public ActionResult Detail(int?id) { var obj = new Members(); if (id.HasValue) { obj = MembersService.FindById(id.Value); if (obj.CurrentCityId > 0) { var area = BaseService <Area> .FindById(obj.CurrentCityId); if (area != null) { var parentArea = BaseService <Area> .FindById(area.AreaPID); var text = area.Title; if (parentArea != null && parentArea.Type != 1) { text = parentArea.Title + "/" + text; } = text; } } if (!obj.StoreId.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var store = WarehouseService.Find(o => o.StoreId == obj.StoreId); if (store != null) { ViewBag.Store = store.Title; } } } return(View(obj.IsNullThrow())); }
public override IEnumerable <ProductRecord> Download(string storeId, string entityType) { var date = DateTime.Now.Date; var entity = WarehouseService.Find(o => o.StoreId == storeId && o.CompanyId == CommonService.CompanyId); var Categories = ProductCategoryService.CurrentRepository._context.Database.SqlQuery <int>( @"with my1 as(select * from ProductCategory where ProductCategory.CategoryPSN =0 and CategorySN in (" + entity == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.CategorySN) ? "''" : entity.CategorySN + @") union all select ProductCategory.* from my1, ProductCategory where my1.CategorySN = ProductCategory.CategoryPSN) select CategorySN from my1" ); var serverRepository = CurrentRepository; var sources = serverRepository.FindList(o => Categories.Contains(o.CategorySN)).OrderBy(o => o.CategorySN).ToList(); var query = (from a in BaseService <ProductChangePriceList> .CurrentRepository.Entities from b in BaseService <ProductChangePrice> .CurrentRepository.Entities where a.ChangePriceId == b.Id && b.State == 1 && b.CompanyId == CommonService.CompanyId select new { a, b }).ToList(); sources.ForEach(o => { var ranges = query.Where(p => p.a.Barcode == o.Barcode).OrderByDescending(p => p.b.CreateDT); var info = ranges.FirstOrDefault(); if (info != null) { o.SysPrice = info.a.CurSysPrice; } }); return(sources); }
public ActionResult GetStoreAddress(string storeId) { var obj = WarehouseService.Find(o => o.StoreId == storeId); if (obj == null) { return(Content("")); } return(Content(obj.Address)); }
public override IEnumerable <dynamic> Export(string storeId, string entityType) { var date = DateTime.Now.Date; var entity = WarehouseService.Find(o => o.StoreId == storeId && o.CompanyId == CommonService.CompanyId); var Categories = ProductCategoryService.CurrentRepository._context.Database.SqlQuery <int>(string.Format(@"with my1 as(select * from ProductCategory where ProductCategory.CategoryPSN =0 and CategorySN in ({0}) union all select ProductCategory.* from my1, ProductCategory where my1.CategorySN = ProductCategory.CategoryPSN) select CategorySN from my1", entity == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.CategorySN) ? "''" : entity.CategorySN) ).ToList(); var cates = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request["selectCategorySN"]; var selectBarcodes = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request["selectBarcodes"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cates)) { var cs = cates.Split(',').Select(i => int.Parse(i)).ToList(); cs = ProductCategoryService.GetChildSNs(cs, true); Categories = Categories.Where(o => cs.Contains(o)).ToList(); } var selectBars = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectBarcodes)) { selectBars = selectBarcodes.Split(',').ToList(); } var express = Pharos.Utility.Helpers.DynamicallyLinqHelper.True <ProductRecord>() .And(o => Categories.Contains(o.CategorySN), cates.IsNullOrEmpty()) .And(o => selectBars.Contains(o.Barcode), selectBarcodes.IsNullOrEmpty()) .And(o => o.ValuationType == 2).And(o => o.CompanyId == CommonService.CompanyId); var serverRepository = CurrentRepository; var sources = serverRepository.FindList(express).OrderBy(o => o.CategorySN).ToList(); //var query = (from a in BaseService<ProductChangePriceList>.CurrentRepository.Entities // from b in BaseService<ProductChangePrice>.CurrentRepository.Entities // where a.ChangePriceId == b.Id && b.State == 1 // select new { a, b }).ToList(); //sources.ForEach(o => //{ // var ranges = query.Where(p => p.a.Barcode == o.Barcode).OrderByDescending(p => p.b.CreateDT); // var info = ranges.FirstOrDefault(); // if (info != null) // { // o.SysPrice = info.a.CurSysPrice; // } //}); ProductService.SetSysPrice(storeId, sources); return(sources); }
public ActionResult GetNumByCatesn(int?catesn, string storeId) { if (catesn.HasValue) { var catesns = ProductCategoryService.GetChildSNs(new List <int>() { catesn.Value }, true); if (!storeId.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var entity = WarehouseService.Find(o => o.StoreId == storeId && o.CompanyId == CommonService.CompanyId); var allsns = ProductCategoryService.GetChildSNs(entity.CategorySN.Split(',').Select(o => int.Parse(o)).ToList(), true); catesns = allsns.Where(o => catesns.Contains(o)).ToList(); } return(Content(ProductService.FindList(o => catesns.Contains(o.CategorySN) && o.ValuationType == 2 && o.CompanyId == CommonService.CompanyId).Count.ToString())); } return(Content("0")); }
public override IEnumerable<ProductCategory> Download(string storeId, string entityType) { var entity = WarehouseService.Find(o => o.StoreId == storeId); var CategorySN = new List<int>(); if (entity != null) { try { CategorySN = entity.CategorySN.Split(",".ToArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(o => Convert.ToInt32(o)).ToList(); } catch { } } var sources = CurrentRepository.FindList(o => CategorySN.Contains(o.CategorySN) && o.Grade == 1).ToList(); sources = sources.Concat(GetCategory(CategorySN, 2)).ToList(); return sources; }
public ActionResult GetProductInput(string searchName, string supplierID, string zp, string storeId, string order, short?getStockNum) { if (searchName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(new EmptyResult()); } var express = DynamicallyLinqHelper.Empty <VwProduct>() .And(o => (o.Barcode != null && o.Barcode.StartsWith(searchName)) || o.Title.Contains(searchName) || (o.Barcodes != null && o.Barcodes.Contains(searchName))) .And(o => o.IsAcceptOrder == 1, order.IsNullOrEmpty()).And(o => o.CompanyId == CommonService.CompanyId); if (!supplierID.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var sp = supplierID.Split(',').ToList(); var bars = BaseService <ProductMultSupplier> .FindList(o => sp.Contains(o.SupplierId)).Select(o => o.Barcode).Distinct().ToList(); express = express.And(o => (sp.Contains(o.SupplierId) || bars.Contains(o.Barcode)), supplierID.IsNullOrEmpty()); } if (!storeId.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var ware = WarehouseService.Find(o => o.StoreId == storeId && o.CompanyId == CommonService.CompanyId); if (ware != null) { var categorySNs = ware.CategorySN.Split(',').Select(o => int.Parse(o)).ToList(); var childs = ProductCategoryService.GetChildSNs(categorySNs, true); express = express.And(o => childs.Contains(o.CategorySN)); } } var list = BaseService <VwProduct> .FindList(express, takeNum : 20); list = ProductService.SetAssistBarcode(list); ProductService.SetSysPrice <VwProduct>(storeId, list, supplierId: supplierID); if (getStockNum == 1) { ProductService.SetStockNum(storeId, list); } return(ToDataGrid(list, 20)); }
public ActionResult CheckProductInStock(NoteViewModel model) { Request.RequestContext.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); var DeNote = _note.Queryable().Include(x => x.Details.Select(t => t.Product)).Where(x => (x.Source.Id != null) && (x.Source.Id == model.SourceId) && x.Delete.Equals(false)).Select(x => new NoteViewModel() { Id = x.Id, SourceWarehouse = x.Source.Name, Details = x.Details.Select(y => new NoteDetailViewModel() { Id = y.Id, ProductName = y.Product.ProductName, Quantity = y.Quantity }).ToList() }); var ReNote = _note.Queryable().Include(x => x.Details.Select(t => t.Product)).Where(x => (x.Destination.Id != null) && x.Delete.Equals(false)) .Select(x => new NoteViewModel() { Id = x.Id, DestinationWarehouse = x.Destination.Name, Details = x.Details.Select(y => new NoteDetailViewModel() { Id = y.Id, ProductName = y.Product.ProductName, Quantity = y.Quantity }).ToList() }); var ReDetails = new List <StockViewModel>(); var DeDetails = new List <StockViewModel>(); foreach (var item in DeNote) { foreach (var smallitem in item.Details) { DeDetails.Add(new StockViewModel() { ProductName = smallitem.ProductName, Warehouse = item.SourceWarehouse, Quantity = smallitem.Quantity }); } } foreach (var item in ReNote) { foreach (var smallitem in item.Details) { ReDetails.Add(new StockViewModel() { ProductName = smallitem.ProductName, Warehouse = item.DestinationWarehouse, Quantity = smallitem.Quantity }); } } var filterDeNote = DeDetails.Where(x => x.Warehouse != null).GroupBy(x => x.Warehouse).Select(x => new { warehouse = x.Key, listItem = x.GroupBy(y => y.ProductName).Select(y => new { productname = y.Key, quantity = y.Sum(t => t.Quantity) }).ToList() }); var filterReNote = ReDetails.Where(x => x.Warehouse != null).GroupBy(x => x.Warehouse).Select(x => new { warehouse = x.Key, listItem = x.GroupBy(y => y.ProductName).Select(y => new { productname = y.Key, quantity = y.Sum(t => t.Quantity) }).ToList() }); var currentStorage = new List <StockGroupViewModel>(); foreach (var item in filterReNote) { var currentStorageItem = new StockGroupViewModel(); currentStorageItem.Warehouse = item.warehouse; if (filterDeNote.Where(x => x.warehouse == item.warehouse).Any()) { var gooditem = filterDeNote.Where(x => x.warehouse == item.warehouse).FirstOrDefault(); foreach (var smallitem in item.listItem) { var detailItem = new StockDetailViewModel(); if (gooditem.listItem.Where(t => t.productname == smallitem.productname).Any()) { var caughtDetail = gooditem.listItem.Where(t => t.productname == smallitem.productname).FirstOrDefault(); detailItem.ProductName = smallitem.productname; detailItem.Quantity = smallitem.quantity - caughtDetail.quantity; currentStorageItem.StockList.Add(detailItem); } else { detailItem.ProductName = smallitem.productname; detailItem.Quantity = smallitem.quantity; currentStorageItem.StockList.Add(detailItem); } } currentStorage.Add(currentStorageItem); } else { foreach (var smallitem in item.listItem) { var detailItem = new StockDetailViewModel(); detailItem.ProductName = smallitem.productname; detailItem.Quantity = smallitem.quantity; currentStorageItem.StockList.Add(detailItem); } currentStorage.Add(currentStorageItem); } } var flagWrong = false; var WrongName = ""; var requestWarehouse = _warehouse.Find((Guid)model.SourceId).Name; var matchWarehouse = currentStorage.Where(x => x.Warehouse == requestWarehouse).FirstOrDefault(); if (matchWarehouse != null) { foreach (var item in model.Details) { var productName = _product.Find((Guid)item.ProductId).ProductName; if (!matchWarehouse.StockList.Where(x => x.ProductName == productName).Any()) { flagWrong = true; WrongName = productName; break; } else { var quantity = matchWarehouse.StockList.Where(x => x.ProductName == productName).FirstOrDefault().Quantity; if (item.Quantity > quantity) { flagWrong = true; WrongName = productName; break; } } } } else { flagWrong = true; WrongName = requestWarehouse; } if (flagWrong == true) { var objects = new { result = "Kho không đủ số lượng sản phẩm " + WrongName }; return(Json(objects, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { var objects = new { result = "Ok" }; return(Json(objects, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult FollowUp(int id) { var member = MembersService.FindById(id); if (member == null) { return(Content("查无此会员!若连续发生此错误请联系技术管理员。")); } ViewBag.SourceStore = WarehouseService.IsExist(a => a.StoreId == member.StoreId) ? WarehouseService.Find(a => a.StoreId == member.StoreId).Title : ""; return(View(member)); }