public override void Fire(Vector3 targetPoint) { if (CanFire() && gunnerPhotonView.IsMine) { int i = 0; foreach (Transform barrel in overrideBarrelTransforms) { targetPoint = CalculateFireDeviation(targetPoint, projectileDeviationDegrees); currentCooldown = fireRate; UseAmmo(ammoPerShot); // float distanceMultiplier = CalculateDamageMultiplierCurve(Vector3.Distance(barrelTransform.position, targetPoint)); // define weapon damage details WeaponDamageDetails weaponDamageDetails = new WeaponDamageDetails(myNickName, myPlayerId, myTeamId, damageType, baseDamage,; string weaponDamageDetailsJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(weaponDamageDetails); int j = 0; if (i >= 2) { j = 1; } StartCoroutine(delayedFire(j * 0.1f, targetPoint, weaponDamageDetailsJson, i)); // do the rest in subclass i++; } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update // ---------------------- COPY THESE FUNCTIONS FOR EACH CHILD CLASS --------------------------------// // ---------------------- RPCs DO NOT INHERIT FROM PARENT ------------------------------------------// // method called by weaponController // we need a new version of this for every child class, otherwise the top level RPC will be called public override void Fire(Vector3 targetPoint) { // Debug.LogWarning("Projectile Weapon has not been ported to the new PhysX system"); // return; if (CanFire() && gunnerPhotonView.IsMine) { targetPoint = CalculateFireDeviation(targetPoint, projectileDeviationDegrees); currentCooldown = fireRate; UseAmmo(ammoPerShot); // float distanceMultiplier = CalculateDamageMultiplierCurve(Vector3.Distance(barrelTransform.position, targetPoint)); // define weapon damage details WeaponDamageDetails weaponDamageDetails = new WeaponDamageDetails(myNickName, myPlayerId, myTeamId, damageType, baseDamage,; string weaponDamageDetailsJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(weaponDamageDetails); weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireRPC_ProjectileWeapon), RpcTarget.All, targetPoint, weaponDamageDetailsJson); ShakeCameras(cameraShakeAmplitude, cameraShakeDuration); // do the rest in subclass } }
public override void Fire(Vector3 targetPoint) { /*if (gunnerPhotonView.IsMine && !isRemotelyFiring && HasAmmoToShoot()) * { * * }*/ /* * if (!CanFire() && gunnerPhotonView.IsMine) * { * SetIsRemotelyFiring(false); * CeaseFire(); * }*/ if (base.CanFire() && gunnerPhotonView.IsMine && CanFire()) { timeSinceLastFire = 0; targetPoint = CalculateFireDeviation(targetPoint, projectileDeviationDegrees); currentCooldown = fireRate; UseAmmo(ammoPerShot); float distanceMultiplier = CalculateDamageMultiplierCurve(Vector3.Distance(barrelTransform.position, targetPoint)); // define weapon damage details if (!isRemotelyFiring) { //create beam localFirstFire = true; CreateBeam(); SetIsRemotelyFiring(true); } else { localFirstFire = false; } if (!HasAmmoToShoot() && !isRecharging) { // StartCoroutine(DoBonusRecharge(extraRechargeTimeOnDepletion)); // Debug.Log("cease fire"); CeaseFire(); } else { RaycastHitDetails raycastTracerDetails = Fire_HitscanWeaponTracer(targetPoint); // if the raycast tracer details health field is not null, then damage em if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth) { WeaponDamageDetails weaponDamageDetails = new WeaponDamageDetails(myNickName, myPlayerId, myTeamId, damageType, baseDamage * distanceMultiplier, raycastTracerDetails.localHitPoint); raycastTracerDetails.hitTransform.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <VehicleHealthManager>() .TakeDamage(weaponDamageDetails); } // do the fire effect on our end // ------------ local firing procedure: // if we hit, then fire a ray effect playing hitsound on hit if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget) { FireBeamRoundEffectHit(raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // if we miss, then fire a ray effect playing missound on hit else if (!raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget) { FireBeamRoundEffectMiss(raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // ----------- remote firing procedure: // if optimisations are not enabled, for all other players: // if corrections are applied and we hit a target with health then fire a ray using FireHitscanRoundEffectCorrected, playing the hitsound on hit if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget) { int hitTeamId = raycastTracerDetails.hitTransform.GetComponentInParent <NetworkPlayerVehicle>() .teamId; weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireBeamRoundEffect_RPC), RpcTarget.Others, true, raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint, true, raycastTracerDetails.localHitPoint, hitTeamId); } else if (raycastTracerDetails.validTarget) { weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireBeamRoundEffect_RPC), RpcTarget.Others, true, raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint, false, raycastTracerDetails.localHitPoint, 0); } else { weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireBeamRoundEffect_RPC), RpcTarget.Others, false, raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint, false, raycastTracerDetails.localHitPoint, 0); } } } // now deal with beam effects if (beam != null && gunnerPhotonView.IsMine) { if (localFirstFire && !instantBeam) { // calculate target point interpolated along targetPoint - barrelEndMuzzleTransform.position direction vector by value timeSinceLastShot / maxLerpTime ShotBeamAtPointFirstFireLerp(targetPoint); } else { ShootBeamInDir(barrelEndMuzzleTransform.position, (targetPoint - barrelEndMuzzleTransform.position)); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update // ---------------------- COPY THESE FUNCTIONS FOR EACH CHILD CLASS --------------------------------// // ---------------------- RPCs DO NOT INHERIT FROM PARENT ------------------------------------------// // method called by weaponController // we need a new version of this for every child class, otherwise the top level RPC will be called public override void Fire(Vector3 targetPoint) { if (CanFire() && gunnerPhotonView.IsMine) { targetPoint = CalculateFireDeviation(targetPoint, projectileDeviationDegrees); currentCooldown = fireRate; UseAmmo(ammoPerShot); float distanceMultiplier = CalculateDamageMultiplierCurve(Vector3.Distance(barrelTransform.position, targetPoint)); // define weapon damage details // now fire the original true round on the host's end // this is the shot that deals damage // this shot also returns the hit transform of what we hit // depending on if useTracerHitCorrection is enabled, call either of the FireHitscanRoundEffect rpcs RaycastHitDetails raycastTracerDetails = Fire_HitscanWeaponTracer(targetPoint); // if the raycast tracer details health field is not null, then damage em if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth) { WeaponDamageDetails weaponDamageDetails = new WeaponDamageDetails(myNickName, myPlayerId, myTeamId, damageType, baseDamage * distanceMultiplier, raycastTracerDetails.localHitPoint); raycastTracerDetails.hitTransform.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <VehicleHealthManager>().TakeDamage(weaponDamageDetails); // var bh = Instantiate(bulletHoles[0],raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint, Quaternion.Euler(raycastTracerDetails.normalAngle * 360)); //bh.transform.rotation.SetEulerAngles(raycastTracerDetails.hitTransform.rotation.eulerAngles); // bh.transform.SetParent(raycastTracerDetails.hitTransform.gameObject.transform, true); // Debug.Log("aaaaaaaaaaa" + raycastTracerDetails.normalAngle * 360) ; // Debug.Log(bh.transform.rotation.eulerAngles); } // do the fire effect on our end // ------------ local firing procedure: // if we hit, then fire a ray effect playing hitsound on hit if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget) { FireHitscanRoundEffect(raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // if we miss, then fire a ray effect playing missound on hit else if (!raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget) { FireHitscanRoundEffectMiss(raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // if valid target is null, then fire a ray effect with no impact else { FireHitscanRoundEffectNoValidTarget(raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // do camera shake ShakeCameras(cameraShakeAmplitude, cameraShakeDuration); shakeTimerCur = 0; // ----------- remote firing procedure: // if optimisations are not enabled, for all other players: if (!useRapidFireOptimisation) { // if corrections are applied and we hit a target with health then fire a ray using FireHitscanRoundEffectCorrected, playing the hitsound on hit if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget && useTracerHitCorrection) { int hitTeamId = raycastTracerDetails.hitTransform.GetComponentInParent <NetworkPlayerVehicle>().teamId; weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireHitscanRoundEffectCorrected), RpcTarget.Others, raycastTracerDetails.localHitPoint, hitTeamId); } // if corrections are not applied and we hit a target, then fire a ray usig FireHitscanRoundEffect, playing hitsound on hit else if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget && !useTracerHitCorrection) { weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireHitscanRoundEffect), RpcTarget.Others, raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // if we hit something without health, then fire effect at hitpoint playing missound else if (!raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget) { weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireHitscanRoundEffectMiss), RpcTarget.Others, raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // if we hit no valid target (ie we hit the air), then just fire effect at hitpoint and instantiate no impact else { weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireHitscanRoundEffectNoValidTarget), RpcTarget.Others, targetPoint); } } // if optimisations are enabled, then get the other clients to start firing pretend shots // this is useful for very rapid fire weapons where we don't really care where the bullets graphically go if (useRapidFireOptimisation) { // instantiate relevant hit impact on vehicle if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget && useTracerHitCorrection) { int hitTeamId = raycastTracerDetails.hitTransform.GetComponentInParent <NetworkPlayerVehicle>().teamId; weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireHitscanCorrectedImpact), RpcTarget.Others, raycastTracerDetails.localHitPoint, hitTeamId); } // this bool is synchronised via rpc on cooldown // the fire effects will fire the gun graphically in its current direction as long as it is active, causing no actual damage SetIsRemotelyFiring(true); // now that this is enabled, the guest will just fire and look after itself } } }
protected virtual void FireRPC_ProjectileWeapon(Vector3 targetPoint, string serializedDamageDetails) { WeaponDamageDetails weaponDamageDetails = JsonUtility.FromJson <WeaponDamageDetails>(serializedDamageDetails); // parentRigidbody = transform.root.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); // debug function to fire weapon weaponAnimator.SetTrigger(primaryFireAnimatorTriggerName); // Debug.Log("ProjectileWeapon class object has fired"); // if we are the owner of the photonview, then fire the real projectile /* * PooledObject pooledProjectile = * Pool.Instance.Spawn(projectilePrefab, barrelTransform.position, barrelTransform.rotation); * * * GameObject projectile = pooledProjectile.gameObject; */ GameObject obj = projectilePrefab; // StopProjectileCollisionsWithSelf(obj); GameObject projectile = Instantiate(obj, barrelEndMuzzleTransform.position, barrelEndMuzzleTransform.rotation); // StopProjectileCollisionsWithSelf(projectile); ProjectileScript projScript = projectile.GetComponent <ProjectileScript>(); // set projscript stuff projScript.SetWeaponDamageDetails(weaponDamageDetails); projScript.ActivateProjectile(imapactParticle, missImpactParticle, projectileParticleEffectPrefab, impactParticleSound, impactParticleSoundMiss, imapactParticleVolume, missImpactParticleVolume); DoMuzzleFlashEffect(); projectile.transform.LookAt(targetPoint); PlayAudioClipOneShot(weaponFireSound); projectile.GetComponent <PhysXRigidBody>().mass = projectileMass; // FIRE REAL PROJECTILE if (gunnerPhotonView.IsMine) { projScript.SetTrueProjectile(true); projectile.GetComponent <PhysXRigidBody>().AddForce(projectileSpeed * (projectile.transform.forward), ForceMode.VelocityChange); if (inheritVelocityFromVehicle) { projectile.GetComponent <PhysXRigidBody>().AddForce(parentRigidbody.velocity, ForceMode.VelocityChange); } } // add projectile settings // otherwise fire a lag compensated dummy projectile with no damage scripts enabled else { projScript.SetTrueProjectile(false); float ping = (PhotonNetwork.GetPing() * 1.0f) / 2; // update position by ping Vector3 newPos = projectile.transform.position + (projectile.transform.forward * (ping * 0.001f) * projectileSpeed); if (inheritVelocityFromVehicle) { newPos += parentRigidbody.velocity * ping * 0.001f; } projectile.transform.position = newPos; projectile.GetComponent <PhysXRigidBody>().AddForce(projectileSpeed * (projectile.transform.forward), ForceMode.VelocityChange); } Destroy(projectile, 4f); //pooledProjectile.Finish(4f); }
// Start is called before the first frame update // ---------------------- COPY THESE FUNCTIONS FOR EACH CHILD CLASS --------------------------------// // ---------------------- RPCs DO NOT INHERIT FROM PARENT ------------------------------------------// // method called by weaponController // we need a new version of this for every child class, otherwise the top level RPC will be called public override void Fire(Vector3 targetPoint) { if (CanFire() && gunnerPhotonView.IsMine) { ShakeCameras(cameraShakeAmplitude, cameraShakeDuration); targetPoint = CalculateFireDeviation(targetPoint, projectileDeviationDegrees); currentCooldown = fireRate; UseAmmo(ammoPerShot); float distanceMultiplier = CalculateDamageMultiplierCurve(Vector3.Distance(barrelTransform.position, targetPoint)); // define weapon damage details // now fire the original true round on the host's end // this is the shot that deals damage // this shot also returns the hit transform of what we hit // depending on if useTracerHitCorrection is enabled, call either of the FireHitscanRoundEffect rpcs RaycastHitDetails raycastTracerDetails = Fire_HitscanWeaponTracer(targetPoint); // if the raycast tracer details health field is not null, then damage em if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth) { WeaponDamageDetails weaponDamageDetails = new WeaponDamageDetails(myNickName, myPlayerId, myTeamId, damageType, baseDamage * distanceMultiplier, raycastTracerDetails.localHitPoint); raycastTracerDetails.hitTransform.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <VehicleHealthManager>().TakeDamage(weaponDamageDetails); } // do the fire effect on our end // ------------ local firing procedure: // if we hit, then fire a ray effect playing hitsound on hit if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget) { FireHitscanRoundEffect(raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // if we miss, then fire a ray effect playing missound on hit else if (!raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget) { FireHitscanRoundEffectMiss(raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // if valid target is null, then fire a ray effect with no impact else { FireHitscanRoundEffectNoValidTarget(raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // do camera shake ShakeCameras(cameraShakeAmplitude, cameraShakeDuration); shakeTimerCur = 0; // ----------- remote firing procedure: // if optimisations are not enabled, for all other players: // if corrections are applied and we hit a target with health then fire a ray using FireHitscanRoundEffectCorrected, playing the hitsound on hit if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget && useTracerHitCorrection) { int hitTeamId = raycastTracerDetails.hitTransform.GetComponentInParent <NetworkPlayerVehicle>().teamId; weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireHitscanRoundEffectCorrected), RpcTarget.Others, raycastTracerDetails.localHitPoint, hitTeamId); } // if corrections are not applied and we hit a target, then fire a ray usig FireHitscanRoundEffect, playing hitsound on hit else if (raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget && !useTracerHitCorrection) { weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireHitscanRoundEffect), RpcTarget.Others, raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // if we hit something without health, then fire effect at hitpoint playing missound else if (!raycastTracerDetails.hasHealth && raycastTracerDetails.validTarget) { weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireHitscanRoundEffectMiss), RpcTarget.Others, raycastTracerDetails.worldHitPoint); } // if we hit no valid target (ie we hit the air), then just fire effect at hitpoint and instantiate no impact else { weaponPhotonView.RPC(nameof(FireHitscanRoundEffectNoValidTarget), RpcTarget.Others, targetPoint); } } }