Esempio n. 1
    public void OnCharacterSelect(int characterChoice)

        Character selectedCharacter = characters [characterChoice];

        /* Destroy current character and instantiate new character */
        if (CharacterControl.instance != null && CharacterControl.instance.player != null)
            Transform t        = CharacterControl.instance.player.transform;
            Vector2   velocity = CharacterControl.instance.player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity;

            if (characterChoice == 1)
                Transform tmp = t;
                tmp.transform.position = new Vector2(tmp.transform.position.x, tmp.transform.position.y);
                curChar = 1;
                CharacterControl.instance.player = Instantiate(selectedCharacter.prefab, tmp.transform.position, t.transform.rotation);
            else if (characterChoice == 0 && curChar == 1)
                Transform tmp = t;
                tmp.transform.position = new Vector2(tmp.transform.position.x, tmp.transform.position.y);
                curChar = 0;
                CharacterControl.instance.player = Instantiate(selectedCharacter.prefab, tmp.transform.position, t.transform.rotation);
                CharacterControl.instance.player = Instantiate(selectedCharacter.prefab, t.transform.position, t.transform.rotation);
                curChar = characterChoice;
            CharacterControl.instance.player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = velocity;
            CharacterControl.instance.player = Instantiate(selectedCharacter.prefab);

        CharacterControl.instance.jump_velocity   = selectedCharacter.jump_velocity;
        CharacterControl.instance.characterNumber = characterChoice;

        FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>().Play("Transform");
        if (characterPanel != null)
            characterPanel.SendMessage("SwapCharacter", characterChoice);

        WeaponMarker weaponMarker = CharacterControl.instance.player.GetComponentInChildren <WeaponMarker> ();

        AbilityCoolDown[] coolDownButtons = GetComponentsInChildren <AbilityCoolDown> ();

        for (int i = 0; i < coolDownButtons.Length; i++)
            coolDownButtons [i].Initialize(selectedCharacter.characterAbilities [i], weaponMarker.gameObject);
Esempio n. 2
    public void OnCharacterSelect(int characterChoice)
        GameObject   spawnedPlayer = Instantiate(player, playerSpawnPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        WeaponMarker weaponMarker  = spawnedPlayer.GetComponentInChildren <WeaponMarker> ();

        AbilityCooldown[] cooldownButtons   = GetComponentsInChildren <AbilityCooldown> ();
        Character         selectedCharacter = characters [characterChoice];

        for (int i = 0; i < cooldownButtons.Length; i++)
            cooldownButtons[i].Initialize(selectedCharacter.characterAbilities[i], weaponMarker.gameObject);
Esempio n. 3
    public void OnCharacterSelect(int characterChoice) //function called when the button is pressed //parameter is passed by the button that was clicked
        characterActive = true;
        characterSelectPanel.SetActive(false); //hidden when first called
        abilityPanel.SetActive(true);          //activated when first called

        if (characterChoice == 0)
            spawnedPlayer = Instantiate(warrior, playerSpawnPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; //casted as a GameObject //Quaternion.identity returns the rotation of the original prefab
        else if (characterChoice == 1)
            spawnedPlayer = Instantiate(archer, playerSpawnPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            spawnedPlayer = Instantiate(mage, playerSpawnPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        WeaponMarker weaponMarker = spawnedPlayer.GetComponentInChildren <WeaponMarker>();                       //search (starting from the spawnedPlayer object) down the heirachy until it finds a weaponMarker component attached to a game object //used to find the weapon marker script in the heirarchy

        AbilityCooldown[] cooldownButtons   = GetComponentsInChildren <AbilityCooldown>();                       //look through the children attached to the game object this script is attached to and search down the heirachy and store ANY ability cooldown scripts it finds //then stored in this array
        Character         selectedCharacter = characters[characterChoice];                                       //character is selected based on which button the player picked (such as 0) //then gets the index character of the array (spot 0 in that case)

        for (int i = 0; i < cooldownButtons.Length; i++)                                                         //loops through the array until all have been initialzed
        {                                                                                                        //*IMPORTANT* If there are too many abilities, then some will get ignored because there are too many abilities //too few abilities will create blank buttons //need to account for this
            try                                                                                                  //set up just in case there are too many abilities or ability icons and an error is thrown
                cooldownButtons[i].Initialize(selectedCharacter.characterAbilities[i], weaponMarker.gameObject); //each character has an array of character abilities //the selected ability is the one in character abilities spot i //the weapon holder is the first object that was found that had a weapon marker
                //pass because abilities or ability icons are out of range