Esempio n. 1
        public MainWindow()

            //this.CoursePart.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("book-icon.png", UriKind.Relative));  //先将图片右键生成操作设置成resource
            this.TeacherPart.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ceateacher.png", UriKind.Relative));
            this.RoomPart.ImageSource    = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ceaclass.png", UriKind.Relative));
            this.StudentPart.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ceastudent.png", UriKind.Relative));

            this.TeacherPart.SelectedImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ceateacherselected.png", UriKind.Relative));
            this.RoomPart.SelectedImageSource    = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ceaclassselected.png", UriKind.Relative));
            this.StudentPart.SelectedImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ceastudentselected.png", UriKind.Relative));

            //this.CoursePart.ButtonClick += CoursePart_ButtonClick;
            this.RoomPart.ButtonClick    += RoomPart_ButtonClick;
            this.TeacherPart.ButtonClick += TeacherPart_ButtonClick;
            this.StudentPart.ButtonClick += StudentPart_ButtonClick;

            imageWX.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Images/ceawxgzh.png", UriKind.Relative));

            if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IsDev"] == "true")
                this.Topmost = false;

            string weatherInfo = WeatherHelper.GetWeather();

            this.txtDate.Text    = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年 MM月dd日");
            this.txtTime.Text    = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm");
            this.txtWeather.Text = weatherInfo;

            aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent);
            aTimer.Interval = 1000 * 60;
Esempio n. 2
        public string GetWeatherForDate(WorldDate date, string context = "Default")
            GameLocation.LocationContext ctx;
            switch (context)
            case "Default":
                ctx = GameLocation.LocationContext.Default;

            case "Island":
                ctx = GameLocation.LocationContext.Island;

            case "Desert":

                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid location context");

            int weather = Mod.Weather.GetWeatherForDate(Mod.GetBaseWorldSeed(), date, ctx);

        public IActionResult Post([FromBody] WeatherReport report)
            if (report == null)
            DateTime reportDate;
            bool     isDate;

            WeatherHelper.CheckInputDate(report.DATE, out reportDate, out isDate);
            if (!isDate)
                return(BadRequest("Enter valid date in YYYYMMDD format"));

            if (db.dailyWeather.Any(x => x.DATE == report.DATE))
                return(BadRequest("Already Exists"));

            return(CreatedAtAction("Get", new { date = report.DATE }, new { DATE = report.DATE }));
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            I2cConnectionSettings settings = new I2cConnectionSettings(1, Si7021.DefaultI2cAddress);
            I2cDevice             device   = I2cDevice.Create(settings);

            using (Si7021 sensor = new Si7021(device, Resolution.Resolution1))
                while (true)
                    var tempValue = sensor.Temperature;
                    var humValue  = sensor.Humidity;

                    Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: {tempValue.DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Relative humidity: {humValue.Percent:0.#}%");

                    // WeatherHelper supports more calculations, such as saturated vapor pressure, actual vapor pressure and absolute humidity.
                    Console.WriteLine($"Heat index: {WeatherHelper.CalculateHeatIndex(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Dew point: {WeatherHelper.CalculateDewPoint(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");

 public static void GetWeather()
     var data = WeatherHelper.GetWeather();
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 ///  Calculates the pressure at sea level when given a known altitude in meter
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="altitude" >
 ///  Altitude in meters
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///  Pressure
 /// </returns>
 public Pressure ReadSeaLevelPressure(double altitude = 0.0)
     return(WeatherHelper.CalculateSeaLevelPressure(ReadPressure(), altitude, ReadTemperature()));
Esempio n. 7
        public HttpResponseMessage GetHour(int?hour = null)
            // this needs to get called hourly at about 15 minutes past the hour; set pull time in config settings (admin login) and if it's a pull time, it'll post to discord

            // the local time conversion is in case your server has a different time zone than your local time - forecast times are all local time

            DateTime     thisTime = DateTime.Now;
            TimeZoneInfo tst      = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(Resources.TimeZoneId);

            var          now       = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
            var          localTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(now, tst.Id);
            var          date      = localTime.Date;
            var          localHour = localTime.Hour;
            int          fch       = int.Parse(db.ConfigSettings.Find(1).Value);
            WeatherEntry we        = new WeatherEntry();

            if (hour != null)
                we = db.WeatherEntries.Where(w => w.Date == date && w.Hour == hour).FirstOrDefault();
                if (localHour == fch || localHour == (fch + 8) || localHour == (fch + 16))
                    we = db.WeatherEntries.OrderByDescending(w => w.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "not time yet"));
            // get WeatherEntry (and all values) for today's date and the specified hour

            if (we != null && we.WeatherValues != null)
                var wv = we.WeatherValues.ToArray();
                // then, create forecast
                StringBuilder forecast = new StringBuilder();

                forecast.AppendLine("Forecast at " + TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(now, tst.Id).ToString("h:mm tt"));
                for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    var w     = wv[i];
                    var types = new List <string>();
                    var tps   = w.PgoWeather.PokemonTypes.ToArray();
                    for (var j = 0; j < tps.Length; j++)
                    var ts           = types.ToArray();
                    int forecastHour = w.DateTime.Hour;

                    string fcTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(w.DateTime, tst.Id).ToString("h:mm tt");
                    string fc1    = fcTime + ": " + w.PgoWeather.Description;
                    string fc2    = "Boosted types: " + string.Join(", ", ts);
                    string fc3    = "---";
                forecast.AppendLine("=^..^=   =^..^=   =^..^=");
                // then, post to Discord
                DiscordJson js = new DiscordJson()
                    content = forecast.ToString()

                string url       = Resources.DiscordWebhook;
                int    firstHour = wv[0].DateTime.Hour;
                string json      = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(js);
                using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                    client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json");
                    var resp = client.UploadString(url, json);

                // now clean up weather values table (remove old values)
                Task.Factory.StartNew(() => WeatherHelper.RemoveStale());

                // finally, return success
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, firstHour));
            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "no valid forecast for this date/time"));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point for example program
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments</param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello Bme280!");

            // bus id on the raspberry pi 3
            const int busId = 1;
            // set this to the current sea level pressure in the area for correct altitude readings
            var defaultSeaLevelPressure = WeatherHelper.MeanSeaLevel;

            var i2cSettings = new I2cConnectionSettings(busId, Bme280.DefaultI2cAddress);
            var i2cDevice   = I2cDevice.Create(i2cSettings);
            var i2CBmpe80   = new Bme280(i2cDevice);

            using (i2CBmpe80)
                while (true)
                    // set higher sampling
                    i2CBmpe80.TemperatureSampling = Sampling.LowPower;
                    i2CBmpe80.PressureSampling    = Sampling.UltraHighResolution;
                    i2CBmpe80.HumiditySampling    = Sampling.Standard;

                    // set mode forced so device sleeps after read

                    // wait for measurement to be performed
                    var measurementTime = i2CBmpe80.GetMeasurementDuration();

                    // read values
                    i2CBmpe80.TryReadTemperature(out var tempValue);
                    i2CBmpe80.TryReadPressure(out var preValue);
                    i2CBmpe80.TryReadHumidity(out var humValue);

                    // Note that if you already have the pressure value and the temperature, you could also calculate altitude by using
                    // var altValue = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(preValue, defaultSeaLevelPressure, tempValue) which would be more performant.
                    i2CBmpe80.TryReadAltitude(defaultSeaLevelPressure, out var altValue);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: {tempValue.DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Pressure: {preValue.Hectopascals:0.##}hPa");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Altitude: {altValue:0.##}m");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Relative humidity: {humValue:0.#}%");

                    // WeatherHelper supports more calculations, such as saturated vapor pressure, actual vapor pressure and absolute humidity.
                    Console.WriteLine($"Heat index: {WeatherHelper.CalculateHeatIndex(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Dew point: {WeatherHelper.CalculateDewPoint(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");

                    // change sampling and filter
                    i2CBmpe80.TemperatureSampling = Sampling.UltraHighResolution;
                    i2CBmpe80.PressureSampling    = Sampling.UltraLowPower;
                    i2CBmpe80.HumiditySampling    = Sampling.UltraLowPower;
                    i2CBmpe80.FilterMode          = Bmx280FilteringMode.X2;

                    // set mode forced and read again

                    // wait for measurement to be performed
                    measurementTime = i2CBmpe80.GetMeasurementDuration();

                    // read values
                    i2CBmpe80.TryReadTemperature(out tempValue);
                    i2CBmpe80.TryReadPressure(out preValue);
                    i2CBmpe80.TryReadHumidity(out humValue);

                    // Note that if you already have the pressure value and the temperature, you could also calculate altitude by using
                    // var altValue = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(preValue, defaultSeaLevelPressure, tempValue) which would be more performant.
                    i2CBmpe80.TryReadAltitude(defaultSeaLevelPressure, out altValue);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: {tempValue.DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Pressure: {preValue.Hectopascals:0.##}hPa");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Altitude: {altValue:0.##}m");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Relative humidity: {humValue:0.#}%");

                    // WeatherHelper supports more calculations, such as saturated vapor pressure, actual vapor pressure and absolute humidity.
                    Console.WriteLine($"Heat index: {WeatherHelper.CalculateHeatIndex(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Dew point: {WeatherHelper.CalculateDewPoint(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 ///  Calculates the altitude in meters from the specified sea-level pressure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seaLevelPressure">
 ///  Sea-level pressure
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///  Height above sea level
 /// </returns>
 public Length ReadAltitude(Pressure seaLevelPressure)
     return(WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(ReadPressure(), seaLevelPressure, ReadTemperature()));
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point for the program.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello BME680!");

            // The I2C bus ID on the Raspberry Pi 3.
            const int busId = 1;
            // set this to the current sea level pressure in the area for correct altitude readings
            var defaultSeaLevelPressure = WeatherHelper.MeanSeaLevel;

            var i2cSettings = new I2cConnectionSettings(busId, Bme680.DefaultI2cAddress);
            var i2cDevice   = I2cDevice.Create(i2cSettings);

            using (var bme680 = new Bme680(i2cDevice))
                while (true)
                    // get the time a measurement will take with the current settings
                    var measurementDuration = bme680.GetMeasurementDuration(bme680.HeaterProfile);

                    // 10 consecutive measurement with default settings
                    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        // This instructs the sensor to take a measurement.

                        // wait while measurement is being taken

                        // Print out the measured data
                        bme680.TryReadTemperature(out var tempValue);
                        bme680.TryReadPressure(out var preValue);
                        bme680.TryReadHumidity(out var humValue);
                        bme680.TryReadGasResistance(out var gasResistance);
                        var altValue = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(preValue, defaultSeaLevelPressure, tempValue);

                        Console.WriteLine($"Gas resistance: {gasResistance:0.##}Ohm");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: {tempValue.DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Pressure: {preValue.Hectopascals:0.##}hPa");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Altitude: {altValue:0.##}m");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Relative humidity: {humValue:0.#}%");

                        // WeatherHelper supports more calculations, such as saturated vapor pressure, actual vapor pressure and absolute humidity.
                        Console.WriteLine($"Heat index: {WeatherHelper.CalculateHeatIndex(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Dew point: {WeatherHelper.CalculateDewPoint(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");

                        // when measuring the gas resistance on each cycle it is important to wait a certain interval
                        // because a heating plate is activated which will heat up the sensor without sleep, this can
                        // falsify all readings coming from the sensor

                    // change the settings
                    bme680.TemperatureSampling = Sampling.HighResolution;
                    bme680.HumiditySampling    = Sampling.UltraHighResolution;
                    bme680.PressureSampling    = Sampling.Skipped;

                    bme680.ConfigureHeatingProfile(Bme680HeaterProfile.Profile2, 280, 80, 24);
                    bme680.HeaterProfile = Bme680HeaterProfile.Profile2;

                    measurementDuration = bme680.GetMeasurementDuration(bme680.HeaterProfile);

                    // 10 consecutive measurements with custom settings
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                        // perform the measurement

                        // Print out the measured data
                        bme680.TryReadTemperature(out var tempValue);
                        bme680.TryReadPressure(out var preValue);
                        bme680.TryReadHumidity(out var humValue);
                        bme680.TryReadGasResistance(out var gasResistance);
                        var altValue = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(preValue, defaultSeaLevelPressure, tempValue);

                        Console.WriteLine($"Gas resistance: {gasResistance:0.##}Ohm");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: {tempValue.DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Pressure: {preValue.Hectopascals:0.##}hPa");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Altitude: {altValue:0.##}m");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Relative humidity: {humValue:0.#}%");

                        // WeatherHelper supports more calculations, such as saturated vapor pressure, actual vapor pressure and absolute humidity.
                        Console.WriteLine($"Heat index: {WeatherHelper.CalculateHeatIndex(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Dew point: {WeatherHelper.CalculateDewPoint(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");

                    // reset will change settings back to default
        private void ReadSensor(object state)
            if (!_debugMode && _bme280 == null)

            var readingOK = true;

            if (!_debugMode)
                    // set mode forced and read again

                    // wait for measurement to be performed
                    var measurementTime = _bme280.GetMeasurementDuration();

                    // read values
                    _bme280.TryReadTemperature(out var tempValue);
                    _bme280.TryReadPressure(out var preValue);
                    _bme280.TryReadHumidity(out var humValue);

                    var itsRaining    = DigitalIOConnector.Instance.ReadRainSensorDetectsRain();
                    var rainCorrected = false;
                    if (itsRaining && tempValue.DegreesCelsius >= _maxTemperatureForRain)
                        itsRaining    = false;
                        rainCorrected = true;
                        _logger.Information("Raining sensor corrected ({Temp}° greater than {MaxTempRain}°)", tempValue.DegreesCelsius, _maxTemperatureForRain);

                    _lastReadingPoint = new Measurement()
                        TimeStamp     = DateTime.Now,
                        Temperature   = tempValue.DegreesCelsius,
                        Pressure      = preValue.Hectopascals,
                        Humidity      = humValue.Percent,
                        DewPoint      = WeatherHelper.CalculateDewPoint(tempValue, humValue).DegreesCelsius,
                        Raining       = itsRaining,
                        RainCorrected = rainCorrected
                catch (Exception ex)
                    readingOK         = false;
                    _lastReadingPoint = null;
                    _logger.Error(ex, "Error while reading");
                _lastReadingPoint = new Measurement()
                    TimeStamp   = DateTime.Now,
                    Temperature = (double)_random.Next(1000, 4000) / 100d,
                    Pressure    = (double)_random.Next(95000, 110000) / 100d,
                    Humidity    = (double)_random.Next(5000, 9000) / 100d,
                    DewPoint    = 12.12345d,
                    Raining     = _random.Next(0, 1) == 1

            OnPropertyChanged(readingOK ? "Reading done" : "Reading Error");
Esempio n. 12
        public void SaturatedVaporPressureOverIce(double expected, double celsius)
            var saturatedVaporPressure = WeatherHelper.CalculateSaturatedVaporPressureOverIce(Temperature.FromDegreesCelsius(celsius));

            Assert.Equal(expected, saturatedVaporPressure.Pascals, 1);
Esempio n. 13
        public void HeatIndexIsCalculatedCorrectly(double expected, double celsius, double relativeHumidity)
            var heatIndex = WeatherHelper.CalculateHeatIndex(Temperature.FromDegreesCelsius(celsius), Ratio.FromPercent(relativeHumidity));

            Assert.Equal(expected, Math.Round(heatIndex.DegreesCelsius));
Esempio n. 14
        public void TemperatureIsCalculatedCorrectly(double expected, double pressure, double seaLevelPressure, double altitude)
            var temperature = WeatherHelper.CalculateTemperature(Pressure.FromHectopascals(pressure), Pressure.FromHectopascals(seaLevelPressure), Length.FromMeters(altitude));

            Assert.Equal(expected, Math.Round(temperature.DegreesCelsius, 0));
Esempio n. 15
        public void PressureIsCalculatedCorrectly(double expected, double seaLevelPressure, double altitude, double celsius)
            var pressure = WeatherHelper.CalculatePressure(Pressure.FromHectopascals(seaLevelPressure), Length.FromMeters(altitude), Temperature.FromDegreesCelsius(celsius));

            Assert.Equal(expected, Math.Round(pressure.Hectopascals, 2));
Esempio n. 16
        public void AltitudeIsCalculatedCorrectly(double expected, double hpa, double seaLevelHpa, double celsius)
            var altitude = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(Pressure.FromHectopascals(hpa), Pressure.FromHectopascals(seaLevelHpa), Temperature.FromDegreesCelsius(celsius));

            Assert.Equal(expected, Math.Round(altitude.Meters, 2));
Esempio n. 17
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void Initialize()
            this.i2cDevice = this.Controller.GetI2CConnection(this.DeviceId);
            this.sensor    = new Bme280(this.i2cDevice)
                TemperatureSampling = Sampling.LowPower,
                PressureSampling    = Sampling.UltraHighResolution,
                HumiditySampling    = Sampling.Standard,

            var readResult = this.sensor.ReadStatus();

            this.LogMessage($"BME280 status {readResult}");
            var result = this.sensor.Read();

            if (result.Humidity.HasValue && result.Pressure.HasValue && result.Temperature.HasValue)
                var pressure    = result.Pressure.Value;
                var temperature = new Temperature(result.Temperature.Value.DegreesCelsius - this.calibrationOffset, UnitsNet.Units.TemperatureUnit.DegreeCelsius);
                var humidity    = result.Humidity.Value;

                var actualAltitude     = new Length(this.altitudeInMeters, UnitsNet.Units.LengthUnit.Meter);
                var calculatedAltitude = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(pressure, WeatherHelper.MeanSeaLevel, temperature);

                double absHumidity             = WeatherHelper.CalculateAbsoluteHumidity(temperature, humidity).GramsPerCubicMeter;
                double dewPoint                = WeatherHelper.CalculateDewPoint(temperature, humidity).DegreesCelsius;
                double heatIndex               = WeatherHelper.CalculateHeatIndex(temperature, humidity).DegreesCelsius;
                double vapourPressure          = WeatherHelper.CalculateActualVaporPressure(temperature, humidity).Hectopascals;
                double barometricPressure      = WeatherHelper.CalculateBarometricPressure(pressure, temperature, actualAltitude, humidity).Hectopascals;
                double vapourPressureOverIce   = WeatherHelper.CalculateSaturatedVaporPressureOverIce(temperature).Hectopascals;
                double vapourPressureOverWater = WeatherHelper.CalculateSaturatedVaporPressureOverWater(temperature).Hectopascals;
                double seaLevelPressure        = WeatherHelper.CalculateSeaLevelPressure(pressure, actualAltitude, temperature).Hectopascals;

                this.LogMessage($"Temperature: {temperature.DegreesCelsius:0.#}\u00B0C");
                this.LogMessage($"Pressure: {pressure.Hectopascals:0.##}hPa");
                this.LogMessage($"Barometric Pressure: {barometricPressure:0.##}hPa");
                this.LogMessage($"Sea level Pressure: {seaLevelPressure:0.##}hPa");
                this.LogMessage($"Over ice Pressure: {vapourPressureOverIce:0.##}hPa");
                this.LogMessage($"Over water Pressure: {vapourPressureOverWater:0.##}hPa");
                this.LogMessage($"Relative humidity: {humidity.Percent:0.#}%");
                this.LogMessage($"Absolute humidity: {absHumidity:0.#}g/m3");
                this.LogMessage($"Vapour pressure: {vapourPressure:0.#}hPa");
                this.LogMessage($"Calculate altitude: {calculatedAltitude.Meters:0.##}m");
                this.LogMessage($"Actual altitude: {actualAltitude.Meters:0.##}m");
                this.LogMessage($"Heat index: {heatIndex:0.#}\u00B0C");
                this.LogMessage($"Dew point: {dewPoint:0.#}\u00B0C");


                // set sane defaults
                this.sensor.TemperatureSampling = Sampling.UltraLowPower;
                this.sensor.PressureSampling    = Sampling.UltraLowPower;
                this.sensor.HumiditySampling    = Sampling.UltraLowPower;
                this.sensor.FilterMode          = Bmx280FilteringMode.Off;

                this.IsInitialized = true;

            this.LogError("Couldn't read from BME280");
Esempio n. 18
 public async void GetCurrentCondition()
     CurrentCondition = await WeatherHelper.GetCurrentCondition(SelectedCity.Key);
Esempio n. 19
        public void ActualVaporPressureIsCalculatedCorrectly(double expected, double celsius, double relativeHumidity)
            var actualVaporPressure = WeatherHelper.CalculateActualVaporPressure(Temperature.FromDegreesCelsius(celsius), Ratio.FromPercent(relativeHumidity));

            Assert.Equal(expected, Math.Round(actualVaporPressure.Pascals, 0));
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point for example program
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line arguments</param>
        public static void StartBmp(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello Bmp280!");

            Length stationHeight = Length.FromMeters(640); // Elevation of the sensor

            // bus id on the raspberry pi 3 and 4
            const int busId = 1;
            // set this to the current sea level pressure in the area for correct altitude readings
            var defaultSeaLevelPressure = WeatherHelper.MeanSeaLevel;

            var i2cSettings = new I2cConnectionSettings(busId, Bmp280.DefaultI2cAddress);
            var i2cDevice   = I2cDevice.Create(i2cSettings);
            var i2CBmp280   = new Bmp280(i2cDevice);

            using (i2CBmp280)
                while (true)
                    // set higher sampling
                    i2CBmp280.TemperatureSampling = Sampling.LowPower;
                    i2CBmp280.PressureSampling    = Sampling.UltraHighResolution;

                    // set mode forced so device sleeps after read

                    // wait for measurement to be performed
                    var measurementTime = i2CBmp280.GetMeasurementDuration();

                    // read values
                    i2CBmp280.TryReadTemperature(out var tempValue);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: {tempValue.DegreesCelsius} \u00B0C");
                    i2CBmp280.TryReadPressure(out var preValue);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Pressure: {preValue.Hectopascals} hPa");

                    // Note that if you already have the pressure value and the temperature, you could also calculate altitude by using
                    // double altValue = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(preValue, defaultSeaLevelPressure, tempValue) which would be more performant.
                    i2CBmp280.TryReadAltitude(out var altValue);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Calculated Altitude: {altValue} m");

                    // change sampling rate
                    i2CBmp280.TemperatureSampling = Sampling.UltraHighResolution;
                    i2CBmp280.PressureSampling    = Sampling.UltraLowPower;
                    i2CBmp280.FilterMode          = Bmx280FilteringMode.X4;

                    // set mode forced and read again

                    // wait for measurement to be performed
                    measurementTime = i2CBmp280.GetMeasurementDuration();

                    // read values
                    i2CBmp280.TryReadTemperature(out tempValue);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: {tempValue.DegreesCelsius} \u00B0C");
                    i2CBmp280.TryReadPressure(out preValue);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Pressure: {preValue.Hectopascals} hPa");

                    // This time use altitude calculation
                    altValue = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(preValue, defaultSeaLevelPressure, tempValue);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Calculated Altitude: {altValue} m");

                    // Calculate the barometric (corrected) pressure for the local position.
                    // Change the stationHeight value above to get a correct reading, but do not be tempted to insert
                    // the value obtained from the formula above. Since that estimates the altitude based on pressure,
                    // using that altitude to correct the pressure won't work.
                    var correctedPressure = WeatherHelper.CalculateBarometricPressure(preValue, tempValue, stationHeight);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Pressure corrected for altitude {stationHeight.Meters} m (with average humidity): {correctedPressure.Hectopascals} hPa");

Esempio n. 21
        public ActionResult Index()
            var date = WeatherHelper.GetWeatcherByCityName("柳州");

Esempio n. 22
        public void DewPointIsCalculatedCorrectly(double expected, double fahrenheit, double relativeHumidity)
            var dewPoint = WeatherHelper.CalculateDewPoint(Temperature.FromDegreesFahrenheit(fahrenheit), Ratio.FromPercent(relativeHumidity));

            Assert.Equal(expected, Math.Round(dewPoint.DegreesFahrenheit, 2));
Esempio n. 23
        private void DisplayWeather(GenericWeather weather)
            CurrentTemperature = $"{((Settings.IsFahrenheit) ? Math.Round(weather.CurrentObservation.Temperature) : Math.Round(WeatherHelper.GetCelsius(weather.CurrentObservation.Temperature)))}{TempUnit}";

            if (!Settings.IsFahrenheit)
                foreach (var day in weather.Forecast.Days)
                    day.TemperatureHigh = Math.Round(WeatherHelper.GetCelsius(day.TemperatureHigh));
                    day.TemperatureLow  = Math.Round(WeatherHelper.GetCelsius(day.TemperatureLow));

            ForecastCollection = weather.Forecast.Days;

            AttributionText = weather.Source;
Esempio n. 24
        public void AbsoluteHumidityIsCalculatedCorrectly(double expected, double fahrenheit, double relativeHumidity)
            var absoluteHumidity = WeatherHelper.CalculateAbsoluteHumidity(Temperature.FromDegreesFahrenheit(fahrenheit), Ratio.FromPercent(relativeHumidity));

            Assert.Equal(expected, absoluteHumidity.GramsPerCubicMeter, 0);
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 ///  Calculates the pressure at sea level when given a known altitude
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="altitude" >
 ///  Altitude in meters
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///  Pressure
 /// </returns>
 public Pressure ReadSeaLevelPressure(Length altitude)
     return(WeatherHelper.CalculateSeaLevelPressure(ReadPressure(), altitude, ReadTemperature()));
Esempio n. 26
        public void AltitudeIsCalculatedCorrectlyAtMslpAndDefaultTemp(double expected, double hpa)
            var altitude = WeatherHelper.CalculateAltitude(Pressure.FromHectopascals(hpa));

            Assert.Equal(expected, Math.Round(altitude.Meters, 2));
Esempio n. 27
        public static void DisplayModes(ArduinoBoard board)
            const int Gpio2           = 2;
            const int MaxMode         = 10;
            Length    stationAltitude = Length.FromMeters(650);
            int       mode            = 0;
            var       gpioController  = board.CreateGpioController();

            gpioController.SetPinMode(Gpio2, PinMode.Input);
            CharacterDisplay disp = new CharacterDisplay(board);

            Console.WriteLine("Display output test");
            Console.WriteLine("The button on GPIO 2 changes modes");
            Console.WriteLine("Press x to exit");
            disp.Output.ScrollUpDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
            AutoResetEvent buttonClicked = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            void ChangeMode(object sender, PinValueChangedEventArgs pinValueChangedEventArgs)
                if (mode > MaxMode)
                    // Don't change back to 0
                    mode = 1;


            gpioController.RegisterCallbackForPinValueChangedEvent(Gpio2, PinEventTypes.Falling, ChangeMode);
            var    device = board.CreateI2cDevice(new I2cConnectionSettings(0, Bmp280.DefaultI2cAddress));

                bmp             = new Bmp280(device);
                bmp.StandbyTime = StandbyTime.Ms250;
            catch (IOException)
                bmp = null;
                Console.WriteLine("BMP280 not available");

            OpenHardwareMonitor hardwareMonitor = new OpenHardwareMonitor();

            TimeSpan sleeptime        = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
            string   modeName         = string.Empty;
            string   previousModeName = string.Empty;
            int      firstCharInText  = 0;

            while (true)
                if (Console.KeyAvailable && Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar == 'x')

                // Default
                sleeptime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);

                switch (mode)
                case 0:
                    modeName = "Display ready";
                    disp.Output.ReplaceLine(1, "Button for mode");
                    // Just text

                case 1:
                    modeName = "Time";
                    disp.Output.ReplaceLine(1, DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
                    sleeptime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200);

                case 2:
                    modeName = "Date";
                    disp.Output.ReplaceLine(1, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());

                case 3:
                    modeName = "Temperature / Barometric Pressure";
                    if (bmp != null && bmp.TryReadTemperature(out Temperature temp) && bmp.TryReadPressure(out Pressure p2))
                        Pressure p3 = WeatherHelper.CalculateBarometricPressure(p2, temp, stationAltitude);
                        disp.Output.ReplaceLine(1, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0:s1} {1:s1}", temp, p3));
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when the application is launched normally by the end user. Other entry points
        /// will be used such as when the application is launched to open a specific file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Details about the launch request and process.</param>
        protected override async void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e)

            // Check if this is the first time the app is being launched
            // If OnLaunched is called again when the app is still running (e.g. selecting "Switch to" in WDP
            // while the app is running), the initialization code should not run again
            if (!(Window.Current.Content is Frame rootFrame))
                // Create a Frame to act as the navigation context and navigate to the first page
                rootFrame = new Frame();
                rootFrame.NavigationFailed += OnNavigationFailed;

                // Place the frame in the current Window
                Window.Current.Content = rootFrame;

                // Try to set the map token from file located in LocalState folder
                await WeatherHelper.SetMapTokenFromFileAsync("MapToken.config");

                // Enable kiosk mode if file is detected
                Settings.KioskMode = await FileUtil.ReadFileAsync("kiosk_mode") != null;

                // Use MEF to import features and components from other assemblies in the appx package.
                foreach (var feature in AppComposer.Imports.Features)
                        LogService.Write($"Loading Feature: {feature.FeatureName}");
                    catch (Exception ex)

                // Enable multi-view
                MultiViewManager            = new MultiViewManager(Window.Current.Dispatcher, ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().Id);
                MultiViewManager.ViewAdded += MultiViewManager_ViewAdded;

                // Subscribe for IoT Hub property updates if available
                var iotHubService = GetForCurrentContext().GetRegisteredService <IIoTHubService>();
                if (iotHubService != null)
                    iotHubService.DesiredPropertyUpdated += App_DesiredPropertyUpdated;

                // Make sure we weren't launched in the background
                if (e != null && e.PrelaunchActivated == false)
                    // When the navigation stack isn't restored navigate to the first page,
                    // configuring the new page by passing required information as a navigation
                    // parameter

                    if (ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values.ContainsKey(Constants.HasDoneOOBEKey))
                        rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage), e.Arguments);
                        rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(OOBEWelcomePage), e.Arguments);

            // Ensure the current window is active

            // Update asynchronously
            var updateAsyncTask = NetworkPresenter.UpdateAvailableNetworksAsync(false);
Esempio n. 29
        private async static Task PostWeiboAsync(Weather weather)
            string token  = ConfigHelper.Get("Weibo:Token"); // weibo token
            string status = $"{weather.DateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm")}    {weather.WeatherName}%0a" +
                            $"温度:{Math.Round(weather.Temperature, 1)} ℃    体感温度:{Math.Round(WeatherHelper.CalHeatIndex(weather.Temperature, weather.Humidity), 1)} ℃%0a" +
                            $"相对湿度:{Math.Round(weather.Humidity)} %25%0a" +
                            $"气压:{Math.Round(weather.Pressure / 100, 2)} hPa%0a" +

            using HttpClient client      = new HttpClient();
            using FileStream imageStream = File.OpenRead(ConfigHelper.Get("UsbCamera:ImagePath"));

            MultipartFormDataContent content = new MultipartFormDataContent
                { new StringContent(token, Encoding.UTF8), "access_token" },
                { new StringContent(status, Encoding.UTF8), "status" },
                { new StreamContent(imageStream, (int)imageStream.Length), "pic", "image.jpg" }

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("", content);
Esempio n. 30
        public void AbsoluteHumidityIsCalculatedCorrectly(double expected, double fahrenheit, double relativeHumidity)
            var absoluteHumidity = WeatherHelper.CalculateAbsoluteHumidity(Temperature.FromFahrenheit(fahrenheit), relativeHumidity);

            Assert.Equal(expected, Math.Round(absoluteHumidity, 0));