Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the specified WMO group file from the archives and deserialize it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileReference">The archive reference to the model group.</param>
        /// <returns>A WMO object, containing just the specified model group.</returns>
        public static WMO LoadWorldModelGroup(FileReference fileReference)
            if (fileReference == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileReference));

            // Get the file name of the root object
            string modelRootPath = fileReference.FilePath.Remove(fileReference.FilePath.Length - 8, 4);

            WMO worldModel;

            // Extract it and load just this model group
                byte[] rootData = fileReference.Context.Assets.ExtractFile(modelRootPath);
                worldModel = new WMO(rootData);

                byte[] modelGroupData = fileReference.Extract();
                worldModel.AddModelGroup(new ModelGroup(modelGroupData));
            catch (FileNotFoundException fex)
                Log.Warn($"Failed to load the model group \"{fileReference.FilePath}\": {fex}");
            catch (InvalidFileSectorTableException fex)
                Log.Warn($"Failed to load the model group \"{fileReference.FilePath}\" due to an invalid sector table (\"{fex}\")");

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the specified WMO group file from the archives and deserialize it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileReference">The archive reference to the model group.</param>
        /// <returns>A WMO object, containing just the specified model group.</returns>
        public static WMO LoadWorldModelGroup(FileReference fileReference)
            // Get the file name of the root object
            string modelRootPath = fileReference.FilePath.Remove(fileReference.FilePath.Length - 8, 4);

            // Extract it and load just this model group
                byte[] fileData = fileReference.PackageGroup.ExtractFile(modelRootPath);
                if (fileData != null)
                    WMO    worldModel     = new WMO(fileData);
                    byte[] modelGroupData = fileReference.Extract();

                    if (modelGroupData != null)
                        worldModel.AddModelGroup(new ModelGroup(modelGroupData));

            catch (InvalidFileSectorTableException fex)
                    $"Failed to load the model group \"{fileReference.FilePath}\" due to an invalid sector table (\"{fex.Message}\").");


Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RenderableWorldModel"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inModel">The model to render.</param>
        /// <param name="gameContext">The game context.</param>
        public RenderableWorldModel(WMO inModel, WarcraftGameContext gameContext)
            this.Model       = inModel;
            this.GameContext = gameContext;

            this.ActorTransform = new Transform();

            this.IsInitialized = false;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a renderable object from the specified WMO object, and the specified package group it belongs to.
        /// NOTE: This method *must* be called in the UI thread after the OpenGL context has been made current.
        /// The <see cref="IRenderable"/> constructors commonly make extensive use of OpenGL methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldModel">The model object.</param>
        /// <param name="fileReference">The package group it belongs to.</param>
        /// <returns>An encapsulated renderable OpenGL object.</returns>
        public static IRenderable CreateRenderableWorldModel(WMO worldModel, FileReference fileReference)
            if (worldModel == null)

            IRenderable renderableWorldModel = new RenderableWorldModel(worldModel, fileReference.PackageGroup);

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a renderable object from the specified WMO object, and the specified package group it belongs to.
        /// NOTE: This method *must* be called in the UI thread after the OpenGL context has been made current.
        /// The <see cref="IRenderable"/> constructors commonly make extensive use of OpenGL methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldModel">The model object.</param>
        /// <param name="fileReference">The package group it belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="version">The contextually relevant version.</param>
        /// <returns>An encapsulated renderable OpenGL object.</returns>
        public static IRenderable CreateRenderableWorldModel(WMO worldModel, FileReference fileReference, WarcraftVersion version)
            if (worldModel == null)

            IRenderable renderableWorldModel = new RenderableWorldModel(worldModel, fileReference.PackageGroup, version);

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RenderableWorldModel"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public RenderableWorldModel(WMO inModel, PackageGroup inPackageGroup)
            this.Model             = inModel;
            this.ModelPackageGroup = inPackageGroup;

            this.ActorTransform = new Transform
                new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitX, MathHelper.Pi),
                new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)

            this.IsInitialized = false;

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a renderable object from the specified WMO object, and the specified package group it belongs to.
        /// NOTE: This method *must* be called in the UI thread after the OpenGL context has been made current.
        /// The <see cref="IRenderable"/> constructors commonly make extensive use of OpenGL methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldModel">The model object.</param>
        /// <param name="fileReference">The reference it was constructed from.</param>
        /// <returns>An encapsulated renderable OpenGL object.</returns>
        public static IRenderable CreateRenderableWorldModel(WMO worldModel, FileReference fileReference)
            var warcraftContext = fileReference.Context as WarcraftGameContext;

            if (warcraftContext == null)
                // TODO: This is bad practice. Refactor
                throw new ArgumentException("The given context must be a warcraft-typed context.", nameof(fileReference.Context));

            RenderableWorldModel renderableWorldModel = new RenderableWorldModel(worldModel, warcraftContext);


Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// TODO: Refactor this and LoadWorldModelGroup
        /// Loads the specified WMO file from the archives and deserialize it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileReference">The archive reference to the WMO root object.</param>
        /// <returns>A WMO object.</returns>
        public static WMO LoadWorldModel(FileReference fileReference)
                byte[] fileData = fileReference.Extract();
                if (fileData != null)
                    WMO worldModel = new WMO(fileData);

                    string modelPathWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileReference.FilePath);
                    for (int i = 0; i < worldModel.GroupCount; ++i)
                        // Extract the groups as well
                        string modelGroupPath = $"{modelPathWithoutExtension}_{i:D3}.wmo";

                            byte[] modelGroupData = fileReference.PackageGroup.ExtractFile(modelGroupPath);

                            if (modelGroupData != null)
                                worldModel.AddModelGroup(new ModelGroup(modelGroupData));
                        catch (InvalidFileSectorTableException fex)
                                $"Failed to load the model group \"{modelGroupPath}\" due to an invalid sector table (\"{fex.Message}\").");


            catch (InvalidFileSectorTableException fex)
                    $"Failed to load the model \"{fileReference.FilePath}\" due to an invalid sector table (\"{fex.Message}\").");


Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the specified WMO file from the archives and deserialize it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileReference">The archive reference to the WMO root object.</param>
        /// <returns>A WMO object.</returns>
        public static WMO LoadWorldModel(FileReference fileReference)
            if (fileReference == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileReference));

            WMO worldModel;

                var fileData = fileReference.Extract();
                worldModel = new WMO(fileData);

                var modelPathWithoutExtension = $"{fileReference.FileDirectory.Replace('/', '\\')}\\" +
                for (var i = 0; i < worldModel.GroupCount; ++i)
                    // Extract the groups as well
                    var modelGroupPath = $"{modelPathWithoutExtension}_{i:D3}.wmo";

                        var modelGroupData = fileReference.Context.Assets.ExtractFile(modelGroupPath);
                        worldModel.AddModelGroup(new ModelGroup(modelGroupData));
                    catch (FileNotFoundException fex)
                        Log.Warn($"Failed to load model group \"{modelGroupPath}\": {fex}.");
            catch (InvalidFileSectorTableException fex)
                    $"Failed to load the model \"{fileReference.FilePath}\" due to an invalid sector table " +

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RenderableWorldModel"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inModel">The model to render.</param>
        /// <param name="inPackageGroup">The package group the model belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="inVersion">The game version of the package group.</param>
        public RenderableWorldModel(WMO inModel, PackageGroup inPackageGroup, WarcraftVersion inVersion)
            this.Model             = inModel;
            this.ModelPackageGroup = inPackageGroup;

            this.DatabaseProvider = new ClientDatabaseProvider(inVersion, this.ModelPackageGroup);

            this.ActorTransform = new Transform
                new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitX, MathHelper.Pi),
                new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)

            this.IsInitialized = false;

Esempio n. 11
 public void ParseWMOBlock()
     WMO.Load(currentWMOdatapath, currentWMOuniqueID, currentWMOposition, currentWMOrotation, currentWMOscale);
Esempio n. 12
        public void SelectWMOModel(WMO.WMOHitInformation wmoHit)
            mMdxResult = null;
            mWmoResult = wmoHit;
            mSelectionBox.UpdateSelectionBox(wmoHit.Model.BoundingBox, wmoHit.ModelMatrix);
            if (mModelMover != null)
                mModelMover.ModelChanged -= mSelectionBox.UpdateMatrix;

            mModelMover = new WMO.WMOModelMover(wmoHit);
            mModelMover.ModelChanged += (matrix) =>
                if (mCurrentSelection != null)
                    mCurrentSelection.ModelPosition = new SlimDX.Vector3(matrix.M41, matrix.M42, matrix.M43);

            var modelOverlay = Game.GameManager.GraphicsThread.GetOverlay<UI.Overlays.ModelInfoOverlay>();
            if (modelOverlay != null)
                modelOverlay = new UI.Overlays.ModelInfoOverlay(wmoHit);

            ModelSelectionInfo info = new ModelSelectionInfo()
                ModelName = wmoHit.Model.FileName,
                ModelMover = mModelMover,
                ModelPosition = new SlimDX.Vector3(wmoHit.ModelMatrix.M41, wmoHit.ModelMatrix.M42, wmoHit.ModelMatrix.M43)

            mCurrentSelection = info;

            if (ModelSelected != null)
        private void GetChunkData(TriangleCollection triangles, int chunk_x, int chunk_y, SparseMatrix3D <WMO> instances)
            if (chunk_x < 0)
            if (chunk_y < 0)
            if (chunk_x > 63)
            if (chunk_y > 63)

            if (triangles == null)

            if (wdtf == null)
            if (wdt == null)
            wdtf.LoadMapTile(chunk_x, chunk_y);

            MapTile t = wdt.maptiles[chunk_x, chunk_y];

            if (t != null)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(" render");
                // Map tiles
                for (int ci = 0; ci < 16; ci++)
                    for (int cj = 0; cj < 16; cj++)
                        MapChunk c = t.chunks[ci, cj];
                        if (c != null)
                            AddTriangles(triangles, c);

                // World objects

                foreach (WMOInstance wi in t.wmois)
                    if (wi != null && wi.wmo != null)
                        String fn   = wi.wmo.fileName;
                        int    last = fn.LastIndexOf('\\');
                        fn = fn.Substring(last + 1);
                        // logger.WriteLine("    wmo: " + fn + " at " + wi.pos);
                        if (fn != null)
                            WMO old = instances.Get((int)wi.pos.x, (int)wi.pos.y, (int)wi.pos.z);
                            if (old == wi.wmo)
                                //logger.WriteLine("Already got " + fn);
                                instances.Set((int)wi.pos.x, (int)wi.pos.y, (int)wi.pos.z, wi.wmo);
                                AddTriangles(triangles, wi);

                foreach (ModelInstance mi in t.modelis)
                    if (mi != null && mi.model != null)
                        String fn   = mi.model.fileName;
                        int    last = fn.LastIndexOf('\\');
                        // fn = fn.Substring(last + 1);
                        //logger.WriteLine("    wmi: " + fn + " at " + mi.pos);
                        AddTriangles(triangles, mi);

                        //logger.WriteLine("    model: " + fn);


                 *                      String.Format(" Triangles - Map: {0,6} Objects: {1,6} Models: {2,6}",
                 *                                                map_triangles.GetNumberOfTriangles(),
                 *                                                obj_triangles.GetNumberOfTriangles(),
                 *                                                model_triangles.GetNumberOfTriangles()));
            logger.WriteLine(" done");
            wdt.maptiles[chunk_x, chunk_y] = null; // clear it atain
                                                   //myChunk.triangles.ClearVertexMatrix(); // not needed anymore
                                                   //return myChunk;
Esempio n. 14
        private void GetChunkData(TriangleCollection triangles, int chunk_x, int chunk_y, SparseMatrix3D <WMO> instances)
            if (chunk_x < 0)
            if (chunk_y < 0)
            if (chunk_x > 63)
            if (chunk_y > 63)

             * if (chunkCache[chunk_x, chunk_y] != null)
             * {
             *  chunkCache[chunk_x, chunk_y].LRU = NOW++;
             *  return chunkCache[chunk_x, chunk_y];
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  EvictFromChunkCache();
             * }
             * float max_x = ChunkReader.ZEROPOINT - (float)(chunk_y) * ChunkReader.TILESIZE;
             * float max_y = ChunkReader.ZEROPOINT - (float)(chunk_x) * ChunkReader.TILESIZE;
             * float min_x = max_x - ChunkReader.TILESIZE;
             * float min_y = max_y - ChunkReader.TILESIZE;
             * ChunkData myChunk = new ChunkData();
             * myChunk.LRU = NOW++;
             * chunkCache[chunk_x, chunk_y] = myChunk;
             * chunkCacheItems++;
             * TriangleCollection triangles = new TriangleCollection();
             * myChunk.triangles = triangles;
             * triangles.SetLimits(min_x, min_y, -1E30f, max_x, max_y, 1E30f);

            //Console.WriteLine("x " + max_x + " y " + max_y);

            // Console.Write(String.Format(" Tile {0,2} {1,2}", chunk_x, chunk_y));
            //  Console.Write(" load");
            if (triangles == null)

            if (wdtf == null)
            if (wdt == null)
            wdtf.LoadMapTile(chunk_x, chunk_y);

            MapTile t = wdt.maptiles[chunk_x, chunk_y];

            if (t != null)
                //Console.Write(" render");
                // Map tiles
                for (int ci = 0; ci < 16; ci++)
                    for (int cj = 0; cj < 16; cj++)
                        MapChunk c = t.chunks[ci, cj];
                        if (c != null)
                            AddTriangles(triangles, c);

                // World objects

                foreach (WMOInstance wi in t.wmois)
                    if (wi != null && wi.wmo != null)
                        String fn   = wi.wmo.fileName;
                        int    last = fn.LastIndexOf('\\');
                        fn = fn.Substring(last + 1);
                        // Console.WriteLine("    wmo: " + fn + " at " + wi.pos);
                        if (fn != null)
                            WMO old = instances.Get((int)wi.pos.x, (int)wi.pos.y, (int)wi.pos.z);
                            if (old == wi.wmo)
                                //Console.WriteLine("Already got " + fn);
                                instances.Set((int)wi.pos.x, (int)wi.pos.y, (int)wi.pos.z, wi.wmo);
                                AddTriangles(triangles, wi);

                foreach (ModelInstance mi in t.modelis)
                    if (mi != null && mi.model != null)
                        String fn   = mi.model.fileName;
                        int    last = fn.LastIndexOf('\\');
                        // fn = fn.Substring(last + 1);
                        //Console.WriteLine("    wmi: " + fn + " at " + mi.pos);
                        AddTriangles(triangles, mi);

                        //Console.WriteLine("    model: " + fn);


                 *  String.Format(" Triangles - Map: {0,6} Objects: {1,6} Models: {2,6}",
                 *                map_triangles.GetNumberOfTriangles(),
                 *                obj_triangles.GetNumberOfTriangles(),
                 *                model_triangles.GetNumberOfTriangles()));
            Console.WriteLine(" done");
            wdt.maptiles[chunk_x, chunk_y] = null; // clear it atain
            //myChunk.triangles.ClearVertexMatrix(); // not needed anymore
            //return myChunk;
Esempio n. 15
		public static TileObjects<WMO> ReadTileBuildings(BinaryReader reader)
			var magix = reader.ReadString();
			if (magix != fileType)
				Console.WriteLine("Invalid file format, suckah!");
				return null;

			WMO[] wmos;
			var numBuildings = reader.ReadUInt16();
			if (numBuildings > 0)
				wmos = new WMO[numBuildings];
				for (var i = 0; i < numBuildings; i++)
					wmos[i] = ReadBuilding(reader);
				wmos = new WMO[0];

			return new TileObjects<WMO>(wmos);
Esempio n. 16
        void AddTriangles(TriangleCollection s, WMOInstance wi)
            float dx = wi.pos.x;
            float dy = wi.pos.y;
            float dz = wi.pos.z;

            float dir_x = wi.dir.x;
            float dir_y = wi.dir.y;
            float dir_z = wi.dir.z;

            WMO wmo = wi.wmo;

            foreach (WMOGroup g in wmo.groups)
                int[] vertices = new int[g.nVertices];

                for (int i = 0; i < g.nVertices; i++)
                    int off = i * 3;

                    float x = g.vertices[off];
                    float y = g.vertices[off + 2];
                    float z = g.vertices[off + 1];

                    rotate(x, z, (dir_y - 90), out x, out z);
                    rotate(x, y, dir_z, out x, out y);
                    rotate(y, z, -dir_x, out y, out z);

                    float xx = x + dx;
                    float yy = y + dy;
                    float zz = -z + dz;

                    float finalx = ChunkReader.ZEROPOINT - zz;
                    float finaly = ChunkReader.ZEROPOINT - xx;
                    float finalz = yy;

                    vertices[i] = s.AddVertex(finalx, finaly, finalz);
                // Console.WriteLine("nTriangles: " + g.nTriangles);
                for (int i = 0; i < g.nTriangles; i++)
                    //if ((g.materials[i] & 0x1000) != 0)
                        int off = i * 3;
                        int i0  = vertices[g.triangles[off]];
                        int i1  = vertices[g.triangles[off + 1]];
                        int i2  = vertices[g.triangles[off + 2]];

                        int t = s.AddTriangle(i0, i1, i2, ChunkedTriangleCollection.TriangleFlagObject);
                        //if(t != -1) s.SetTriangleExtra(t, g.materials[0], 0, 0);

            int doodadset = wi.doodadset;

            if (doodadset < wmo.nDoodadSets)
                uint firstDoodad = wmo.doodads[doodadset].firstInstance;
                uint nDoodads    = wmo.doodads[doodadset].nInstances;

                for (uint i = 0; i < nDoodads; i++)
                    uint          d  = firstDoodad + i;
                    ModelInstance mi = wmo.doodadInstances[d];
                    if (mi != null)
                        //Console.WriteLine("I got model " + mi.model.fileName + " at " + mi.pos);
                        //AddTrianglesGroupDoodads(s, mi, wi.dir, wi.pos, 0.0f);
Esempio n. 17
		public static WMO ReadBuilding(BinaryReader reader)
			var building = new WMO
				Bounds = reader.ReadBoundingBox(),
				RotationModelY = reader.ReadSingle(),
				WorldPos = reader.ReadVector3()

			WMOSubGroup[] groups;
			var numGroups = reader.ReadUInt16();
			if (numGroups > 0)
				groups = new WMOSubGroup[numGroups];
				for (var i = 0; i < numGroups; i++)
					groups[i] = ReadBuildingGroup(reader);
				groups = null;
			building.BuildingGroups = groups;

			return building;
Esempio n. 18
 public void ParseWMOBlock()
     WMO.Load(currentWMOFileDataId, currentWMOuniqueID, currentWMOposition, currentWMOrotation, currentWMOscale, CascHandler);
        private void AddTriangles(TriangleCollection s, WMOInstance wi)
            float dx = wi.pos.x;
            float dy = wi.pos.y;
            float dz = wi.pos.z;

            float dir_x = wi.dir.z;
            float dir_y = wi.dir.y - 90;
            float dir_z = -wi.dir.x;

            logger.WriteLine("modeli: " + dir_x + " " + dir_y + " " + dir_z);
            WMO wmo = wi.wmo;

            foreach (WMOGroup g in wmo.groups)
                int[] vertices = new int[g.nVertices];

                float minx = float.MaxValue;
                float miny = float.MaxValue;
                float minz = float.MaxValue;
                float maxx = float.MinValue;
                float maxy = float.MinValue;
                float maxz = float.MinValue;

                for (int i = 0; i < g.nVertices; i++)
                    int off = i * 3;

                    float x = g.vertices[off];
                    float y = g.vertices[off + 2];
                    float z = g.vertices[off + 1];

                    rotate(z, y, dir_x, out z, out y);
                    rotate(x, y, dir_z, out x, out y);
                    rotate(x, z, dir_y, out x, out z);

                    float xx = x + dx;
                    float yy = y + dy;
                    float zz = -z + dz;

                    float finalx = ChunkReader.ZEROPOINT - zz;
                    float finaly = ChunkReader.ZEROPOINT - xx;
                    float finalz = yy;

                    vertices[i] = s.AddVertex(finalx, finaly, finalz);

                    if (finalx < minx)
                        minx = finalx;
                    if (finaly < miny)
                        miny = finalx;
                    if (finalz < minz)
                        minz = finalx;

                    if (finalx > maxx)
                        maxx = finalx;
                    if (finaly > maxy)
                        maxy = finalx;
                    if (finalz > maxz)
                        maxz = finalx;

                logger.WriteLine("AddTriangles: x(" + minx + " - " + maxx + ") y(" + miny + " - " + maxy + ") z(" + minz + " - " + maxz + ")");

                for (int i = 0; i < g.nTriangles; i++)
                    //if ((g.materials[i] & 0x1000) != 0)
                        int off = i * 3;
                        int i0  = vertices[g.triangles[off]];
                        int i1  = vertices[g.triangles[off + 1]];
                        int i2  = vertices[g.triangles[off + 2]];

                        int t = s.AddTriangle(i0, i1, i2, ChunkedTriangleCollection.TriangleFlagObject, sequence);
                        //if(t != -1) s.SetTriangleExtra(t, g.materials[0], 0, 0);

            int doodadset = wi.doodadset;

            if (doodadset < wmo.nDoodadSets)
                uint firstDoodad = wmo.doodads[doodadset].firstInstance;
                uint nDoodads    = wmo.doodads[doodadset].nInstances;

                for (uint i = 0; i < nDoodads; i++)
                    uint          d  = firstDoodad + i;
                    ModelInstance mi = wmo.doodadInstances[d];
                    if (mi != null)
                        //logger.WriteLine("I got model " + mi.model.fileName + " at " + mi.pos);
                        //AddTrianglesGroupDoodads(s, mi, wi.dir, wi.pos, 0.0f); // DOes not work :(
Esempio n. 20
        private static void ReadBuildings(BinaryReader br, TreeReference<WMO> tree)
            var numBuildings = br.ReadInt32();
            for (var i = 0; i < numBuildings; i++)
                var bounds = br.ReadBoundingBox();
                var invRot = br.ReadSingle();
                var matrix = Matrix.CreateRotationY(((-1.0f*(invRot - 90)))*RadiansPerDegree);
                var center = br.ReadVector3();

                WMOGroup[] groups;
                var numGroups = br.ReadInt32();
                if (numGroups > 0)
                    groups = new WMOGroup[numGroups];
                    for (var j = 0; j < numGroups; j++)
                        groups[j] = ReadBuildingGroup(br);
                    groups = null;

                var building = new WMO {
                    Bounds = bounds,
                    Center = center,
                    InverseRotation = matrix,
                    WmoGroups = groups
