Esempio n. 1
 private static void StringFunction(string name, Func <string, W_Type[], W_Type> fn)
     StringPrototype[name] = new W_Function((thisArg, Arguments) => {
         W_String value = thisArg["value"] as W_String;
         if (value == null)
             thisArg.Error("String object does not contain value");
         (fn(value.String, Arguments));
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            TextReader source = File.OpenText(@"..\..\..\script.willow");

            //parses the script and sets up the AST
            Parser parser = new Parser(source);

            //astNode representing a script
            Script script = parser.ParseScript();
            //Function is an AST node that holds aditional information for
            //compiling function does scope resolution and a few optomizations
            Function function = new Function(script);


            //Note the function which is the final post processed AST
            //has a toString Method that returns a script that is functionally identical to the input

            //W_Object is simply a dictionary that holds W_Type's
            //W_Object implements prototype based inheritance
            W_Object contextObject = new W_Object();

            //Exporting a function to an object
            //most of this function is boilerplate eventualy
            //I will write an object to export native C# functions and objects
            //into W_Objects using reflection
            contextObject["print"] = new W_Function((thisarg, arguments) =>
            contextObject["printf"] = new W_Function((thisarg, arguments) =>
                string format = arguments[0].String;
                Console.WriteLine(format, arguments.Skip(1).Select(x => x.String).ToArray());
            contextObject["readNumber"] = new W_Function((thisarg, arguments) =>
                int retval;
                return(int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out retval) ? new W_Number((double)retval) : W_Type.NULL);

            //Finaly the script is compiled into a delgate
            W_Script del = Compiler.CompileScript(function);

            //And then the script can be executed