Esempio n. 1
        ///<summary>Returns true if the import was successful. Imports either a webform or a sheet that was transferred using the CEMT tool.
        ///Tries to find a matching patient using LName,FName,and DOB. If no matching patient is found automatically, it will allow the user to either
        ///create a new patient, select an existing patient,delete, or skip the sheet. Call using a try/catch.</summary>
        private static bool DidImportSheet(WebForms_Sheet webFormsSheet, Sheet sheet, List <WebForms_Sheet> listWebSheets, List <Sheet> listSheets, string cultureName,
                                           ref List <long> listSheetIdsForDeletion)
            bool          isWebForms       = webFormsSheet != null && listWebSheets != null;
            long          patNum           = 0;
            string        lName            = "";
            string        fName            = "";
            List <string> listPhoneNumbers = new List <string>();
            string        email            = "";
            DateTime      bDate            = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (isWebForms)
                WebForms_Sheets.ParseWebFormSheet(webFormsSheet, cultureName, out lName, out fName, out bDate, out listPhoneNumbers, out email);
                Sheets.ParseTransferSheet(sheet, out lName, out fName, out bDate, out listPhoneNumbers, out email);
            List <long> listMatchingPats = Patients.GetPatNumsByNameBirthdayEmailAndPhone(lName, fName, bDate, email, listPhoneNumbers);
            Patient     pat = null;

            if (listMatchingPats.IsNullOrEmpty() || listMatchingPats.Count > 1)             //0 or > 1
                List <long> listWebSheetNumsForPat = new List <long>();
                if (isWebForms)
                    List <long> listSheetsToDelete = listSheetIdsForDeletion;
                    listWebSheetNumsForPat = WebForms_Sheets.FindSheetsForPat(webFormsSheet, listWebSheets, cultureName)
                                             //Only include web sheets that have not already been imported
                                             .Where(x => !listSheetsToDelete.Contains(x)).ToList();
                else                  //Cemt Import
                    listWebSheetNumsForPat = Sheets.FindSheetsForPat(sheet, listSheets);
                FormPatientPickWebForm FormPpw = new FormPatientPickWebForm(webFormsSheet, listWebSheetNumsForPat.Count, sheet);
                FormPpw.LnameEntered        = lName;
                FormPpw.FnameEntered        = fName;
                FormPpw.BdateEntered        = bDate;
                FormPpw.HasMoreThanOneMatch = (listMatchingPats.Count > 1);
                if (FormPpw.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel)
                    if (isWebForms)
                        //user wants to stop importing altogether
                        //we will pick up where we left off here next time
                    return(false);                   // only false when user wants to stop importing
                else if (FormPpw.DialogResult == DialogResult.Ignore)
                    if (FormPpw.IsDiscardAll)
                        //user wants to delete all webforms for this patient. Mark them for deletion.
                    return(true);                //continue on to the next one
                patNum = FormPpw.SelectedPatNum; //might be zero to indicate new patient
            else                                 //Exactly one match was found so make a log entry what the match was.
                patNum = listMatchingPats[0];
                pat    = Patients.GetPat(patNum);
                //Security log for OD automatically importing a sheet into a patient.
                string logText;
                if (isWebForms)
                    logText = Lan.g("FormWebForms", "Web form import from:");
                    logText = Lan.g("FormWebForms", "CEMT patient transfer import from:");
                logText += " " + lName + ", " + fName + " " + bDate.ToShortDateString() + "\r\n"
                           + Lan.g("FormWebForms", "Auto imported into:") + " " + pat.LName + ", " + pat.FName + " " + pat.Birthdate.ToShortDateString();
                SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.SheetEdit, patNum, logText);
            if (patNum == 0)
                pat    = CreatePatient(lName, fName, bDate, webFormsSheet, sheet, cultureName);
                patNum = pat.PatNum;
                //Security log for user creating a new patient.
                string logText;
                if (isWebForms)
                    logText = Lan.g("FormWebForms", "Web form import from:");
                    logText = Lan.g("FormWebForms", "CEMT patient transfer import from:");
                logText += " " + lName + ", " + fName + " " + bDate.ToShortDateString() + "\r\n"
                           + Lan.g("FormWebForms", "User created new pat:") + " " + pat.LName + ", " + pat.FName + " " + pat.Birthdate.ToShortDateString();
                SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.SheetEdit, patNum, logText);
            else if (pat == null)
                pat = Patients.GetPat(patNum);
            //We should probably make a security log entry for a manually selected patient.
            if (isWebForms)
                Sheet newSheet = SheetUtil.CreateSheetFromWebSheet(patNum, webFormsSheet);
                if (DataExistsInDb(newSheet))
            else              //CEMT Patient Transfer
                              //Sheet is ready to get updated with the patient.
                sheet.PatNum        = patNum;
                sheet.DateTimeSheet = MiscData.GetNowDateTime();
                if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                    sheet.ClinicNum = pat.ClinicNum;
                sheet.IsWebForm = true;              //This is so the sheet shows up in gridmain in this form.
Esempio n. 2
        public static string RetrieveAndSaveData(string cultureName)
            string strMsg = "";

            #region CEMT Patient Transfers
            //Now get the patients that were transferred from the CEMT tool. These sheets will have a PatNum=0;
            List <Sheet> listSheetsFromCemtTool = Sheets.GetTransferSheets();
            List <long>  listCemtSheetsToDelete = new List <long>();
            foreach (Sheet cemtSheet in listSheetsFromCemtTool)
                try {
                    //continue if the SheetNum is either marked as skipped or is going to be deleted.
                    if (cemtSheet.SheetNum.In(listCemtSheetsToDelete))
                    if (!DidImportSheet(null, cemtSheet, null, listSheetsFromCemtTool, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name,
                                        ref listCemtSheetsToDelete))
                        //user wants to cancel import.
                catch (Exception e) {
                    strMsg += e.Message + "\r\n";
            foreach (long sheetNum in listCemtSheetsToDelete)
                Sheets.Delete(sheetNum);                //Does not delete the sheet but sets the Sheet.IsDeleted=true.
            #region WebForms
            try {
                SheetsSynchProxy.TimeoutOverride = 300000;              //5 minutes.  Default is 100000 (1.66667 minutes).
                if (WebUtils.GetDentalOfficeID() == 0)
                    strMsg = Lan.g("FormWebForms", "Either the registration key provided by the dental office is incorrect or the Host Server Address cannot be found.");
                List <WebForms_Sheet> listWebFormSheets;
                List <long>           listSheetsSeen = new List <long>();
                int iterations = 0;
                    if (WebForms_Sheets.TryGetSheets(out listWebFormSheets))
                        //if we are not in HQ, filter out non-HQ sheets that don't match our current clinic
                        listWebFormSheets = listWebFormSheets.FindAll(x => x.ClinicNum == 0 || Clinics.ClinicNum == 0 || x.ClinicNum == Clinics.ClinicNum);
                    List <long> listSheetIdsForDeletion = new List <long>();
                    listWebFormSheets.RemoveAll(x => listSheetsSeen.Contains(x.SheetID));                    //Remove all sheets that we've already seen.
                    if (listWebFormSheets.Count == 0)
                        if (iterations == 1 && listSheetsFromCemtTool.Count == 0)
                            strMsg = Lan.g("FormWebForms", "No Patient forms retrieved from server");
                            strMsg = Lan.g("FormWebForms", "All Patient forms retrieved from server");
                    listSheetsSeen.AddRange(listWebFormSheets.Select(x => x.SheetID));
                    //loop through all incoming sheets
                    foreach (WebForms_Sheet webFormsSheet in listWebFormSheets)
                        try {                         //this try catch is put so that a defective downloaded sheet does not stop other sheets from being downloaded.
                            if (listSheetIdsForDeletion.Contains(webFormsSheet.SheetID))
                                continue;                                //Marked for deletion already. Next.
                            if (!DidImportSheet(webFormsSheet, null, listWebFormSheets, null, cultureName, ref listSheetIdsForDeletion))
                                //user wants to cancel import.
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            strMsg += e.Message + "\r\n";
                    }                    // end of for loop
                    if (!WebForms_Sheets.DeleteSheetData(listSheetIdsForDeletion.Distinct().ToList()))
                        break;                        //If any error happens, stop retrieving forms.
                } while(listWebFormSheets.Count > 0);
            catch (Exception e) {
                strMsg += e.Message;