Esempio n. 1
 public void Load(string adtFileName, string wdtFileName)
     WdtFile = new WDT.WDT();
     using (var reader = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(adtFileName)))
         while (reader.BaseStream.Position < reader.BaseStream.Length)
             var chunkName = new string(reader.ReadChars(4).Reverse().ToArray());
             var chunkSize = reader.ReadInt32();
             var chunkType = Type.GetType(chunkName);
             if (chunkType != null)
                 // If chunkType is an array, it can only be MCNK
                 if (chunkType.IsArray)
                     MCNK[MCNK.Count(c => c != null)] = (MCNK)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(MCNK), reader.ReadBytes(chunkSize), WdtFile);
                     GetType().GetProperty(chunkName)?.SetValue(this, Activator.CreateInstance(chunkType, reader.ReadBytes(chunkSize)));
Esempio n. 2
 public MCAL(byte[] chunkBytes, MCNK parentChunk, WDT.WDT wdt) : base(chunkBytes)
     AlphaMaps = new MCALAlphaMap[parentChunk.MCLY.Layers.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < parentChunk.MCLY.Layers.Length; i++)
         AlphaMaps[i] = new MCALAlphaMap(this, parentChunk, wdt, i);
Esempio n. 3
 public byte[] GetChunkBytes(MCNK parentChunk, WDT.WDT wdt)
     using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
         using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))
             for (int i = 0; i < AlphaMaps.Length; i++)
                 AlphaMaps[i].Write(writer, parentChunk, wdt, i);
Esempio n. 4
        public void Write(BinaryWriter writer, MCNK parentChunk, WDT.WDT wdt, int currentLayer)
            if (parentChunk.MCLY.Layers[currentLayer].Flags.HasFlag(MCLYFlags.CompressedAlphaMap) &&
                (wdt.MPHD.Flags.HasFlag(MPHDFlags.HasBigAlpha) || wdt.MPHD.Flags.HasFlag(MPHDFlags.MCALSize4096)))
                // Compressed
                var positionInAlphaMap = 0;
                var tempAlphaMap       = new byte[4096];

                while (positionInAlphaMap < 4096)
                    var info = AlphaMap[positionInAlphaMap % 64, positionInAlphaMap / 64];
                    tempAlphaMap[positionInAlphaMap] = info;
                    positionInAlphaMap += 1;
                    var mode  = (info & 0x80) >> 7;
                    var count = info & 0x7F;

                    // Copy mode
                    if (mode == 0)
                        for (int j = 0; j < count - 1; j++)
                            tempAlphaMap[positionInAlphaMap + j] = AlphaMap[positionInAlphaMap % 64 + j, positionInAlphaMap / 64 + j];
                    else // Fill mode
                        var data = AlphaMap[positionInAlphaMap % 64, positionInAlphaMap / 64];
                        for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                            tempAlphaMap[positionInAlphaMap + j] = data;
                    positionInAlphaMap += count;
            else if (wdt.MPHD.Flags.HasFlag(MPHDFlags.HasBigAlpha) || wdt.MPHD.Flags.HasFlag(MPHDFlags.MCALSize4096))
                // Uncompressed (4096)
                for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++)
                        writer.Write(AlphaMap[x, y]);
                // Uncompressed (2048) - TODO build in FLAG_DO_NOT_FIX_ALPHA_MAP
                if (parentChunk.Flags.HasFlag(MCNKFlags.DoNotFixAlphaMap))
                    for (int y = 0; y < 63; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < 63; x += 2)
                            var  byte1    = AlphaMap[x, y];
                            var  byte2    = AlphaMap[x + 1, y];
                            byte fullByte = 0;
                            fullByte = (byte)(fullByte | byte1 << 4);
                            fullByte = (byte)(fullByte | byte2);

                        if (y == 62)
                            var byte1 = AlphaMap[]
                    for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < 64; x += 2)
                            var  byte1    = AlphaMap[x, y];
                            var  byte2    = AlphaMap[x + 1, y];
                            byte fullByte = 0;
                            fullByte = (byte)(fullByte | byte1 << 4);
                            fullByte = (byte)(fullByte | byte2);
Esempio n. 5
        public MCALAlphaMap(BinaryReader reader, MCNK parentChunk, WDT.WDT wdt, int currentLayer)
            if (parentChunk.MCLY.Layers[currentLayer].Flags.HasFlag(MCLYFlags.CompressedAlphaMap) &&
                (wdt.MPHD.Flags.HasFlag(MPHDFlags.HasBigAlpha) || wdt.MPHD.Flags.HasFlag(MPHDFlags.MCALSize4096)))
                // Compressed
                var positionInAlphaMap = 0;
                var tempAlphaMap       = new byte[4096];

                while (positionInAlphaMap < 4096)
                    var info  = reader.ReadByte();
                    var mode  = (info & 0x80) >> 7;
                    var count = info & 0x7F;

                    // Copy mode
                    if (mode == 0)
                        for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                            tempAlphaMap[positionInAlphaMap + j] = reader.ReadByte();
                    else // Fill mode
                        var data = reader.ReadByte();
                        for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                            tempAlphaMap[positionInAlphaMap + j] = data;
                    positionInAlphaMap += count;

                for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++)
                        AlphaMap[x, y] = tempAlphaMap[x * 64 + y];
            else if (wdt.MPHD.Flags.HasFlag(MPHDFlags.HasBigAlpha) || wdt.MPHD.Flags.HasFlag(MPHDFlags.MCALSize4096))
                // Uncompressed (4096)
                for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++)
                        AlphaMap[x, y] = reader.ReadByte();
                // Uncompressed (2048) - TODO: build in FLAG_DO_NOT_FIX_ALPHA_MAP
                for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 64; x += 2)
                        var  fullByte = reader.ReadByte();
                        byte lowBits  = (byte)(fullByte & 0x0F);
                        byte highBits = (byte)(fullByte >> 4);
                        AlphaMap[x, y]     = highBits;
                        AlphaMap[x + 1, y] = lowBits;
Esempio n. 6
File: MCNK.cs Progetto: Kaev/CoreADT
        public MCNK(byte[] chunkBytes, WDT.WDT wdt) : base(chunkBytes)
            Flags               = (MCNKFlags)ReadUInt32();
            Index               = this.ReadVector2UInt();
            Layers              = ReadUInt32();
            NumberDoodadRefs    = ReadUInt32();
            OffsetMCVT          = ReadUInt32();
            OffsetMCNR          = ReadUInt32();
            OffsetMCLY          = ReadUInt32();
            OffsetMCRF          = ReadUInt32();
            OffsetMCAL          = ReadUInt32();
            SizeAlpha           = ReadUInt32();
            OffsetMCSH          = ReadUInt32();
            SizeShadow          = ReadUInt32();
            AreaId              = ReadUInt32();
            NumberMapObjectRefs = ReadUInt32();
            Holes               = ReadUInt16();
            HolesPadding        = ReadUInt16();
            // Maybe change this to two longs like in
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                ReallyLowQualityTextureingMap[i] = ReadByte();
            PredTex             = ReadUInt32();
            NumberEffectDoodads = ReadUInt32();
            OffsetMCSE          = ReadUInt32();
            NumberSoundEmitters = ReadUInt32();
            OffsetMCLQ          = ReadUInt32();
            SizeLiquid          = ReadUInt32();
            Position            = this.ReadVector3Float();
            OffsetMCCV          = ReadUInt32();
            Unused1             = ReadUInt32();
            Unused2             = ReadUInt32();

            if (OffsetMCVT > 0)
                BaseStream.Position = OffsetMCVT;
                MCVT = new MCVT(ReadBytes((int)MCVT.ChunkSize));

            if (OffsetMCNR > 0)
                BaseStream.Position = OffsetMCNR;
                MCNR = new MCNR(ReadBytes((int)MCNR.ChunkSize));

            if (OffsetMCLY > 0)
                BaseStream.Position = OffsetMCLY;
                MCLY = new MCLY(ReadBytes((int)MCLY.ChunkSize));

            if (OffsetMCRF > 0)
                BaseStream.Position = OffsetMCRF;
                MCRF = new MCRF(ReadBytes((int)MCRF.ChunkSize), this);

            // TODO: && No WDT file?
            if (OffsetMCAL > 0 && wdt != null)
                BaseStream.Position = OffsetMCAL;
                MCAL = new MCAL(ReadBytes((int)MCAL.ChunkSize), this, wdt);

            if (OffsetMCSH > 0 && SizeShadow > 8 && Flags.HasFlag(MCNKFlags.HasMCSH))
                BaseStream.Position = OffsetMCSH;
                MCSH = new MCSH(ReadBytes((int)MCSH.ChunkSize));

            if (OffsetMCSE > 0 && NumberSoundEmitters > 0)
                BaseStream.Position = OffsetMCSE;
                MCSE = new MCSE(ReadBytes((int)MCSE.ChunkSize), this);

            if (OffsetMCLQ > 0 && SizeLiquid > 0)
                BaseStream.Position = OffsetMCLQ;
                MCLQ = new MCLQ(ReadBytes((int)MCLQ.ChunkSize), this);

            if (OffsetMCCV > 0)
                BaseStream.Position = OffsetMCCV;
                MCCV = new MCCV(ReadBytes((int)MCCV.ChunkSize));