Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new Waste view with the corresponding view model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewModel">
        /// The view model for this view.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// In the event that the supplied WasteViewModel is null, will throw ArgumentException.
        /// </exception>
        public Waste(WasteViewModel viewModel)

            m_viewModel = viewModel;

            if (m_viewModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected valid WasteViewModel instance.");

            DataContext = m_viewModel;
Esempio n. 2
        public IActionResult Edit(WasteViewModel model)
            var response = ResponseModelFactory.CreateInstance;

            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.IsTrialVersion)
            if (AuthContextService.CurrentUser.SchoolGuid == null)
            using (_dbITMContext)
                var ene    = _dbITMContext.Orgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SchoolName == AuthContextService.CurrentUser.SchoolName);
                var entity = _dbITMContext.Wastes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == model.Id);
                if (model.Receiver != "")
                    entity.Status = 1;
                entity.Imgs             = model.Imgs;
                entity.FullName         = model.FullName;
                entity.HandleDate       = model.HandleDate;
                entity.SwillNumber      = model.SwillNumber;
                entity.WasteoilNumber   = model.WasteoilNumber;
                entity.OtherWasteNumber = model.OtherWasteNumber;
                var eneNewHandlerName = _dbITMContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == model.NewHandlerName && x.OrganizationId == ene.OrganizationId);
                if (eneNewHandlerName != null)
                    entity.NewHandlerName = model.NewHandlerName;
                    entity.HandlerId      = eneNewHandlerName.UserId;
                entity.ReceiverCompanyId    = model.ReceiverCompanyId;
                entity.Receiver             = model.Receiver;
                entity.ReceiverCompanyName  = model.ReceiverCompanyName;
                entity.ReceiverIdentityCard = model.ReceiverIdentityCard;
                entity.Note = model.Note;
Esempio n. 3
        private WasteViewModel InitIndexViewModel(WasteViewModel model)
            var company   = GlobalFunctions.GetCompanyList(_companyBll);
            var listPlant = GlobalFunctions.GetPlantAll();

            if (CurrentUser.UserRole != Enums.UserRole.Administrator)
                var userPlantCompany = _userPlantMapBll.GetCompanyByUserId(CurrentUser.USER_ID);
                var poaMapCompany    = _poaMapBll.GetCompanyByPoaId(CurrentUser.USER_ID);
                var distinctCompany  = company.Where(x => userPlantCompany.Contains(x.Value));
                if (CurrentUser.UserRole == Enums.UserRole.POA)
                    distinctCompany = company.Where(x => poaMapCompany.Contains(x.Value));
                var getCompany = new SelectList(distinctCompany, "Value", "Text");
                company = getCompany;

                var itemPlant = GlobalFunctions.GetPlantAll().Where(x => CurrentUser.ListUserPlants.Contains(x.Value));
                listPlant = new SelectList(itemPlant, "Value", "Text");

            model.CompanyCodeList = company;
            model.PlantWerksList  = listPlant;
            model.MonthList       = GlobalFunctions.GetMonthList(_monthBll);
            model.YearList        = WasteYearList();
            model.Month           = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();
            model.Year            = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();

            var input = Mapper.Map <WasteGetByParamInput>(model);

            input.WasteProductionDate = null;
            input.UserId         = CurrentUser.USER_ID;
            input.UserRole       = CurrentUser.UserRole;
            input.ListUserPlants = CurrentUser.ListUserPlants;

            var dbData = _wasteBll.GetAllByParam(input);

            //var dbWasteQty = _wasteBll.CalculateWasteQuantity(dbData);

            model.Details = Mapper.Map <List <WasteDetail> >(dbData);

Esempio n. 4
        public PartialViewResult FilterWasteIndex(WasteViewModel model)
            var input = Mapper.Map <WasteGetByParamInput>(model);

            if (input.WasteProductionDate != null)
                input.WasteProductionDate = Convert.ToDateTime(input.WasteProductionDate).ToString();
            input.UserId         = CurrentUser.USER_ID;
            input.UserRole       = CurrentUser.UserRole;
            input.ListUserPlants = CurrentUser.ListUserPlants;

            var dbData    = _wasteBll.GetAllByParam(input);
            var result    = Mapper.Map <List <WasteDetail> >(dbData);
            var viewModel = new WasteViewModel();

            viewModel.Details     = result;
            viewModel.IsNotViewer = CurrentUser.UserRole != Enums.UserRole.Viewer && CurrentUser.UserRole != Enums.UserRole.Controller;
            return(PartialView("_WasteTableIndex", viewModel));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Inits all the various views for the application, which will be pushed and popped on the
        /// primary window as requested or required.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitViews()
            if (m_filteringEngine == null)
                throw new Exception("Engine must be initialized prior to initializing views, as views require references to allow user control.");

            // We null check, because if the save state load worked, these conditions will be
            // false and we won't overwrite our restored state.

            // This collection is initialized here because it has a direct connection to the UI.
            if (m_filteredApplicationsTable == null)
                m_filteredApplicationsTable = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, FilteredAppModel>();

            if (m_modelDashboard == null)
                m_modelDashboard = new DashboardModel(m_filteringEngine);

            if (m_viewModelDashboard == null)
                m_viewModelDashboard = new DashboardViewModel(m_modelDashboard);

            if (m_modelStatistics == null)
                m_modelStatistics = new StatisticsModel();

            if (m_viewModelStatistics == null)
                m_viewModelStatistics = new StatisticsViewModel(m_modelStatistics);

            if (m_modelSettings == null)
                m_modelSettings = new SettingsModel();

            if (m_viewModelSettings == null)
                m_viewModelSettings = new SettingsViewModel(m_modelSettings);

            if (m_viewModelWaste == null)
                m_viewModelWaste = new WasteViewModel(m_viewModelSettings, m_viewModelDashboard);

            // Necessary because we use a background worker. This thread != UI thread.
                (Action) delegate()
                m_modelStatistics.FilterCategories = m_filteringCategoriesObservable;
                m_modelSettings.FilterCategories   = m_filteringCategoriesObservable;

                m_primaryWindow    = new MainWindow();
                m_viewProgressWait = new ProgressWait();
                m_viewStatistics   = new Statistics(m_viewModelStatistics);
                m_viewDashboard    = new Dashboard(m_viewModelDashboard);
                m_viewSettings     = new Settings(m_viewModelSettings, new AddCategoryControl(m_filteringEngine));
                m_viewWaste        = new Waste(m_viewModelWaste);

                m_primaryWindow.ViewChangeRequest  += OnViewChangeRequest;
                m_viewDashboard.ViewChangeRequest  += OnViewChangeRequest;
                m_viewStatistics.ViewChangeRequest += OnViewChangeRequest;
                m_viewSettings.ViewChangeRequest   += OnViewChangeRequest;
                m_viewWaste.ViewChangeRequest      += OnViewChangeRequest;

                // Listen for the statistics view requests for app-wide stats deletion.
                m_viewStatistics.ClearStatisticsRequested += OnClearAllStatsRequest;

                MainWindow = m_primaryWindow;