public override void Execute(object parameter)
            foreach (VisualCornerManipulator manipulator in _context.CornerManipulators)

            if (_context.LastSelected is VisualPolygonalBuilding)
                VisualPolygonalBuilding polygon = (VisualPolygonalBuilding)_context.LastSelected;

                for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Corners.Count; i++)
                    VisualCornerManipulator manipulator = new VisualCornerManipulator(polygon.SourceEntity, polygon, i);
                _context.CurrentlyManipulatedObject = _context.LastSelected;
            else if (_context.LastSelected is WallElement)
                WallElement wall = (WallElement)_context.LastSelected;
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    VisualCornerManipulator manipulator = new VisualCornerManipulator(wall.SourceEntity, wall, i);
                _context.CurrentlyManipulatedObject = _context.LastSelected;
Esempio n. 2
        public UnitSizeTile(int type, Point pos, Logic model)
            _model        = model;
            this.Position = pos;
            if (type == 2)
                Content[0] = new WallElement(pos, _model);
                Content[0].State.Anim.Frames[0] = new Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 20);
                Content[1] = new WallElement(new Point(pos.X + ElementSizeTile.ElementSize, pos.Y), _model);
                Content[1].State.Anim.Frames[0] = new Rectangle(20, 0, 20, 20);
                Content[2] = new WallElement(new Point(pos.X, pos.Y + ElementSizeTile.ElementSize), _model);
                Content[2].State.Anim.Frames[0] = new Rectangle(0, 20, 20, 20);
                Content[3] = new WallElement(new Point(pos.X + ElementSizeTile.ElementSize, pos.Y + ElementSizeTile.ElementSize), _model);
                Content[3].State.Anim.Frames[0] = new Rectangle(20, 20, 20, 20);

            if (type == 1)
                Content[0] = new IronElement(pos, _model);
                Content[1] = new IronElement(new Point(pos.X + ElementSizeTile.ElementSize, pos.Y), _model);
                Content[2] = new IronElement(new Point(pos.X, pos.Y + ElementSizeTile.ElementSize), _model);
                Content[3] = new IronElement(new Point(pos.X + ElementSizeTile.ElementSize, pos.Y + ElementSizeTile.ElementSize), _model);

            if (type == 0)
Esempio n. 3
        private void InitiatePolygonalBuilding()
            if (CurrentPolygonWall == null)
                // save mouse start position
                GlobalManagement.Instance.BuildingStartLocation = MousePosition.PxToMeter();
                NewPolygonalBuildingWalls = new List <WallElement>();
            // create wall of building
            CurrentPolygonWall = new WallElement(new Wall()
                Name = Constants.DefaultWallName
            Point meterPosition = MousePosition.PxToMeter();

            CurrentPolygonWall.X1 = meterPosition.X;
            CurrentPolygonWall.Y1 = meterPosition.Y;
            CurrentPolygonWall.X2 = meterPosition.X;
            CurrentPolygonWall.Y2 = meterPosition.Y;


            // add wall to map
Esempio n. 4
        public void UpdateFloorToDimensions(VisualFloor floor)
            // remove old walls
            ((IFloorEntity)floor.SourceEntity).Walls.RemoveAll(wall => wall.IsOuterWall);
            var toRemove = floor.MapEntities.Where(item => item is WallElement && ((WallElement)item).IsOuterWall).ToList();

            if (toRemove != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < toRemove.Count; j++)
                    foreach (VisualDoor door in ((WallElement)toRemove[j]).Doors)

            // update dimensions of map

            int   i        = 0;
            bool  finished = false;
            Point offset   = new Point(MapWidth / 2, MapHeight / 2);

            while (!finished)
                Wall wall = new Wall()
                    Id = 0, Thickness = Constants.DefaultOutsideWallThickness, Name = Constants.DefaultOuterWallName, IsOuterWall = true
                WallElement visualWall = new WallElement(wall);
                visualWall.X1 = Corners[i].X + offset.X;
                visualWall.Y1 = Corners[i].Y + offset.Y;

                if (i == Corners.Count - 1)
                    visualWall.X2 = Corners[0].X + offset.X;
                    visualWall.Y2 = Corners[0].Y + offset.Y;
                    finished      = true;
                    visualWall.X2 = Corners[i + 1].X + offset.X;
                    visualWall.Y2 = Corners[i + 1].Y + offset.Y;
Esempio n. 5
        private static void AddToSelection(WallElement newSelectedElement, bool asActiveObject)
            var oldSelection = Selection.objects;
            var newSelection = new UnityEngine.Object[oldSelection.Length + 1];

            oldSelection.CopyTo(newSelection, 0);
            newSelection[newSelection.Length - 1] = newSelectedElement.gameObject;
            Selection.objects = newSelection;

            if (asActiveObject)
                Selection.activeGameObject = newSelectedElement.gameObject;
 public bool CollidesWithWallElement(WallElement wall)
Esempio n. 7
    public static Vector2 RepelWhenClose(Copter thisCopter, WallElement wall, float repulsionMagnitude, float repulsionRadius)
        CollisionResult cr = thisCopter.PolygonCircleCollision(wall.CornerPoints);

        return(RepelWhenClose(thisCopter, cr.CollisionPointOtherObject, repulsionMagnitude, repulsionRadius));
Esempio n. 8
 public WallElement InstsharpMedia2WallElement(InstaSharp.Models.Media post, double latitude, double longitude)
     var wall = new WallElement
         CreatedTime = post.CreatedTime.ToLocalTime(),
         FullName = post.User.FullName,
         Id = post.Id,
         Location = (post.Location != null ? post.Location.Name : null),
         LocationId = (post.Location != null ? post.Location.Id : 0),
         Longitude = (post.Location != null ? post.Location.Longitude : 0),
         Latitude = (post.Location != null ? post.Location.Latitude : 0),
         ProfilePictureUrl = post.User.ProfilePicture,
         Distance = 0,
         StandardResolutionUrl = post.Images.StandardResolution.Url,
         PhotoHeight = post.Images.StandardResolution.Height,
         PhotoWidth = post.Images.StandardResolution.Width,
         LowResoltionUrl = post.Images.LowResolution.Url,
         ThumbnailUrl = post.Images.Thumbnail.Url,
         Username = post.User.Username,
         VideoUrl = (post.Videos != null ? post.Videos.StandardResolution.Url : ""),
         VideoHeight = (post.Videos != null ? post.Videos.StandardResolution.Height : 0),
         VideoWidth = (post.Videos != null ? post.Videos.StandardResolution.Width : 0)
     var distance = (post.Location != null && latitude !=0 ? CalculateDistance(latitude, post.Location.Latitude, longitude, post.Location.Longitude) : 0);
     if (distance > 0)
         wall.Distance = distance;
         wall.Bearing = (post.Location != null && latitude != 0 ? CalculateBearing(latitude, post.Location.Latitude, longitude, post.Location.Longitude) : 0);
         if (wall.Bearing >= 337.5 || wall.Bearing <= 22.5)
             wall.Direction = "N";
         else if (wall.Bearing > 22.5 && wall.Bearing < 67.5)
             wall.Direction = "NE";
         else if (wall.Bearing >= 67.5 && wall.Bearing <= 112.5)
             wall.Direction = "E";
         else if (wall.Bearing > 112.5 && wall.Bearing < 157.5)
             wall.Direction = "SE";
         else if (wall.Bearing >= 157.5 && wall.Bearing <= 202.5)
             wall.Direction = "S";
         else if (wall.Bearing > 202.5 && wall.Bearing < 247.5)
             wall.Direction = "SW";
         else if (wall.Bearing >= 247.5 && wall.Bearing <= 292.5)
             wall.Direction = "W";
         else if (wall.Bearing > 292.5 && wall.Bearing < 337.5)
             wall.Direction = "NE";
     return wall;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event raised on mouse move in the ZoomAndPanControl.
        /// </summary>
        private void zoomAndPanControl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (mouseHandlingMode == MouseHandlingMode.Panning)
                // The user is left-dragging the mouse.
                // Pan the viewport by the appropriate amount.
                Point  curContentMousePoint = e.GetPosition(content);
                Vector dragOffset           = curContentMousePoint - origContentMouseDownPoint;

                zoomAndPanControl.ContentOffsetX -= dragOffset.X;
                zoomAndPanControl.ContentOffsetY -= dragOffset.Y;

                e.Handled = true;
            else if (mouseHandlingMode == MouseHandlingMode.Zooming)
                Point  curZoomAndPanControlMousePoint = e.GetPosition(zoomAndPanControl);
                Vector dragOffset    = curZoomAndPanControlMousePoint - origZoomAndPanControlMouseDownPoint;
                double dragThreshold = 10;
                if (mouseButtonDown == MouseButton.Left &&
                    (Math.Abs(dragOffset.X) > dragThreshold ||
                     Math.Abs(dragOffset.Y) > dragThreshold))
                    // When Shift + left-down zooming mode and the user drags beyond the drag threshold,
                    // initiate drag zooming mode where the user can drag out a rectangle to select the area
                    // to zoom in on.
                    mouseHandlingMode = MouseHandlingMode.DragZooming;
                    Point curContentMousePoint = e.GetPosition(content);
                    InitDragZoomRect(origContentMouseDownPoint, curContentMousePoint);

                e.Handled = true;
            else if (mouseHandlingMode == MouseHandlingMode.DragZooming)
                // When in drag zooming mode continously update the position of the rectangle
                // that the user is dragging out.
                Point curContentMousePoint = e.GetPosition(content);
                SetDragZoomRect(origContentMouseDownPoint, curContentMousePoint);

                e.Handled = true;
            else if (mouseHandlingMode == MouseHandlingMode.DragObject)
                // Update position of transformation gizmo on overlay canvas to drag an object around
                Point canvasPoint = FromZoomControlToCanvasCoordinates(e.GetPosition(content));

                if (_vm.GizmoDragX)
                    _vm.GizmoX = Utils.PxToMeter(canvasPoint.X - (Gizmo.X + Gizmo.Width / 2));
                if (_vm.GizmoDragY)
                    _vm.GizmoY = Utils.PxToMeter(canvasPoint.Y - (Gizmo.Y + Gizmo.Height / 2));

                e.Handled = true;
            else if (mouseHandlingMode == MouseHandlingMode.CreateRectangle && GlobalManagement.Instance.NewRectangleBuilding != null)
                // Update rectangle that is being created
                Point point = e.GetPosition(content).PxToMeter();
                Point start = GlobalManagement.Instance.BuildingStartLocation;

                GlobalManagement.Instance.NewRectangleBuilding.C = point.Sub(start);

                // update building in map
            else if (mouseHandlingMode == MouseHandlingMode.CreatePolygon && ((DataModel)_vm).CurrentPolygonWall != null)
                // Update polygon wall which is currently being placed
                Point point = e.GetPosition(content).PxToMeter();
                ((DataModel)_vm).CurrentPolygonWall.X2 = point.X;
                ((DataModel)_vm).CurrentPolygonWall.Y2 = point.Y;
            else if (mouseHandlingMode == MouseHandlingMode.CreateWallAttachable && _vm.CurrentWallAttachable != null)
                if (!zoomAndPanControl.IsMouseCaptured)
                Point point = e.GetPosition(content).PxToMeter();
                Point cursorCenteredPoint = point.Sub(new Point(Constants.DefaultDoorWidth / 2, Constants.DefaultOutsideWallThickness / 2).Rotate(_vm.CurrentWallAttachable.Orientation));
                _vm.CurrentWallAttachable.X = cursorCenteredPoint.X;
                _vm.CurrentWallAttachable.Y = cursorCenteredPoint.Y;
                bool wallFound = false;

                // check if walls are in proximity
                foreach (IVisualElement mapEntity in _vm.MapEntities)
                    if (mapEntity is WallElement)
                        WallElement wall = (WallElement)mapEntity;
                        if (wall.Contains(point))
                            wallFound = true;
                            _vm.CurrentWallAttachable.Orientation = wall.Orientation;
                            cursorCenteredPoint = point.Sub(new Point(Constants.DefaultDoorWidth / 2, Constants.DefaultOutsideWallThickness / 2).Rotate(_vm.CurrentWallAttachable.Orientation));
                            Point pointOnWall = wall.ClosestPointOnWall(cursorCenteredPoint);
                            _vm.CurrentWallAttachable.X            = pointOnWall.X;
                            _vm.CurrentWallAttachable.Y            = pointOnWall.Y;
                            _vm.CurrentWallAttachable.AttachedWall = wall;
                if (!wallFound)
                    _vm.CurrentWallAttachable.AttachedWall = null;
            else if (mouseHandlingMode == MouseHandlingMode.CreateWall && _vm.CurrentWall != null)
                Point point = e.GetPosition(content).PxToMeter();
                _vm.CurrentWall.X2 = point.X;
                _vm.CurrentWall.Y2 = point.Y;
            _vm.MousePosition = e.GetPosition(content);
            GlobalManagement.Instance.CanvasPosition = FromZoomControlToCanvasCoordinates(_vm.MousePosition);