public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PutWarning(int id, Warning warning) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } if (id != warning.WarningID) { return BadRequest(); } db.Entry(warning).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!WarningExists(id)) { return NotFound(); } else { throw; } } return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); }
public void CheckTextWarningForEquality() { var firstTextWarning = new Warning(TestWarningText); var secondTextWarning = new Warning(TestWarningText); Assert.AreEqual(firstTextWarning, secondTextWarning); Assert.AreEqual(firstTextWarning.GetHashCode(), secondTextWarning.GetHashCode()); }
public void CheckExceptionWarningForEquality() { var firstTextWarning = new Warning(new NullReferenceException()); var secondTextWarning = new Warning(new NullReferenceException()); Assert.AreEqual(firstTextWarning, secondTextWarning); Assert.AreEqual(firstTextWarning.GetHashCode(), secondTextWarning.GetHashCode()); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether this IKMappingSpine is valid /// </summary> public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger) { if (!base.IsValid(solver, logger)) return false; foreach (Transform spineBone in spineBones) if (spineBone == null) { if (logger != null) logger("Spine bones contains a null reference."); return false; } int nodes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spineBones.Length; i++) { if (solver.GetPoint(spineBones[i]) != null) nodes ++; } if (nodes == 0) { if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingSpine does not contain any nodes."); return false; } if (leftUpperArmBone == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingSpine is missing the left upper arm bone."); return false; } if (rightUpperArmBone == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingSpine is missing the right upper arm bone."); return false; } if (leftThighBone == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingSpine is missing the left thigh bone."); return false; } if (rightThighBone == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingSpine is missing the right thigh bone."); return false; } if (solver.GetPoint(leftUpperArmBone) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("Full Body IK is missing the left upper arm node."); return false; } if (solver.GetPoint(rightUpperArmBone) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("Full Body IK is missing the right upper arm node."); return false; } if (solver.GetPoint(leftThighBone) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("Full Body IK is missing the left thigh node."); return false; } if (solver.GetPoint(rightThighBone) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("Full Body IK is missing the right thigh node."); return false; } return true; }
public float weight = 1f; // Added in 0.2 /// <summary> /// Determines whether this IKMappingLimb is valid /// </summary> public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger = null) { if (!base.IsValid(solver, logger)) return false; if (!BoneIsValid(bone1, solver, logger)) return false; if (!BoneIsValid(bone2, solver, logger)) return false; if (!BoneIsValid(bone3, solver, logger)) return false; return true; }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether this IKMappingBone is valid. /// </summary> public override bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger) { if (!base.IsValid(solver, logger)) return false; if (bone == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingBone's bone is null."); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Checks whether this FABRIKChain is valid. /// </summary> public bool IsValid(Warning.Logger logger) { if (ik == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IK unassigned in FABRIKChain."); return false; } if (!ik.solver.IsValid(logger != null)) return false; return true; }
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostWarning(Warning warning) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } db.Warnings.Add(warning); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = warning.WarningID }, warning); }
public void CheckSaveAndLoadWithBinaryDataFactory() { var warning = new Warning(TestWarningText); using (var dataFactory = new BinaryDataFactory()) using (var dataStream = new MemoryStream()) { dataFactory.Save(warning, new BinaryWriter(dataStream)); dataStream.Position = 0; var loadedWarning = (Warning)dataFactory.Load(new BinaryReader(dataStream)); Assert.AreEqual(warning, loadedWarning); } }
protected bool BoneIsValid(Transform bone, IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger = null) { if (bone == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingLimb contains a null reference."); return false; } if (solver.GetPoint(bone) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IKMappingLimb is referencing to a bone '" + + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain."); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Checks whether this FABRIKChain is valid. /// </summary> public bool IsValid(Warning.Logger logger) { if (ik == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IK unassigned in FABRIKChain."); return false; } if (!ik.solver.IsValid(true)) return false; foreach (FABRIKChain c in children) { if (!c.IsValid(logger)) return false; } return true; }
public ActionResult ReporteTransferencia(int ID) { LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport(); localReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("~/Reportes/ReporteTransferencia.rdlc"); ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1", repo.ReporteTransferencia(ID)); localReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); string reportType = "PDF"; string mimeType = "application/pdf"; string encoding = "utf-8"; string fileNameExtension = "pdf"; string deviceInfo = string.Empty; Warning[] warnings = new Warning[1]; string[] streams = new string[1]; Byte[] renderedBytes; //Render the report renderedBytes = localReport.Render(reportType, deviceInfo, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileNameExtension, out streams, out warnings); return File(renderedBytes, mimeType); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether this IKConstraintBend is valid. /// </summary> public bool IsValid(IKSolverFullBody solver, Warning.Logger logger) { if (bone1 == null || bone2 == null || bone3 == null) { if (logger != null) logger("Bend Constraint contains a null reference."); return false; } if (solver.GetPoint(bone1) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("Bend Constraint is referencing to a bone '" + + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain."); return false; } if (solver.GetPoint(bone2) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("Bend Constraint is referencing to a bone '" + + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain."); return false; } if (solver.GetPoint(bone3) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("Bend Constraint is referencing to a bone '" + + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain."); return false; } return true; }
public ActionResult ReporteAmortizacion(int ID ,string FECHA_INICIO ,string FECHA_FINAL) { DateTime fechaIni = DateTime.ParseExact(FECHA_INICIO, "dd/MM/yyyy", null); DateTime fechaFin = DateTime.ParseExact(FECHA_FINAL, "dd/MM/yyyy", null); LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport(); localReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("~/Reportes/ReporteAmortizacion.rdlc"); ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1", repo.ReporteKardexCliente(ID, fechaIni, fechaFin)); localReport.DataSources.Add(reportDataSource); string reportType = "PDF"; string mimeType = "application/pdf"; string encoding = "utf-8"; string fileNameExtension = "pdf"; string deviceInfo = string.Empty; Warning[] warnings = new Warning[1]; string[] streams = new string[1]; Byte[] renderedBytes; //Render the report renderedBytes = localReport.Render(reportType, deviceInfo, out mimeType, out encoding, out fileNameExtension, out streams, out warnings); return File(renderedBytes, mimeType); }
/// <summary> /// 调用方法 /// </summary> public object Invoke( object instance, object[] inputs, out object[] outputs ) { object result = null; try { InvokeBefore( inputs ); result = _invoker.Invoke( instance, inputs, out outputs ); return result; } catch ( Warning ex ) { ex.TraceId = _log.TraceId; throw; } catch ( Exception ex ) { var warning = new Warning( ex ); warning.TraceId = _log.TraceId; warning.Level = LogLevel.Error; throw warning; } finally { InvokeAfter( result ); } }
private void nameBox_ButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DataTree.SelectedNode == null) { return; } if (DataTree.SelectedNode.Tag is WzFile) { ((WzFile)DataTree.SelectedNode.Tag).Header.Copyright = nameBox.Text; ((WzFile)DataTree.SelectedNode.Tag).Header.RecalculateFileStart(); } else if (WzNode.CanNodeBeInserted((WzNode)DataTree.SelectedNode.Parent, nameBox.Text)) { string text = nameBox.Text; ((WzNode)DataTree.SelectedNode).ChangeName(text); nameBox.Text = text; nameBox.ButtonEnabled = false; } else { Warning.Error("A node with that name already exists. Please choose a different name"); } }
private void FakeReport() { ShimReport.AllInstances.LoadReportDefinitionStream = (x1, x2) => { }; ShimLocalReport.AllInstances.SetParametersIEnumerableOfReportParameter = (x1, x2) => { }; ShimReport.AllInstances.RenderStringStringStringOutStringOutStringOutStringArrayOutWarningArrayOut = (Report instance, string format, string deviceInfo, out string mimeType, out string encoding, out string fileNameExtension, out string[] streams, out Warning[] warnings) => { mimeType = DummyText; encoding = DummyText; fileNameExtension = DummyText; streams = new string[0]; warnings = new Warning[0]; return(new Byte[0]); }; ShimUnsubscribeReasonDetail.GetReportStringStringDateTimeDateTimeInt32String = (searchField, searchCriteria, fromDate, toDate, customerID, reason) => new List <UnsubscribeReasonDetail> { new UnsubscribeReasonDetail { EmailSubject = DummyText } }; }
protected override void InitiateSolver() { string message = ""; if (BipedReferences.SetupError(this.references, ref message)) { Warning.Log(message, this.references.root, false); return; } this.solvers.AssignReferences(this.references); if (this.solvers.spine.bones.Length > 1) { this.solvers.spine.Initiate(base.transform); } this.solvers.lookAt.Initiate(base.transform); this.solvers.aim.Initiate(base.transform); IKSolverLimb[] limbs = this.solvers.limbs; for (int i = 0; i < limbs.Length; i++) { limbs[i].Initiate(base.transform); } this.solvers.pelvis.Initiate(this.references.pelvis); }
public void AddWarning(int entityID, string message) { var warning = new Warning() { DateTime = DateTime.Now, Day = GameHelper.CurrentDay, EntityID = entityID, Unread = true, Message = message }; using (NoSaveChanges) { var entity = entityRepository.GetById(entityID); if (entity.GetEntityType() == EntityTypeEnum.Country) { var countryLink = EntityLinkCreator.Create(entity); var presidentMessage = $"[Redirected from {countryLink}] {message}"; if (entity.Country.PresidentID.HasValue) { AddWarning(entity.Country.PresidentID.Value, presidentMessage); } } else if (entity.GetEntityType() == EntityTypeEnum.Party) { var president = entity.Party.GetPresident(); if (president != null) { var partyLink = EntityLinkCreator.Create(entity); var presidentMessage = $"[Redirected from {partyLink}] {message}"; AddWarning(president.CitizenID, presidentMessage); } } } warningRepository.Add(warning); ConditionalSaveChanges(warningRepository); }
/// <summary> /// Initiate the solver with specified root Transform. Use only if this %IKSolver is not a member of an %IK component. /// </summary> public void Initiate(Transform root) { if (executedInEditor) { return; } if (OnPreInitiate != null) { OnPreInitiate(); } if (root == null) { Debug.LogError("Initiating IKSolver with null root Transform."); } this.root = root; initiated = false; string message = string.Empty; if (!IsValid(ref message)) { Warning.Log(message, root, false); return; } OnInitiate(); StoreDefaultLocalState(); initiated = true; firstInitiation = false; if (OnPostInitiate != null) { OnPostInitiate(); } }
private void SetupWebControlFakes() { ShimPerformanceByDayAndTimeReport .AllInstances.MasterGet = report => new MasterPages.Communicator(); ShimCompositeControl.AllInstances.DataBind = control => { _dataBind = true; }; ShimLocalReport.AllInstances.SetParametersIEnumerableOfReportParameter = (_, parameters) => { parameters.Count().ShouldBe(5); }; ShimLocalReport .AllInstances .RenderStringStringPageCountModeStringOutStringOutStringOutStringArrayOutWarningArrayOut = ( LocalReport format, string renderers, string info, PageCountMode mode, out string type, out string encoding, out string extension, out string[] streams, out Warning[] warnings) => { type = Type; encoding = string.Empty; extension = Extension; streams = new string[0]; warnings = new Warning[0]; return(_reportData); }; }
public void DoPaste() { if (!Warning.Warn(Properties.Resources.MainConfirmPaste)) { return; } yesToAll = false; noToAll = false; WzNode parent = (WzNode)DataTree.SelectedNode; WzObject parentObj = (WzObject)parent.Tag; if (parentObj is WzFile) { parentObj = ((WzFile)parentObj).WzDirectory; } foreach (WzObject obj in clipboard) { if (((obj is WzDirectory || obj is WzImage) && parentObj is WzDirectory) || (obj is WzImageProperty && parentObj is IPropertyContainer)) { WzNode node = new WzNode(obj); WzNode child = WzNode.GetChildNode(parent, node.Text); if (child != null) { if (ShowReplaceDialog(node.Text)) { child.Delete(); } else { return; } } parent.AddNode(node); } } }
/* * Initiates all bones to match their current state * */ protected void InitiateBones() { chainLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++) { // Find out which local axis is directed at child/target position if (i < bones.Length - 1) { bones[i].length = (bones[i].transform.position - bones[i + 1].transform.position).magnitude; chainLength += bones[i].length; Vector3 nextPosition = bones[i + 1].transform.position; bones[i].axis = Quaternion.Inverse(bones[i].transform.rotation) * (nextPosition - bones[i].transform.position); // Disable Rotation Limits from updating to take control of their execution order if (bones[i].rotationLimit != null) { if (XY) { if (bones[i].rotationLimit is RotationLimitHinge) { } else { Warning.Log("Only Hinge Rotation Limits should be used on 2D IK solvers.", bones[i].transform); } } bones[i].rotationLimit.Disable(); } } else { bones[i].axis = Quaternion.Inverse(bones[i].transform.rotation) * (bones[bones.Length - 1].transform.position - bones[0].transform.position); } } }
public void DoPaste() { if (!Warning.Warn("Paste WZ nodes from clipboard? (warning - can take a lot of time if many nodes are pasted)")) { return; } yesToAll = false; noToAll = false; WzNode parent = (WzNode)DataTree.SelectedNode; IWzObject parentObj = (IWzObject)parent.Tag; if (parentObj is WzFile) { parentObj = ((WzFile)parentObj).WzDirectory; } foreach (IWzObject obj in clipboard) { if (((obj is WzDirectory || obj is WzImage) && parentObj is WzDirectory) || (obj is IWzImageProperty && parentObj is IPropertyContainer)) { WzNode node = new WzNode(obj); WzNode child = WzNode.GetChildNode(parent, node.Text); if (child != null) { if (ShowReplaceDialog(node.Text)) { child.Delete(); } else { return; } } parent.AddNode(node); } } }
public void AddDevWarn(WarningTypeE warntype, ushort devid, uint transid = 0, uint trackid = 0) { Warning warn = List.Find(c => c.type == (byte)warntype && c.dev_id == devid && !c.resolve); if (warn == null) { if (stopwarnadding) { return; } if ((DateTime.Now - inittime).TotalSeconds < 20) { return; } warn = new Warning() { dev_id = devid, type = (byte)warntype, trans_id = transid, track_id = (ushort)trackid }; string devname = PubMaster.Device.GetDeviceName(devid); warn.area_id = (ushort)PubMaster.Device.GetDeviceArea(devid); string warnmsg = PubMaster.Dic.GetDtlStrCode(warntype.ToString(), out byte level); if (trackid > 0) { string trackname = PubMaster.Track.GetTrackName(trackid); warn.content = devname + ": (" + trackname + ") " + warnmsg; } else { warn.content = devname + ": " + warnmsg; } warn.level = level; AddWaring(warn); } }
public void Log_ConfiguredForFileAndDatabaseWithMessagesWarningsAndErrors_ShouldLogToFileAndDatabase() { var jobLogger = JobLogger.GetInstance(); var loggerConfiguration = new LoggerConfiguration(new List <ILogger> { FileLogger.GetInstance(), new DatabaseLogger() }, new List <LogLevel> { LogLevel.Message, LogLevel.Warning, LogLevel.Error }); jobLogger.Configure(loggerConfiguration); var message = new Message("This is the message"); jobLogger.Log(message); var warning = new Warning("This is the warning"); jobLogger.Log(warning); var error = new Error("This is the error"); jobLogger.Log(error); var loggedContent = File.ReadAllLines(_filePath); Assert.AreEqual(3, loggedContent.Count()); AssertFileContent(loggedContent, new List <ILogMessage> { message, warning, error }); var count = AssertDatabaseContent(new List <ILogMessage> { message, warning, error }); Assert.AreEqual(3, count); }
/// <summary> /// Gets any warnings <see cref="Warning"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">socket for executing command to brick</param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task <IEnumerable <Warning> > GetWarnings(ISocket socket) { Command cmd = null; using (CommandBuilder cb = new CommandBuilder(CommandType.DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY, 1, 0)) { GetWarning_BatchCommand(cb, 0); cmd = cb.ToCommand(); } Response response = await socket.Execute(cmd); byte bitField = response.PayLoad[0]; if (bitField == 0) { return new List <Warning> { Warning.None } } ; Warning warning = (Warning)bitField; return(warning.GetFlags()); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public async Task <Warning> AddWarning(SocketGuildUser user, FilterType warningType) { var settings = await _moderationModuleUtils.GetModerationSettings(user.Guild.Id); var userData = await _userWarningService.GetUser(user.Id, user.Guild.Id, u => u.Warnings); using (var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope()) { var warningService = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IEntityService <Warning> >(); var specificWarningDuration = await GetWarningDuration(settings.GuildId, warningType); var expireDate = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(specificWarningDuration); // 0 means punishment lasts forever. if (specificWarningDuration == 0) { expireDate = DateTimeOffset.MaxValue; } var warning = new Warning { UserId = userData.Id, WarningRecieved = DateTimeOffset.Now, WarningExpires = expireDate, WarningType = warningType }; await warningService.Create(warning); _logger.LogInformation($"Moderation Module: User {user.Username} warned. Added warning to database. " + $"Guild Id: {user.Guild.Id}, User Id: {user.Id}"); return(warning); } }
#pragma warning disable 4014 //Code does not need to be awaited public void LogoutButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Properties.Settings.Default.AutoLogin = false; if (Client.IsLoggedIn && Client.GameStatus.ToLower() != "championSelect".ToLower()) { Client.ReturnButton.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Client.MainWin.FullNotificationOverlayContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; LoginPage page = new LoginPage(); Client.Pages.Clear(); Client.PVPNet.QuitGame(); Client.PVPNet.Disconnect(); Client.ChatClient.OnDisconnect -= Client.ChatClient_OnDisconnect; Client.ChatClient.Close(); Client.ChatClient = null; Client.ChatClient = new JabberClient(); Client.chatlistview.Children.Clear(); Client.IsLoggedIn = false; Client.StatusContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Client.Container.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0); Client.SwitchPage(new LoginPage()); Client.ClearPage(typeof(MainPage)); } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.warnClose && Client.IsInGame) { Warn = new Warning(); Warn.Title.Content = "Logout while in Game"; Warn.MessageText.Text = "Are You Sure You Want To Quit? This will result in a dodge."; Warn.backtochampselect.Click += HideWarning; Warn.AcceptButton.Click += Quit; Warn.hide.Click += HideWarning; Warn.backtochampselect.Content = "Return to Champ Select"; Warn.AcceptButton.Content = "Dodge game and logout"; Client.FullNotificationOverlayContainer.Content = Warn.Content; Client.FullNotificationOverlayContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
public void LogoutButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Settings.Default.AutoLogin = false; if (Client.IsLoggedIn && !string.Equals(Client.GameStatus, "championSelect", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Client.ReturnButton.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException (Client.MainWin as MainWindow).FullNotificationOverlayContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Client.Pages.Clear(); RiotCalls.QuitGame(); Client.RiotConnection.Disconnected -= Client.RiotConnection_Disconnected; Client.RiotConnection.Close(); Client.XmppConnection.OnError -= Client.XmppConnection_OnError; Client.XmppConnection.Close(); Client.XmppConnection = null; Client.chatlistview.Children.Clear(); Client.IsLoggedIn = false; Client.StatusContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; Client.Container.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0); Client.SwitchPage(new LoginPage()); Client.ClearPage(typeof(MainPage)); } else if (Settings.Default.warnClose && Client.IsInGame) { _warn = new Warning { Header = { Content = "Logout while in Game" }, MessageText = { Text = "Are You Sure You Want To Quit? This will result in a dodge." } }; _warn.backtochampselect.Click += HideWarning; _warn.AcceptButton.Click += Quit; _warn.hide.Click += HideWarning; _warn.backtochampselect.Content = "Return to Champ Select"; _warn.AcceptButton.Content = "Dodge game and logout"; Client.FullNotificationOverlayContainer.Content = _warn.Content; Client.FullNotificationOverlayContainer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
/// <summary> /// Add a warning to the user's amountr /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">The user ID to look for</param> /// <param name="serverId">The guild ID to look for</param> /// <param name="username">The username of the user</param> public static async Task AddWarnings(ulong userId, ulong serverId, string username) { using (SqliteDbContext DbContext = new SqliteDbContext()) { //Check if the guild has a spot if (DbContext.Warnings.Where(x => x.UserId == userId && x.Serverid == serverId).Count() < 1) { DbContext.Warnings.Add(new Warning { Serverid = serverId, UserId = userId, AmountOfWarnings = 1, Username = username }); } else { Warning Current = DbContext.Warnings.Where(x => x.UserId == userId && x.Serverid == serverId).FirstOrDefault(); Current.AmountOfWarnings += 1; DbContext.Warnings.Update(Current); } await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
private string MapType(JTokenType type) { switch (type) { case JTokenType.Boolean: return(""); case JTokenType.Float: return(""); case JTokenType.Integer: return(""); default: if (Warning != null) { Warning.Invoke(String.Format("Token of type '{0}' could not be mapped to literal data type.", type)); } break; } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 生成代码 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Create(/*object sender, RoutedEventArgs e*/) { try { if (!IsGenerate) { sider = new List <MySidebar>(); foreach (dynamic ds in grid.Children) { string name = ds.Name as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && name.Contains("BAR")) { sider.Add(ds); } } vm.result = GetData(sider); IsGenerate = true; } //生成界面 vm.IsEnabled = false; //create.IsEnabled = true; vm.Genetate(vm.result); Warning warning = new Warning("生成成功"); warning.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { Warning warning = new Warning("生成失败:" + ex.Message); warning.ShowDialog(); })); } }
private void CheckForMixedReferences() { Processing?.Invoke("Check for mixed references..."); var refGroups = References.GroupBy(r => r.RefId) .Select(g => g.AsQueryable().ToList()) .Where(rl => rl.Count > 1) .ToList(); var warningRefs = refGroups.Select(g => g.GroupBy(r => r.SourceId).ToList()) .Where(rg => rg.Count > 1) .ToList(); foreach (var warningRef in warningRefs) { var wref = warningRef.First().AsEnumerable().First(); var versions = string.Join(" <-> ", warningRef.SelectMany(w => w.AsEnumerable()) .Select(r => r.SourceVersion).Distinct() ); var warning = $"{wref.Name} {wref.Version}, used: {versions}"; solution.Warnings.Add(warning); Warning?.Invoke(warning); } var referenced = warningRefs .SelectMany(g => g.AsEnumerable()) .Select(g => g.Key) .ToList(); foreach (var reference in References) { reference.IsWarning = referenced.Contains(reference.SourceId); } }
internal bool SetValue(byte data) { Warning newValue = (Warning)data; bool hasChanged = (Value != newValue); if (hasChanged) { Value = newValue; if (Value != Warning.None) { IEnumerable <Warning> warnings = Value.GetFlags(); if (MonitorEvents) { WarningReceived?.Invoke(warnings); } foreach (Warning warning in warnings) { Brick.Logger.LogWarning($"Brick warning: {warning}"); } } } return(hasChanged); }
internal void AddWarning(Warning warning) { WarningCount++; if (warning.IsError) { ErrorCount++; } else if (warning.IsSuggestion) { SuggestionCount++; } if (WarningsByFile.TryGetValue(warning.Location.RelativeFilePath, out List <Warning> warnings)) { warnings.Add(warning); } else { WarningsByFile.Add(warning.Location.RelativeFilePath, new List <Warning>() { warning }); } }
// Calculates all bone lengths as well as lengths between the chains private void CalculateBoneLengths(IKSolverFullBody solver) { // Calculating bone lengths length = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length - 1; i++) { //计算链中 两个骨骼之间的长度 nodes[i].length = Vector3.Distance(nodes[i].transform.position, nodes[i + 1].transform.position); length += nodes[i].length; if (nodes[i].length == 0) { Warning.Log("Bone " + nodes[i] + " - " + nodes[i + 1] + " length is zero, can not solve.", nodes[i].transform); return; } } for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) { solver.chain[children[i]].rootLength = (solver.chain[children[i]].nodes[0].transform.position - nodes[nodes.Length - 1].transform.position).magnitude; if (solver.chain[children[i]].rootLength == 0f) { return; } } if (nodes.Length == 3) { // Square magnitude of the limb lengths sqrMag1 = nodes[0].length * nodes[0].length; sqrMag2 = nodes[1].length * nodes[1].length; sqrMagDif = sqrMag1 - sqrMag2; } }
/// <summary> /// 重写基类的异常处理方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context) { base.OnException(context); context.ExceptionHandled = true; string errorMsg = ""; AbpValidationException abpValidationException = context.Exception as AbpValidationException; if (abpValidationException?.ValidationErrors?.Count > 0) { foreach (var validationError in abpValidationException.ValidationErrors) { errorMsg += validationError.ErrorMessage + ","; } } else { Warning warning = context.Exception as Warning; if (warning != null) { errorMsg = "500-" + warning.Message; } else { errorMsg = "500-" + ExceptionPrompt.Instance.GetPrompt(context.Exception); } } context.Result = new ContentResult { Content = Spring.Helpers.Json.ToJson(new { code = StateCode.SystemError.Value(), message = errorMsg, timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds() }) }; }
// Applies the weight curves and multipliers to the FBBIK solver public void Apply(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, FullBodyBipedEffector effector, InteractionTarget target, float timer, float weight) { for (int i = 0; i < weightCurves.Length; i++) { float mlp = target == null? 1f: target.GetValue(weightCurves[i].type); Apply(solver, effector, weightCurves[i].type, weightCurves[i].GetValue(timer), weight * mlp); } for (int i = 0; i < multipliers.Length; i++) { if (multipliers[i].curve == multipliers[i].result) { if (!Warning.logged) { Warning.Log("InteractionObject Multiplier 'Curve' " + multipliers[i].curve.ToString() + "and 'Result' are the same.", transform); } } int curveIndex = GetWeightCurveIndex(multipliers[i].curve); if (curveIndex != -1) { float mlp = target == null? 1f: target.GetValue(multipliers[i].result); Apply(solver, effector, multipliers[i].result, multipliers[i].GetValue(weightCurves[curveIndex], timer), weight * mlp); } else { if (!Warning.logged) { Warning.Log("InteractionObject Multiplier curve " + multipliers[i].curve.ToString() + "does not exist.", transform); } } } }
private opens CreateOpens(out Mock <HttpResponseBase> response, out Mock <IReportViewer> reportViewer) { var emailClients = new Mock <IEmailClients>(); emailClients.Setup(x => x.Get()).Returns(new List <EmailClients>()); var platforms = new Mock <IPlatforms>(); platforms.Setup(x => x.Get()).Returns(new List <Platforms>()); var master = new Mock <IMasterCommunicator>(); master.Setup(x => x.GetCustomerID()).Returns(0); var server = new Mock <IServer>(); server.Setup(x => x.MapPath(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(string.Empty); var blastReport = new Mock <IBlastReport>(); blastReport.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(new List <BlastReport>()); response = new Mock <HttpResponseBase>(); response.SetupGet(x => x.OutputStream).Returns(new MemoryStream()); reportViewer = new Mock <IReportViewer>(); reportViewer.Setup(x => x.DataBind()); reportViewer.Setup(x => x.SetParameters(It.IsAny <ReportParameter[]>())); var outString = string.Empty; var outStringArray = new string[] { }; var outWarningArray = new Warning[] { }; reportViewer.Setup(x => x.Render( It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), out outString, out outString, out outString, out outStringArray, out outWarningArray)).Returns(new byte[] { }); return(new opens(emailClients.Object, platforms.Object, master.Object, server.Object, blastReport.Object, reportViewer.Object)); }
private void HandleDeadLetter(DeadLetter message) { var msg = message.Message; var rcp = message.Recipient; var snd = message.Sender; if (!(msg is Terminate)) { var recipientPath = rcp.Path.ToString(); var recipientType = rcp.GetType(); var warning = new Warning(recipientPath, recipientType, message); if (!ShouldFilter(warning)) { var msgStr = (msg is ISystemMessage) ? "Received dead system message: " + msg : "Received dead letter from " + snd + ": " + msg; var warning2 = new Warning(recipientPath, recipientType, new DeadLetter(msgStr, snd, rcp)); if (!ShouldFilter(warning2)) { Print(warning2); } } } }
public FileContentResult Index() { Dictionary <string, string> reportParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Where(x => !x.Equals("ReportName")).ForEach(x => reportParameters.Add(x, Request.QueryString[x])); byte[] byteResult = new byte[0]; string extension, mimeType, encoding; Warning[] warnings = new Warning[0]; string[] streamIds = new string[0]; ServerInfoHeader serverInfoHeader; ExecutionInfo2 execInfo = new ExecutionInfo2(); ReportExecutionServiceSoapClient rsServiceClient = new ReportExecutionServiceSoapClient(); rsServiceClient.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation; ExecutionHeader execHeader = rsServiceClient.LoadReport2(null, "/Axis.ReportDB/" + Request.QueryString["ReportName"], null, out serverInfoHeader, out execInfo); rsServiceClient.SetExecutionParameters2(execHeader, null, reportParameters.Select(x => new ParameterValue { Name = x.Key, Value = x.Value }).ToArray(), "en-us", out execInfo); string sessionId = execInfo.ExecutionID; try { serverInfoHeader = rsServiceClient.Render2(execHeader, null, "PDF", @"<DeviceInfo><Toolbar>True</Toolbar></DeviceInfo>", PageCountMode.Actual, out byteResult, out extension, out mimeType, out encoding, out warnings, out streamIds); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(new FileContentResult(byteResult, "application/pdf")); }
public void Log_ConfiguredForDatabaseAndConsoleWithMessagesWarningsAndErrors_ShouldLogToDatabaseAndConsole() { var jobLogger = JobLogger.GetInstance(); var mockedConsoleWriter = new MockedConsoleWriter(); var loggerConfiguration = new LoggerConfiguration(new List <ILogger> { new DatabaseLogger(), new ConsoleLogger(mockedConsoleWriter) }, new List <LogLevel> { LogLevel.Message, LogLevel.Warning, LogLevel.Error }); jobLogger.Configure(loggerConfiguration); var message = new Message("This is the message"); jobLogger.Log(message); var warning = new Warning("This is the warning"); jobLogger.Log(warning); var error = new Error("This is the error"); jobLogger.Log(error); var count = AssertDatabaseContent(new List <ILogMessage> { message, warning, error }); Assert.AreEqual(3, count); AssertConsoleContent(mockedConsoleWriter.MockedMessages, new List <ILogMessage> { message, warning, error }); Assert.AreEqual(3, mockedConsoleWriter.MockedMessages.Count); }
public async Task ReinterpretTest() { FullResultRequest req = new FullResultRequest("cantalope duck"); req.Reinterpret = true; FullResultResponse res = await Client.FullResultAsync(req).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.True(res.IsSuccess); Assert.False(res.IsError); Warning warning = Assert.Single(res.Warnings); Assert.Equal("Using closest Wolfram|Alpha interpretation:", warning.Reinterpret.Text); Assert.Equal("cantalope", warning.Reinterpret.New); Assert.NotEqual(0, warning.Reinterpret.Score); Assert.Equal(Level.Medium, warning.Reinterpret.Level); Alternative alternative = Assert.Single(warning.Reinterpret.Alternatives); Assert.NotEqual(0, alternative.Score); Assert.Equal(Level.Low, alternative.Level); Assert.Equal("duck", alternative.Value); }
public void AddTaskWarn(uint areaid, WarningTypeE warntype, ushort devid, uint transid = 0, string result = "") { Warning warn = List.Find(c => c.type == (byte)warntype && c.dev_id == devid && c.trans_id == transid && !c.resolve); if (warn == null) { if (stopwarnadding) { return; } if ((DateTime.Now - inittime).TotalSeconds < 20) { return; } warn = new Warning() { area_id = (ushort)areaid, dev_id = devid, type = (byte)warntype, trans_id = transid }; string devname = PubMaster.Device.GetDeviceName(devid); //warn.area_id = (ushort)PubMaster.Device.GetDeviceArea(devid); string warnmsg = PubMaster.Dic.GetDtlStrCode(warntype.ToString(), out byte level); if (devid != 0) { warn.content = devname + ": " + warnmsg + " > " + result; } else { warn.content = "任务[" + transid + "] : " + warnmsg + " > " + result; } warn.level = level; AddWaring(warn); } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化异常 /// </summary> private void InitException() { if ( Exception == null ) return; var warning = new Warning( Exception ); ErrorMessage = warning.Message; StackTrace = warning.StackTrace; }
/* * Check if this chain is valid or not. * */ public bool IsValid(Warning.Logger logger = null) { if (nodes.Length == 0) { if (logger != null) logger("FBIK chain contains no nodes."); return false; } foreach (IKSolver.Node node in nodes) if (node.transform == null) { if (logger != null) logger("Node transform is null in FBIK chain."); return false; } return true; }
/* * Determines whether this IKEffector is valid or not. * */ public bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger) { if (bone == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector bone is null."); return false; } if (solver.GetPoint(bone) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain."); return false; } foreach (Transform b in childBones) { if (b == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector contains a null reference."); return false; } } foreach (Transform b in childBones) { if (solver.GetPoint(b) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain."); return false; } } if (planeBone1 != null && solver.GetPoint(planeBone1) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain."); return false; } if (planeBone2 != null && solver.GetPoint(planeBone2) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain."); return false; } if (planeBone3 != null && solver.GetPoint(planeBone3) == null) { if (logger != null) logger("IK Effector is referencing to a bone '" + + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain."); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether this IKMapping is valid. /// </summary> public virtual bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, Warning.Logger logger) { return true; }
protected override void WarningInternal(Warning message) { }
/// <remarks/> public string EndCreateReportHistorySnapshot(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult, out Warning[] Warnings) { object[] results = this.EndInvoke(asyncResult); Warnings = ((Warning[])(results[1])); return ((string)(results[0])); }
/** * Returns true if the given warning is in * the warning-set of this Preprocessor. */ public bool getWarning(Warning w) { return (warnings & w) != Warning.NONE; }
/** * Adds warnings to the warning-set of this Preprocessor. */ public void addWarnings(Warning w) { warnings |= w; }
public Preprocessor() { this.inputs = new List<Source>(); this.macros = new Dictionary<String,Macro>(); macros.Add(__LINE__.getName(), __LINE__); macros.Add(__FILE__.getName(), __FILE__); macros.Add(__COUNTER__.getName(), __COUNTER__); this.states = new Stack<State>(); states.Push(new State()); this.source = null; this.counter = 0; this.quoteincludepath = new List<String>(); this.sysincludepath = new List<String>(); this.frameworkspath = new List<String>(); this.features = Feature.NONE; this.warnings = Warning.NONE; this.filesystem = new JavaFileSystem(); this.listener = null; }
//Синтаксический анализ кода public bool GoAnalyze() { if (Code.SyntError != "none") return false; Gramma.Init(); #if DEBUG Gramma.Check(); #endif Configuration config = new Configuration(); //История конфигураций Stack<Configuration> history = new Stack<Configuration>(); history.Push(config); while (true) //додумать условие цикла { //Отношение перехода делаем на токенах if (config.s == 'q') { if (config.L2.Count != 0) { //1 пункт отношения, "На верху L2 не терминал, растим дерево" if (!config.L2.Peek().term) { Configuration.elem item = new Configuration.elem(config.L2.Pop()); Pravilo current = Gramma.p.Find(x => x.leftSide == item.value); //текущее правило if (item.value != "string") //првоеряю не ожидалась ли строка { if (item.value != "chislo" && item.value != "integer" && item.value != "real") { if (item.value != "id") { config.L1.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.leftSide, false, 1));//в магазин L1 суём левую часть правила for (int altIndex = current.rightSide[0].Count - 1; altIndex >= 0; altIndex--)//суём первую альтернативу в магазин L2 по элементно { if (current.rightSide[0][altIndex].notTerminal != "") { config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.rightSide[0][altIndex].notTerminal, false, 1)); } else { config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.rightSide[0][altIndex].terminal, true, 1)); } } } else { //Успешное прохождение идентификатора if (Code.Tokens[config.i].klass == "идентификатор") { config.L1.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.leftSide, false, 1)); config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(Code.Tokens[config.i].value, true, 1)); } else { config.L1.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.leftSide, false, 1));//в магазин L1 суём левую часть правила for (int altIndex = current.rightSide[0].Count - 1; altIndex >= 0; altIndex--)//суём первую альтернативу в магазин L2 по элементно { if (current.rightSide[0][altIndex].notTerminal != "") { config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.rightSide[0][altIndex].notTerminal, false, 1)); } else { config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.rightSide[0][altIndex].terminal, true, 1)); } } } } } else { //Успешное прохождение числа if (Code.Tokens[config.i].klass == "число ") { if (Code.Tokens[config.i].type == "real") { config.L1.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.leftSide, false, 2)); config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(Code.Tokens[config.i].value, true, 2)); } else { config.L1.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.leftSide, false, 1)); config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(Code.Tokens[config.i].value, true, 1)); } } else { /* Code.SyntError = "В строке " + Code.Tokens[config.i].str_num + " столбце " + Code.Tokens[config.i].pos_num + " ожидалось число"; return false; */ config.L1.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.leftSide, false, 1));//в магазин L1 суём левую часть правила for (int altIndex = current.rightSide[0].Count - 1; altIndex >= 0; altIndex--)//суём первую альтернативу в магазин L2 по элементно { if (current.rightSide[0][altIndex].notTerminal != "") { config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.rightSide[0][altIndex].notTerminal, false, 1)); } else { config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.rightSide[0][altIndex].terminal, true, 1)); } } } } } else { //Успешное прохождение строки if (Code.Tokens[config.i].klass == "строка") { config.L1.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.leftSide, false, 1)); config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(Code.Tokens[config.i].value, true, 1)); } else { /* Code.SyntError = "В строке " + Code.Tokens[config.i].str_num + " столбце " + Code.Tokens[config.i].pos_num + " ожидалась строка"; return false; */ config.L1.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.leftSide, false, 1));//в магазин L1 суём левую часть правила for (int altIndex = current.rightSide[0].Count - 1; altIndex >= 0; altIndex--)//суём первую альтернативу в магазин L2 по элементно { if (current.rightSide[0][altIndex].notTerminal != "") { config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.rightSide[0][altIndex].notTerminal, false, 1)); } else { config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.rightSide[0][altIndex].terminal, true, 1)); } } } } history.Push(config); } //2 пункт отношения, "На верху L2 терминал сравниваем входной токен" else { if (config.i < Code.Tokens.Count) { Configuration.elem item = new Configuration.elem(config.L2.Peek()); //"Успешное сравнение" if ((Code.Tokens[config.i].value == item.value) || (item.value == "lambda")) { if ((warn != null) && ( < config.i)) { //Убираем подозрительный токен warn = new Warning(); } config.L2.Pop(); config.L1.Push(item); if (item.value != "lambda") config.i++; } //4 пункт отношения. Не успешное сравнение else { //Сохраняем подозрительный токен if ( < config.i) { warn = new Warning(); warn.nTerm = config.L1.Peek(); warn.term = item; = config.i; } config.s = 'b'; } } else { Code.SyntError = "Неожиданный конец файла"; return false; } history.Push(config); } } else { //3 пункт отншения. Успешное завершение if (config.i == Code.Tokens.Count) { config.s = 't'; config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem("lambda", true, 0)); history.Push(config); Code.conclusion = config.Seq(); return true; } else { ErrorForm(warn); //Code.SyntError = "Неожиданный конец файла"; return false; } } } else { if (!config.L1.Peek().term) //6. Испытание очередной альтернативы { //тестовый костыль if (!config.L2.Peek().term || !(config.L1.Peek().value == "id")) { Configuration.elem item = new Configuration.elem(config.L1.Pop()); Pravilo current = Gramma.p.Find(x => x.leftSide == item.value); //текущее правило if (current.rightSide.Count > item.altIndex) //a. замена альтернативы если существует следующая альтернатива { for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < current.rightSide[item.altIndex - 1].Count; elemIndex++) { if (config.L2.Count != 0) { config.L2.Pop(); } else { ErrorForm(warn); return false; } } for (int elemIndex = current.rightSide[item.altIndex].Count - 1; elemIndex >= 0; elemIndex--)//суём j+1 альтернативу в магазин L2 по элементно { if (current.rightSide[item.altIndex][elemIndex].notTerminal != "") { config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.rightSide[item.altIndex][elemIndex].notTerminal, false, item.altIndex + 1)); } else { config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(current.rightSide[item.altIndex][elemIndex].terminal, true, item.altIndex + 1)); } } item.altIndex++; config.L1.Push(item); config.s = 'q'; } else { if (config.i == 0 && item.value == "main") //б. прекращение разбора { ErrorForm(warn); //Code.SyntError = "Цепочка не принадлежит языку"; return false; } else //в. Отмена результата { for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < current.rightSide[item.altIndex - 1].Count; elemIndex++) { config.L2.Pop(); } config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(item.value, false, 1)); } } } else { config.L2.Pop(); config.L2.Push(new Configuration.elem(config.L1.Pop().value, false, 1)); } } else //5 Возврат по ходу { Configuration.elem item = new Configuration.elem(config.L1.Pop()); config.L2.Push(item); //config.L2.Push(config.L1.Pop()); //на будующее когда всё будет работать if (item.value != "lambda") config.i--; } history.Push(config); } } }
//Формируем ошибку void ErrorForm(Warning w) { Code.SyntError = ""; Code.SyntError += "В строке " + Code.Tokens[].str_num + " столбце " + Code.Tokens[].pos_num + " встречено \"" + Code.Tokens[].value + "\" "; if (!w.term.term) { Pravilo current = Gramma.p.Find(x => x.leftSide == warn.term.value); if ((current.leftSide != "letter") && (current.leftSide != "digit")) while (current.rightSide[0][0].terminal != "") { current = Gramma.p.Find(x => x.leftSide == current.rightSide[0][0].notTerminal); } else { if (current.leftSide == "letter") Code.SyntError += "ожидался идентификатор."; if (current.leftSide == "digit") Code.SyntError += "ожидалась цифра."; return; } Code.SyntError += "ожидалось \"" + current.rightSide[0][0].terminal + "\"."; } { if (!w.nTerm.term) { if (w.nTerm.value == "letter") Code.SyntError += "ожидался идентификатор."; else { if (w.nTerm.value == "digit") Code.SyntError += "ожидалась цифра."; else Code.SyntError += "ожидалось \"" + w.term.value + "\" или возможная альтернатива."; } } else Code.SyntError += "ожидалось \"" + w.term.value + "\" или возможная альтернатива."; /*Code.SyntError += "ожидалось "; Pravilo current = Gramma.p.Find(x => x.leftSide == warn.nTerm.value); foreach (var item in current.rightSide) { if (item[0].terminal!="") { Code.SyntError +="\""+item[0].terminal + "\" или "; } } Code.SyntError=Code.SyntError.Remove(Code.SyntError.LastIndexOf("или")); Code.SyntError += "."; */ } }
public void setWarning(Warning Warning) { this.mWarning = Warning; }
/// <summary> /// 是否数据库外键约束错误 /// </summary> private static bool IsRefrenceError( Exception exception ) { var message = new Warning( exception ).Message; return message.Contains( "DELETE 语句与 REFERENCE 约束" ) || message.Contains( "a foreign key constraint fails" ); }
static bool HasWarningExpired(Warning warning) { //TODO: hardcoded as 1 hour, maybe make configurable? return (DateTime.UtcNow - warning.Created).TotalHours >= 1.0; }
public string CreateReportHistorySnapshot(string Report, out Warning[] Warnings) { object[] results = this.Invoke("CreateReportHistorySnapshot", new object[] { Report}); Warnings = ((Warning[])(results[1])); return ((string)(results[0])); }