Esempio n. 1
        public static async Task <WalItem> GetDetail(string url)
            var    item   = new WalItem();
            string itemNo = null;
            string descr  = null;
            var    images = new List <string>();

                using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                    using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(url))
                        using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
                            // ... Read the string.
                            string result = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                            itemNo      = parseItemNo(result);
                            item.ItemId = itemNo;
                            if (itemNo == "568336078")
                                int stop = 1;

                            string marker = "\"product-short-description-wrapper\" itemprop=\"description\">";
                            descr = parseDescr(result, marker, "<");
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(descr))
                                marker = "\"product_long_description\":{\"values\":[\"";
                                descr  = parseDescr(result, marker, "}");
                            item.Description = descr;

                            images = ParseImages(result);
                            if (images.Count == 0)
                                int stop = 1;
                                item.PictureUrl = dsutil.DSUtil.ListToDelimited(images.ToArray(), ';');
                            Console.WriteLine("images: " + images.Count);

                            bool outOfStock = ParseOutOfStock(result);
                            if (outOfStock)
                                int stop = 1;
                            item.OutOfStock = outOfStock;
            catch (Exception exc)
                string err = exc.Message;
Esempio n. 2
        // get title, price and detail URL
        // helpful to debugging to log page number
        public static async Task <List <WalItem> > ProcessTitles(string html, int pageNum, int categoryId)
            bool done       = false;
            int  pos        = 0;
            int  startTitle = 0;
            int  titleLen   = 0;
            int  htmlLen    = html.Length;
            int  titleCount = 0;
            var  items      = new List <WalItem>();

            const string titleMarker    = "\"productType\":\"REGULAR\",\"title\":";
            string       productPageUrl = null;
            string       offerPrice     = null;

            const string whereToStart = "Walmart mobile apps";

            pos = html.IndexOf(whereToStart);

                    pos = html.IndexOf(titleMarker, pos);
                    if (pos == -1)
                        done = true;
                        int endPos = html.IndexOf("\",\"", pos + titleMarker.Length + 1);

                        startTitle = pos + titleMarker.Length + 1;
                        titleLen   = endPos - pos - titleMarker.Length - 1;
                        string title = html.Substring(startTitle, titleLen);
                        dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(Log_File, title);

                        productPageUrl = "" + getProductPageUrl(html, endPos);
                        dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(Log_File, productPageUrl);

                        offerPrice = getOfferPrice(html, endPos);
                        dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(Log_File, "offer price: " + offerPrice);

                        dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(Log_File, "page num: " + pageNum);
                        dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(Log_File, "", blankLine: true);

                        var item = new WalItem();
                        item.DetailUrl  = productPageUrl;
                        item.Title      = title;
                        item.CategoryID = categoryId;
                        item.Price      = Convert.ToDecimal(offerPrice);

                        //item.DetailUrl = "";
                        var detail = await GetDetail(item.DetailUrl);

                        item.ItemId      = detail.ItemId;
                        item.PictureUrl  = detail.PictureUrl;
                        item.Description = detail.Description;
                        item.OutOfStock  = detail.OutOfStock;


                        pos += titleMarker.Length;
                } while (!done);
            catch (Exception exc)
                string err = exc.Message;