Esempio n. 1
 public PentagonsPlus(
     WeakUpperBoundsEqual <Variable, Expression> left, Pentagons <Variable, Expression> right,
     ExpressionManagerWithEncoder <Variable, Expression> expManager)
     : base(left, right, expManager)
     Contract.Requires(left != null);
     Contract.Requires(right != null);
     Contract.Requires(expManager != null);
Esempio n. 2
        public Pentagons <Variable, Expression> TestTrueLessThan(Expression exp1, Expression exp2,
                                                                 WeakUpperBoundsEqual <Variable, Expression> oracleDomain)
            Contract.Requires(exp1 != null);
            Contract.Requires(exp2 != null);
            Contract.Requires(oracleDomain != null);

            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Pentagons <Variable, Expression> >() != null);

            var newLeft  = this.Left.TestTrueLessThan(exp1, exp2);
            var newRight = this.Right.TestTrueLessThan(exp1, exp2, oracleDomain);

            return(this.FactoryOfPentagons(newLeft, newRight));
Esempio n. 3
        private void AssignInParallel
            (WeakUpperBoundsEqual <Variable, Expression> wubeq, WeakUpperBounds <Variable, Expression> wub,
            Dictionary <Variable, FList <Variable> > sourcesToTargets, INumericalAbstractDomain <Variable, Expression> oracleDomain)
            Contract.Requires(wubeq != null);
            Contract.Requires(wub != null);

            // adding the domain-generated variables to the map as identity
            var oldToNewMap = new Dictionary <Variable, FList <Variable> >(sourcesToTargets);

            if (!wubeq.IsTop)
                foreach (var e in wubeq.SlackVariables)
                    oldToNewMap[e] = FList <Variable> .Cons(e, FList <Variable> .Empty);

            if (!wub.IsTop)
                foreach (var e in wub.SlackVariables)
                    oldToNewMap[e] = FList <Variable> .Cons(e, FList <Variable> .Empty);

            // when x has several targets including itself, the canonical element shouldn't be itself
            foreach (var sourceToTargets in sourcesToTargets)
                var source  = sourceToTargets.Key;
                var targets = sourceToTargets.Value;

                Contract.Assume(targets != null);

                if (targets.Length() > 1 && targets.Head.Equals(source))
                    var tail = targets.Tail;
                    Contract.Assert(tail != null);

                    var newTargets = FList <Variable> .Cons(tail.Head, FList <Variable> .Cons(source, tail.Tail));

                    oldToNewMap[source] = newTargets;

            AssignInParallelWUBSpecific(wub, oldToNewMap);
            AssignInParallelWUBEQSpecific(wubeq, sourcesToTargets, oldToNewMap);
Esempio n. 4
        Factory(WeakUpperBoundsEqual <Variable, Expression> left, Pentagons <Variable, Expression> right)
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <ReducedCartesianAbstractDomain <WeakUpperBoundsEqual <Variable, Expression>, Pentagons <Variable, Expression> > >() != null);

            return(new PentagonsPlus <Variable, Expression>(left, right, this.ExpressionManager));
Esempio n. 5
 Reduce(WeakUpperBoundsEqual <Variable, Expression> left, Pentagons <Variable, Expression> right)
     return(this.Factory(left, right));
Esempio n. 6
        private void AssignInParallelWUBEQSpecific(
            WeakUpperBoundsEqual <Variable, Expression> wubeq, Dictionary <Variable, FList <Variable> > sourcesToTargets,
            Dictionary <Variable, FList <Variable> > oldToNewMap)
            Contract.Requires(wubeq != null);
            Contract.Requires(sourcesToTargets != null);
            Contract.Requires(oldToNewMap != null);

            var newMappings = new Dictionary <Variable, List <Variable> >(wubeq.Count);

            foreach (var oldLeft_Pair in wubeq.Elements)
                FList <Variable> targets;
                if (oldToNewMap.TryGetValue(oldLeft_Pair.Key, out targets))
                    Contract.Assume(targets != null);

                    var oldBounds = oldLeft_Pair.Value;
                    if (!oldBounds.IsNormal())

                    var newLeft = targets.Head; // our canonical element

                    foreach (var oldRight in oldBounds.Values)
                        FList <Variable> olds;
                        if (oldToNewMap.TryGetValue(oldRight, out olds))
                            Contract.Assume(olds != null);

                            var newRight = olds.Head; // our canonical element
                            AddUpperBound(newLeft, newRight, newMappings);

            // Precision improvements:
            // Consider:
            //   if (x < y) x = y;
            //   Debug.Assert(x >= y);
            // This is an example where at the end of the then branch, we have a single old variable being assigned to new new variables:
            //   x := y'  and y := y'
            // Since in this branch, we obviously have y' => y', the new renamed state should have y => x and x => y. That way, at the join,
            // the constraint x >= y is retained.
            foreach (var pair in sourcesToTargets)
                var targets = pair.Value;
                Contract.Assume(targets != null);

                var newCanonical = targets.Head;
                targets = targets.Tail;

                while (targets != null)
                    // make all other targets equal to canonical (rather than n^2 combinations)
                    AddUpperBound(newCanonical, targets.Head, newMappings);
                    AddUpperBound(targets.Head, newCanonical, newMappings);
                    targets = targets.Tail;

            var result = new List <Pair <Variable, SetOfConstraints <Variable> > >();

            // now add the new mappings
            foreach (var pair in newMappings)
                var bounds = pair.Value;
                Contract.Assume(bounds != null);
                if (bounds.Count == 0)

                var newBoundsFromClosure = new Set <Variable>(bounds);

                foreach (var upp in bounds)
                    List <Variable> values;
                    if (!upp.Equals(pair.Key) && newMappings.TryGetValue(upp, out values))
                        Contract.Assume(values != null);

                result.Add(pair.Key, new SetOfConstraints <Variable>(newBoundsFromClosure, false));
