Esempio n. 1
        public void TestDeleteWatchBadId()
            var watchRepo            = new Mock <IWatchesRepository>();
            IWatchesServices service = new WatchesService(watchRepo.Object);
            Exception        ex      = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>
                                           (() => service.DeleteWatch(0));

            Assert.Equal("Watch Id needs to be larger then 0", ex.Message);
Esempio n. 2
        public void TestFilterOutOfBounds()
            var watchRepo            = new Mock <IWatchesRepository>();
            IWatchesServices service = new WatchesService(watchRepo.Object);
            Exception        ex      = Assert.Throws <InvalidDataException>(() => service.GetFilteredWatches(new Filter()
                CurrentPage = 10, ItemsPerPage = 10

            Assert.Equal("Index out of bounds, Curret page is too high", ex.Message);
Esempio n. 3
        public void TestFilterInvalidData()
            var watchRepo            = new Mock <IWatchesRepository>();
            IWatchesServices service = new WatchesService(watchRepo.Object);
            Exception        ex      = Assert.Throws <InvalidDataException>(() => service.GetFilteredWatches(new Filter()
                CurrentPage = 0, ItemsPerPage = 0

            Assert.Equal("Current page and Items per page must be above zero", ex.Message);
Esempio n. 4
        public void TestAddWatchWithoutName()
            var watchRepo            = new Mock <IWatchesRepository>();
            IWatchesServices service = new WatchesService(watchRepo.Object);
            var watch = new Watches()
                ProductDescription = "Good watch", Price = 200, Stock = 20
            Exception ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>
                               (() => service.AddWatch(watch));

            Assert.Equal("Watch needs a Name", ex.Message);