Esempio n. 1
        private WalletTemplate CreateWalletTemplate(
            Guid brandId,
            string name,
            IEnumerable <Guid> productIds,
            bool isMain)
            var brand          = _repository.Brands.Single(x => x.Id == brandId);
            var walletTemplate = new WalletTemplate
                Id           = Guid.NewGuid(),
                DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                CreatedBy    = _actorInfoProvider.Actor.Id,
                Name         = name,
                CurrencyCode = brand.DefaultCurrency,
                IsMain       = isMain

            foreach (var productId in productIds)
                var walletProduct = new WalletTemplateProduct {
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(), ProductId = productId


Esempio n. 2
        public void Handle(WalletTemplateUpdated @event)
            var bonusRepository = _container.Resolve <IBonusRepository>();

            var brand = bonusRepository.Brands.SingleOrDefault(b => b.Id == @event.BrandId);

            if (brand == null)
                throw new RegoException(string.Format(NoBrandFormat, @event.BrandId));

            var brandPlayers = bonusRepository.Players.Where(p => p.Brand.Id == brand.Id);

            foreach (var walletTemplate in @event.NewWalletTemplates)
                var walletTemplateData = new WalletTemplate
                    Id       = walletTemplate.Id,
                    IsMain   = walletTemplate.IsMain,
                    Products = walletTemplate.ProductIds.Select(id => new Product {
                        ProductId = id

                foreach (var brandPlayer in brandPlayers)
                    brandPlayer.Wallets.Add(new Wallet
                        Player   = brandPlayer,
                        Template = walletTemplateData

            foreach (var walletTemplateDto in @event.RemainedWalletTemplates)
                var walletTemplate = brand.WalletTemplates.Single(wt => wt.Id == walletTemplateDto.Id);

                walletTemplate.Products.AddRange(walletTemplateDto.ProductIds.Select(id => new Product {
                    ProductId = id
                walletTemplate.IsMain = walletTemplate.IsMain;

Esempio n. 3
        private void CreateWallet(Brand brand)
            var walletTemplate = new WalletTemplate()
                Brand       = brand,
                Name        = "Main Wallet",
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                IsMain      = true,
                CreatedBy   = _sharedData.User.UserId,
                DateCreated = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow

Esempio n. 4
         * sumarry Loads the transaction history to a StackLayout
         * param name="Stack" the stacklayout where the transaction history should be loaded
         * **/
        public static async Task LoadTransactionHistoryToStack(StackLayout Stack, Label Balance)

            Dictionary <int, String[]> Data = new Dictionary <int, string[]>
                { 0, new String[] { "user_id", Utilities.ID.ToString() } },

            String ResponseJson = await TransactionModel.TransactionHistory(Utilities.PostDataEncoder(Data));

            var DecodedJson = JObject.Parse(ResponseJson);

            Balance.Text      = Utilities.Currency + " " + Convert.ToDouble(DecodedJson["transactions"]["balance"]);
            Utilities.Balance = Convert.ToDouble(DecodedJson["transactions"]["balance"]);

            await Utilities.RunTask(delegate
                foreach (var Transaction in DecodedJson["transactions"]["history"])
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                                   Transaction["amount"].ToString(), ((Transaction["action"].ToString() == "Deposit") ? TransactionType.Credit : TransactionType.Debit), "Date " + DateTime.Parse(Transaction["time"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() + "\n" + Transaction["reason"].ToString())
                        catch (Exception exx)
                            App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Alert", exx.Message, "Ok");

            //catch (Exception ex)
//                await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Alert",ex.StackTrace,"Ok");
//          }
Esempio n. 5
        public override void BeforeEach()

            FakeBrandRepository     = Container.Resolve <FakeBrandRepository>();
            FakePlayerRepository    = Container.Resolve <FakePlayerRepository>();
            FakePaymentRepository   = Container.Resolve <FakePaymentRepository>();
            FakeEventRepository     = Container.Resolve <FakeEventRepository>();
            FakeSecurityRepository  = Container.Resolve <FakeSecurityRepository>();
            FakeMessagingRepository = Container.Resolve <FakeMessagingRepository>();

            for (int i = 0; i < TestDataGenerator.CountryCodes.Length; i++)
                FakeBrandRepository.Countries.Add(new Country {
                    Code = TestDataGenerator.CountryCodes[i]

            for (int i = 0; i < TestDataGenerator.CurrencyCodes.Length; i++)
                FakeBrandRepository.Currencies.Add(new Currency {
                    Code = TestDataGenerator.CurrencyCodes[i]

            for (int i = 0; i < TestDataGenerator.CultureCodes.Length; i++)
                FakeBrandRepository.Cultures.Add(new Culture {
                    Code = TestDataGenerator.CultureCodes[i]

            var brandId = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000138");
            var brand   = new Core.Brand.Interface.Data.Brand {
                Id = brandId, Name = "138", Status = BrandStatus.Active, TimezoneId = "Pacific Standard Time"

            for (int i = 0; i < TestDataGenerator.CurrencyCodes.Length; i++)
                var currencyCode = TestDataGenerator.CurrencyCodes[i];

                brand.BrandCurrencies.Add(new BrandCurrency
                    BrandId               = brand.Id,
                    Brand                 = brand,
                    CurrencyCode          = currencyCode,
                    Currency              = FakeBrandRepository.Currencies.Single(x => x.Code == currencyCode),
                    DefaultPaymentLevelId = currencyCode == "CAD"
                        ? new Guid("E1E600D4-0729-4D5C-B93E-085A94B55B33")
                        : new Guid("1ED97A2B-EBA2-4B68-A70C-18A7070908F9")
            for (int i = 0; i < TestDataGenerator.CountryCodes.Length; i++)
                var countryCode = TestDataGenerator.CountryCodes[i];

                brand.BrandCountries.Add(new BrandCountry
                    BrandId     = brand.Id,
                    Brand       = brand,
                    CountryCode = countryCode,
                    Country     = FakeBrandRepository.Countries.Single(x => x.Code == countryCode)
            for (int i = 0; i < TestDataGenerator.CultureCodes.Length; i++)
                var cultureCode = TestDataGenerator.CultureCodes[i];

                brand.BrandCultures.Add(new BrandCulture
                    BrandId     = brand.Id,
                    Brand       = brand,
                    CultureCode = cultureCode,
                    Culture     = FakeBrandRepository.Cultures.Single(x => x.Code == cultureCode)
            var walletTemplate = new WalletTemplate()
                Brand       = brand,
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                IsMain      = true,
                Name        = "Main wallet",
                DateCreated = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                CreatedBy   = Guid.NewGuid()

            brand.DefaultCulture  = brand.BrandCultures.First().Culture.Code;
            brand.DefaultCurrency = brand.BrandCurrencies.First().Currency.Code;
            var vipLevel = new Core.Brand.Interface.Data.VipLevel {
                Name = "Standard", BrandId = brandId

            brand.DefaultVipLevelId = vipLevel.Id;
            brand.DefaultVipLevel   = vipLevel;

            var playerVipLevel = new VipLevel
                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name    = "Standard",
                BrandId = brandId

            brand.DefaultVipLevelId = playerVipLevel.Id;

            var playerBrand = new Core.Common.Data.Player.Brand {
                Id = brand.Id, TimezoneId = brand.TimezoneId


            FakeMessagingRepository.VipLevels.Add(new Core.Messaging.Data.VipLevel
                Id   = playerVipLevel.Id,
                Name = playerVipLevel.Name


            playerBrand.DefaultVipLevelId = playerVipLevel.Id;

            foreach (var questionid in TestDataGenerator.SecurityQuestions)
                FakePlayerRepository.SecurityQuestions.Add(new SecurityQuestion
                    Id       = new Guid(questionid),
                    Question = TestDataGenerator.GetRandomString()

            Container.Resolve <FakeGameRepository>().Brands.Add(new Core.Game.Interface.Data.Brand
                Id         = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000138"),
                TimezoneId = TestDataGenerator.GetRandomTimeZone().Id

            var bankAccountType = new BankAccountType
                Id   = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000100"),
                Name = "Main"

            FakePaymentRepository.Brands.Add(new Core.Payment.Data.Brand
                Id         = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000138"),
                TimezoneId = "Pacific Standard Time"


            var bank = new Bank
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                BankId      = "SE45",
                BankName    = "Bank of Canada",
                BrandId     = brandId,
                CountryCode = "Canada",
                Created     = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedBy   = "initializer"


            var cadAccountId = new Guid("B6755CB9-8F9A-4EBA-87E0-1ED5493B7534");

                new BankAccount
                Id            = cadAccountId,
                AccountId     = "BoC1",
                AccountName   = "John Doe",
                AccountNumber = "SE45 0583 9825 7466",
                AccountType   = bankAccountType,
                Bank          = bank,
                Branch        = "Main",
                Province      = "Vancouver",
                CurrencyCode  = "CAD",
                Created       = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedBy     = "Initializer",
                Status        = BankAccountStatus.Active,
                Updated       = DateTime.Now,
                UpdatedBy     = "Initializer"

            bankAccountType = new BankAccountType
                Id   = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000101"),
                Name = "VIP"

            bank = new Bank
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                BankId      = "70AC",
                BankName    = "Hua Xia Bank",
                BrandId     = brandId,
                CountryCode = "China",
                Created     = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedBy   = "initializer"

            var rmbAccountId = new Guid("13672261-70AC-46E3-9E62-9E2E3AB77663");

                new BankAccount
                Id            = rmbAccountId,
                AccountId     = "HXB1",
                AccountName   = "Beijing",
                AccountNumber = "BA3912940494",
                //AccountType = "Main",
                AccountType  = bankAccountType,
                Bank         = bank,
                Branch       = "Main",
                Province     = "Beijing Municipality",
                CurrencyCode = "RMB",
                Created      = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedBy    = "Initializer",
                Status       = BankAccountStatus.Active,
                Updated      = DateTime.Now,
                UpdatedBy    = "Initializer"

            var paymentLevel = new PaymentLevel
                Id                   = new Guid("E1E600D4-0729-4D5C-B93E-085A94B55B33"),
                BrandId              = brandId,
                CurrencyCode         = "CAD",
                Name                 = "CADLevel",
                Code                 = "CADLevel",
                EnableOfflineDeposit = true,
                DateCreated          = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                CreatedBy            = "Initializer"

            paymentLevel.BankAccounts.Add(FakePaymentRepository.BankAccounts.Single(a => a.Id == cadAccountId));

            paymentLevel = new PaymentLevel
                Id                   = new Guid("1ED97A2B-EBA2-4B68-A70C-18A7070908F9"),
                BrandId              = brandId,
                CurrencyCode         = "RMB",
                Name                 = "RMBLevel",
                Code                 = "RMBLevel",
                EnableOfflineDeposit = true,
                DateCreated          = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                CreatedBy            = "Initializer"
            paymentLevel.BankAccounts.Add(FakePaymentRepository.BankAccounts.Single(a => a.Id == rmbAccountId));

            var licensee = new Licensee
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                AllowedBrandCount = 1,
                Status            = LicenseeStatus.Active


            foreach (var culture in FakeBrandRepository.Cultures)
                FakeMessagingRepository.Languages.Add(new Language
                    Code = culture.Code,
                    Name = culture.Name

            foreach (var thisBrand in FakeBrandRepository.Brands.Include(x => x.BrandCultures.Select(y => y.Culture)))
                FakeMessagingRepository.Brands.Add(new Core.Messaging.Data.Brand
                    Id        = thisBrand.Id,
                    Name      = thisBrand.Name,
                    SmsNumber = TestDataGenerator.GetRandomPhoneNumber(),
                    Email     = TestDataGenerator.GetRandomEmail(),
                    Languages = thisBrand.BrandCultures.Select(x => new Language
                        Code = x.Culture.Code,
                        Name = x.Culture.Name

            foreach (var thisPlayer in FakePlayerRepository.Players)
                FakeMessagingRepository.Players.Add(new Core.Messaging.Data.Player
                    Id        = thisPlayer.Id,
                    Username  = thisPlayer.Username,
                    FirstName = thisPlayer.FirstName,
                    LastName  = thisPlayer.LastName,
                    Email     = thisPlayer.Email,
                    Language  = FakeMessagingRepository.Languages.Single(x => x.Code == thisPlayer.CultureCode),
                    Brand     = FakeMessagingRepository.Brands.Single(x => x.Id == thisPlayer.BrandId)

            foreach (var thisBrand in FakeMessagingRepository.Brands.Include(x => x.Languages))
                foreach (var thisLanguage in thisBrand.Languages)
                    foreach (var messageType in (MessageType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(MessageType)))
                        FakeMessagingRepository.MessageTemplates.Add(new MessageTemplate
                            BrandId               = thisBrand.Id,
                            LanguageCode          = thisLanguage.Code,
                            MessageType           = messageType,
                            MessageDeliveryMethod = MessageDeliveryMethod.Email,
                            TemplateName          = TestDataGenerator.GetRandomString(),
                            MessageContent        = string.Format("Fake email message Template. {0}.",
                                                                  Enum.GetName(typeof(MessageType), messageType)),
                            Subject     = TestDataGenerator.GetRandomString(),
                            Status      = Status.Active,
                            CreatedBy   = "System",
                            Created     = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                            ActivatedBy = "System",
                            Activated   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow

                        FakeMessagingRepository.MessageTemplates.Add(new MessageTemplate
                            BrandId               = thisBrand.Id,
                            LanguageCode          = thisLanguage.Code,
                            MessageType           = messageType,
                            MessageDeliveryMethod = MessageDeliveryMethod.Sms,
                            TemplateName          = TestDataGenerator.GetRandomString(),
                            MessageContent        = string.Format("Fake SMS message Template. {0}.",
                                                                  Enum.GetName(typeof(MessageType), messageType)),
                            Status      = Status.Active,
                            CreatedBy   = "System",
                            Created     = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                            ActivatedBy = "System",
                            Activated   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow


            var securityHelper = Container.Resolve <SecurityTestHelper>();


            var licenseeIds = new[] { licensee.Id };
            var brandIds    = new[] { brand.Id };

            const string superAdminUsername = "******";

            var adminId = RoleIds.SuperAdminId;
            var role    = new Role
                Id          = adminId,
                Code        = "SuperAdmin",
                Name        = "SuperAdmin",
                CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow


            var user = new Core.Security.Data.Users.Admin
                Id          = adminId,
                Username    = superAdminUsername,
                FirstName   = superAdminUsername,
                LastName    = superAdminUsername,
                IsActive    = true,
                Description = superAdminUsername,
                Role        = role


            foreach (var licenseeId in licenseeIds)
                user.LicenseeFilterSelections.Add(new LicenseeFilterSelection
                    AdminId    = user.Id,
                    LicenseeId = licenseeId,
                    Admin      = user


            foreach (var item in brandIds)
                user.BrandFilterSelections.Add(new BrandFilterSelection
                    AdminId = user.Id,
                    BrandId = item,
                    Admin   = user

            var authCommands = Container.Resolve <IAuthCommands>();

            authCommands.CreateRole(new CreateRole
                RoleId      = adminId,
                Permissions = Container.Resolve <IAuthQueries>().GetPermissions().Select(p => p.Id).ToList()
            authCommands.CreateActor(new CreateActor
                ActorId  = adminId,
                Username = superAdminUsername,
                Password = superAdminUsername
            authCommands.AssignRoleToActor(new AssignRole
                ActorId = adminId,
                RoleId  = adminId



            var testServerUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TestServerUri"];

            TestStartup.Container = Container;
            _webServer            = WebApp.Start <TestStartup>(testServerUri);

            PlayerWebservice = new MemberApiProxy(testServerUri);
Esempio n. 6
        // draws a single Paper Wallet in to a PdfSharp XForm
        private PdfSharp.Drawing.XForm getSingleWallet(PdfDocument doc, WalletBundle b, XImage imgArtwork, string address, string privkey, int numberWithinBatch, bool layoutDebugging)
            WalletTemplate t = b.template;

            double width  = t.widthMM;
            double height = t.heightMM;

            XUnit walletSizeWide = XUnit.FromMillimeter(width);
            XUnit walletSizeHigh = XUnit.FromMillimeter(height);

            PdfSharp.Drawing.XForm form = new PdfSharp.Drawing.XForm(doc, walletSizeWide, walletSizeHigh);

            using (XGraphics formGfx = XGraphics.FromForm(form))
                XGraphicsState state = formGfx.Save();

                bool interpolateArtwork = true;
                bool interpolateQRcodes = false;

                // XImage imgArtwork is now provided by caller, so this process only has to be done ONCE - because the artwork does not change between Wallets in a run!
                //XImage imgArtwork = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(b.getArtworkImage());
                imgArtwork.Interpolate = interpolateArtwork;

                formGfx.DrawImage(imgArtwork, new RectangleF(0f, 0f, (float)walletSizeWide.Point, (float)walletSizeHigh.Point));

                // draw the QR codes and legible-text things

                // Address
                // QR
                Bitmap bmpAddress = BtcAddress.QR.EncodeQRCode(address);
                XImage imgAddress = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(bmpAddress);
                imgAddress.Interpolate = interpolateQRcodes;

                XUnit addressQrLeft = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.addressQrLeftMM);
                XUnit addressQrTop  = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.addressQrTopMM);
                XUnit addressQrSize = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.addressQrSizeMM);

                // only print Address QR if called for
                if (t.addressQrSizeMM > 0.1)
                    XRect addressQrRect = new XRect(addressQrLeft.Point, addressQrTop.Point, addressQrSize.Point, addressQrSize.Point);
                    formGfx.DrawImage(imgAddress, addressQrRect);

                // text address
                string         addressSplitForLines = addressOrReferencePrep(address, t.addressTextCharsPerLine, t.addressTextContentVariant, numberWithinBatch);
                XFont          fontAddress          = new XFont(t.addressTextFontName, t.addressTextFontSize, t.addressTextFontStyle);
                XTextFormatter tf = new XTextFormatter(formGfx);

                XUnit addressTxtLeft   = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.addressTextLeftMM);
                XUnit addressTxtTop    = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.addressTextTopMM);
                XUnit addressTxtWidth  = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.addressTextWidthMM);
                XUnit addressTxtHeight = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.addressTextHeightMM);

                XRect addressRect = new XRect(addressTxtLeft.Point, addressTxtTop.Point, addressTxtWidth.Point, addressTxtHeight.Point);
                tf.Alignment = XParagraphAlignment.Center;

                TextRotation addressTxtRotation        = t.addressTextRotation;
                double       addressTxtRotationDegrees = RotationMarkerToDegrees(addressTxtRotation);

                if (layoutDebugging)
                    formGfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.PowderBlue, addressRect);

                XPoint rotateCentre      = new XPoint(addressTxtLeft + (addressTxtWidth / 2), addressTxtTop + (addressTxtHeight / 2));
                XPoint matrixRotatePoint = new XPoint(addressRect.X + (addressRect.Width / 2), addressRect.Y + (addressRect.Height / 2));

                XMatrix rotateMatrix = new XMatrix();
                rotateMatrix.RotateAtAppend(addressTxtRotationDegrees, rotateCentre);

                if (layoutDebugging)
                    // draw a little tracer dot for where the centre of rotation is going to be
                    double rotateDotSize = 2.0;
                    formGfx.DrawEllipse(XBrushes.Red, rotateCentre.X - (rotateDotSize / 2), rotateCentre.Y - (rotateDotSize / 2), rotateDotSize, rotateDotSize);

                // maybe even do some rotation of the lovely text!

                formGfx.RotateAtTransform(addressTxtRotationDegrees, rotateCentre);
                if (layoutDebugging)
                    formGfx.DrawRectangle(XPens.OrangeRed, addressRect);

                if (t.addressTextWidthMM > 0.1)
                    tf.DrawString(addressSplitForLines, fontAddress, t.GetBrushAddress, addressRect);

                // Privkey
                // QR
                Bitmap bmpPrivkey = BtcAddress.QR.EncodeQRCode(privkey);
                XImage imgPrivkey = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(bmpPrivkey);
                imgPrivkey.Interpolate = interpolateQRcodes;

                XUnit privkeyQrLeft = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.privkeyQrLeftMM);
                XUnit privkeyQrTop  = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.privkeyQrTopMM);
                XUnit privkeyQrSize = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.privkeyQrSizeMM);

                XRect privkeyQrRect = new XRect(privkeyQrLeft.Point, privkeyQrTop.Point, privkeyQrSize.Point, privkeyQrSize.Point);

                // only print privkey QR if specified - but you'd have to be an UTTER IDIOT to want to exclude this. Still, user input comes first!
                if (t.privkeyQrSizeMM > 0.1)
                    formGfx.DrawImage(imgPrivkey, privkeyQrRect);

                // legible
                string privkeySplitForLines = lineSplitter(privkey, t.privkeyTextCharsPerLine);

                XFont fontPrivkey = new XFont(t.privkeyTextFontName, t.privkeyTextFontSize, t.privkeyTextFontStyle);

                XUnit privkeyTxtLeft   = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.privkeyTextLeftMM);
                XUnit privkeyTxtTop    = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.privkeyTextTopMM);
                XUnit privkeyTxtWidth  = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.privkeyTextWidthMM);
                XUnit privkeyTxtHeight = XUnit.FromMillimeter(t.privkeyTextHeightMM);

                TextRotation privkeyTxtRotation        = t.privkeyTextRotation;
                double       privkeyTxtRotationDegrees = RotationMarkerToDegrees(privkeyTxtRotation);

                XRect privkeyRect = new XRect(privkeyTxtLeft.Point, privkeyTxtTop.Point, privkeyTxtWidth.Point, privkeyTxtHeight.Point);

                if (layoutDebugging)
                    // draw a tracer rectangle for the original un-rotated text rectangle
                    formGfx.DrawRectangle(XBrushes.PowderBlue, privkeyRect);

                // rotate that lovely text around its middle when drawing!
                rotateCentre = new XPoint(privkeyTxtLeft + (privkeyTxtWidth / 2), privkeyTxtTop + (privkeyTxtHeight / 2));

                matrixRotatePoint = new XPoint(privkeyRect.X + (privkeyRect.Width / 2), privkeyRect.Y + (privkeyRect.Height / 2));

                rotateMatrix = new XMatrix();
                rotateMatrix.RotateAtAppend(privkeyTxtRotationDegrees, rotateCentre);

                if (layoutDebugging)
                    // draw a little tracer dot for where the centre of rotation is going to be
                    double rotateDotSize = 2.0;
                    formGfx.DrawEllipse(XBrushes.Red, rotateCentre.X - (rotateDotSize / 2), rotateCentre.Y - (rotateDotSize / 2), rotateDotSize, rotateDotSize);


                formGfx.RotateAtTransform(privkeyTxtRotationDegrees, rotateCentre);

                if (layoutDebugging)
                    formGfx.DrawRectangle(XPens.OrangeRed, privkeyRect);

                // only print privkey text if specified.
                if (t.privkeyTextWidthMM > 0.1)
                    tf.DrawString(privkeySplitForLines, fontPrivkey, t.GetBrushPrivkey, privkeyRect);

