private void ImportImages(DiscogsRelease discogsRelease) { bool replaceImages = true; if (this.release.Images.Count > 0) { replaceImages = Dialogs.YesNoQuestion("Replace existing release images?"); } if (replaceImages) { foreach (Image image in this.release.Images.ToArray()) { this.imagesEditor.RemoveImage(image); } } WaitWindow waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Downloading images. Please wait."); Progress <double> progress = new Progress <double>(); waitWindow.ShowDialog(this.window, new Task(() => { this.DownloadImagesAsync(discogsRelease, progress); }), progress); }
public frmWait(WaitWindow parent) { InitializeComponent(); this._Parent = parent; this.Top = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Top + 32; this.Left = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Right - this.Width - 32; }
public void Run() { this.waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Searching for cover art..."); this.waitWindow.ShowDialog(this.ParentWindow, () => { BlockingCollection <ReleaseData> releaseData = new BlockingCollection <ReleaseData>(6); Thread addingThread = new Thread(this.AddingThread); addingThread.Start(releaseData); for (int releaseNumber = 1; ; ++releaseNumber) { ReleaseData release; if (!releaseData.TryTake(out release, -1)) { break; } if (!this.ChooseReleasePicture(release, releaseNumber)) { addingThread.Abort(); break; } } addingThread.Join(); }); CollectionManagerGlobal.OnCollectionChanged(); }
private void OnXmlFileDropped(string file) { if (this.DatabaseRelease.Images.Count != 0 || this.DatabaseRelease.AdditionalFiles.Count != 0) { if (!Dialogs.Confirm("This will replace all images, additional files and other data. Continue?")) { return; } } WaitWindow waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Reading release data..."); waitWindow.ShowDialog(this, () => { var tempFactory = new MemorySessionFactory(); var tempManager = tempFactory.CreateCollectionManager(); using (XmlReleaseImporter xmlReleaseImporter = new XmlReleaseImporter(file, tempManager)) { Release release = xmlReleaseImporter.ImportRelease(); this.Dispatcher.InvokeAction(() => { this.LoadDataFromRelease(release, tempManager.ImageHandler); tempManager.Dispose(); tempFactory.Dispose(); }); } }); }
public void Run() { System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog folderDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog(); folderDialog.ShowNewFolderButton = true; if (folderDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { WaitWindow waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Importing collection..."); waitWindow.ShowDialog(this.ParentWindow, () => { try { using (DirectoryCollectionImporter importer = new DirectoryCollectionImporter(folderDialog.SelectedPath, this.CollectionManager)) { importer.Import(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.WriteToErrorLog("Error importing: " + ex.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Error importing backup: " + ex.Message); } this.ParentWindow.Dispatcher.BeginInvokeAction(() => { CollectionManagerGlobal.OnCollectionChanged(); }); }); } }
public void Test(object o) { WaitWindow waitcontrol = new WaitWindow(); // System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("The file type is wrong!"); waitcontrol.Show(); Task task = Task.Run(() => { for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { for (int m = 0; m < 1000; m++) { } } } }); task.Wait(); System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("The file typewwg!"); waitcontrol.Close(); }
public void Run() { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Filter = "Zip Files (*.zip)|*.zip|" + Utility.AllFilesFilter; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { WaitWindow waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Importing collection..."); waitWindow.ShowDialog(this.ParentWindow, () => { try { using (CollectionImporterBase importer = new ArchivedCollectionImporter(openFileDialog.FileName, this.CollectionManager)) { importer.Import(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.WriteToErrorLog("Error importing: " + ex.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Error importing backup: " + ex.Message); } this.ParentWindow.Dispatcher.BeginInvokeAction(() => { CollectionManagerGlobal.OnCollectionChanged(); }); }); } }
private void btnXuatBB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string tenTrgBP = tbTenTruongBP.Text, tenNVLapBieu = tbTenNVNhapLieu.Text; XL.SaveSetting(lastTenNVLapBieuChamCong: tenNVLapBieu, lastTenTruongBP: tenTrgBP); if (XL2.KiemtraKetnoiCSDL() == false) { return; } #region lấy save file name saveFileDlg.ShowDialog(); if (saveFileDlg.FileName == String.Empty) { return; } var saveFileName = saveFileDlg.FileName; #endregion if (radBB_ChamCongThang.Checked) { WaitWindow.Show(this.XuatBBKetCongThang, "Đang xử lý. Bạn vui lòng đợi trong giây lát...", new object[] { saveFileName, tenNVLapBieu, tenTrgBP }); } else if (radioButton2.Checked) { WaitWindow.Show(this.XuatBBGioKoDungQuyDinh_Va_DiTreVesom, "Đang xử lý. Bạn vui lòng đợi trong giây lát...", new object[] { saveFileName }); } }
public void HideProgress() { _event.Set(); _currentBackgoundTaskWindow = null; _isProgressBarActive = false; }
private void btnKetLuong_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (XL2.KiemtraKetnoiCSDL() == false) { return; } XL.SaveSetting(lastTenNVLapBieuLuong: tbTenNVLapbieuLuong.Text); //nếu đã kết lương tháng này rồi thì ko cho kết lương, phải hủy kết lương trước #region ko cho chỉnh sửa giờ nếu khoảng thời gian xem công tồn tại các ngày đã kết lương if (XL.Kiemtra(m_Thang.Date, MyUtility.LastDayOfMonth(m_Thang))) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Tháng {0} đã kết lương! Trường hợp muốn kết lương lại tháng này yêu cầu hủy kết lương tháng và thực hiện kết lương lại.", m_Thang.ToString("MM/yyyy")), Resources.Caption_ThongBao); return; } #endregion WaitWindow.Show(this.KetLuong, "Đang kết lương tháng. Bạn vui lòng đợi trong giây lát..."); saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (saveFileDialog.FileName != string.Empty) { string saveFileName = saveFileDialog.FileName; WaitWindow.Show(this.XuatBBLuong, "Đang xuất bảng kết lương. Bạn vui lòng đợi...", new object[] { tbTenNVLapbieuLuong.Text, saveFileName }); } }
//刷新初始化界面 public void RefreshList(bool initTree = true) { This.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { This.WaitEvent(() => { ClearUI(); WaitWindow.ChangeCallback(0, 10); Thread.Sleep(100); initlocalList(); WaitWindow.ChangeCallback(0, 30); Thread.Sleep(100); InitRemoteList(); WaitWindow.ChangeCallback(0, 50); Thread.Sleep(100); InitRelativeList(); WaitWindow.ChangeCallback(0, 100); Thread.Sleep(100); }); }); Binging(); AllRemoteFilesCheckBox.IsChecked = false; AllLocalFilesCheckBox.IsChecked = false; P2PConfig.This.SetFileDir(IP, DirRelative); }
public void ShowProgress(bool centerOwner = true) { if (_isProgressBarActive) { throw new Exception("Progress Bar is active!"); } _isProgressBarActive = true; var thread = new Thread(() => { _currentProgressBarWindow = new WaitWindow((param) => _event.WaitOne(), null, null); _currentProgressBarWindow.Closed += (sender1, e1) => _currentProgressBarWindow.Dispatcher.InvokeShutdown(); if (MainWindowInitialized) { _currentBackgoundTaskWindow.Owner = MainWindow; } _currentProgressBarWindow.WindowStartupLocation = centerOwner ? WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner : WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; _currentProgressBarWindow.Show(); Dispatcher.Run(); }); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); _isProgressBarActive = true; }
private void btnImprimir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtPaciente.Text.Length == 0) { return; } if (this.preimpexp(this.id_paciente) == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No se hallaron registros ... ", "Aviso al usuario"); return; } object result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethodRpt, "Generando el reporte...", new string[] { "SOP" }); if (result == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo procesar el reporte."); return; } frmCRViewer frg = new frmCRViewer(rpt); frg.ShowDialog(); }
private void OnArtikelInfosAbrufen(Window window) { var errorText = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DatenbankId)) { var index = DatenbankId.IndexOf(':'); if (index > 0) { var produktId = DatenbankId.Substring(index + 1); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(produktId)) { var datenbanken = new List <DatenbankDto> { new DatenbankDto { Datenbank = DatenbankAnzeigeString } }; PluginManager.DbManager.GetDatenbankDaten(ref datenbanken); var dialog = new WaitWindow(DatenbankAnzeigeString, datenbanken[0].ApiToken, "", "", produktId) { Owner = window }; dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.Success) { DatenbankInfos = dialog.ResultProduktString; } else { errorText = dialog.ErrorText; } } else { errorText = "Verknüpfung zur Gewichtsdatenbank fehlerhaft."; } } else { errorText = "Verknüpfung zur Gewichtsdatenbank fehlerhaft."; } } else { errorText = "Verknüpfung zur Gewichtsdatenbank fehlerhaft."; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorText)) { HilfsFunktionen.ShowMessageBox(window, "Teileliste", errorText, true); } }
private void uiOKButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FileExtension == SaveableFileTypes.Pdf) { WaitWindow.Show(SaveAsOther, "Saving as PDF. Please Wait...", new ImageSaveOptions(FileName, MagickFormat.Pdf, SaveableFileTypes.Pdf)); } else if (FileExtension == SaveableFileTypes.Png) { SaveAsPng(FileName); } else if (FileExtension == SaveableFileTypes.Jpg) { WaitWindow.Show(SaveAsOther, "Saving as JPG. Please Wait...", new ImageSaveOptions(FileName, MagickFormat.Jpg, SaveableFileTypes.Jpg)); } else { SaveAs(); } //May be an error, so we don't want to close without checking if (successful) { Logger.Log(new WebpageActionsLog(Url, action, Hash, FileName + FileExtension, Note)); if (UserSettings.Load().CopyImage) { CopyImage(); } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); } }
public void Run() { this.waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Searching for cover art..."); this.waitWindow.ShowDialog(this.ParentWindow, () => { BlockingCollection<ReleaseData> releaseData = new BlockingCollection<ReleaseData>(6); Thread addingThread = new Thread(this.AddingThread); addingThread.Start(releaseData); for (int releaseNumber = 1; ; ++releaseNumber) { ReleaseData release; if (!releaseData.TryTake(out release, -1)) { break; } if (!this.ChooseReleasePicture(release, releaseNumber)) { addingThread.Abort(); break; } } addingThread.Join(); }); CollectionManagerGlobal.OnCollectionChanged(); }
private string GetUpdateInfo() { if (WaitWindowWorker) { return((string)WaitWindow.Show(GetUpdateInfoWorker, @"Contacting GitHub")); } return(ApiContact()); }
private void UploadFiles(IEnumerable <string> filePaths, int workerId) { if (_ftpClient.IsBusy) { MessageBox.Show("В данный момент невозможно выполнить загрузку. Попробуйте позже"); return; } var workerPath = GetWorkerPath(workerId); // Worker directory doesnt exist if (workerPath == null) { var workerName = new IdToNameConverter().Convert(workerId, typeof(string), "FullName", new CultureInfo("ru-RU")) .ToString(); // Get right name of worker directory var renamedWorkerName = GetRenamedFileName(workerName); workerPath = string.Format("{0}_[id]{1}", renamedWorkerName, workerId); // Create worker directory _ftpClient.MakeDirectory(string.Concat(_ftpClient.CurrentPath, workerPath, "/")); } foreach (var filePath in filePaths) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); var adress = string.Concat(_ftpClient.CurrentPath, workerPath, "/", fileName); if (!_ftpClient.FileExist(adress)) { _sc.AddFileToWorker(Convert.ToInt32(StaffListBox.SelectedValue), fileName, AdministrationClass.CurrentWorkerId, App.BaseClass.GetDateFromSqlServer()); } else { if (MetroMessageBox.Show("Файл '" + fileName + "' уже существует в данном каталоге. \n\n" + "Заменить существующий файл?", string.Empty, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { return; } } var uri = new Uri(adress); if (_processWindow != null) { _processWindow.Close(true); } _processWindow = new WaitWindow { Text = "Загрузка файла..." }; _processWindow.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), true); _ftpClient.UploadFileCompleted += OnFtpClientUploadFileCompleted; _ftpClient.UploadFileAsync(uri, "STOR", filePath); } }
void Login() { lock (sync) { view.SetState(LoginState.LoggingIn); window = view.ShowWaitWindow(); client.Login(view.Server, view.Username, view.Password); } }
private DownloadStatus ExecuteDownload(bool waitWindow = true) { //wait window if (waitWindow) { return((DownloadStatus)WaitWindow.Show(ExecuteDownload, @"Downloading update")); } //the final status to deliver to the UpdateClient var status = DownloadStatus.Unknown; try { //loop through each GitHub release asset foreach (var a in AppUpdate.UpdateData.assets) { //location of the unique folder var dirA = $@"{Agent.UpdateDirectory}\{}"; //each asset has a separate directory inside the 'UpdateId' directory if (!Directory.Exists(dirA)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirA); } else { //the directory already exists; delete it then create it once more Directory.Delete(dirA, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(dirA); } //construct download job var j = new Job { //the asset URI to download DownloadUri = new Uri(a.browser_download_url), //the path of the file to save the asset to DownloadPath = $@"{dirA}\{}", //the byte-size of the asset DownloadSize = a.size }; //download and flush job to disk status = j.DoDownload(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //log the error to a file ex.ExportError(); } //finally, return the final status return(status); }
public void ShowWaitDialog() { _waitDialog = new WaitWindow { Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow, FetchProgressBar = { IsIndeterminate = true } }; _waitDialog.Show(); }
private void buttonLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { openFileDialog1.Title = "Indicate the GO (DAG) file"; openFileDialog1.Filter = "OBO file (*.OBO)|*.OBO"; if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } gt.LoadFile(openFileDialog1.FileName); richTextBoxLog.AppendText("Nodes loaded :" + gt.Terms.Count.ToString() + "\n"); int prunnedNodes = gt.pruneObsoleteTerms(); richTextBoxLog.AppendText("Prunned nodes (obsolete): " + prunnedNodes.ToString() + "\n"); richTextBoxLog.AppendText("We now have " + gt.Terms.Count.ToString() + "nodes\n"); gt.buildTreeNodes(); //Lets give them a friendly wait advice waitWindow = new WaitWindow(); waitWindow.ChangeLable("Performing Optimizations..."); System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(waitWindow.ShowWindow)); t.Start(); tabControlGOTools.Enabled = true; tabControlRight.Enabled = true; treeViewGO2.ShowPlusMinus = false; treeNodes.Clear(); treeNodes = gt.getNodesCategory(GO.GOTerms.GOCategories.all); addRoots(); //Perform Precalculations //We could let this computing in a sepatared thread gt.ComputeAllNodesBelowForAllNodes(); dagLoaded = true; if (dagLoaded && associationTableloaded) { buttonSavePreCalc.Enabled = true; groupBoxTreeControls.Enabled = true; groupBoxGOPlot.Enabled = true; } openFileDialog1.Filter = ""; //Turn off the button so the user wont fo mess buttonLoad.Enabled = false; groupBoxGOPrecomp.Enabled = false; t.Abort(); }
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { WaitWindow w = new WaitWindow("Searching for Themes. Please Wait..."); w.Show(); GetThemes(); MainWindow m = new MainWindow(w); m.Show(); }
private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dialog = new WaitWindow(); var task = WorkAsync(dialog.Progress); var dialogTask = dialog.ShowDialogAsync(); await task; dialog.Close(); await dialogTask; }
private void btnImprimir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dtpFecIni.Value == null && dtpFecFin.Value == null) { MessageBox.Show("Debe ingresar el rango de fechas a consultar ...", "Aviso al usuario", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); cmbPerPago.Focus(); return; } int option = 0; string sql = ""; string rptName = ""; string rptTable = ""; string ntext = "Atenciones En" + (cmbConsultorio.SelectedIndex == -1 ? "" : " " + cmbConsultorio.SelectedText + ", "); ntext = ntext + " Consultorio " + cmbBus.SelectedText + ", Periodo " + cmbPerPago.SelectedText; ntext = ntext + "\t" + Operativo.id_oper + " - '" + Operativo.descripcion + "'"; if (rbRecibos.Checked) { sql = sqlResultado + "Order By CB.Fecha_Atencion,T.Nro_Ticket,Pr.Descripcion"; option = 1; rptName = "rptRepTerDet"; rptTable = "RepTerDet"; } if (rbProductos.Checked) { sql = "SELECT X.producto, SUM(X.cantidad) AS cantidad FROM (" + sqlResultado + ") X GROUP BY X.producto ORDER BY X.producto"; option = 2; rptName = "rptRepTerRes"; rptTable = "RepTerRes"; } if (rbFechas.Checked) { sql = sqlResumen; option = 3; rptName = "rptRepTerResDia"; rptTable = "RepTerResDia"; } object result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethodRPT, "Procesando el reporte...", new object[] { option, sql, rptName, rptTable, ntext }); if (result == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo procesar el reporte."); return; } //llama al formulario que muestra el reporte frmCRViewer frg = new frmCRViewer(rpt); frg.ShowDialog(); }
private void btnThucHien_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (XL2.KiemtraKetnoiCSDL() == false) { return; } var thang = dtpThang.Value; #region confirm trước khi kết công if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Resources.Text_ConfirmKetCongBoPhan, thang.ToString("MM/yyyy")), Resources.Caption_XacNhan, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } #endregion string filePath = string.Empty; saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (saveFileDialog.FileName != string.Empty) { filePath = saveFileDialog.FileName; } else { ACMessageBox.Show("Vui lòng nhập tên file.", Resources.Caption_ThongBao, 2000); return; } string tenNVLapBieu = tbTenNVLapbieu.Text; string tenTrgBP = tbTenTrgBP.Text; XL.SaveSetting(lastTenNVLapBieuChamCong: tenNVLapBieu, lastTenTruongBP: tenTrgBP); try //general try catch { #region lấy ds phòng ban 1. được thao tác, 2.check kết công List <cPhongBan> dsphongban = new List <cPhongBan>(); // đưa về root node trước khi thực hiện var root = treePhongBan.TopNode; GetTopLevelNode(ref root); // mỗi lần duyệt node sẽ làm root node chuyển về parent của node cuối nên phải trả về node gốc để duyệt từ đầu while (root.PrevNode != null) { root = root.PrevNode; } GetNode_DuocThaotac_CheckKetcong(root, dsphongban); #endregion WaitWindow.Show(this.ThucHienKetCong, "Đang kết công, bạn vui lòng đợi trong giây lát...", new object[] { thang, dsphongban }); WaitWindow.Show(this.XuatBBChamCong, "Đang xuất báo biểu, bạn vui lòng đợi trong giây lát...", new object[] { filePath, tenNVLapBieu, tenTrgBP, thang, dsphongban }); //kết công xong thì đóng form Close(); } catch (Exception ex) //general try catch { lg.Error(string.Format("[{0}]_[{1}]\n", this.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name), ex); MessageBox.Show(Resources.Text_CoLoi, Resources.Caption_Loi); } }
public CustomerListViewModel(CustomerListView customerListView) { WaitWindow = new WaitWindow(); CustomerListView = customerListView; Task.Run(() => LoadCustomersAsync()); AddCustomerCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecAddCustomer, CanAddCustomer); EditCustomerCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecEditCustomer, CanEditCustomer); DeleteCustomerCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecDeleteCustomerAsync, CanDeleteCustomer); }
private void UpdateResInfos() { WaitWindow waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Сваляне на резервации от сървъра..."); ReservationInfos = new List <ReservationInfo>(Context.Reservations .Include(r => r.Room) .Include(r => r.Guest) .Include(r => r.Transactions) .Select(x => new ReservationInfo(x))); waitWindow.Close(); }
private void OsirtGridView_ColumnHeaderMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { DataGridViewColumn newColumn = Columns[e.ColumnIndex]; if (newColumn.HeaderText != "print") { return; } WaitWindow.Show(UncheckAll, "Working... Please Wait"); }
public WorkerListViewModel(WorkerListView workerListView) { WaitWindow = new WaitWindow(); WorkerListView = workerListView; Task.Run(() => LoadWorkersAsync()); AddWorkerCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecAddWorker, CanAddWorker); EditWorkerCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecEditWorker, CanEditWorker); DeleteWorkerCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecDeleteWorkerAsync, CanDeleteWorker); }
private void UiTabbedBrowserControl_ScreenshotComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { //uiTabbedBrowserControl.CurrentTab.Browser.Enabled = false; if (RuntimeSettings.EnableWebDownloadMode && isDownloadingPage) { string savedDirectory = (string)WaitWindow.Show(SavePage, "Saving page... Please Wait"); isDownloadingPage = false; Process.Start(savedDirectory); } uiBrowserToolStrip.Enabled = true; uiBookmarkHelperToolStrip.Enabled = true; }
public void Run() { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "Zip Files (*.zip)|*.zip|" + Utility.AllFilesFilter; saveFileDialog.FileName = "Export_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd") + ".zip"; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { WaitWindow waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Exporting collection..."); waitWindow.ShowDialog(this.ParentWindow, () => { using (CollectionExporterBase exporter = new ArchivedCollectionExporter(saveFileDialog.FileName, this.CollectionManager)) { exporter.Export(); } }); } }
public void Run() { System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog folderDialog = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog(); folderDialog.ShowNewFolderButton = true; if (folderDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { string path = folderDialog.SelectedPath; if (Directory.GetFiles(path).Length != 0 || Directory.GetDirectories(path).Length != 0) { MessageBoxResult emptyDirectoryResult = Dialogs.YesNoCancelQuestion("Target directory is not empty. Delete directory contents before exporting?"); if (emptyDirectoryResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { if (Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any(f => Path.GetExtension(f).ToLower() != ".xml")) { Dialogs.Error("The directory contains files that aren't XML. I refuse to delete them!"); return; } if (!Utility.TryEmptyDirectory(path)) { Dialogs.Error("Error deleting directory contents!"); return; } } else if (emptyDirectoryResult == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } } WaitWindow waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Exporting collection..."); waitWindow.ShowDialog(this.ParentWindow, () => { using (DirectoryCollectionExporter exporter = new DirectoryCollectionExporter(folderDialog.SelectedPath, this.CollectionManager)) { exporter.Export(); } }); } }
public static void LongOperation(this Control source, Action action) { // var progress = new ProgressWindow {LongAction = action}; // return progress.ShowDialog(source) == DialogResult.OK; var wait = new WaitWindow(); source.Enabled = false; try { source.UseWaitCursor = true; wait.Show(source); Application.DoEvents(); action(); Application.DoEvents(); } finally { wait.Hide(); source.UseWaitCursor = false; source.Enabled = true; } }
protected virtual void OnConnect(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if ((entryUser.Text.Length > 0) && (entryPass.Text.Length > 0)) { waitWindow = new WaitWindow(); waitWindow.SetMsg("Registering user and password: Please wait..."); this.Hide(); threadLogin.Start(); } }
private void menuItemReportExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #if DEBUG && USE_TDISK var basePath = Path.Combine(@"T:\", Scenario.LastReportId.ToString()); #else var basePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), Scenario.LastReportId.ToString()); #endif var reportFile = new FileInfo(basePath + ".doc"); //var calcFile = new FileInfo(basePath + ".c.html"); //var sourceDataFile = new FileInfo(basePath + ".s.html"); if (!reportFile.Exists) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Для того, чтобы выгрузить отчет, последний должен быть сперва сгенерирован", "Модуль выгрузки данных", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); return; } var fullPath = ""; var ww = new WaitWindow(); try { ww.Show(this); Func<IBranch, ScenarioNodeType> nodeType = b => b.GetValue("nodeType") == null ? ScenarioNodeType.Default : (ScenarioNodeType) Enum.Parse(typeof (ScenarioNodeType), b.GetValue("nodeType").ContentString); var all = Scenario.Vault.GetBranchesRecursive().ToDictionary(b => b, nodeType); var forExport = all.Where(kvp => kvp.Value == ScenarioNodeType.ForExport).FirstOrDefault(); Application.DoEvents(); using (var repo = RepositoryEditor.Repository()) { var now = DateTime.Now; var name = String.Format("{0:00}.{1:00}.{2:0000} {3:00}{4:00}{5:00}", now.Day, now.Month, now.Year, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second); var root = repo.GetOrCreateBranch("Для выгрузки"); var receiver = root.GetOrCreateBranch(name); fullPath = receiver.VPath.Path; if (!TryCreateFileStreamForTempCopy(reportFile, x => receiver.CreateValue("Отчет.doc", x).SetTypeToken2("binary"))) return; if (forExport.Key != null) { var node = new ScenarioNode(forExport.Key); //#warning Review this: eval sessions now lock the vault for reading #if VAULT_EVAL_1 using (_evalSession1 = new Esath.Eval.Ver1.EvalSession(Scenario.Vault, repo)) { #endif #if VAULT_EVAL_2 using (_evalSession2 = new Esath.Eval.Ver2.EvalSession(Scenario.Vault, repo, null)) { #endif #if VAULT_EVAL_3 using (_evalSession3 = new Esath.Eval.Ver3.EvalSession(Scenario.VaultCompiler, repo)) { #endif var source = Regex.Replace(node.Template, StartUp.VFIELD_PATTERN, vpathEvaluator, RegexOptions.Compiled); source = "<html><head></head><body>" + source + "</body></html>"; receiver.CreateValue("Расчетные Данные.html", new TempHtmlFile(source).Content).SetTypeToken2("binary"); } } var buf = new StringBuilder(32*1024); buf.Append("<html><head></head><body>"); buf.Append("<table border=1>"); buf.Append("<tr><th>Имя</th><th>Значение</th><th>Ед Изм</th><th>Тип</th></tr>"); foreach (var sourceValueDeclaration in Scenario.AllSourceValueDeclarations) { buf.AppendFormat("<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}</td><td>{3}</td></tr>", sourceValueDeclaration.Name, sourceValueDeclaration.Value, sourceValueDeclaration.MeasurementUnit == "" ? " " : sourceValueDeclaration.MeasurementUnit, sourceValueDeclaration.HumanType ); } buf.Append("</table>"); buf.Append("</body></html>"); receiver.CreateValue("Исходные Данные.html", new TempHtmlFile(buf.ToString()).Content).SetTypeToken2("binary"); repo.Save(); } } finally { ww.Hide(); ww = null; Application.DoEvents(); } MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format("Данные текущего отчета успешно выгружены в ветвь Репозитория '{0}'", fullPath), "Модуль выгрузки данных", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void ImportImages(DiscogsRelease discogsRelease) { bool replaceImages = true; if (this.release.Images.Count > 0) { replaceImages = Dialogs.YesNoQuestion("Replace existing release images?"); } if (replaceImages) { foreach (Image image in this.release.Images.ToArray()) { this.imagesEditor.RemoveImage(image); } } WaitWindow waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Downloading images. Please wait."); Progress<double> progress = new Progress<double>(); waitWindow.ShowDialog(this.window, new Task(() => { this.DownloadImagesAsync(discogsRelease, progress); }), progress); }
private void OKCancelBox_OKClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.UpdateRelease(); WaitWindow waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Moving files and saving tags..."); Progress<double> progress = new Progress<double>(); waitWindow.ShowDialog(this, new Task(() => { this.SaveChangesAsync(progress); }), progress); }