internal static void DecorateWebServerSpan(
            this ISpan span,
            string resourceName,
            string method,
            string host,
            string httpUrl,
            WebTags tags,
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > tagsFromHeaders,
            string remoteIp = null)
            span.Type         = SpanTypes.Web;
            span.ResourceName = resourceName?.Trim();

            if (tags is not null)
                tags.HttpMethod             = method;
                tags.HttpRequestHeadersHost = host;
                tags.HttpUrl = httpUrl;
                tags.PeerIp  = remoteIp;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in tagsFromHeaders)
                span.SetTag(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
Esempio n. 2
 internal ApiTagProcessor(Cumulus cumulus, WebTags webtags)
     this.cumulus         = cumulus;
     this.webtags         = webtags;
     tokenParser          = new TokenParser();
     tokenParser.OnToken += cumulus.TokenParserOnToken;
     tokenParser.Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false);
Esempio n. 3
        internal static void DecorateWebServerSpan(
            this Span span,
            string resourceName,
            string method,
            string host,
            string httpUrl,
            WebTags tags,
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > tagsFromHeaders)
            span.Type         = SpanTypes.Web;
            span.ResourceName = resourceName?.Trim();

            tags.SpanKind               = SpanKinds.Server;
            tags.HttpMethod             = method;
            tags.HttpRequestHeadersHost = host;
            tags.HttpUrl  = httpUrl;
            tags.Language = TracerConstants.Language;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in tagsFromHeaders)
                span.SetTag(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
Esempio n. 4
        private void OnBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            Scope scope = null;

                var tracer = Tracer.Instance;

                if (!tracer.Settings.IsIntegrationEnabled(IntegrationId))
                    // integration disabled

                var httpContext = (sender as HttpApplication)?.Context;

                if (httpContext == null)

                HttpRequest httpRequest       = httpContext.Request;
                SpanContext propagatedContext = null;
                var         tagsFromHeaders   = Enumerable.Empty <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
                var         propagator        = tracer.Propagator;

                if (tracer.ActiveScope == null)
                        // extract propagated http headers
                        var headers = httpRequest.Headers.Wrap();
                        propagatedContext = propagator.Extract(headers);
                        tagsFromHeaders   = headers.ExtractHeaderTags(tracer.Settings.HeaderTags);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Error(ex, "Error extracting propagated HTTP headers.");

                string host       = httpRequest.Headers.Get("Host");
                string httpMethod = httpRequest.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant();
                string url        = httpRequest.RawUrl.ToLowerInvariant();

                var tags = new WebTags();
                scope = tracer.StartActiveWithTags(_requestOperationName, propagatedContext, tags: tags);
                // Leave resourceName blank for now - we'll update it in OnEndRequest
                scope.Span.DecorateWebServerSpan(resourceName: null, httpMethod, host, url, tags, tagsFromHeaders);

                tags.SetAnalyticsSampleRate(IntegrationId, tracer.Settings, enabledWithGlobalSetting: true);

                httpContext.Items[_httpContextScopeKey] = scope;

                // Decorate the incoming HTTP Request with distributed tracing headers
                // in case the next processor cannot access the stored Scope
                // (e.g. WCF being hosted in IIS)
                propagator.Inject(scope.Span.Context, httpRequest.Headers.Wrap());
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Dispose here, as the scope won't be in context items and won't get disposed on request end in that case...
                Log.Error(ex, "Datadog ASP.NET HttpModule instrumentation error");
        internal static Scope CreateScope(object requestContext)
            var requestMessage = requestContext.GetProperty <object>("RequestMessage").GetValueOrDefault();

            if (requestMessage == null)

            var tracer = Tracer.Instance;

            if (!tracer.Settings.IsIntegrationEnabled(IntegrationId))
                // integration disabled, don't create a scope, skip this trace

            Scope scope = null;

                SpanContext propagatedContext = null;
                var         tagsFromHeaders   = Enumerable.Empty <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
                string      host       = null;
                string      httpMethod = null;

                IDictionary <string, object> requestProperties = requestMessage.GetProperty <IDictionary <string, object> >("Properties").GetValueOrDefault();
                if (requestProperties.TryGetValue("httpRequest", out object httpRequestProperty) &&
                    httpRequestProperty.GetType().FullName.Equals(HttpRequestMessagePropertyTypeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var webHeaderCollection = httpRequestProperty.GetProperty <WebHeaderCollection>("Headers").GetValueOrDefault();

                    // we're using an http transport
                    host       = webHeaderCollection[HttpRequestHeader.Host];
                    httpMethod = httpRequestProperty.GetProperty <string>("Method").GetValueOrDefault()?.ToUpperInvariant();

                    // try to extract propagated context values from http headers
                    if (tracer.ActiveScope == null)
                            var headers = webHeaderCollection.Wrap();
                            propagatedContext = tracer.Propagator.Extract(headers);
                            tagsFromHeaders   = headers.ExtractHeaderTags(tracer.Settings.HeaderTags, PropagationExtensions.HttpRequestHeadersTagPrefix);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Log.Error(ex, "Error extracting propagated HTTP headers.");

                var tags = new WebTags();
                scope = tracer.StartActiveWithTags("wcf.request", propagatedContext, tags: tags);
                var span = scope.Span;

                object requestHeaders   = requestMessage.GetProperty <object>("Headers").GetValueOrDefault();
                string action           = requestHeaders.GetProperty <string>("Action").GetValueOrDefault();
                Uri    requestHeadersTo = requestHeaders.GetProperty <Uri>("To").GetValueOrDefault();

                    resourceName: action ?? requestHeadersTo?.LocalPath,
                    httpUrl: requestHeadersTo?.AbsoluteUri,

                tags.SetAnalyticsSampleRate(IntegrationId, tracer.Settings, enabledWithGlobalSetting: true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex, "Error creating or populating scope.");

            // always returns the scope, even if it's null
Esempio n. 6
 internal void SetWebTags(WebTags webtags)
     this.webtags = webtags;
        private void OnBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            Scope scope = null;

                var tracer = Tracer.Instance;

                if (!tracer.Settings.IsIntegrationEnabled(IntegrationId))
                    // integration disabled

                var httpContext = (sender as HttpApplication)?.Context;

                if (httpContext == null)

                // Make sure the request wasn't already handled by another TracingHttpModule,
                // in case they're registered multiple times
                if (httpContext.Items.Contains(_httpContextScopeKey))

                HttpRequest httpRequest       = httpContext.Request;
                SpanContext propagatedContext = null;
                var         tagsFromHeaders   = Enumerable.Empty <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                if (tracer.InternalActiveScope == null)
                        // extract propagated http headers
                        var headers = httpRequest.Headers.Wrap();
                        propagatedContext = SpanContextPropagator.Instance.Extract(headers);
                        tagsFromHeaders   = SpanContextPropagator.Instance.ExtractHeaderTags(headers, tracer.Settings.HeaderTags, defaultTagPrefix: SpanContextPropagator.HttpRequestHeadersTagPrefix);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Error(ex, "Error extracting propagated HTTP headers.");

                string host       = httpRequest.Headers.Get("Host");
                string httpMethod = httpRequest.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant();
                string url        = httpRequest.RawUrl.ToLowerInvariant();

                var tags = new WebTags();
                scope = tracer.StartActiveInternal(_requestOperationName, propagatedContext, tags: tags);
                // Leave resourceName blank for now - we'll update it in OnEndRequest
                scope.Span.DecorateWebServerSpan(resourceName: null, httpMethod, host, url, tags, tagsFromHeaders);

                tags.SetAnalyticsSampleRate(IntegrationId, tracer.Settings, enabledWithGlobalSetting: true);

                // Decorate the incoming HTTP Request with distributed tracing headers
                // in case the next processor cannot access the stored Scope
                // (e.g. WCF being hosted in IIS)
                if (HttpRuntime.UsingIntegratedPipeline)
                    SpanContextPropagator.Instance.Inject(scope.Span.Context, httpRequest.Headers.Wrap());

                httpContext.Items[_httpContextScopeKey] = scope;

                var security = Security.Instance;
                if (security.Settings.Enabled)
                    security.InstrumentationGateway.RaiseRequestStart(httpContext, httpRequest, scope.Span, null);

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Dispose here, as the scope won't be in context items and won't get disposed on request end in that case...
                Log.Error(ex, "Datadog ASP.NET HttpModule instrumentation error");
        private void OnBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            Scope scope = null;

                var tracer = Tracer.Instance;

                if (!tracer.Settings.IsIntegrationEnabled(IntegrationName))
                    // integration disabled

                var httpContext = (sender as HttpApplication)?.Context;

                if (httpContext == null)

                HttpRequest httpRequest       = httpContext.Request;
                SpanContext propagatedContext = null;
                var         tagsFromHeaders   = Enumerable.Empty <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                if (tracer.ActiveScope == null)
                        // extract propagated http headers
                        var headers = httpRequest.Headers.Wrap();
                        propagatedContext = SpanContextPropagator.Instance.Extract(headers);
                        tagsFromHeaders   = SpanContextPropagator.Instance.ExtractHeaderTags(headers, tracer.Settings.HeaderTags);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Error(ex, "Error extracting propagated HTTP headers.");

                string host         = httpRequest.Headers.Get("Host");
                string httpMethod   = httpRequest.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant();
                string url          = httpRequest.RawUrl.ToLowerInvariant();
                string path         = UriHelpers.GetRelativeUrl(httpRequest.Url, tryRemoveIds: true);
                string resourceName = $"{httpMethod} {path.ToLowerInvariant()}";

                var tags = new WebTags();
                scope = tracer.StartActiveWithTags(_requestOperationName, propagatedContext, tags: tags);
                scope.Span.DecorateWebServerSpan(resourceName, httpMethod, host, url, tags, tagsFromHeaders);

                // set analytics sample rate if enabled
                var analyticsSampleRate = tracer.Settings.GetIntegrationAnalyticsSampleRate(IntegrationName, enabledWithGlobalSetting: true);

                if (analyticsSampleRate != null)
                    tags.AnalyticsSampleRate = analyticsSampleRate;

                httpContext.Items[_httpContextScopeKey] = scope;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Dispose here, as the scope won't be in context items and won't get disposed on request end in that case...
                Log.Error(ex, "Datadog ASP.NET HttpModule instrumentation error");