public bool TryLoadProfile(MapId mapId) { switch (mapId) { case MapId.AlteracValley: // Alterac Valley return(false); case MapId.WarsongGulch: BattlegroundProfile = new WarsongGulchProfile(WowInterface, this); return(true); case MapId.ArathiBasin: // Arathi Basin return(false); case MapId.EyeOfTheStorm: // Eye of the Storm return(false); case MapId.StrandOfTheAncients: // Strand of the Ancients return(false); default: return(false); } }
private bool TryLoadProfile() { switch (WowInterface.ObjectManager.MapId) { case WowMapId.WarsongGulch: Profile = new WarsongGulchProfile(WowInterface); return(true); default: Profile = null; return(false); } }
private bool TryLoadProfile() { switch (Bot.Objects.MapId) { case WowMapId.WarsongGulch: Profile = new WarsongGulchProfile(Bot); return(true); default: Profile = null; return(false); } }