company2.Id, Name = "ЦДНГ-2"
            var shop3 = new Shop {
                Id = 3, CompanyId = company1.Id, Name = "ЦДНГ-10"
            var shop4 = new Shop {
                Id = 4, CompanyId = company1.Id, Name = "ЦДНГ-11"
            var shop5 = new Shop {
                Id = 5, CompanyId = company3.Id, Name = "ЦДНГ-1"
            var shop6 = new Shop {
                Id = 6, CompanyId = company4.Id, Name = "ЦДНГ-1"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Shop>().HasData(shop1, shop2, shop3, shop4, shop5, shop6);

            var field1 = new Field {
                Id = 1, CompanyId = company1.Id, Name = "Яхлинское м."
            var field2 = new Field {
                Id = 2, CompanyId = company1.Id, Name = "Тальниковое м."
            var field3 = new Field {
                Id = 3, CompanyId = company1.Id, Name = "Шушминское м."

            var field4 = new Field {
                Id = 4, CompanyId = company2.Id, Name = "Тугровское м."
            var field5 = new Field {
                Id = 5, CompanyId = company2.Id, Name = "Шаимское м."
            var field6 = new Field {
                Id = 6, CompanyId = company2.Id, Name = "Сыморьяхское м."

            var field7 = new Field {
                Id = 7, CompanyId = company4.Id, Name = "Толумское м."
            var field8 = new Field {
                Id = 8, CompanyId = company4.Id, Name = "Ловинское м."

            modelBuilder.Entity <Field>().HasData(field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8);

            var wellType1 = new WellType {
                Id = 1, Name = "Нефтяная"
            var wellType2 = new WellType {
                Id = 2, Name = "Нагнетательная"
            var wellType3 = new WellType {
                Id = 3, Name = "Водозаборная"

            modelBuilder.Entity <WellType>().HasData(wellType1, wellType2, wellType3);

            //var well1 = new Well { Id = 1, FieldId = field1.Id, Name = "10010", ShopId = shop3.Id };
            //var well2 = new Well { Id = 2, FieldId = field1.Id, Name = "100Р",  ShopId = shop3.Id };
            //var well3 = new Well { Id = 3, FieldId = field2.Id, Name = "101Р",  ShopId = shop4.Id };
            //var well4 = new Well { Id = 4, FieldId = field4.Id, Name = "1В", ShopId = shop1.Id };
            //var well5 = new Well { Id = 5, FieldId = field4.Id, Name = "456", ShopId = shop2.Id };
            //var well6 = new Well { Id = 6, FieldId = field5.Id, Name = "111",  ShopId = shop1.Id };
            //var well7 = new Well { Id = 7, FieldId = field5.Id, Name = "20089", ShopId = shop1.Id };
            //var well8 = new Well { Id = 8, FieldId = field6.Id, Name = "49",  ShopId = shop2.Id };
            //var well9 = new Well { Id = 9, FieldId = field7.Id, Name = "1011",  ShopId = shop6.Id };
            //var well10 = new Well { Id = 10, FieldId = field8.Id, Name = "2345",  ShopId = shop6.Id };
            //var well11 = new Well { Id = 11, FieldId = field8.Id, Name = "99Н",  ShopId = shop6.Id };

            var well1 = new Well {
                Id = 1, FieldId = field1.Id, Name = "10010", CompanyId = company1.Id, ShopId = shop3.Id, Altitude = 100, ZabI = 1300, ZabF = 1315, WellTypeId = wellType1.Id
            var well2 = new Well {
                Id = 2, FieldId = field1.Id, Name = "100Р", CompanyId = company1.Id, ShopId = shop3.Id, Altitude = 55, ZabI = 1988, ZabF = 2002, WellTypeId = wellType2.Id
            var well3 = new Well {
                Id = 3, FieldId = field2.Id, Name = "101Р", CompanyId = company1.Id, ShopId = shop4.Id, Altitude = 232, ZabI = 1911, ZabF = 2002, WellTypeId = wellType2.Id
            var well4 = new Well {
                Id = 4, FieldId = field4.Id, Name = "1В", CompanyId = company2.Id, ShopId = shop1.Id, Altitude = 1, ZabI = 1911, ZabF = 2002, WellTypeId = wellType2.Id
            var well5 = new Well {
                Id = 5, FieldId = field4.Id, Name = "456", CompanyId = company2.Id, ShopId = shop2.Id, Altitude = 23, ZabI = 1922, ZabF = 2002, WellTypeId = wellType2.Id
            var well6 = new Well {
                Id = 6, FieldId = field5.Id, Name = "111", CompanyId = company2.Id, ShopId = shop1.Id, Altitude = 33, ZabI = 1933, ZabF = 2002, WellTypeId = wellType2.Id
            var well7 = new Well {
                Id = 7, FieldId = field5.Id, Name = "20089", CompanyId = company2.Id, ShopId = shop1.Id, Altitude = 44, ZabI = 1944, ZabF = 2002, WellTypeId = wellType2.Id
            var well8 = new Well {
                Id = 8, FieldId = field6.Id, Name = "49", CompanyId = company2.Id, ShopId = shop2.Id, Altitude = 55, ZabI = 1955, ZabF = 2002, WellTypeId = wellType2.Id
            var well9 = new Well {
                Id = 9, FieldId = field7.Id, Name = "1011", CompanyId = company4.Id, ShopId = shop6.Id, Altitude = 66, ZabI = 1966, ZabF = 2002, WellTypeId = wellType2.Id
            var well10 = new Well {
                Id = 10, FieldId = field8.Id, Name = "2345", CompanyId = company4.Id, ShopId = shop6.Id, Altitude = 77, ZabI = 1966, ZabF = 2002, WellTypeId = wellType2.Id
            var well11 = new Well {
                Id = 11, FieldId = field8.Id, Name = "99Н", CompanyId = company4.Id, ShopId = shop6.Id, Altitude = 88, ZabI = 1977, ZabF = 2002, WellTypeId = wellType2.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <Well>().HasData(well1, well2, well3, well4, well5, well6, well7, well8, well9, well10, well11);
        //From GMap Demo example END

        #region -- some functions --
        //Passing in a reference from well.cs and also passing in all wells info
        void AddLocation(Well well)
        { //mapOverLay.markers. add markers
            objects.Markers.AddDefaultGoogleMarker(well.CalculatedPoint, loadedMarkerStyle, well.WellId);
Esempio n. 19
 public void Set644(uint PollutionID, Well well)
     _644 = PollutionBase_Class.AllValueNorm.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                            x.PollutionID == PollutionID &&
Esempio n. 20
 public static Well <THelper> SetSize <THelper>(this Well <THelper> well, WellSize size)
     where THelper : BootstrapHelper <THelper>
Esempio n. 21
        public Opportunity CombineActionImpacts(Well well, List <ActionFinancialEstimate> costReduction, List <ActionFinancialEstimate> revenueGains, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var incrementalRevenueSum = revenueGains.Aggregate(0D, (accumulator, actionFinancialEstimate) =>
                var impact = actionFinancialEstimate.impact;
                return(accumulator + impact);

            var costReductionSum = costReduction.Aggregate(0D, (accumulator, actionFinancialEstimate) =>
                var impact = actionFinancialEstimate.impact;
                return(accumulator + impact);

            var costOfRevenueGains = revenueGains.Aggregate(0D, (accumulator, actionFinancialEstimate) =>
                var cost = actionFinancialEstimate.cost;
                return(accumulator + cost);

            var potentialCostOfSkippingTests = costReduction.Aggregate(0D, (accumulator, actionFinancialEstimate) =>
                var cost = actionFinancialEstimate.cost;
                return(accumulator + cost);

            var manHoursOfRevGains = revenueGains.Aggregate(0D, (accumulator, actionFinancialEstimate) =>
                var hours = actionFinancialEstimate.manHours;
                return(accumulator + hours);

            if (incrementalRevenueSum - costOfRevenueGains >= 0 && costReductionSum - potentialCostOfSkippingTests > 0)
                // Both revenue gain and cost Reduction
                return(new Opportunity
                    id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    well = well,
                    name = "Opportunity for " +,
                    createdAt = new DateTime(),
                    actions = revenueGains.Concat(costReduction).Select(x => x.action).ToList(),
                    incrementalRevenue = incrementalRevenueSum,
                    costReduction = costReductionSum - potentialCostOfSkippingTests,
                    cost = costOfRevenueGains,
                    manHours = manHoursOfRevGains
            else if (incrementalRevenueSum - costOfRevenueGains >= 0)
                // Only revenue gains
                return(new Opportunity
                    id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    well = well,
                    name = "Opportunity for " +,
                    createdAt = new DateTime(),
                    actions = revenueGains.Select(x => x.action).ToList(),
                    incrementalRevenue = incrementalRevenueSum,
                    costReduction = 0,
                    cost = costOfRevenueGains,
                    manHours = manHoursOfRevGains
                // Only cost reduction? Unreachable, always has a no-intervention gain of 0!
                return(new Opportunity
                    id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    well = well,
                    name = "Opportunity for " +,
                    createdAt = new DateTime(),
                    actions = costReduction.Select(x => x.action).ToList(),
                    incrementalRevenue = 0,
                    costReduction = costReductionSum - potentialCostOfSkippingTests,
                    cost = 0,
                    manHours = 0
Esempio n. 22
        public async Task CascadedDelete141Tests_Can_Parallel_Delete_Well_With_Populated_Wellbores()
            // Number of objects to generate
            var numOfObjects = 5;

            var wellList = new List <Well>();

            for (var i = 0; i < numOfObjects; i++)
                wellList.Add(new Well()
                    Uid = DevKit.Uid(), Name = DevKit.Name(), TimeZone = "-06:00"

            // Add wells
            wellList.ForEach(x => DevKit.AddAndAssert(x));

            foreach (var well in wellList)
                // Create logs
                var logs = DevKit.GenerateLogs(well.Uid, well.Name, LogIndexType.measureddepth, numOfObjects);

                // Create trajectories
                var trajectories = DevKit.GenerateTrajectories(well.Uid, well.Name, numOfObjects);

                // Add 5 wellbores with data objects
                for (var i = 0; i < numOfObjects; i++)
                    var wellbore = new Wellbore()
                        Uid = DevKit.Uid(), UidWell = well.Uid, Name = DevKit.Name(), NameWell = well.Name
                    DevKit.AddListOfLogsToWellbore(logs, wellbore);
                    DevKit.AddListOfTrajectoriesToWellbore(trajectories, wellbore);

            // Delete each well in parallel
            var taskList = new List <Task>();

            wellList.ForEach(x =>
                taskList.Add(new Task(() =>
                    var deleteWell = new Well {
                        Uid = x.Uid
                    var result = DevKit.Delete <WellList, Well>(deleteWell, ObjectTypes.Well,
                                                                string.Empty, OptionsIn.CascadedDelete.True);
                    Assert.AreEqual(result.Result, 1);

                    // Ensure well does not exist anymore
                    DevKit.GetAndAssert(deleteWell, false);

            taskList.ForEach(x => x.Start());
            await Task.WhenAll(taskList);

            wellList.ForEach(x =>
                var wells = DevKit.Get <WellList, Well>(DevKit.List(new Well()
                    Uid = x.Uid

                var result = EnergisticsConverter.XmlToObject <WellList>(wells.XMLout);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Well.Count);
Esempio n. 23
        private static void CyclesSimulation()
            double Nf=1e9;
            double MutationRatio=1e-8 ;
            int seed ;
            double tauNormalKill=10;
            double tauPersisterKill=100;

            double tauGrowNormal=20;
            double tauGrowResistant=tauGrowNormal;

            double N0Persisters ;
            double N0normal;
            double N0Resisters;
            double NormalPersistersFraction;
            double HighPersistersFraction;

            string FileName = "CyclesSimulation"+ MutationRatio.ToString("0.##E+0")  +".txt";
            System.IO.FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo(FileName);
            StreamWriter SR = new StreamWriter(FileName,false);

            int Simulations = 10000;

            for (int sim=0;sim < Simulations;sim++)
                seed = sim;

                N0Persisters = 1e6;
                N0normal=Nf - N0Persisters;
                N0Resisters = 0;
                NormalPersistersFraction = N0Persisters/N0normal;

                SimulationParameters SP ;
                SP= new SimulationParameters(Nf,Nf,MutationRatio,tauNormalKill,tauPersisterKill ,tauGrowNormal,tauGrowResistant ,NormalPersistersFraction,200);

                Well NormalWell = new Well(N0normal,N0Persisters,N0Resisters);
                Simulation NormalSimulation= new Simulation(NormalWell,seed,SP);

                    NormalWell = NormalSimulation.DoSycle();
                while (NormalWell.NumberOfResistant<Nf);

                N0Persisters = 1e8;
                N0normal=Nf - N0Persisters;
                N0Resisters = 0;
                HighPersistersFraction = N0Persisters/N0normal;

                SP = new SimulationParameters(Nf,Nf,MutationRatio,tauNormalKill,tauPersisterKill ,tauGrowNormal,tauGrowResistant,HighPersistersFraction ,200);

                Well HighPersistenceWell = new Well(N0normal,N0Persisters,N0Resisters);

                Simulation HighPersistenceSimulation = new Simulation(HighPersistenceWell,seed,SP);
                    HighPersistenceWell = HighPersistenceSimulation.DoSycle();
                while (HighPersistenceWell.NumberOfResistant<Nf);

                NormalSimulation = null;
                HighPersistenceSimulation = null;

Esempio n. 24
 public WellViewModel(Well well)
     this.Well = well;
Esempio n. 25
 public void Update(Well well)
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds well object and test the return code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="well">the well</param>
 /// <param name="errorCode">the errorCode</param>
 public WMLS_AddToStoreResponse AddAndAssert(Well well, ErrorCodes errorCode = ErrorCodes.Success)
     return(AddAndAssert <WellList, Well>(well, errorCode));
Esempio n. 27
 public bool Contains(Well well)
     return(Contains(well.X, well.Y));
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Does get query for single well object and test for result count equal to 1 and is not null
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="well">the well</param>
 /// <param name="isNotNull">if set to <c>true</c> the result should not be null.</param>
 /// <param name="optionsIn">The options in.</param>
 /// <param name="queryByExample">if set to <c>true</c> query by example.</param>
 /// <returns>The first well from the response</returns>
 public Well GetAndAssert(Well well, bool isNotNull = true, string optionsIn = null, bool queryByExample = false)
     return(GetAndAssert <WellList, Well>(well, isNotNull, optionsIn, queryByExample));
Esempio n. 29
 public CustomPushpin(Well well, ControlTemplate template) : this(template)
     Name     = well.Name;
     Label    = well.Name;
     Location = new Location(well.Latitude, well.Longitude);
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Does UpdateInStore on well object and test the return code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="well">the well</param>
 /// <param name="errorCode">The error code.</param>
 public void UpdateAndAssert(Well well, ErrorCodes errorCode = ErrorCodes.Success)
     UpdateAndAssert <WellList, Well>(well, errorCode);
        public ActionResult AddWell(Well well)
            ViewBag.LoadStatus = "0";
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    well.Error     = "Please supply all required fields and try again";
                    well.ErrorCode = -1;
                    return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                var wx = ValidateControl(well);

                if (wx.Code < 1)
                    well.Error     = wx.Error;
                    well.ErrorCode = -1;
                    return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                var k = new WellServices().AddWellCheckDuplicate(well);
                if (k < 1)
                    if (k == -3)
                        well.Error     = "Well  already exists";
                        well.ErrorCode = -3;
                        return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                    if (k == -4)
                        well.Error     = "Well has already been classified";
                        well.ErrorCode = -3;
                        return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                    well.Error     = "Process Failed! Please contact the Admin or try again later";
                    well.ErrorCode = 0;
                    return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

                if (well.SpudDate != null)
                    well.Date = ((DateTime)well.SpudDate).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");

                well.Error     = "Record was added successfully";
                well.ErrorCode = 1;
                well.WellId    = k;
                return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLogger.LogEror(ex.StackTrace, ex.Source, ex.Message);
                well.Error     = "An unknown error was encountered. Request could not be serviced. Please try again later.";
                well.ErrorCode = 0;
                return(Json(well, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes the well and test the return code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="well">The well.</param>
 /// <param name="errorCode">The error code.</param>
 /// <param name="partialDelete">if set to <c>true</c> is partial delete.</param>
 public void DeleteAndAssert(Well well, ErrorCodes errorCode = ErrorCodes.Success, bool partialDelete = false)
     DeleteAndAssert <WellList, Well>(well, errorCode, partialDelete);
Esempio n. 33
        public void AddWells(KeyValueEntity wells, Guid targetProjectId)
            SeismosProject targetProject;

            using (var seismosContext = new seismosEntities())
                targetProject = seismosContext.SeismosProjects.FirstOrDefault(sp => sp.Id == targetProjectId);
                if (targetProject == null)

                var currWells = targetProject.Wells.ToList();
                foreach (var wellsKeyValuePair in wells.KeyValuePairs)
                    if (wellsKeyValuePair == null)
                    var existingWell = currWells.FirstOrDefault(cw => cw.WellName == wellsKeyValuePair.Id);
                    if (existingWell != null)

                    if (!Int32.TryParse(wellsKeyValuePair.Text.ToString(), out var iStagesToCreate))
                        iStagesToCreate = 0;

                    var insertWell = new Well
                        Id             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        WellName       = wellsKeyValuePair.Id,
                        SeismosProject = targetProject

                    var hfTreatment = new HydraulicFracturingTreatment()
                        Id     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Name   = insertWell.WellName + " HF",
                        Type   = TreatmentTypeEnum.HydraulicFracturing,
                        Stages = new List <Stage>()

                    for (int index = 0; index < iStagesToCreate; index++)
                        hfTreatment.Stages.Add(new Stage()
                            Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Number = index, StartTime = DateTime.Now, StopTime = DateTime.Now



Esempio n. 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Считывает WELSPECS для определения скважин и COMPDAT для задания конекшенов
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        public void ReadSchedule(ref StreamReader sr, string filePath)
            string curStr;
            string[] splitted;
            int counter = 0;
            bool WS = false;
            bool CD = false;

            if (Wells == null)
                Wells = new List<Well>();
                Wells.Capacity = 0;

            curStr = sr.ReadLine();

                splitted = Splitter(curStr);
                if (splitted == null) { curStr = sr.ReadLine(); continue; } // skipping comments

                #region Include processing
                if (splitted[0] == "include")
                    //recall self
                    curStr = sr.ReadLine();
                    splitted = Splitter(curStr);
                    while (splitted == null)
                        curStr = sr.ReadLine();
                        splitted = Splitter(curStr); // looking for value
                    if (splitted[0][splitted[0].Length - 1] == '/') splitted[0] = splitted[0].Substring(0, splitted[0].Length - 1);
                    if (splitted[0].Contains("'"))
                        splitted[0] = splitted[0].Substring(1, splitted[0].Length - 2);
                    splitted[0] = splitted[0].Replace('/', '\\');
                    StreamReader subsr = new StreamReader(filePath + splitted[0]);
                    ReadSchedule(ref subsr, filePath);
                    curStr = sr.ReadLine();

                #region connections
                if (CD)
                    if (splitted[0] == "/") { CD = false; curStr = sr.ReadLine(); continue; }
                    Well well = new Well();
                    foreach (Well well_ in Wells)
                        if (well_.Name == splitted[0])
                            well = well_;
                            int ii = Convert.ToInt32(splitted[1]);
                            int jj = Convert.ToInt32(splitted[2]);
                            int kk1 = Convert.ToInt32(splitted[3]);
                            int kk2 = Convert.ToInt32(splitted[4]);
                            foreach (Well.Connection con in well.Connections)
                                if (con.I == ii && con.J == jj && con.K1 == kk1 && con.K2 == kk2) counter++;
                            if (counter == 0)
                                //well.Connections.Capacity = well.Connections.Capacity + 1;
                                well.Connections.Add(new Well.Connection(ii - 1, jj - 1, kk1 - 1, kk2 - 1));
                    counter = 0;

                    curStr = sr.ReadLine();

                #region wells
                if (WS)
                    if (splitted[0] == "/") { WS = false; curStr = sr.ReadLine(); continue; }
                    Wells.Capacity = Wells.Capacity + 1;
                    Well well = new Well();
                    well.Connections = new List<Well.Connection>();

                    well.Name = splitted[0];

                    well.WellHead[0] = Convert.ToInt32(splitted[2]) - 1;
                    well.WellHead[1] = Convert.ToInt32(splitted[3]) - 1;


                    curStr = sr.ReadLine();

                if (splitted[0] == "welspecs")
                    WS = true;
                if (splitted[0] == "compdat")
                    CD = true;

                curStr = sr.ReadLine();
            } while (curStr != null);

            foreach (Well well in Wells)
                if (well.Name.Contains("'")) // Name
                    well.Name = well.Name.Substring(1, well.Name.Length - 2);
 public static WellboresRootGridViewModel GetWellboreRootGridViewModel(Well wellDataModel)
     return(new WellboresRootGridViewModel(wellDataModel));
        internal void UpdateWellData(Well well)
            if (!hasInternet) return;
            var update = "UPDATE \"Wells\" SET \"WellLng\" = @wellLng, \"WellLat\" = @wellLat, \"WellImage\" = @wellPhoto, " +
                "\"WellDepth\" = @welldepth, \"Description\" = @description, \"WaterLevel\" = @waterlevel, " +
                "\"Village\" = @village, \"ValveReplacedBy\" = @valvereplacedby";
                update += ", \"ValveReplacementDate\" = to_date(@valvereplacedate, 'DD/MM/YYYY')";
            update += " WHERE \"WellID\" = @wellId;";

            using (var pgsqlConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString))
                using (var command = new NpgsqlCommand(update, pgsqlConnection))
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@wellid", well.WellId);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@wellLng", well.Longitude);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@wellLat", well.Latitude);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@wellPhoto", well.HasValidImage ? ImageToDatabaseConverter.ImageToBase64(well.WellImage, well.WellImage.RawFormat) : null);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@welldepth", well.Depth);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@waterlevel", well.WaterLevel);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", well.Description);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@village", well.Village);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@valvereplacedby", well.ValveReplacedBy);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@valvereplacedate", well.ValveReplacementDate);
        public void Well141DataAdapter_UpdateInStore_Can_Update_CustomData_Elements()
            DevKit.AddAndAssert <WellList, Well>(Well);

            // Update with New Data
            var doc = new XmlDocument();

            var element1 = doc.CreateElement("FirstItem", "");

            element1.InnerText = "123.45";

            var element2 = doc.CreateElement("LastItem", element1.NamespaceURI);

            element2.InnerText = "987.65";

            Well.CustomData = new CustomData
                Any = DevKit.List(element1, element2)

            DevKit.UpdateAndAssert <WellList, Well>(Well);

            // Query
            var query = new Well {
                Uid = Well.Uid
            var result = DevKit.Query <WellList, Well>(query, ObjectTypes.Well, null, optionsIn: OptionsIn.ReturnElements.All);
            var well   = result.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, well.CustomData.Any.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(element1.LocalName, well.CustomData.Any[0].LocalName);
            Assert.AreEqual(element1.InnerText, well.CustomData.Any[0].InnerText);

            Assert.AreEqual(element2.LocalName, well.CustomData.Any[1].LocalName);
            Assert.AreEqual(element2.InnerText, well.CustomData.Any[1].InnerText);

            // Partial Update
            well.CustomData.Any[1].InnerText = "0.0";

            var element3 = doc.CreateElement("NewItem", element1.NamespaceURI);

            element3.InnerText = "abc";

            DevKit.UpdateAndAssert <WellList, Well>(well);

            // Query
            result = DevKit.Query <WellList, Well>(query, ObjectTypes.Well, null, optionsIn: OptionsIn.ReturnElements.All);
            well   = result.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, well.CustomData.Any.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(element1.LocalName, well.CustomData.Any[0].LocalName);
            Assert.AreEqual(element1.InnerText, well.CustomData.Any[0].InnerText);

            Assert.AreEqual(element2.LocalName, well.CustomData.Any[1].LocalName);
            Assert.AreEqual("0.0", well.CustomData.Any[1].InnerText);

            Assert.AreEqual(element3.LocalName, well.CustomData.Any[2].LocalName);
            Assert.AreEqual(element3.InnerText, well.CustomData.Any[2].InnerText);
Esempio n. 38
      /// <summary>
      /// Creates wells from DataRows based on ShapeReaderConfiguration
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="DS"></param>
      /// <param name="SRC"></param>
      public static void FillInFromNovanaShape(DataRow[] DS, ShapeReaderConfiguration SRC, IWellCollection Wells, IPlantCollection Plants)
        bool ReadPumpActivity = false;
        bool ReadPlants = false;
        bool ReadLayer = false;
        if (DS.First().Table.Columns.Contains(SRC.FraAArHeader) & DS.First().Table.Columns.Contains(SRC.TilAArHeader))
          ReadPumpActivity = true;

        if (DS.First().Table.Columns.Contains(SRC.LayerHeader))
          ReadLayer = true;

        if (Plants != null)
          if (DS.First().Table.Columns.Contains(SRC.PlantIDHeader))
            ReadPlants = true;

        IWell CurrentWell;
        IIntake CurrentIntake;
        foreach (DataRow DR in DS)
          string wellID = DR[SRC.WellIDHeader].ToString();
          //Find the well in the dictionary
          if (Wells.Contains(wellID))
            CurrentWell = Wells[wellID];
            //Add a new well if it was not found
            CurrentWell = new Well(wellID);
            CurrentWell.UsedForExtraction = true;

          int intakeno = Convert.ToInt32(DR[SRC.IntakeNumber]);

          CurrentIntake = CurrentWell.Intakes.FirstOrDefault(var => var.IDNumber == intakeno);

          if (CurrentIntake == null)
            CurrentIntake = CurrentWell.AddNewIntake(intakeno);

          if (ReadLayer)
            if (!Convert.IsDBNull(DR[SRC.LayerHeader]))
              CurrentIntake.Layer = Convert.ToInt32(DR[SRC.LayerHeader]);

          if (ReadPlants)
            Plant CurrentPlant;
            int PlantID = Convert.ToInt32(DR[SRC.PlantIDHeader]);
            if (!Plants.TryGetValue(PlantID, out CurrentPlant))
              CurrentPlant = new Plant(PlantID);
            PumpingIntake CurrentPumpingIntake = new PumpingIntake(CurrentIntake, CurrentPlant);
            if (ReadPumpActivity)
              CurrentPumpingIntake.Start = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(DR[SRC.FraAArHeader]), 1, 1);
              CurrentPumpingIntake.End = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(DR[SRC.TilAArHeader]), 12, 31);
          CurrentWell.X = Convert.ToDouble(DR[SRC.XHeader]);
          CurrentWell.Y = Convert.ToDouble(DR[SRC.YHeader]);
          CurrentWell.Terrain = Convert.ToDouble(DR[SRC.TerrainHeader]);
          Screen CurrentScreen = new Screen(CurrentIntake);
          CurrentScreen.BottomAsKote = Convert.ToDouble(DR[SRC.BOTTOMHeader]);
          CurrentScreen.TopAsKote = Convert.ToDouble(DR[SRC.TOPHeader]);
        public async Task Well131_PutObject_Can_Update_Well()
            await RequestSessionAndAssert();

            var handler = _client.Handler <IStoreCustomer>();
            var uri     = Well.GetUri();

            // Add a Comment to Data Object
            Well.CommonData = new CommonData()
                Comments = "Test PutObject"

            var dataObject = CreateDataObject <WellList, Well>(uri, Well);

            // Get Object
            var args = await GetAndAssert(handler, uri);

            // Check for message flag indicating No Data
            Assert.AreEqual((int)MessageFlags.NoData, args.Header.MessageFlags);

            // Put Object for Add
            await PutAndAssert(handler, dataObject);

            // Get Added Object
            args = await GetAndAssert(handler, uri);

            // Check Added Data Object XML
            var xml = args.Message.DataObject.GetString();

            var result = Parse <WellList, Well>(xml);



            // Remove Comment from Data Object
            result.CommonData.Comments = null;

            var updateDataObject = CreateDataObject <WellList, Well>(uri, result);

            // Put Object for Update
            await PutAndAssert(handler, updateDataObject);

            // Get Updated Object
            args = await GetAndAssert(handler, uri);

            // Check Added Data Object XML
            var updateXml = args.Message.DataObject.GetString();

            result = Parse <WellList, Well>(updateXml);


            // Test Data Object overwrite

Esempio n. 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads in all wells from a Jupiter database. 
        /// Only reads geographical information and location of Intakes and screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DataBaseFile"></param>
        public Dictionary<string, IWell> Wells()
            Dictionary<string, IWell> Wells = new Dictionary<string, IWell>();
              //Construct the data set
              JXL.ReadWells(true, false);

              Well CurrentWell;
              IIntake CurrentIntake;

              //Loop the wells
              foreach (var Boring in JXL.BOREHOLE)
            CurrentWell = new Well(Boring.BOREHOLENO);
            Wells.Add(CurrentWell.ID, CurrentWell);

            if (!Boring.IsXUTMNull())
              CurrentWell.X = Boring.XUTM;
            if (!Boring.IsYUTMNull())
              CurrentWell.Y = Boring.YUTM;

            CurrentWell.Description = Boring.LOCATION;
            if (!Boring.IsELEVATIONNull())
              CurrentWell.Terrain = Boring.ELEVATION;

            //Loop the intakes
            foreach (var IntakeData in Boring.GetINTAKERows())
              CurrentIntake = CurrentWell.Intakes.FirstOrDefault(var => var.IDNumber == IntakeData.INTAKENO);
              if (CurrentIntake == null)
            CurrentIntake = CurrentWell.AddNewIntake(IntakeData.INTAKENO);

              //Loop the screens. One intake can in special cases have multiple screens
              foreach (var ScreenData in IntakeData.GetSCREENRows())
              Screen CurrentScreen = new Screen(CurrentIntake);
              CurrentScreen.DepthToTop = ScreenData.TOP;
              CurrentScreen.DepthToBottom = ScreenData.BOTTOM;
              CurrentScreen.Number = ScreenData.SCREENNO;
              }//Screen loop
            }//Intake loop
              }//Bore loop

              return Wells;
Esempio n. 41
        private static void DeferentDilutionCycleSimulation(double MutationRatio,double Dilution,double N0Persisters)
            double Nf=1e9;

            int seed=1;
            double tauNormalKill=10;
            double tauPersisterKill=100;

            double tauGrowNormal=20;
            double tauGrowResistant=tauGrowNormal;

            //double	N0Persisters = 1e8;
            double	N0normal=Nf - N0Persisters;
            double	N0Resisters = 0;
            double	NormalPersistersFraction = N0Persisters/N0normal;

            string FileName = "OneExp_" + MutationRatio.ToString("0.##E+000") +"_"+Dilution.ToString() + "_" +N0Persisters.ToString("0.##E+000") +".txt";
            System.IO.FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo(FileName);
            StreamWriter SR = new StreamWriter(FileName,false);

            SimulationParameters SP = new SimulationParameters(Nf,10*Nf,MutationRatio,tauNormalKill,tauPersisterKill ,tauGrowNormal,tauGrowResistant ,NormalPersistersFraction,Dilution);
            Well NormalWell = new Well(N0normal,N0Persisters,N0Resisters);
            Simulation NormalSimulation= new Simulation(NormalWell,seed,SP);
            int cycle=0;
                NormalWell = NormalSimulation.DoSycle();

            while (NormalWell.NumberOfResistant<Nf);

Esempio n. 42
 protected override void OnConstruct()
     well = transform.parent.GetComponentStrict <Well>();
Esempio n. 43
        private Well ProcessRecord(DataRowView dv, ref string msg)
            if (dv == null)
                var mInfo = new Well
                    Name = dv.Row["Well_Name"].ToString().Trim(),

                var      spuDate = dv.Row["SPud_Date"].ToString().Trim();
                DateTime d1;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spuDate))
                    var realDate = DateTime.TryParse(spuDate, out d1);
                    if (!realDate)
                        mInfo.SpudDate = DateTime.Now;
                    mInfo.SpudDate = d1;

                    mInfo.SpudDate = DateTime.Now;

                double dept = 0;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dv.Row["Total_Dept"].ToString().Trim()))
                    var totalDeptStr = dv.Row["Total_Dept"].ToString().Trim();

                    var deptResult = double.TryParse(totalDeptStr, out dept);
                    if (!deptResult || dept < 1)
                        dept = 0;

                mInfo.TotalDept = dept;

                var remarks = dv.Row["Remarks"].ToString().Trim();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remarks))
                    mInfo.Remarks = remarks.Trim();

                var wellTypeName = dv.Row["WellType_Name"].ToString().Trim();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wellTypeName))
                    var wellTypeId = new WellTypeServices().GetWellTypeId(wellTypeName);
                    mInfo.WellTypeId = wellTypeId;
                    mInfo.WellTypeId = (int)OtherNotAvailable.Not_Available;

                var techAllowed = dv.Row["Technical_Allowed"].ToString().Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(techAllowed))
                    double outRes;
                    var    techAllowedResult = double.TryParse(techAllowed, out outRes);
                    if (techAllowedResult && outRes > 0)
                        mInfo.TechnicalAllowable = outRes;

                //var blockName = dv.Row["Field_Name"].ToString().Trim();

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blockName))
                //    var blockId = new WellTypeServices().GetWellTypeId(wellTypeName);
                //    if (blockId < 1)
                //    {
                //        mInfo.WellTypeId = (int)OtherNotAvailable.Not_Available;
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        mInfo.BlockId = blockId;
                //    }

                //    mInfo.WellTypeId = (int)OtherNotAvailable.Not_Available;

                var wellId = new WellServices().AddWellCheckDuplicate2(mInfo);

                if (wellId > 0)
                    var wellClassName = dv.Row["WellClass_Name"].ToString().Trim();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wellClassName))
                        var status = new WellClasServices().CreateWellClassAddClassification(wellClassName, wellId);
                        if (status < 1)
                            msg = "Well could not be classified";
                mInfo.WellId = wellId;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLogger.LogEror(ex.StackTrace, ex.Source, ex.Message);
Esempio n. 44
 public void Add(Well well)
Esempio n. 45
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets additional default values for the specified data object and URI.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataObject">The data object.</param>
 /// <param name="uri">The data object URI.</param>
 partial void SetAdditionalDefaultValues(Well dataObject, EtpUri uri)
     dataObject.TimeZone = "Z";
Esempio n. 46
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Concat(Well.ToString(), " ", Position));
Esempio n. 47
 public static IDisposable UxWell(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, WellSize size = null, string clientId = null)
     var well = new Well(size, clientId);
     return RenderUxDispoableWebControl(htmlHelper, well);
 public void Attach(GameObject wellGameObject)
     attachedToScript = wellGameObject.GetComponent <Well>();
     attached = true;